Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Lokanath das Goswami's disapperanceday


There is many nice links about Lokanath das Goswami:
I was reading the 7th chapter of Prema Vilasa where Lord Caitanya   some intimate dealings with Lokanath das Goswami is revealed.
Srila Visvanatha Chakravati Thakura
has described Lokanatha das Goswami in a beautiful prayer:
Shri Lokanatha-prabhuvarastaka
Eight Prayers Glorifying Shrila Lokanatha Gosvami
yah krishna-chaitanya-krpaika-vittas
nipatya bhumau satatam namamas
tumi lokanatham prabhum asrayamah
Falling on the ground, we repeatedly bow down and take shelter of Prabhu Lokanatha Gosvami.  His only wealth is the mercy of Lord Krishna Chaitanya, and his heart is decorated with the golden ornaments of pure love.
yo labdha-vrndavana-nitya-vasah
tam lokanatham prabhum asrayamah
We take shelter of Lokanatha Prabhu, who always stayed in Vrndavana, remembering Krishna’s pastimes and always engaged in devotional service.
yah krishna-radha-sravanadi-bhaktya
tam lokanatham prabhum asrayamah
We take shelter of Lokanatha Prabhu, who was radiant with love.  He was always busy in devotional service: hearing about Shri Shri Radha and Krishna and serving Them in many ways.
svade ‘numajjanti na hanta ke va
yas tesv api slaghyatamo ‘bhiramas
tam lokanatham prabhum asrayamah
We take shelter of Lokanatha Prabhu.  Who is now not plunged in the sweetness of service to the lotus feet ofVrndavana’s king and queen?  Among these devotees charming Lokanatha Prabhu is the best.
yah krishna-lila-rasa eva lokan
anunmukhan viksya bibharti sokan
svayam tad-asvadana-matra-kamas
tam lokanatham prabhum asrayamah
We take shelter of Lokanatha Prabhu.  He became filled with grief when he saw the people were not eager to taste the sweetness of Krishna’s pastimes.  His only desire was to taste that sweetness.
krpa-balam yasya viveda kascin
narottamo nama mahan vipascit
yasya prathiyan visayoparamas
tam lokanatham prabhum asrayamah
We take shelter of Lokanatha Prabhu, who completely renounced material sense gratification.  A wise devotee named Narottama dasa Thakura understood the greatness of his mercy.
raganuga-vartmani yat-prasadad
visanty avijna api nirvisadah
jane krtagasy api yas tv avamas
tam lokanatham prabhum asramayah
We take shelter of Lokanatha Prabhu, who is not unfriendly to the sinful.  By his mercy the foolish materialists have entered the path of spontaneous devotional service.
vayam bhavamah phalitabhilasah
yadiyatayam sahasa visamas
tam lokanatham prabhum asramayah
We take shelter of Lokanatha Prabhu.  Desiring to become like him and attain what he attained, we have become the servant of the servant of the follower of the servant of his servant.
shri-lokanathastakam atyudaram
bhaktya pathed yah purusartha-saram
sa manjulali padavim prapadya
shri-radhikam sevata eva sadyah
These eight noble verses glorifying Lokanatha Gosvami reveal the highest goal of life.  One who reads them with devotion will immediately attain the path of pure devotional service.  He will serve Shrimati Radharani.
so ‘yam shri-lokanathah sphuratu puru-krpa-
rasmibhih svaih samudyann
uddhrtyoddhrtya yo nah pracuratama-ramah kupato
drgbhih sva-prema-vithya disam adisad aho yam shrita divya-lila-
ratnadhyam vindamana vayam api nibhrtam shrila-
govardhanam smah
With splendid glances illuminating the path of pure love and with the splendid effulgence of his mercy chasing the deep darkness from the well of my heart, may Lokanatha Gosvami appear before me.  Taking shelter of Him, we have found Govardhana Hill filled with the jewels of Krishna’s transcendental pastimes.

