Sastra Caksusa

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Kalki Purana chapter 3 Lord Kalki R eceives Benedictions From Lord Siva and Parvati

Kalki Purana chapter 3 Lord Kalki Receives Benedictions From Lord Siva and Parvati

So this is a prediction of Lord Kalki how he will go to the Asrama of Lord Parasurama and get trained in Sastra and Martial arts so He later can kill all the demonic persons at the end of Kali yuga, Mount Mahendra is still there in Orissa and it is Lord Parasurama is still there invisible to all until the end of Kali Yuga Mahendragiri (Odisha) - Wikipedia
this comes out a bit rough when I copy from the page you can read it on Sri-Kalki-Purana_Translation-by-Bhumipati.pdf ( ,it is also stated Srila Sukadeva Goswami will teach Lord Kalki and Lord Siva will give Lord Kalki a sword to kill the asuras of Kali Yuga

Lord Kalki Receives Benedictions From Lord Siva and Parvati
Text 1
suta uvaca
tato vastum gurukule
yantam kalk1m rnnk,)a sah
mahendradn sth1to ramah
samarnya asramam prabhuh
Suta Gosvaml said: Thereafter, Lord Kalk! went tn live at the gurukula.
Upon seemg Htm approach, the greatly powerful Parasurama, who lives
at Mount Mahendra, took Him to Ht� asrama.
Text 2
praha tvam pathay1s'!am1
1tvam pathatra m1am vedam
yaccanyacchastram uttamam
I am well-versed m the four Veda5, the literature dealing with
grammar, and the six branches of the Vedas. I am very expert m the art
of shooting arrows. Prevtou�ly, I made the entire earth dev01d of krntrnas
and then gave the southern pornon of the country to the brahmanas
Thereafter, I went to Mount Mahendra to perform austennes 0 son of a
briihmana, you may stay here and study whatever scnptures you like
Text 5
ltl tadvaca trprasrutya
samprahrsta tanuruhah
kalkzh puro namaskrtya
vedadhztz tato'bhavat
Sura Gosvaml said: Upon hearing these words of Parasurama, Kalk!
became very pleased and 1mmed1ately offered Hts respectful obes1ances
to Him Thereafter, He began to study the Vedas under the dtrecnon of
his sp1ntual master.
Text 6
sangam catuhsastzkalam
dhanurveda adz kaiica yat
samadhztya 1amadagiiyat
kalkzh praha krataii1alzh
Kalk! mastered the sixty-four arts under the tutelage of the son of
Jamadagm. He also learned the Vedas, the branches of the Vedas, the
Dhanurveda, and other departments of knowledge. Thereafter, He folded
Hts hands and spoke to His guru as follows.
Text 7
daksmam prarthaya vibho
ya deya tava sanrndhau
yayii me sarva szddhzhsyad
ya syat tvattosa kiirmz
Lord Kalkt said: 0 my Lord, please tell me what kmd of daksmii I
should give You so that You will be pleased, and I will thus be able to
achieve complete perfect10n m life.
Text 8
rama uvaca
brahmana prarthzto bhumana
kalz nzgraha karanat
v1snuh sarvasrayah pumah
sa Jiitah sambhale bhavan
Parasurama said: 0 great soul! Long ago, Brahma prayed to Lord
V1snu, the shelter of all living entitles and the Supreme Personality of
Godhead, to destroy the influence of Kah. I understand that You are that
same Supreme Personality, appearing in the village of Sambhala.
Text 9
matto v1dyiim s1vadastr am
iabdhva vedamayam sukam
s1mhale ca pnyam padmam
dharman samsthiipay1syas1
You have learned the art of discharging arrows from Me. You will
1mb1be transcendental knowledge from Sukadeva Gosvaml, and You will
be awarded a powerful weapon by Lord Siva. Thereafter, You will marry
a woman named Padma from the island of S1mhala Your m1:,s1on 1s to reestablish sanatana-dharma.
Text 10
tato d1gv11aye bhupan
dharmahznan kalzpnyan
mgrhya bauddhiin deviip1m
maruiica sthiipay1ssyasz
Thereafter, You will set out to conquer the entire world and in
the course of that conquest, You will defeat many smtul kmgs who
are representatives of Kah. You will also annihilate many followers of
Buddhism and finally, You will entrust the resporn1btl1ty ot ruling the
world to Devap1 and Marn
Text 11
vayame tazstu santustah
sadhukrtyazh sadaksznah
ya1iiam danam tapah karma
kansyamo yathocitam
I am fully satisfied just to know that You will perform these pastimes
and so there 1s no need for any other daksma When the pnnc1ples of
1ehg10n are re-e�tablished, then people will perform sacnhce, give chanty,
and undergo austenty without 1mped1ment.
