Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures
The nectar for which I am always anxious

Text 1* cintāmaṇir jayati somagirir gurur me śikṣā-guruś ca bhagavān śikhi-piñcha-mauliḥ | yat-pāda-kalpa-taru-pallava-śekhareṣu līlā-svayaṁvara-rasaṁ labhate jaya-śrīḥ ||1|| (vasanta-tilaka)
dear Lord Caitanya I read this book as I know it was your favorite , Krsna karnamrta is the real nectar for the ear of Ksna and His pure devotees, I pray to be counted among your pure devotees my Lord
this vers is interesting : 
mada-śikhi-piñchita-manojña-kaca-pracayam |

viṣaya-viṣāmiṣa-grasana-gṛdhnuni cetasi me
vipula-vilocanaṁ kim api dhāma cakāstu ciram ||5||
Śrī Kṛṣṇa's eyes are long like petals of a blooming lotus, and His very charming lotus-like face is made all the more charming by His extremely beautiful and sweet, nectarous smiles. His profuse curling locks look delightful with their decoration of a proud peacock's tail-feather. Let Him, the embodiment of all effulgence, forever shine within my heart, which is (outwardly) greedy for the poisonous meat of sense objects, [or (inwardly) greedy for the beauty of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, a beauty that binds the devotee's mind and causes burning pain at the time of separation from Him.]
ri Bilvamangal Thakura used to be attached to the prostitute Cintamani so he was praying like this , but Krsna Himself gave His darshan to Bilvamangal Thakura and transformed him into a pure devotee of Krsna fully absorbed in the beauty of the Supreme Lord Krishna ,may we all become fully attracted to lord Sri Krsna and every moment of our life
 I wish I could embrace this sloka: praṇaya-pariṇatābhyāṁ śrī-bharālambanābhyāṁ
pratipada-lalitābhyāṁ pratyahaṁ nūtanābhyām |
pratimuhur adhikābhyāṁ prasphural-locanābhyāṁ
pravahatu hṛdaye naḥ prāṇanāthaḥ kiśoraḥ ||13||
May the Lord of our life, that young boy [Kṛṣṇa], shine incessantly within our hearts. His eyes, full of love for Rādhā, are the abode of infinite beauty. Every day they appear newer and newer, at every step they increase their charm and elegance, and at every moment they sparkle more and more brilliantly.
mama cetasi sphuratu vallavī-vibhor
maṇi-nūpura-praṇayi mañju śiñjitam |

kalahaṁsa-kaṇṭha-kala-kūjitādṛtam ||17||
May the sweet jingling of the jewelled anklets of Kṛṣṇa, the master of the milkmaids, be manifest in my mind. Kamalā's [Rādhā's] white swans swimming in the lotus-filled ponds of the Yamunā accord that sweet jingling a warm welcome with the melodious warbling from their throats.
We must enviosion within the heart of our hearts how Radha and Krsna dance in Vraja even to this day and Their transcendental anklebells tingle ,they both sing sweet notes while doing Their Rasa lila , what kind of songs are Radha Krsna singing ,what kind of music , what kind of fragrance is there at the Rasa Sthali in Vrindavana ,or Govardhana or any other place Radha Krsna and the Gopis perform Their Rasa lilas can we mundane persons even begin to understand with all our imperfectiones ? I offer my prostrated obaisences at the Rasa sthali of Radha Krsna and Gaurangas nightly dancing in the house of Srivasa Thakura in Navadvipa , in fact they are non different
 the intense prayer of Bilvamangal Thakura to hear Krsnas flute again ,He must have heard because Krsna Himself talked to Bilvamangal Thakura , how exalted he was ,we should offer million of obaisences to his lotusfeet
sārdhaṁ samṛddhair amṛtāyamānair
ātāyamānair muralī-ninādaiḥ |
mūrdhābhiṣiktaṁ madhurākṛtīnāṁ

bālaṁ kadā nāma vilokayiṣye ||23||
When oh when shall I see that young boy Kṛṣṇa, the unchallenged king of those who are exquisitely beautiful, and when shall I experience along with that vision the flooding nectar of His flute's sound, endowed with the topmost musical embellishments?
these prayers fill the pure devotees eyes with tears of love of Krsna:
śiśirīkurute kadā nu naḥ
śikhara-picchābharaṇaḥ śiśur dṛśoḥ |
yugalaṁ vigalan-madhu-drava-

smita-mudrā-mṛdunā mukhendunā ||24||
When will that child [Kṛṣṇa], adorned with peacock plumes, soothe and cool our eyes with a vision of His moonlike face, imbued with gentleness by the trickling honey of His tender smiles?
after the Rasa lila ,Radha and Krsna and the Gopis bath in Yamuna and throw water at each other : Text 26

