Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

hearing from Lord Caitanya and the Gaura Priya Jana

SRILA Narayana Maharaja spoke about chanting 64 rounds but never got into details about it
Gaura Govinda Maharaja never mentioned it but it is hearing from Lord Caitanya and his devotees to hear about this subject too is from the Gaura Priya Jana because if we obey Lord Caitanya and chant 64 rounds daily it will help we become dear to Him

So Srila Prabhupadas Adi vani is 64 rounds, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in Harinama Cintamani has written one should gradually increase ones rounds and get to 64 rounds of Japa daily

In Caitanya Bhagavata we can read Lord Caitanyas order to Chant 64 rounds daily :

"Those who don't chant 100,000 names (64 rounds) daily, are never awarded the great fortune of rendering service to the Lord by offering Him naivedya (bhoga).

shri gaurasundera balibena-"jini pratidina laksha-nama grahana karibena, tanharai grihe bhagavan sevita hana.

Shri Gaurasundera spoke as follows-"The Supreme Personality of Godhead accepts service only in the home of those who chant one hundred thousand names daily.
"jini laksha-nama grahana karena na, tahara nikate haite bhagavan naivedya svikara-dvara seva-saubhagya pradana karena na.
This is because the Lord never accepts (svikara) their offerings.
"bhagavad-bhakta matrei pratyaha laksha-nama grahana karibena natuva vividha visaye asakta haiya bhagavad-seva karite asamartha haibena."

The Lord continued-"Those who consider themselves devotees of the Lord must compulsorily chant 100,000 names of Krishna everyday otherwise they will gradually but surely become attached to varieties of sense-objects and thus become incapable to rendering any kind of service to the Lord."

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada comments
tajjanyai shri chaitanyadevera ashrita sakalai nyuna kalpe laksha-nama grahana kariya thakena. natuva gaurasunderera udeshya pradatta naivedya tini grahana karibena na.

(Shrila Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada continues) "Therefore all the devotees who have taken shelter of Lord Chaitanyadeva perform the chanting of a minimum of 100,000 names of Krishna daily as their first and primary duty. Because they know that if they don't do so then Lord Gaurasundera will never accept the very bhoga (naivedya) which they cook for Him daily.

shri chaitanya bhaktagana abhaktera sahita sambhashana karena na. jini bhaktivyatita karma, jnana o anyabhilashara kathaya pradatta tahara sahita bandhutva karibe na.

"The devotees of Lord Shri Chaitanya never talk with such non-devotees. They never do friendship with those who are engaged in the cultivation of karma, jnana or other desires which are devoid of bhakti.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhu here writes on is a non devotee if one is not chanting 64 rounds daily

Subject: is a lecture by HH Gaura Govinda Swami

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