Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Please accept my humble obaisence
pranams to the lotusfeet of my Gurudeva and Lord Caitanya
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
I am going to stay and fight for Srila Prabhupada
Many devotees where forced to sell paintings in the 80th or forced out of ISKCON ,.Sometimes Harikesa forced us devotees to sell his Rasa albums, he could just have made a nice record with Srila Prabhupada chanting Hare Krishna and then everyone would be enthused , he choose his own Jazz rock music.
Later we where forced to sell paintings , and then it got worse, ISKCON choose to invite mayavadis and demigod worshippes, and any fool that would pay money to rent the culture halls and temple rooms.And congregation walked into this ,and listened to all the nonsense.And ISKCON New York has bingo hall with meat prices,,,,,,
  In Harikesas zone it was sell paintings or get out, this was the philosophy of Harikesa and Devamrta Swami, one fell down the other went to the criminal zone of Kirtananda , and then returned to ISKCON to become a Guru and GBC chairman.
But that is the nature of deviationes..
Palaka Prabhu was told he should sell paintings for the temple or if he would sell Srila Prabhupadas books he would get arrested.
Behind this was Satsvarupa das  backed by Sesa das . 
  This is the loving care we sankirtana devotees have gotten. And any snot nose new bhaktin can start chasing you because their Guru think  they are beautiful.ISKCON is just  messed up.In ISKCON Potomac 1995, a married disciple of Srila Prabhupada (to a non devotee) just walked over to me when doing laundry and asked I marry her so she can leave her husband.Later she managed to marry another married (ex convict) devotee...great stuff , he sometimes is allowed to give lectures at ISKCON Potomac by the way.
Once when I was on Padayatra in California in 1989 ,some relative new bhaktin walked up to me one morning on my way to mangal artik and demanded I marry her.(San Diego) I had no idea who she was or what her name   was even.But this is USA ,the ISKCON land of insanity. BadriNarayana Prabhu  just mildly corrected her...
  Next year again the same thing happened some insane lusty bhaktin started to chase me, and her Guru called her beautiful ,the TP pressured me to marry this nonsense girl, when she should just have been asked to leave the temple.
    Srila Prabhupada talks about things are not done sanely in this world.Then we hear how the GBC is planning to make a former sannyasi that went to prostitutes in Thailand, a Guru again.ISKCON is turning into a total Zoo.
With some soul searching ,I know I can not leave ISKCON , because as long as I am in this world I will try to do my part to help Srila Prabhupada bring ISKCON into what he wanted,
Today is another day of sankirtana fighting for religion and real dharma.All I can do is pray to Srila Prabhupada and my Gurudeva that no adharma will enter my heart and stay strong in KC by their grace.
your servant
Paramananda das

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