Text 12
ztyetat vacanam sruti a
namaskrat'la murnm gurum
vzlwda kesvaram devam
gatva tw,tava sankaram
After heanng these words of Parasurama and otfenng him obeisances
three times, Lord Kalb, the master of the demigods, approached Lord
Mahadev a and began to offer him prayers.
Text 13
Jm1ay1tva yathanyayam
szvam santam mahesvaram
prarnpat"l/asu w�am tam
dhyatva praha hrdz sth1tam
After offering His respectful obeisances to Lord Siva, who 1s very
easily pleased, and worsh1pmg him With devotion, Lord Kalb began to
speak, keepmg H1� mmd fully under control.
Text 14
gaunnatham viwanatham
�m ana'Yam bhutavmam
vmukz kanthabhusam tryaksam
pafrcmyadz deMm puranam
vande sandrananda sandohadaksam
Lord Kalk1 said: 0 Lord Sankara, you are the oldest of all, the husband
of Gaun, the lord of the umver�e, the only protector of the hvmg entities,
and the shelter of ever1 one. Your neck 1s decorated with the serpent,
Vabuki, )Ou hav e three eyes and five heads, you are always absmbed m
transcendental ecstasy, and you award liberation to your de\ otees I offer
my obe1�ances unto you
Text 15
yogadhz�am kamana�am
karalam ganga sangaklmna
murddhanamisam 1ata1utato
panksrpta bhavam mahakalam
candrabhalam namamr
You are the lord of mystic yoga and the destroyer of lusty desires.
Your form is fearful to behold, your head is always wet with the water of
the Ganges, the matled hair on your head looks most enchanting, your
forehead is decorated with a mark of the halt moon, and you are the
persomf1cat10n of maha-kala. I offer my obeisances unto y ou.
Texts 16-17
smmanastham bhutavetala sangam
nana sastrazh khadaga suladzbhr:,ca
vyagrat yugra vahavo lokanase
yasya krodhad dhataloko 'stametz
vo bhutadzh paiica bhutarh
mrksuh tanmatratma kalakarma
svabhavazh prahrtyedam prapva
11vacvamrso brahmanando
ramate tam namamz
You frequent crematonums in the company of ghosts and hobgobhm,
and you carry a tndent and other weapons in your hands At the time
of anmhilat10n, the entire creation is burnt to ashe� by the blazing fire
emanating from your anger. The condmoned souls are born in this world
under the mfluence of false ego, and then bodies are made of the five
gross material elements. You are the lord ot the mode of 1gnnr,mce, and
thus you are one of the directors of the material um\ erst' Although you
are involved m umversal affairs, you always remain aloof from matenal
association as you remain ab�orbed in transcendental ecstasy I offer my
obeisances unto you
Te"t 18
sthztau 1-zsnuh �ana11snuh
suratma lokan sadhun
dharmasetun vrbharn
brahmadyase )O 'bhrmam
guniitma savdadyangazstam
paresam bha1am1
I worship Lord Siva, the protector of the universe and the Supersoul of
all living ent1t1es He is always v1ctonous, being a qualitative incarnation
of Lord V1snu, and He delivers saintly persons by protecting the pnnc1ples
of religion. He ts the personif1cat1on of transcendental sound, a reservoir
of divine qualities, and the possessor of great mtell1gence.
Text 19
ymyap'iaya vayavo vann
lake 1valatyagmh savzta yan
tapyan sztamsuh khe tiirakazh
sagrahaisca pravarttate
tam paresam prapadye
By your order the wmd blows, fire burns, the sun d1stnbutes heat
and light, and the moon, planets and stars 1llummate the sky. I offer my
obeisances unto you.
Text 20
yasyasvasat sarvadhatn dhantn
devo varsat yambu kalah pramata
merurmadhye bhuvananiiiica bhartta
tamisanam visvarupam namiimz
By your order, the earth sustains all movmg and non movmg entitles,
Indra showers ram, the time factor d1v1des the duties of everyone, and
Mount Sumeru, which 1s the shelter of the universe, remams fixed at the
center I offer my humble obeisances to the universal form of Lord Siva.
Text 21
ltl kalkzstavam srutw
suvah sarvatma darsanah
saksat praha irnnmsah
parvan �ahzto' gratah
After heanng these prayers, Lord Siva, bemg omniscient, appeared
before Lord Kalb with Parvati and spoke to Him while �milmg grandly.
