dear vaisnavas
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
I am sorry if I disturbed someone's mind by my strong preaching , What can you (I) preach? 1 and 2.Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja has given me good advise to follow vaisnava etiquette .Sometimes I have not been good at that, once a sannyasi was collecting laxmi on Laxmi puja day and that sannyasi told the story of Brghu Muni, and how he was cursed by Laxmi for stepping in Visnus chest, thus making all brahmanas poor after that, so he used this pastimes to agressively collect money, I was very angered by such lack of proper behavior, and mildly chastised him, it caused me to have to leave that temple, which I did not mind anyway.I have a strong sense of justice and what is proper and I will speak out if I see something improper and irreligious,I have always done and always will.Damodara Pandit and Jagadanda Pandita was like that too ( I can not compare with liberated souls, I am the lowest in Brahmas creation ), so much so Jagadananda Pandita chastised, Sanatana Goswami for wearing the cloth of a mayavadi sannyasi, he took is as great mercy, but Lord Caitanya chastised Jagadananda Pandita, for chastising Sanatana Goswami (or was it Rupa Goswami).But I agree with Maharaja's correction I should have presented the issue about 64 rounds maybe
a bit more tactfully.The point is our acaryas and Srila Prabhupada has recommended this chanting of 64 rounds as well as Lord Caitanya. I was falling over this wonderful bhajan yesterday, though not by our acaryas convey a deep message.But it seems to me
vaisnavas sometimes chastise for the wellfare of others, but I am not Narada Muni to chastise Nalakuvera and Manigriva.But I like to humbly point out as long as we have this mentality ,of Nalakuvera and Manigriva of trying to enjoy the material world shamelessly, someone will chastise us, I am not comparing any esteemed vaisnavas with Nalakuvera and Manigriva.But the mentality of the conditioned jiva is a tendency to enjoy the opposite sex and money, and sometimes we see a lingering mentality or full grown mentality
of this.Srila Prabhupada wrote his famous Vyasa puja offering in 1961 to his Guru Maharaja:
Vyasa-Puja offering of five prayers glorifying special characteristics of Srila 108 Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Goswami Thakura. Presented on the commemoration of his appearance, by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, at the Radha-Damodara temple, Vrindavana, India, in 1961.) :
First Vasistya
1. On this day, O my master, I made a cry of grief; I was not able to tolerate the absence of my guru.
2. On this auspicious day I have come with this offering just to worship you, remembering your lotus feet.
3. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s judgement is that renunciation is most important. Not only that, but such knowledge must be delivered to every conditioned being.
4. The beginner in devotional service has no ability to solve this dilemma, but you are a maha-bhagavata, you have given us direction.
5. One bewildered by ignorance, what kind of renunciate can he be? He will only be a “phalgu-vairagi”; renouncing externally.
6. Renunciation is actually the result of real spiritual emotion. Without such feeling it is simply known as show-bottle.
7. But there is another “show-bottle” for the purpose of preaching. That is the Lord’s sannyasa by which the Mayavadis are defeated.
8. Lord Caitanya’s Philosophy is beyond varnasrama; it is Bhagavata dharma, for putting an end to all cheating processes of religion.
9. Performing dry renunciation there can be no real preaching. Therefore “Yukta vairagya” is given the highest essential understanding.
10. “That sannyasa which I have given you” is for preaching in devotion. The faithless sense enjoyers are unable to understand this.
Second Vasistya
11. Generally the sannyasis renounce everything and go and stay in the mountain caves, but you, O master, keep your sannyasis in mansions of marble.
12. To see a sense enjoyer is just like drinking poison, but you, O my master, go far and near, even abroad, to give them your darsana.
13. Mlecchas and Yavanas are forbidden to enter the Hindu temples, but you my Lord, make them chairmen and sit them in the assembly of devotees.
14. Hindus are not allowed to cross the ocean, but you send your devotees overseas to preach.
15. In the cities of Kali-yuga, the instructions of the bona fide spiritual preceptors are forbidden. Still you remain here in any way possible.
16. The devotees want to hide in a secluded place to perform their bhajan. You, however, do not accept this in your judgement.
17. Whenever there is an increase in population, there in that place preaching is to be found.
18. In London you want a student hostel. You explain that it must be first-class.
19. In the land of barbarians a student hostel for preaching Hari-Katha! Who can understand the significance of these things?
20. To resolve all the apparent contradictory statements is not the play of some incompetent fool.
21. If everyone simply sat down together and considered these things, what nice preaching there could be.
22. What is your order also, that everyone, coming together, should merge in your message and preach it to the world.
23. If everyone just initiates then there will only be a contradictory result. As long as it goes on there will be only failure.
