Please accept my humble obaisences
kalim sabhajayanty arya
guna jnah sara-bhaginah
yatra sankirtanenaiva
sarva-svartho ’bhilabhyate
"Those who are actually advanced in knowledge are able to appreciate the essential value of this age of Kali. Such enlightened persons worship Kali-yuga because in this fallen age all perfection of life can easily be achieved by the performance of sankirtana."
(Srimad Bhagavatam 11.5.36)
kaler dosa-nidhe rajann
asti hy eko mahan gunah
kirtanad eva krsnasya
mukta-sangah param vrajet
krte yad dhyayato visnum
tretayam yajato makhaih
dvapare paricaryayam
kalau tad dhari-kirtanat
"The most important factor in this Age of Kali, which is an ocean of faults, is that one can be free from all contamination and become eligible to enter the kingdom of God simply by chanting the holy names. The self-realization that was achieved in the Satya millennium by meditation, in the Treta millennium by the performance of different sacrifices, and in the Dvapara millennium by worship of Lord Krsna can be achieved in the Age of Kali simply by chanting the holy names." (Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.51-2)
dhyayan krte yajan yajnais-
tretayam dvapare rcayan
yadapnoti tadapnoti
kalau samkirtaya kesavam
"The supreme goal which was attained in Satya-yuga by years of prolonged meditation; in Treta-yuga by performing extensive yajnas; inDvapara-yuga by opulent and scrupulous Deity worship; in Kali-yuga the same results are easily had simply by the chanting of the holy name." (Visnu Purana)
harer nama harer nama
harer namaiva kevalam
kalau nasty eva nasty eva
nasty eva gatir anyatha
"In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy the only means of deliverance is chanting of the holy name of the Lord. There is no other way. There is no other way. There is no other way." (Brhad Naradiya Purana)
harinama para ye ca
ghore kali-yuge narah
te eva krtakrtyasca
na kalir badhate hi tan
hare kesava govinda
vasudeva jaganmaya
itirayanti ye nityam
na hi tam badhate kalih
"In this dark age of Kali-yuga, sincere devotees of the Supreme Lord should leave aside all other means for liberation and take full shelter of the holy name. This is their real responsibility and duty. There is unlimited bliss in chanting the different names of Krsna: Hari, Kesava, Govinda,Vasudeva and Jaganmaya. For one who chants constantly with unflinching faith, he remains unaffected by the reverses of Kali-yuga, because his heart has become purified by chanting." (Brhan-naradiya Purana)
hari-nama-para ye ca
hari-kirtana tat parah
hari-puja-para ye ca
te krtarthah kalau-yuge
"Those who engage in chanting the holy name of Lord Hari (japa), are addicted to congregational chanting (kirtana) and engage in the worship of Lord Hari, have accomplished their desires in the age of Kali." (Brhan-naradiya Purana)
dhyayan krte yajan yajnais
tretayam dvapare ’rcayan
yad apnoti tad apnoti
kalau sankirtya kesavam
"Whatever is achieved in Satya-yuga by meditation, in Treta by offering ritual sacrifices and in Dvapara by temple worship is achieved in Kali-yuga by chanting the names of Lord Kesava congregationally." (Padma Purana, Uttara Khanda42nd Chapter)
satyam kaliyuga vipra
sri harer nama mangalam
param svastyayanam nrnam
nasty-eva gatir anyatha
"Oh brahmana, chanting of the holy name is the auspicious process in Kali Yuga. It is the highest auspiciousness for mankind. There is no other way." (Padma Purana)
krsna krsneti krsneti
svapan jagrad vrajamstatha
yo jalpati kalau nityam
krsna-rupi bhaveddhi sah
"Whoever continuously chants Lord Krsna's holy name, even in his sleep, can easily realise that the name is a direct manifestation of KrsnaHimself, in spite of the influences of Kali-yuga. This has been ordained by Lord Krsna. (Varaha Purana)
kali-kala kusarpasya
tiksna-damstrasya ma bhayam
dagdho yasyati bhasmatam
"I see that Kali-yuga is like a black, poisonous snake with a gaping mouth and fangs. But please be unperturbed dear devotees and listen with faith. Once the holy name of the Lord is being chanted, it is like igniting a forest fire which will burn to ashes the poisonous snakes within the forest. (Skanda Purana)
mahabhagavata nityam
kalau smakirtaya kesavam
"The hallmark of a mahabhagavata the most elevated devotee in Kali-yuga is that he chants the holy name of the Lord constantly. (Skanda)
varjams-tisthan svapannasnan
svasan vakya-prapurane
nama-samkirtanam visnor-
helaya kali-vardhanam
krtva svarupatam yati