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu send Lokanatha das Goswami and Bhurgava Goswami to Vrndavana .Lokanath das Goswami lived in 
Khadiravana , one of 12 primary forests of Vrindavana.

CC Madhya 18.63, Translation and Purport:
Every day the Lord chanted and danced in ecstatic love. Finally He went to Khadiravana.
Khadiravana is described in the Bhakti-ratnākara (Fifth Wave):
dekhaha khadira-vana vidita jagate
viṣṇu-loka-prāpti ethā gamana-mātrete
"Behold the forest named Khadiravana, renowned throughout the universe. If one comes to Khadiravana, he can immediately be elevated to Viṣṇuloka."
HH  Bhallabha Tirtha Maharaja has written very extensively about Lokantha Das Goswami in his"Associates of Lord Caitanya" :

Shrila Lokanatha Goswami
Shrila Bhugarbha Goswami
          lokanathakhya-gosvami shri-lila-manjari pura |
Lokanatha Goswami was known as Lila Manjari in Krishna lila. (Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 187)
Lokanatha is considered to be Mahaprabhu’s direct disciple and associate. Prior to coming to Nabadwip, he lived in the village of Talakharii in Jessore district in what is now Bangla Desh. Prior to that, he lived in Kacna Paria. His father’s name was Padmanabha Chakravarti and his mother Sita Devi. The Bhakti-ratnakara quotes an old verse which confirms this:
          shrimad-radha-vinodaika-seva-sampat-samanvitam |
          padmanabhatmajam shrimal-lokanatha-prabhum bhaje ||
I worship Lokanatha Prabhu, the son of Padmanabha, whose life revolved around the wealth of service he possessed in his deity Radhavinoda. (Bhakti-ratnakara 1.297)
The descendants of Lokanatha’s brother, Pragalbha Bhattacharya are still living in Talakharii. Bhugarbha Goswami was Lokanatha’s closest friend and constant companion. He was Prema Manjari in Vraja (Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 187).
          bhugarbha-thakkurasyasit purvakhya prema-manjari.
According to the Sadhana-dipika, Bhugarbha was Lokanatha’s paternal uncle. The Shakha-nirnayamrita adds the following comments on Bhugarbha Goswami:
gosvaminam ca bhugarbham bhugarbhottham suvishrutam |
sada mahashayam vande krishna-prema-pradam prabhum ||
shrila-govinda-devasya seva-sukha-vilasinam |
dayalum premadam svaccham nityam ananda-vigraham ||
I offer my reverence to the illustrious Bhugarbha Prabhu, who is said to have been born from the bowels of the earth. He bestows love of Krishna; he takes pleasure in the service of Govinda Deva, is compassionate, simple and always joyful.
Bhugarbha Goswami’s initiating guru was Gadadhara Pandit Goswami. He is therefore considered to be Gadadhara’s branch. Shri Bhagavata Das, a fellow disciple of Shrila Gadadhara Pandit Goswami, was also a close friend.
Bhugarbha and Bhagavata Das are branches of Gadadhara Pandit, both of whom went to live in Vrindavan. (Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi, 12.81)
Lokanatha and Bhugarbha go to Vraja
Lokanatha Goswami renounced the householder ashrama in 1431 of the Shaka era (1510) and came to meet Mahaprabhu in Nabadwip. Mahaprabhu immediately told him to go and live in Vrindavan, telling him that it was his own intention to take sannyas very shortly and go there himself. Lokanatha started to cry when he imagined the Lord with his beautiful curls shorn and the distress the devotees would feel at his departure. When the Lord saw Lokanatha’s anxiety, he embraced him and consoled him with various spiritual instructions and Lokanatha surrendered completely to him. When Bhugarbha saw how unhappy Lokanatha was, he decided to accompany him to Vrindavan. The two companions walked through Rajmahal, Tajpur, Purniya, Lukhnow and many holy places before finally arriving in Braj.