24. Now even, my godbrothers, you return here to the order of our master, and together we engage in his puja.
25. But simply a festival of flowers and fruits does not constitute worship. The one who serves the message of the guru really worships him.
26. The service of the message is the real meaning of the Vedas. Don’t be proud, brothers, come back to this.
27. Kalidas Nag (a learned man who was defeated by Srila Saraswati Thakura and later became his disciple), that master said in public forum one day.
28. That Kali’s mission was to kill the entire world while the essential meaning of Lord Caitanya’s message was kept locked up in a cage.
29. O shame! My dear brothers, aren’t you embarrassed? In the manner of businessmen you increase your disciples.
30. Our master said to preach. Let the neophytes stay in the temples and ring the bells.
Third Vasistya
31. All these things are not our spiritual master’s preaching methods. These are all the things done by the caste Gosvamis.
32. But just take a look at the terrible situation that has arisen. Everyone has become a sense enjoyer and has given up preaching.
33. In the temples they have also begun to lock the doors. Preach this bhagavata dharma, don’t hesitate.
34. Within this world is another world, Whose sound is the unequaled penetrating force.
35. The preaching that “mullah (Muslim priest) only goes as far as the mosque and no further” should be put to an end today.
36. From the seas, across the earth, penetrate the universal shell, come together and preach this Krishna consciousness.
37. Then our master’s service will be in proper order. Make your promise today. Give up all your politics and diplomacy.
38. Everyone come together on this day and make your valued comment. The five of you get together and decide what should be done.
39. You have become renouncers, brothers, so renounce everything. But if you also renounce the order of the spiritual master, then what kind of renunciation is that?
40. The one who renounces the guru’s order (guru tyagi) and the one who tries to enjoy the assets of his spiritual master (guru-bhogi) are two kinds of useless persons. First become a servant of your spiritual master (guru-sevi) and then you will understand things clearly.
Forth Vasistya
41. If there is only one Supreme Lord, then a true sadhu, if his faith increases, he gives up the desire for profit, distinction and adoration in the material world.
42. Your gold, brother, is the father of sense gratification. This meaningful statement was spoken by Srila Prabhupada himself.
43. Give up your wealth for preaching. Sit down together and make some special judgement.
44. The Supreme Lord says that everything is Mine. Don’t protest. Just unite and preach.
45. Srila Prabhupada gave this final message himself. Take care to follow that completely in all respects.
46. Otherwise your sannyasa will be wasted and useless. O saintly ones, be careful; afterwards you will regret.
47. So what is the difficulty for all of us to come together in this way and why do all these things even have to be said to you?
48. Give up your stubbornness, there is no time. Come all my brothers on this auspicious holy occasion.
Fifth Vasistya
49. When will that day come when there will be a temple established in every house in every corner of the world?
50. When the big court judge will be a Gaudiya Vaisnava with tilak beautifully decorating his forehead.
51. A Vaisnava winning votes will be elected president of the land and preaching will spread everywhere.
52. The demons simply plunder the Lord’s wealth. The hapless populace cry, “Hai Hai” in distress.
53. The demons want so many plans just to cheat the people. They sell wheat flour at 32 rupees a mound.
54. Will opening a factory fill a hungry man’s belly? Being oppressed by starvation they will eat grass and mango pits.
55. Wearing a two pisa string a man is called a brahmin. Wearing a saffron cloth he has become a sannyasi.
56. The householders beg from sannyasis, and why not? The sannyasis have tens of millions of rupees in the bank.
57. As the days pass, the influence of Kali-yuga increases and the poor are crying in distress.
58. Ten thousand cows are killed daily and the nations expert leaders are all eating untouchable foodstuffs.
59. People of muddy intelligence increase day by day. A man and his wife separate on mere word.
60. Everyone has become a witch by the influence of this age. Everyone is unhappy due to the absence of the mercy of the Vaisnavas.
61. The Vaisnavas are famous as “para dukha dukhi.” This fame will increase as the preaching increases.
62. If eternally pure devotional service to Krsna is awakened in everyone, then Kali will flee, screaming of his own accord.
63. “Praninan upakaraya” do work for the benefit of all living beings. This is Mahaprabhu’s teachings. This is the storehouse of happiness in this life and the next.
64. So much work has fallen into your hands, so gather together and do it.
65. Vasudeva Datta said to the Lord, paying his obeisances, save all the living beings in the material world.
66. Give all their sins and suffering to me, who am the lowest of all. In this way all the suffering and miseries of the fallen will end.
67. He was the best of the Vaisnavas, para dukha dukhi. He knows that there is not real happiness in gratifying the senses.
68. And what kind of mercy can the non-Vaisnavas give? They simply make offenses by their Daridra Narayana philosophy.
69. The mercy of the Vaisnavas is scientific and authorized, without their mercy this world is simply insurmountable maya.
