Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Hari bol
Dandavat pranams
Jaya Sri Guru and Gauranga
Jaya Srila Prabhupada
I was laughing when Jayadvaita Swami said  (actually yelling like a dog with rabbish) distribute BBT books and become famous....such nonsense.Anything to try to twist and manipulate  you into their own    agendas. I have been distributing books since 1979, even when I was all alone distributing books in Denmark in 1979 as a new devotee.ISKCON  has no concern for its members and never even thank any devotees for their many years of dedicated service.That is fine ,I never joined to please a neophyte devotee like Jayadvaita Swami anyway.I joined because of Srila Prabhupada.To hell with your fame Jayadvaita Swami...stick  it where it belongs. In the toilet.
The sad part is ,ring the bells and be happy with such small insignificant service. No one appreciates devotees that distribute  Srila Prabhupadas books anyway.Because ISKCON leaders are mostly all selfish sons of bitches and their is no aparadha in this as it is the plain and simple truth.
Sannyasis in ISKCON does not distribute Srila PRabhupadas books or really care unless they can get some credit for others hard service.The same is true for allmost all TP's and GBC's .
I spit at the fame of distributing Prabhupadas books because I have seen when even I was number one in USA or in the world in medium books ,it just made others envious and their concern was where is the money to pocket for themselves.These are the kind of low class leaders we have in ISKCON.
I can go ahead properly and still  and become number one in USA in bookdistribution  dispite health issues ,this is my potential , but why should I have to deal with envious persons that does not distribute even one book .And they are jealous of me from bhakta to GBC.
But real devotees are not jealous .So I have left the rat race of scores. One time when I was distributing more books than anyone in Dallas ,Tamal Krsna Maharaja made up a lie of a disciple distributing 50.000  BTG's or something in this nature.Yes it was a lie .Because it happend in 2 months.I spit  at the false fame  , of being number one, Srila Prabhupada and Krsna is number one.If anyone would put my name of a temple bulletin or sankirtana newsletter, I would burn every single copy.I do not even want my name there.,to hell with the false fame of pleasing some selfish jewish Swamis , or self centered lying sons of bitches.
When I go to Vrindavana I keep a stick for monekyes and GBC's ,and certain ISKCON leaders.I will give them some fame.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened too:
SB 7.9.8 purport:
Thus he considers himself unqualified, lower than the worms in stool, and more sinful than Jagāi and Mādhāi. A pure Vaiṣṇava actually thinks of himself in this way. Similarly, although Prahlāda Mahārāja was a pure, exalted Vaiṣṇava, he thought himself most unqualified to offer prayers to the Supreme Lord. Mahājano yena gataḥ sa panthāḥ. Every pure Vaiṣṇava should think like this. One should not be falsely proud of his Vaiṣṇava qualifications. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu has therefore instructed us:
tṛṇād api sunīcena
amāninā mānadena
[Cc. adi 17.31]
"One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and should be ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly." Unless one is meek and humble, to make progress in spiritual life is very difficult.
I will teach this  Jayadvaita Swami some fame!!!!! 
I will keep distriubting Srila Prabhupadas books devotees like Jayadvaita Swami can ring the bells and be puffed up by his neophyte preaching.
My Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada know me, they will recommend me to Lord Nityananda I for sure do not need any false
fame of this world for this .
Jayadvaita Swami can have his fame desease for himself ,however Srila Raghunath das Goswami has warned:
    pratisthasa dhrsta svapaca-ramani me hrdi natet   katham sadhu-prema sprsati sucir etan nanu manah   sada tvam sevasva prabhu-dayita-samantam atulam   yatha tam niskasya tvaritam iha tam vesayati sah
as long as the impudent untouchable woman of the desire for fame dances in my heart, why should pure love for Radha-Krsna touch me? O mind, continuously serve my spiritual master, the leader of those who are dear to the Lord. Then my master will quickly kick out that harridan and allow that pure love to enter.
vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das
Srila Vamana Maharaja wrote: In this world, if somebody mistakenly does something wrong against you, forgiving him would prove your greatness and generosity. This very virtue of forgiveness makes a person honorable and distinguished in life. By ignoring the faults-errors of others and by walking on one's own path of devotion, peace and auspiciousness can be attained. [Patramrita; Letter No. 32]
but this is not for those who plan evil against you like most ISKCON leaders do,they should be avoided like on does the plague

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