          Though he had come to Vrindavan on Mahaprabhu’s order, he constantly felt intense separation from the Lord, shedding copious tears in his desire to see him again. When he got the news that Mahaprabhu had taken sannyas and then gone to Puri and thence to the South on pilgrimage, Lokanatha hurried to Southern India in order to join him. When he arrived in the South, he heard that Mahaprabhu was no longer there, but had gone to Vrindavan. Lokanatha immediately set off for Vrindavan, hoping to see the Lord there, but by the time he arrived, he heard that the Lord was now in Prayag. Lokanatha was disappointed, but still determined to see the Lord and decided to set off again for Prayag.
          This time, however, Mahaprabhu appeared to him in a dream and told him to stop running around and remain in Vrindavan and do his bhajana. Not long afterwards, Rupa, Sanatan, Gopal Bhatta Goswamis and others of the Lord’s associates started coming to live in Braj. Their association cheered him immensely.
          When Rupa was getting old and unable to walk all the way to Govardhana, he missed being able to see Gopal. When this desire became strong, Gopal came to stay at the house of Vitöhaleshvara in Mathura, ostensibly out of fear of Muslim iconoclasts, but actually to show mercy to Rupa Goswami. The deity stayed there for a month, during which time Rupa came for his darshan with Lokanatha and other Gaudiya Vaishnavas.
          The extent to which Bhugarbha Goswami was dear to Lokanatha is described in Bhakti-ratnakara:
Lokanatha’s affection for Bhugarbha was well known everywhere. They only had different bodies, in spirit they were one. (Bhakti-ratnakara 1.317)
Gopal Bhatta Goswami was extremely compassionate. Bhugarbha and Lokanatha are a goldmine of virtues. (Bhakti-ratnakara 6.510)
Lokanatha Goswami worshiped Radha and Krishna in a state of separation, increasing the intensity of his renunciation. He was afraid of the slightest amount of fame. Thus he forbad Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami to write anything about him in the Chaitanya Charitamrita, with the result that only his name can be found mentioned there. Sanatan Goswami has also mentioned his name in the mangalacarana to the Hari-bhakti-vilasa, as well as in that to the Vaishnava-toshani commentary to the tenth canto of the Shrimad Bhagavatam.
          vrindavana-priyan vande shri-govinda-padashritan |
          shrimat-kashishvaram lokanatham shri-krishnadasakam ||
I pay obeisance to Kashishvara, Lokanatha and Krishnadas, to whom residence in Vrindavan is very dear and who have taken shelter of Govinda’s lotus feet.
Lokanatha and Radhavinoda
Lokanatha Goswami constantly travelled through Braj, ecstatically visiting the various holy places where Krishna had engaged in his pastimes. Once, he came to Khadiravana. Then he visited Kishori Kund near the village of Umarao by Chatravana. He was so impressed by the beauty of the site that he stayed there for some time to do his bhajana in isolation. After being engaged in this way for some time, he developed a deep desire to worship Radha and Krishna in the deity form.
         The Lord knows the desires of his devotees and feels himself obliged to fulfill them. He came personally to give Lokanatha a deity, telling him that its name was Radhavinoda before disappearing. Lokanatha was astonished to see the deity and then filled with anxiety at the thought that the Lord himself had come and gone. But Radhavinoda cast his sweet glance on Lokanatha and said to him, “I live here on the banks of Kishori Kund in the village of Umarao. I saw your eagerness to serve me and so I came here myself. Who else would have brought me to you? I am very hungry. Quickly prepare something for me to eat.”
          When he heard these words, tears began to flow from Lokanatha’s eyes. He quickly started cooking for Radhavinoda and then made an offering which the deity ate with great satisfaction. He then made him a bed of flowers upon which he placed him, fanned him with branches and joyfully massaged his feet. Lokanatha devoted himself in body, mind and soul to Radhavinoda.
          He wondered where he would keep the deity, and decided to make a large bag which became Radhavinoda’s temple.  He kept his worshipable Lord constantly close to his heart like a necklace.  This attracted the people of Braj to Lokanatha and they wanted to built a house for him and his deity, but he refused. He was so renounced that he accepted nothing other than what he absolutely needed for the deity’s service.