bhakti-yuktam param vrajet
"In our normal activities of eating, sleeping, sitting, dreaming, etc. to chant Krsna's names, while nullify the ill effects of Kali-yuga, is the perfection of speech. Even it a person chants Krsna's names indifferently, he will surely achieve his svarupa, or original spiritual self and attain that state beyond all material fear and lamentation. He will reach Vaikuntha, the supreme goal. (Linga Purana)
hare krsna hare krsna
krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama
rama rama hare hare
iti sodasakam namnam
natah parataropayah
sarva-vedesu drsyate
"After searching through all the Vedic literature one cannot find a method of religion more sublime for this age than the chanting of HareKrsna." (Kali Santarana Upanisad)
And finally, Madhva himself, quoting Narayana Samhita, in his Mundakopanisad Bhasya says
dvapariyair janair visnuh
pancaratrais tu kevalam
kalau tu nama-matrena
pujyate bhagavan harih
"In the Dvapara-yuga people should worship Lord Visnu only by the regulative principles of the pancaratra and other such authorized books. In the Age of Kali, however, people should only chant the holy names of the Supreme Personality of Godhead."
and we should not forget :
krsna varnam tvisa krsnam
sangopangastra parsadam
yajnaih sankirtanam-prayair
yajanti hi sumedhasah
"In the age of Kali, Krsna appears in a golden form, chanting the two syllables krs-na. He descends along with His weapons, saktis, limbs, and eternal confidential associates. Those with intelligence worship Him with the sankirtanayajna.
(1) (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.5.32)
It is interesting that in the translations done by Hrdayananda Maharaja
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.5.32
yajnaih sankirtana-prayair
krishna-varnam -- repeating the syllables krish-na; tvisha -- with a luster; akrishnam -- not black (golden); sa-anga -- along with associates; upa-anga -- servitors; astra -- weapons; parshadam -- confidential companions; yajnaih -- by sacrifice; sankirtana-prayaih -- consisting chiefly of congregational chanting;yajanti -- they worship; hi -- certainly; su-medhasah -- intelligent persons.
In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the names of Krishna. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krishna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions.
He has completly neglected the second part of this sloka : "Those who are sufficiently intelligent will take to this
sankirtana yajna"Yajanti hi sumedhasa...
That is a good question for the BBT and I humbly urge them to correct this serious mistake
Anyhow in the beginning of ISKCON there was daily Harinama all day long, I remember in Bremen ,Germany once doing shop to shop bookdistribution a couple happily bought a one volume of 7th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.
And asked when the devotees would be back in Bremen and chant Hare Krsna all day long and that they missed the devotees, that was a long time ago 1984.
I asked Aindra, that Prabhu if you stress Harinama you please come back to US and try to fire up all temples to do. He laughed in his beautiful way:" And who makes you think they will listen to me".
Properly better he never tried he would have surely ended up frustrated.But he used to preach strongly about this.
and one mataji wrote:
I have also read quotes saying that Harinam is the most important activity.
my response:
both but Srila Prabhupada stressed bookdistribution give me a quote about Harinama being more important than bookdistribution?
the point is also to get on the street and do both and not just stay home and in the temple and fight over what is more or less important.And not
do neither...
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada also stressed bookdistribution in his last instructions:
"Establishing a printing press to print devotional books and preaching by organizing nama hatta programs constitutes
genunine service to Sri Mayapure "
But he also writes:" Those who don't perform hari bhajana are ignorant and murderers of their own soul" Both has to go on and also he has stressed the importance of daily chanting 64 rounds...
11 Bhagavan will not accept anything, that is offered by a person who doesn't chant Harinam one-hundred thousand times daily (1 lakh of names).
your servant
Paramananda das
The Upadesavali of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada:
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