Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

I pay my obaisences to Vamsi das Babaji from afar

  Many devotees are fascinated with Vamsi das Babaji that was celebrated on an equal level yesterday with Raghunandana Thakura.I object to this worship.

" One day, a lady selling fish approached V.B., offering him some choice type of catch.  Somehow or other, the Babaji's mind became attracted to tasting the fish.  But he immediately checked himself, and became very angry.  He first of all shouted at the woman to get away. Then he was shouting, "How could this happen?  How could this happen?  I've surrendered my life to Radha Krishna, I'm under They're protection, and still this happens!  Why You are not protecting me?"

 He went storming into his bhajan kutir.  People gathered while he fussed and fumed at his Deities inside.  Then he came out, bringing the Deities tied by rope, and threw Them into the Ganga.  He kept the end of the rope under his foot.  When one man inquired why he was doing this, the threw a rock at him."

Srila Prabhupada speaks on   Vamsi das babaji

"You have heard the name of Vamsidas babaji. So sometimes, when his things were stolen, the disciples will cry that 'It is stolen.' So he said, 'Why you are bothering? One thief gives. Another thief takes. That's all. Who gave the money, he is also thief, and who has taken away, he is also thief. So why you are bothering?' One thief gives. Another thief takes. (Morning Walk, Mayapura, March 13, 1976)

If you think this (the Deity) is a brass-made idol, then it will remain a brass-made idol to you forever. But if you elevate yourself to higher platform of KrsnaConsciousness, then Krsna, this Krsna, will talk with you. This Krsna will talk with you. There is a Vamsidas Babaji Mahäräja, he was talking with his Deity. (Lecture at Los Angeles Deity installation, July 16, 1969)

Srila Prabhupada: If we simply imitate, oh, that will not do. So do not try to imitate, follow the simple rules and regulations, it is very nice, and above all, chant Hare Krsna. You'll become purified. Without being purified you cannot touch Radha-krsna. In the Vedas it is stated, "Without becoming Brahman you cannot approach Brahman." Just like without becoming fire you cannot approach fire. Because the inconsistency of temperature. It will burn. Just like here is fire, and I am feeling temperature, but the fire flames within the fire, they do not feel because the temperature is the same. Similarly, without becoming Brahman, without understanding oneself, realizing himself, nobody can... Krsna is the Parambrahman. Param brahma param dhäma pavitram paramam bhavan [Bg. 10.12]. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita. Purusam sasvatam, therefore one has to keep himself very purified; otherwise you cannot touch Krsna. That is not possible. It is fire, so you have to become fire. And how to become fire? Fire, you are also fire, but now you are covered fire, covered by this material body. Therefore you have to spiritualize this body by purificatory process. The same example, just like the iron rod, it is iron, but you put into the fire. It becomes warm, warmer, warmer, then red hot, then it is fire. Similarly, by this process, chanting process, by regulative process, you are becoming warmer, warmer, warmer, warmer. And when you fully become red hot warm, then your body is as good as Krsna's. So we have to keep yourself always in the fire of Krsnaconsciousness; then everything is all right. (laughs) Otherwise, it will become dull and it will be simply idol worship. That's all. That is the difference between idol worship and Deity worship. If there is no life, then it is idol worship, hedonism. And when there is life, feeling, "Where is Krsna? Here is Krsna. Oh, I have to serve Krsna, I have to dress Him, I have to serve Radharani, She is here. Oh, I must do it very nicely. And as far as possible decorate Her to the best capacity." In this way, if you always feel Krsna conscious, then you are fire. The same example, keeping with the fire. And if you think it is a brass-made doll, I mean to say, idol... Ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham [Bg. 4.11]. If you think this is a brass-made idol, then it will remain a brass-made idol to you forever. But if you elevate yourself to higher platform of Krsna consciousness, then Krsna, this Krsna, will talk with you. This Krsna will talk with you.

There is a Vamsidas Babaji Maharaja, he was talking with his Deity. And Krsna... Just like Madana-mohana, He was talking with Sanatana Gosvami.Madana-mohana... Sanatana Goswami at that time had no temple; he was hanging his Deity on the tree. So Madana-mohana was talking with him, "Sanatana, you are bringing all these dry capatis, and it is stale, and you don't give Me even little salt. How can I eat?" Sanatana Gosvami said, "Sir, where shall I go? Whatever I get I offer You. You kindly accept. I cannot move, old man." You see. So Krsna had to eat that. (chuckles) Because the bhakta is offering He cannot refuse. Ye mam bhaktya prayacchati. Real thing is bhakti. What you can offer to Krsna? Everything belongs to Krsna. What you have got? What is your value? And what is the value of your things? It is nothing. Therefore real thing is bhaktya, real thing is your feeling. "Krsna, kindly take it. I have no qualification. I am most rotten, fallen, but (begins to cry) I have brought this thing for you. Please take it." This will be accepted. Don't be puffed up. Always be careful. You are dealing with Krsna. That is my request. Thank you very much. (end)



 Also he used to offer Tobacco to Krsna:


"Once in a while, he would put tobacco in a hookah and offer it to Radha and Govinda from a distance, but not to Nitai-Gauranga"


This is not the behavior of any associates of Lord Caitanya.And examples as this is used by neophytes to  says everything goes.

Just like in New York ,there is a temple president that allows bingo hall and there is smoking in that bingo hall and Radha Govinda has to smell this.

Such kind of behavior is not acceptable.

He uses some example that Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada arranged that visitors ate meat...this is all manufactured stories.Just like there is a fabricated story

that Srila Bhaktisiddihanta Prabhupada would personally lit up bidis for workers finishing the temple restoration of Alarnath.Such offensive things

are made up even by one person in the sannyasa asrama.


 They think that such things justify their mode of ignorance activities such as having bingo halls at a temple,doing demigod worship, marrying non devotees and so many money schemes .There is socalled devotees that smoke weed and tobacco and say well Vamsi das Babaji did the same.


So I personally reject Vamsi das Babaji as being on the level of such an eternal parishad as Raghunandana Thakura.There is also some so called leaders inISKCON that will throw stones at you even after you have done many years of service for Krsna.These are demoniac persons.

Personally  I do not honor Vamsi das Babaji on any level.In his Raga Vartma Chandrika Srila Visvanatha Thakura has explained that without sticking to the

strict principles of  bhakti noone can advance in KC.  


I offer my obaisences to Srila Raghunandana Thakura on his holy disappearance day, Vamsi das Babaji from afar.Those on the level of bhava bhakti

will never be attracted to eat fish or smoke,such a person has not gone beyond anartha Nivritti.Lord Gauranga is my witness these are true statements.

  There was once a lady that cooked fish in ISKCON New York and Srila Prabhupada chastised a brahmacari that later became a sannyasi for not speakingout.I can not tolerate Srila Raghunandana Thakura to be placed on the same level with Vamsi das Babaji, this is an offence.Some devotees talk to RadhaKrsna but they  never throw Them in the Ganges when they are intoxicated and mad with them, because they became attracted to eat fish.Mirabhai for example is not understood by many , but she was an exalted devotee in bhava bhakti, but because she did not have an "ISKCON Guru", she is looked down upon.I challenge the idea also that Gaura Kisora das Babaji gave babaji to Vamsi das, it is simply speculation , prove it...


your servant

Payonidhi das


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