70. If there is a kingdom of Visnu and Vaisnavas on the surface of the earth, then the world will be happy–so say the great sages and rishis.
71. Why is everyone crying for Rama-rajya? The only way it can be had is if there is a Visnu centered kingdom.
72. Lord Krsna enthroned King Yudhisthira; then the whole world was rich and fortunate due to the qualities of a Vaisnava.
73. The streams, rivers, trees and fields and mountains, were all full of fruits and flowers. The milk laden cows were floating in abundant milk.
74. The birds, beasts and lower creatures were all non-envious. Material life in the Vaisnava kingdom was regulated and perfect.
75. All immersed in bliss, singing the glories of the Hari. The hearts of Vaisnavas dance in ecstasy to see this.
76. The entire world is filled with the use of material objects, without a trace of devotion to the Lord.
77. Still they are searching after peace. Preach Krsna consciousness; fulfill their desires.
78. Today my brothers, get to this task. Save the battered souls by your preaching.
79. Srila Prabhupada, please be merciful today. This time have compassion. You are not a conditioned soul of this material world.
80. Whatever independence we have, let it be cast to the waters. The lowly Abhay offers this presentation today.
Vrndavana, Radha Damodara.
It is amazing how Srila Prabhupada presents himself lowly Abhay, there is no sannyasa abhimana that I a a great sannyasi.He is
seeing that my GuruMaharaja must remember me as Abhay, (not AC.Bhaktivedanta Swami)
If everyone just initiates then there will only be a contradictory result. As long as it goes on there will be only failure. O shame! My dear brothers, aren’t you embarrassed? In the manner of businessmen you increase your disciples.
Srila Prabhupada chastised his godborthers for being like businessmen and what would he think if he was here and was told some of his sannyasa disciples ended up as millionairs serving his mission as a Guru and sannyasi?
56. The householders beg from sannyasis, and why not? The sannyasis have tens of millions of rupees in the bank
Earlier this year I have pointed out that one sannyasi is so wealthy he has given a cash loan to disciple for a house, some may say it is kindness.I say please see Srila Prabhupadas above vers...Prabhupada describes a sannyasi as having few possesions, but if one takes sannyasa to become wealthy and then later marry his disciple, then what is that? That is described by our acaryas as Kali Chela.
Even if one just live in comfort from the money from his disciple is that very religious? I am not saying we grhasthas and those who are disciples of someone in ISKCON should not support their Guru.But making devotees leave ISKCON and think it is ruled by some :"Mafiapada". I left Harikesas because he allowed some leading disciples to steal laxmi, later he left with so much money.I
once talked to a former godbrother, well that is normal all our ISKCON Gurus and sannaysis are wealthy, this is why they do not allow others to take sannyasa.But Guruship and Sannysa is not for wealth nor prestige , it is meant for preaching, and all wealth belong to Krsna, and not a penny should be misused Srila prabhupada used to say.Yesterday I was contemplating this one bhajan again:
: Vaisnava Jana To Tene
: Narasi Mehta
Language: Gujarati
vaiṣṇava jana to tene kahiye je pīṛ parāī jāne re
para duḥkhe upkār kare so ye man abhimān nā āne re
sakaḷa loka mā sahune vande nindā na kare kenī re
vāca kāca mana niścaḷa rākhe dhana dhana jananī tenī re
sama dṛṣṭī ne tṛṣṇā tyāge para strī je ne māt re
jihvā thakī asatya na bole para dhana nava chaṇe hāth re
moha māyā vyāpe nahi je ne dṛḍha vairāgya je nā man mā re
rām nām śū tāḷī lāge sakaḷa tiratha tenā tan mā re
vaṇa lobhī ne kapaṭ rahit che kām krodha nivāryā re
bhaṇe narasaiyo teno daraśana kartā kuḷ ekotere kāryā re
1) A true Vaisnava understands pain of all, compassionate to all, brings happiness to all, and does not feel pride about it.
2) The Vaisnava does not criticize anyone, while humbly worshipping hundreds in the world. The mother is indeed great who keeps the Vaisnava’s tongue and mind under control.
3) The Vaisnava has equal vision to all and is not overly ambitious, looks at other’s women as the mother, where no falsehood escapes the tongue, and hands do not touch another person’s gold.
4) The Vaisnava is not affected by the attraction of illusion and attachment. While having the mentality of an ascetic, the Vaisnava is attracted to the chanting of the name of Lord Krsna (Reservoir of Pleasure), the Vaisnava’s body itself is a where all pilgrimages are found.
5) The Vaisnava conquered all lust and anger, and is devoid of cheating propensity and trickery. The poet Narsi Mehta, by seeing the Vaisnava, seventy-one generations of his family became redeemed.
