Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures


Kamsahanta Dasa Prajapati Arjuna ki-jay!

my reponse:

Ouch Kamsahanta calling Arjuna (who is a very nice devotee from Germany) a prajapati is an insult, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura also had many children ....there is no harm for a devotee to be a grhastha and have children even many , this is done according to sastra, one sannyasi once kept telling grhastha's when they had children they had become "busy " shortly after that he got busy himself in family life once are not a sannyasi, but I humbly advise we be careful with such statements.
I always remember Arjuna being busy preaching and distributing Srila Prabhupada's books,I recall how he was personally trained by Manidhara Prabhu to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books, he is a nice devotee and great soul:
Bhagavad Gita chapter 7 Text 11
balam balavatam caham
dharmaviruddho bhutesu
kamo ’smi bharatarsabha
I am the strength of the strong, devoid of passion and desire. I am sex life which is not contrary to religious principles, O lord of the Bharatas [Arjuna].
Commentary by Srila Prabhupada
The strong man’s strength should be applied to protect the weak, not for personal aggression. Similarly, sex life, according to religious principles (dharma), should be for the propagation of children, not otherwise. The responsibility of parents is then to make their offspring Krishna conscious.
Commentary by Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur
I am the strength of the strong, not displayed out of anger or used with the desire to maintain to ones own lifestyle. 1 am lust not contrary to dharma, directed towards one's wife only for the production of children.

for commentaries of the acaryas see

How many children a grhastha couple has is no ones business, we should mind our own, (even sannyasis and Gurus
they have no business interfering or worrying about such things)
may all grhasthas become happy and peaceful in KC.If a grhastha can maintain a big family all glories to to them,
better than illicit sex with someone outside of marriage.Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada said if he
could have Krsna conscious he would get married and have many, but he considered himself unqualified to have
such KC children,so if wonderful devotees have KC children it is a joy, the devas are standing in line to take birth from
devotee parents and other pious souls.Srila Prabhupada only took sannyasa when his children was grown
up and his last daughter married this is real religious life.Lord Kapila is an exception ,but Kadama Muni knew his son
would be the Supreme Lord Himself.Sukadeva Goswami ran away at the time of birth to be saved from grhastha life.
But grhastha life is transcendental if done according to the directions of Krsna, this grhastha asrama is also
part of the Virat Rupa, of course getting married divorced and remarried is all irreligious..this is stated in
Manu Samhita and Srila Prabhupada taught the same.Being a prajapati is not a bad thing unless one acts like Daksa
the prajapatis fill up the universe with living being on the direction of Lord Visnu ,via Lord Brahma,Some of these
beings even become impious but devotee children most turn out as angles on earth,they are a real joy and
should be protected,they are mostly vaisnavas by birth,and all glories to them.
your servant
Payonidhi das

Views: 114

Comment by Paramananda das on June 25, 2010 at 9:44am
give the guy a break 4 kids is no big deal
Comment by Paramananda das on June 25, 2010 at 9:48am
family life without children is empty and meaningless,this is according to Chanakya pandit


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