Text 22
kalkeh samsprsya hastena
samasta vayavam muda
tamiiha varaya pre,tha
varam yatte' bh1 kamks1tam
Lord Siva caressed the entire body of Lord Kalb with his hands and
then said: 0 foremost of all bemgs, please ask from me the benedtctlon
You desue.
Text 23
tvaya krtam1dam stotram
ye pathant1 1anii bhuv1
tesiim sarviirtha suidh1hsya
iid1ha lake paratra ca
Anyone on this earth who faithfully hears the glonous prayers that
you have offered me will achieve all kmds of perfection, both m this life
and m the next.
Text 24
v1dyiirthzm capnuyiid vzdyiim
dharmiirth1m dharmam apruyat
kamiin avapnuyat kam1
pathanat srvaniidap1
If a student recites these prayers, his education will become fruitful,
if a pious person recites these prayers, he will attam ptous ment, and
if a sense en1oyer recites these prayers, he will enioy all kmds of sense
gratif 1cat1on. Anyone who recites or hears these prayers will have all his
desires fulf1lled.
Text 25
tvam giirudam 1da casvam
kamagam bahurupinam
sukamenanca 'arva1nam
maya dattam grhana bhoh
This horse was manifested from Garuda, and tt can go anywhere at
will and assume many different forms. Here also ts a parrot that knows
everything-past, present, and future. I would like to offer You both the
horse and the parrot and so please accept them
Text 26
sariasastrastra vzdvamsam
sanavedartha paragam
1aymam sarvabhutanam
tvam vadisyant! manavah
By the influence of this horse and parrot, the people of the world will
know You as a learned scholar of all scnptures who is a master of the art
of releasing arrows, and thus the conqueror of all.
Text 27
ratnat sarum karalanca
karavala mahaprabham
grhana gurubharayah
prthwya bhara sadhanam
I would also like to present You this �harp, strong sword and so please
accept it. The handle of this sword is bedecked with iewels, and it is
extremely powerful. As such, this sword will help You to reduce the heavy
burden of the earth.
Text 28
m vaca asrutya
namaskratya mahesvaram
sambhala grama gamat
turagena tvaranvztah
After heanng all this, Lord Kalb offered Ht5 obeisances and then
departed for the village of Sambhala, nding on the back of the horse
given by Lord Siva.
Text 29
pitaram mataram bhratan
namaskrtya yathav1dh1
�arvam tadvarnaya masa
1amadagnyasya bhasitam
Upon arnving home, Lord Kalkt offered his respectful obeisances
to His father, mother, and brothers. He then narrated whatever had
happened and told them about the orders of Hts guru, Parasurama
Text 30
sit as ya varadanaiica
kathayzwa subhah kathah
kalkih paramatqasvi
Jiiatibh'!o'pyavadan muda
The unlimitedly powerful Lord Kalkt also de�cnbed the bened1ct1ons
He had received from Mahadeva. Thereafter, the Lord happily met the
other brahmanas of the village and also informed them of all that had
Text 31
gargya bhargya visalad
ymta cchrutva nanditah sthztah
kathopa kathanam Jatam
sambhala gramavmmam
When great personalities, such as Gargya, Bhargya, and Visala heard
about these pastimes of Lord Kalkt, they became extremely pleased.
From that time onwards, the inhabitants of Sambhala simply absorbed
themselves in repeatedly hearing and chanting the glones of Lord Kalkt.
Text 32
visakha yupa bhupalah
�rutva tesafica bhasztam
pradurbhavam harermene
kalznzgraha km akam
King V1sakhayupa also came to hear these "'onderful d1�cu�s1ons of
Lord Kalkt and thus he became convinced that the Supreme Lord Han
had incarnated in this world to destroy the influence of Kalt-yuga.
Text 33
mahzsmatyam m1apure
yagadana tapobratan
brahmanan ksatnyan vaisyan
sudriinapz hareh pnyiin
Kmg V1sakhayiipa could see that the people of his capital, Mah1smat1,
mcludmg the brahmanas, ksatrzyas, vaisyas and sudras, had suddenly
expenenced a change of heart so that they were now performing sacnfices,
givmg chanty, and undergomg austentles.
Text 34
svadharma nzratiin drstava
dharmastho' bhunnrpah svayam
pra1apalah suddhamanah
pradur bhavacchnyah pateh
Due to the mfluence of the mcarnatton of the Supreme Lord, the
husband of goddess LaksmI, everyone m the capital became a follower of
rehg10us principles The kmg also became p10us, so that he mamtamed
his subiects with a pure heart.
