My comment is that Krsna in Dvaraka also expands in 16108 forms every night to be with His 16.108 wives at once, when Srimati Radharani came to Dvaraka as described in Garga Samhita by Sri Garga Muni , Krsna met Her outside of Dvaraka at Siddha Asrama and there Krsna performed Rasa Lila with the unlimited Gopis of Vraja and and all queens of Dvaraka. In Krsnas child hood pastimes
Kaumara age, Krsna was stealing butter and yogurt from the Gopis daily and Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura has explained Sri Krsna expanded Himself to steal the butter of every single elder Gopi to increase their affection in parental love, these Gopis are in parental affection and different from the younger Gopis Sri Krsna dance with and have conjugal Rasa with.Here is something also very esoteric but important, In Goloka Vrindavana there are two sections, one part displays Krsnas Aiscarya opulence, so there is mixed love for Radha Krsna with element of awe and reverence, and then a more confidential part of Goloka with all Krsna pastime takes place without all the awe and reverence of His being God , this was for example explained by Srila Narayana Maharaja in 2001 in his lectures for 7 days at Prince Willans forest park where we had arranged accommodation for over 1000 devotees that came from all over the world, I was made the main manager Temporary TP to make the whole thing work in terms of devotees facilitates and prasadam and accommodations, and I enjoyed serving all the Vaisnavas . Anyway there is much more about that thing about Radha Krsna in Goloka Vrindavana , but Sivarama Swami has given the right idea and these are my comments
Is there only one Rādhā Kṛṣṇa in Goloka or more? | Sivarama Swami Media
Is there only one Rādhā Kṛṣṇa in Goloka or more? | Sivarama Swami Media
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