Narottama Das becomes Lokanatha’s disciple
After spending some time at Kishori Kund, Lokanatha came to Vrindavan. He learned that Rupa and Sanatan had ended their pastimes in this world and lamented their passing in great sadness. At around this time, Narottama Das, who was the son of the Raja Krishnananda Datta of Gopalpura in Rajsahi (now in Bangla Desh), came to Vrindavan and met him there. When Mahaprabhu told Nityananda to go to Puri, he cried in ecstasy in a place on the banks of the Padmavati river which is now known as Prematila. He buried his love there for Narottama’s later benefit.Years later, when Narottama took his bath in the river at that spot, he was immediately overcome with divine love and decided to cut off all family ties and go to Vrindavan.
          Upon his arrival in Braj, Narottama met Rupa, Sanatan and Lokanatha. He received Lokanatha’s special mercy, for he became his one and only disciple. Lokanatha was extremely renounced and had made a vow not to take any disciples. Narottama Das too made a vow — to take initiation from no one other than Lokanatha. Narottama repeatedly asked Lokanatha to give him initiation, but Lokanatha was firm in his refusal. In order to win his favor, Narottama went in the middle of the night to clean the place he used as a toilet. Lokanatha was so surprised to see that the place was being kept clean by someone that he became curious to to find out who it was. One evening, he went and hid there, chanting japa the entire night in wait for the anonymous benefactor.
          At midnight, he saw someone engaged in cleaning the place and asked him who he was. When he found out that Narottama, the son of a raja, was engaged in doing such a filthy task, he felt embarrassed and asked him what his purpose was in doing it. Narottama immediately began to cry. He fell at Lokanatha’s feet and said, “My life is useless unless I obtain your mercy.” When Lokanatha saw Narottama’s humility and pain, his resolve to never give anyone initiation softened and gave him the mantras.
          This is a perfect example of how one can win over the worshipable deity through honest and selfless service. Narottama Das took initiation from Lokanatha on the full moon day of the month of Shravan. Lokanatha and Narottama engaged in this pastime to show the value of selfless and sincere service to the entire world, but especially to the people of northern Bengal. Lokanatha was a very renounced Vaishnava, but he saw in Narottama someone who not only had a cultured background, but an enthusiasm and taste for dealing with people. As a result, he asked him to go back to his homeland to preach Krishna consciousness.
          When one has taken full shelter of the Supreme Lord and is situated on the transcendental platform in full service to the Lord, then he usually has no enthusiasm for engaging in activities for the welfare of people on the bodily platform. When a devotee goes against this principle, such activities increase in prestige. On the order of his spiritual master, Narottama returned to northern Bengal and began to preach pure devotional service and thus delivered the people of that country.
          In his collection of songs known as Prarthana, Narottama Das Thakur has written:
After suffering much sadness, O Lord, you brought me to Braj, pulling me by the rope of mercy which you had tied around my neck. Maya and fate forced me back into the well of material existence by cutting loose that rope of mercy.
Lokanatha Goswami left this world somewhere around 1510 Shaka (1588-9 AD) in the month of Asharh, on the eighth day of the dark moon. His samadhi tomb is found in the Radha Gokulananda temple in Vrindavan. His Radhavinoda deity is also being served in the same temple.
   Dhyanachandra Goswami has described Lokanatha das Goswami in his Dhyanacandra Paddhati: 
Next, the particulars of ¸Srî Mañjulålî Mañjarî are given: In the northern part of ¸Srî Sudevî’s