Text 35
adharma vamsyastiin drstva
1anan dharma kiyaparan
lobha nrtadayo 1agmus
tadesat duhkhitiin bhnam
Those who had been born m smful families also became mclmed to
executmg religious principles. When the greedy, wretched people who
were totally devoid of truthfulness, bemg servants of Kah, saw this change
of heart, they became very unhappy and left the country.
Text 36
Jaitram turaga miiruhya
khadaganca vimalaprabham
damsitah sasaram ciipam
grahitvagat puradvahzh
Thereafter, Lord Kalb picked up His bnghtly shmmg tndent and
bow and arrows and set out from His palace, ndmg upon Hts vtctonous
horse and wearing His amulet.
Text 37
vzsiikhayupa bhupalah
priiyiit sadhu1ana pnyah
kalkzm drastum hareram sa
miivzrbhutaiica sambhale
When the kmg of that country, V1sakhayupa, who was very dear to
saintly persons, realized that Lord Kalk1, the mcarnat10n of the Supreme
Lord, Hart, had appeared, he went to see Him
Texts 38-39
kavzm praJiiam sumantuiica
puraskratya mahaprabham
gargya bhargya vzsalazsca
Jiiiitzbhih panviintam
vzsiikhayupo dadrse
candram taraganamva
puriidvah1h sura1r yadvad
mdramuccazh sravahsthztam
The kmg saw that, Just as Indra, the kmg of heaven, ndes on the back
of his horse, Uccah1srava, m the midst of the demigods, and as the moon
ts surrounded by all the stars, Lord Kalkt was seated on the back of Hts
horse, surrounded by many greatly mtelhgent and powerful personalities,
mcludmg Sumanta, Gargya, Bhargya, and V1sala.
Text 40
v1sakhayupo' vanatah
samprahrasta tanuruhah
kalkeralo kanat sadyah
pumatmam vazsnavo' bhavat
As soon as Kmg V1fakhayupa saw Lord Kalkt, he became stunned m
ecstasy and the hairs of his body stood on end. He offered his obeisances
to lord Kalkt so that by Hts mercy, the kmg became a devotee of the
Text 41
saha ra1fia vasan kalkzh
dharmiiniiha purodztiin
brahmana ksatrzya vzsiima
asramanam samiisatah
Lord Kalb lived with Kmg Vi� for some time In the course
of his stay, Lord Kalb bnefly described to the kmg the principles of four
varnas and four aframas.
Text 42
mamiimsiin kalz vzbhrastan
m mananma sangatan
ra1a suyiisca asvamedhabhyam
miim ya1asva samahztah
( Lord Kalb said:) Many pious human bemgs have become degraded
m this age of Kalt. But because of My presence, they will all become
p10us once agam. Now I would like that all of you worship Me by the
performance of a RaiasO.ya sacrifice and a horse sacrifice.
Text 43
ahameva paroloko
dharmasciiham saniitanah
kala svabhava samskarah
karmanu gatayo mama
am the supreme destination for everyone. I am the obiecttve of
eternal reltg10us principles. Religion, sm, destmy, the t ime factor, nature,
deeds, and samskaras are My followers.
Text 44
soma suryakule 1atau
deviipz marusam1fiakau
sthapayztvii kratayugam
krtvii yasyiimz sadvatzm
I will mstall Kmg Devapi of the Candra dynasty and Kmg Mam
of the Surya dynasty upon the throne to rule the world, and after
the commencement of Satya-yuga, I will return to My own abode,
Text 45
it! tadvacanam sratvii rii1a
1-alkim hanm prabhum
pranamya praha saddharman
vaisnaviin manasepsitiin
After hearing this, King V1sakhayupa offered his respectful obeisances
to Lord Kalb and then further inqutred about Va1snava dharma from
Text 46
1t1 nrpavacanam msamya kalkih
kalikula niisana vasaniivatarah
m1a1ana pansad vmodakan
madhura vacobhiraha sadhurdharman
After hearing the kmg's mqumes, the Supreme Lord, Kalb, who had
mcarnated to destroy the dynasty of Kalt, began to speak very sweetly
about the religious prmc1ples that are followed by saintly persons, iust for
the pleasure of Hts servants.
Thus ends the translauon of the thnd chapter of Sr! Kalki Purana.

Lord Kalki will have two wifes Padmavati and Rama 

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