kadā vā kālindī-kuvalaya-dala-śyāma-taralāḥ

kaṭākṣā lakṣyante kim api karuṇā-vīci-nicitāḥ |
kadā vā kandarpa-pratibhaṭa-jaṭā-candra-śiśirāḥ
kam apy antas-toṣaṁ dadhati muralī-keli-ninadāḥ ||26||
When will Kṛṣṇa cast upon me His sidelong glances, which are as dark blue as the blue lotuses growing in the Yamunā and tremulous with waves of mercy? And when will my heart find ineffable joy in the playful notes of His flute, which are more cooling than the moon held on the head of Śiva, Cupid's enemy?
The gopis and Radha are hidding in the Yamuna behind the blue lotuses in their transcendental shyness
powerfull prayer for Krsnas mercy: mayi prasādaṁ madhuraiḥ kaṭākṣair
vaṁśī-ninādānucarair vidhehi |
tvayi prasanne kim ihāparair nas

tvayy aprasanne kim ihāparair naḥ ||29||
O Lord, please show me Your mercy by casting upon me Your charming sidelong glances, moving to the accompaniment of Your flute-song. If I have Your blessings, what use are others'? And if I'm without Your blessings, what use are others'?
id you read these verses carefully now read them one more time: Text 30

nibaddha-mugdhāñjalir eṣa yāce 

nīrandhra-dainyonnata-mukta-kaṇṭham | 
dayāmbudhe deva bhavat-kaṭākṣa- 
dākṣiṇya-leśena sakṛn niṣiñca ||30|| 
I fix my folded palms upon my head and, given voice by my increasing, ceaseless, pitiable misery, pray, "O Lord, O ocean of mercy, please anoint me just once with a drop of kindness from Your sidelong glance."

Text 31

pīna-stanī-nayana-paṅkaja-pūjanīye |
cāpalyam eti nayanaṁ tava śaiśave naḥ ||31||
O Lord, our eyes have become restless to see Your childlike form, with its clustered locks delightfully adorned with a peacock feather. That form, which is worshiped by the buxom milkmaids' lotus eyes, possesses a face that has begun defeating the beauty of the moon and the lotus
 amazing : tvac-chaiśavaṁ tri-bhuvanādbhutam ity avaihi
mac-cāpalaṁ ca tava vā mama vādhigamyam |
tat kiṁ karomi viralaṁ muralī-vilāsi
mugdhaṁ mukhāmbujam udīkṣitum īkṣaṇābhyām ||32||
O Kṛṣṇa, O flute-player, the sweetness of Your early age is wonderful within these three worlds. You know My unsteadiness, and I know Yours. No one else knows about this. I want to see Your beautiful, attractive face somewhere in a solitary place, but how can this be accomplished?
Text 33

paryācitāmṛta-rasāni padārtha-bhaṅgī-

valgūni valgita-viśāla-vilocanāni |
bālyādhikāni mada-ballava-bhāvinībhir
bhāve luṭhanti sukṛtāṁ tava jalpitāni ||33||
O Kṛṣṇa, Your verbal duels with the impassioned, vivacious milkmaids exhilarate the hearts of the fortunate. These talks are filled with the nectar of the exchanges of love, rendered very pleasant by waves of witty meanings, imbued with Your natural boyishness, and punctuated by the movements of Your wide, dancing eyes.
here is an example: TEXT 270
uttishöharat tarau me taruëi mama taroh shaktir arohane ka
sakshad akhyami mugdhe taraëim iha raver akhyaya ka ratir me

vateyam nau-prasange katham api bhavita navayoh sangamartha
vartapiti smitasyam jita-giram ajitam radhayaradhayami

yatha—just as; padyavalyam—in Padyavali; uttistha—stand; arat—nearby; tarau—on the boat; me—My; taruni—o young girl; mama—of Me; taroh—of the tree; saktih—the power; arohane—in climbing; ka—what?; sakshat—directly; akhyami—I say; mugdhe—O charming and bewildered girl; taranim—boat; iha—in this connection; raveh—of the sun; akhyaya—by name; ka—what?; ratih—happiness; me—of Me; varta—words; iyam—these; nau—to the boat; prasange—in relation; katham api—somehow; bhavita—will be; na—not; avayoh—of Us two; sangama—association; artha—for the purpose; varta—words; api—also; iti—in this way; smita—smiling; asyam—whose face; jita—defeated; giram—in words; ajitam—undefeateable Lord Krishëa; radhaya—with Shrimati Radharaëi; aradhayami—I worship.

Krishëa: My dear young girl, please step into My tari (boat, which become tarau in the locative case).
Radha: What power do I have to climb trees? (Here Radha interprets tarau to be the locative of taru, which means tree.)
Krishëa: My dear, charming, bewildered girl, I do not mean tree, I mean taraëi (boat).
Radha: Why would I want to go to the sun? (Here She interprets the word taraëi to mean sun.)
Krishëa: All these words I have used mean nau (boat).
Radha: All these words are meant to bring Us together. (Here She interprets the word nau to mean Us.)

I worship unconquerable Lord Krishëa, who happily smiled as Shri Radha defeated Him in this playful verbal-duel.
—Shri Rupa Gosvami

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