kuñja lies the beautiful Lîlånandaprada Kuñja, where the charming ¸Srî Mañjulålî Mañjarî always
resides. She is full of pleasant qualities and is very dear to ¸Srî Rüpa Mañjarî. Her dress is red like
a jabå flower, and her complexion is like molten gold. She is also known as ¸Srî Lîlå Mañjarî. Her
nature is våma-madhyå, and her age is 13 years, 6 months and 7 days. In gaura-lîlå she is known
as ¸Srî Lokanåtha Gosvåmî.
Her mantra is described in the Kisorî-tantra: laksmî-bîja, joined with mañjulålî-mañjarî in
the dative case, and ending with svåhå.
The mantra is thus: Srî mañjulålî-mañjaryai svåhå
Her dhyåna is also described in that book: With deep love, I worship ¸Srî Mañjulålî Mañjarî,
whose enchanting body is the color of molten gold, who wears a red dress and beautiful
ornaments, and who serves the lotus feet of ¸Srî Rådhikå.
Srila Narottama das Thakura has sung a beautiful bhajan in seperation for Lokanath das Goswam and the Goswamis in Vrindavana:
Official Name: Dainya Bodhika Song 1
Book Name: Prarthana
Language: Bengali
hari hari ki mora karama gati manda
vraje rādhā-kṛṣṇa pada, nā bhajinu tila ādha,
na bujhinu rāgera sambandha
svarūpa sanātana rūpa, raghunātha bhaṭṭa yuga
bhūgarbha śrī jīva lokanātha
ihā sabār pāda padma, nā sevinu tila ādha,
āra kise pūribek sādha
kṛṣṇa dāsa kavirāja, rasika bhakata mājha,
yehoń koilo caitanya carita
gaura govinda līlā, śunite goloye śilā,
tāhāte nā hoilo mora cita
se sab bhakata sańga, ye korilo tāra sańga,
tāra sańge kene nohilo vāsa?
ki mora duḥkera kathā, janama gowainu vṛthā
dhik dhik narottama dāsa
1) O Lord Hari, Lord Hari, how wicked I am!  I did not worship the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna in Vrajabhumi even for half a moment, and I am completely unable to understand the mellows of transcendental love. 
2) Even for half a moment I did not worship the lotus feet of Srila Svarupa Damodara Gosvami, Srila Sanatana Gosvami, Srila Rupa Gosvami, Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami,Srila Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, Srila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, Srila Bhugarbha Gosvami, Srila Jiva Gosvami and Srila Lokanatha Gosvami.  How will it be possible for me to attain my desire? 
3) Among the devotees Krsna dasa Kaviraja is extremely expert at relishing the transcendental nectar of the mellows of love of God.  When the stones hear his Caitanya-caritamrta and Govinda Lilamrta, they begin to melt in ecstasy.  In spite of this, I have no appreciation in my heart. 
4) Furthermore, I refuse even to associate with the friends and companions of these great souls.  How sad is my tale.  I have spent my life uselessly.  Fie, fie on Narottamadasa!
The Deity of Radha Vinodilala  as worshipped by Lokanath das Goswami is in Jaipure:

One of the important instructions given by Lokanath das Goswami to Narottama das Thakura was to daily chant 64 rounds:

From Prema-vilasa Chapter 11:

(Note: Both Shrila Prabhupada and Shrila Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada have accepted Prema-vilasa as a bonafide scripture in their commentaries to Shri Chaitanya-charitamrita Adi-lila 13.60 purport.)

je vaishnava haibe laibe harinama;
sankhya kari nama laile, kripa karena gauradhama.

"Those who are Vaishavas must chant the Holy Names in a particular number everyday. Then Lord Gauranga, the supreme Abode of love will be merciful to them.


purva abhipraye sabe laha harinama;
keha laksha viseshatah mukhe gana.

"Everyone should specifically chant or sing the name loudly 100,000 times a day (64 rounds) with the mood I have described earlier.


narottama laksha nama laya sankhya kari;
nama laile gaurangera sarva sakti dhari.

"O my disciple, Narottama! Please chant 100,000 names everyday while maintaining their count. If you chant in this way then you will become empowered by all the potencies of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu."

your servant
Paramananda das

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