But a vaisnava can certainly see the faults to rectifie wrongs,we can only preach love og Krsna if we have it.I am not saying to wait, but I am humbly begging one and all to consider 64 rounds as a standard for all leaders in ISKCON, by this internal absortion, I pray Sri Nama Prabhu, who is Krsna Himself will purifie all our leaders.Many of whom are wonderfull vaisnavas,I will even dare say most.
I apologize if this is controversial.I am trying with all humility, and still hope Iam within the frame work of Sri Krsna;s instructions in the
12 chapter of Bhagavad Gita:
advesta sarva-bhutanam
maitrah karuna eva ca
nirmamo nirahankarah
sama-duhkha-sukhah ksami
santustah satatam yogi
yatatma drdha-niscayah
mayy arpita-mano-buddhir
yo mad-bhaktah sa me priyah
"One who is not envious but is a kind friend to all living entities, who does not think himself a proprietor and is free from false ego, who is equal in both happiness and distress, who is tolerant, always satisfied, self-controlled, and engaged in devotional service with determination, his mind and intelligence fixed on Me—such a devotee of Mine is very dear to Me."
yasman nodvijate loko
lokan nodvijate ca yah
mukto yah sa ca me priyah
"He for whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anyone, who is equipoised in happiness and distress, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Me."
I beg all true vaisnavas to put their feet on my head, and I pray to Krsna that those who are envious and selfish and pseudo devotees will
stay far away from me.I present this to all true devotees, as it will enliven them.Those who are like Duryodhana will hate me,and find faults in this.I pray to all true vaisnavas to keep me on their side so I will not join the pseudo devotees.
Kusakratha Prabhu has written for them:
Text 11
Ugrogrograh komalatmatvam eva
yo bhaktanam pati himsa pradata
te jah purnah daitya bhitih paras tam
devesesam sri nrsimham namami
I offer my respectful obeisances to powerful splendid Lord Nrsimha, who terrifies the demons and who is violent and ferocious so that the gentle may be gentle
Text 12-13
patu vama iha sri nrkesari
patu daksina diso nrkesari
patu patu purato nrkesari
patu pascima diso nrkesari
patv adho para paro nrkesari
patu tupari paro nrkesari
patu sarva disi sri nrkesari
patu patu hrdaye nrkesari
May Lord Nrsimha protect me from the front. May Lord Nrsimha protect me from the back. May Lord Nrsimha protect me from the right. May Lord Nrsimha protect me from the left. May Lord Nrsimha protect me from above. May Lord Nrsimha protect me from below. May Lord Nrsimha protect me from within my heart.
Text 14
Anisavadam ku matim nanasa yo
paresa vadam tu nakhair lilekha yah
khalorasi sri patir adi puruso
nrsimhadevo jayatam sudhisvarah
All glories to Lord Nrsimha, the supremely glorious Personality of Godhead, the king of all philosophers. Writing with His nails on a demon's chest. He refuted the philosophy of the atheists.
Text 15
marsty anistaristograugham
paty adyaivesanghry abjaptam
bhaktam dhiram saukhyad yas tam
sri sri simhesesesam naumi
I glorify Lord Nrsimha, who crushes a host of calamities and happily protects, even now, the saintly devotees that take shelter of His lotus feet
Text 16
pahi pahi pahi pahi pahi pahi pahi mam
pahi pahi pahi pahi pahi pahi pahi mam
pahi pahi pahi pahi pahi pahi pahi mam
pahi pahi pahi pahi sri nrsimha pahi mam
O Lord Nrsimha, please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me! Please protect me!
Text 17
Simhah kruddhah kevalam bhakta parsve
smakam caivam sainya vrndam tv itidam
daityan ghoran bhasamanan bruve ham
mudha mrtyum gacchathadyaiva turnam
To the demons who say among themselves: "The devotees have only a ferocious lion, and we have many great armies." I say, "Fools, you are about to be smashed into pieces".
Text 18
ma bhayam kuru sakhe suresvarat
sri nrsimha varado gato parah
kruddha drsti paramena kopato
bhasmasat kuruta eva daityakam
Friend, don't be afraid of the demons. Lord Nrsimha, will burn them to ashes with His angry glance.
Sri Prahlada Maharaja has offered a prayer to Lord Narasimhadeva to pacifie those who are envious:
SB 5.18.9: May there be good fortune throughout the universe, and may all envious persons be pacified. May all living entities become calm by practicing bhakti-yoga, for by accepting devotional service they will think of each other's welfare. Therefore let us all engage in the service of the supreme transcendence, Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, and always remain absorbed in thought of Him.
your servant
Payonidhi das
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