Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

"institutional zombies"
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
 One thing I have learned in ISKCON and Gaudiya matha,and among other that claims they are Gaudiya vaisnavas is there is many institutional zombies,
 persons that do not chant even 16 rounds  and follow
4 regs and still calls themselves for vaisnavas.Actually Lord Gaurangas standard is 64 rounds...but as Kali yuga goes on ,you can count such
 sincere devotees on one hand or 2 hands,that chants this amount.Even in Vrindavan and Mayapure it used to be very prominent 20 -30 years ago, but
now how many cares about this instruction of Lord Caitanya?Still so many pretend they are advanced but do not study and know sastra, they 
only fool others for money.They take grains on Visnutattva apperance days, and some  on ekadasi, they keep disciples for money and sex, yes it has
a lot of cheating, and they are willing to kill anyone that exposes their Guru is gay or likes money and women to much,and engage in politics and business
simply to fill their bellies...divya jnana...hardly anyone pranams to the genuine sadhus
Payonidhi das

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