Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures


All glories to the lotusfeet of Sri Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

Srila Prabhupada like his Gurumaharaja did not teach ragamarg to just  anyone, only few got such mercy here is the example of one disciple of Srila Prabhupada and it also contains some information about how Srila Prabhupada completed Nectar of Instruction ,Upadesamrta:

Srila Prabhupada On Raganuga Bhakti 
by Hrsikesananda das

Remembrances by Hrsikesananda das ACBSP:1967 of Bengali conversations with H.D.G. Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Goswami Prabhupada over a 2-3 week period in Mayapur, 1973 (Ref. Srutakirti das & Satsvarupa Goswami)

Relevant Srila Prabhupada quote:
"Regarding Hrsikesa das, he may come here to Mayapur and I will discuss with him what his engagement shall be. He speaks fluent Bengali, so he may teach the local boys here at our school." (Mayapur, 5 June, 1973, letter to Tamal Krsna Goswami)
VNN EDITORIAL 10/21/1998 - 2391 When I went to join Sri "Swamiji" in Vrndavana, Jan. 1968, H.D.G. had already returned to America. So I went to the Gaudiya-Math under Prabhupada's Godbrother Tridandi Svami Bhakti-Hrdaya Vana (Bon) Maharaj. Srila Vana Maharaj told me that he had received word from Swamiji saying that I should stay put. So I remained, almost completely isolated, in Vraja-dham for 6 years.

Finally, in 1973, I abruptly left Srila Vana Maharaj and returned to the feet of Srila Prabhupada in Mayapur. Whenever I would meet Prabhupada H.D.G. was delighted to speak in Bengali. Every afternoon for a couple weeks Srutakirti Prabhu would tell me that Prabhupada wanted to see me, and we would converse in Bengali.

Because I had been brought-up in the Gaudiya Math with Indian devotees, Srila Prabhupada knew that I had been exposed to esoteric information about Rupanuga-bhakti (the specific path of Rupa & Rati) and siddha-pranali. So Srila Prabhupada would sometimes quiz me to see what I knew about "manasa-seva" or "bhajan," and I would also ask H.D.G. to clarify or approve of things I had learned about 'the' subject.

During this brief Guru-sanga I had the good fortune to also 'work' directly with Srila Prabhupada. Humbly I suggested to H.D.G. that he could complete Srila Rupa Gosvami's Sri Upadesamrta very quickly because it was only 11 slokas. H.D.G. immediately asked me to bring my copy, and he took the book from my hand and then began right away. We started and basically completed the Upadesamrta with Srila Prabhupada over a period of two weeks in Mayapur.

While working on this book we also had further discussions about the main goals mentioned in the book (Nectar of Instruction by Srila Rupa Goswami). I stayed in the room next to Prabhupada which was shared by Satsvarupa Maharaj and Srutakirti Prabhu. Pandit Pradyumna Prabhu also gave invaluable help for the book, even though he was very busy working on Sri Caitanya Caritamrta. And not to forget Harikesa Swami for editing the original manuscript which I took to Bombay and then mailed to Srila Prabhupada in London. Jaya Ho!!!

Although I can't remember the exact sequence of events, I do recall the main points covered...

Some main points from all meetings:

ACBSP: So how is Bon (Vana) Maharaj?
HD: Busy with supporting his school, Gurudev.

ACBSP (in English): Yes, he is the "------" of the Institute of Oriental Philosophy (a pun on his title at I.O.P.)---Prabhupada laughs affectionately.

ACBSP: So what you have learned in Vrndavana?
HD: About Nitya-lila, Gurudev.

HD: Siddha-pranali, asta-kaliya-lila-smaran-bhajan. It is true, isn't it, Gurudev?

ACBSP: Yes, but who is siddha?
HD: One out of millions of seekers (quoted the verse BG, "manushyanam sahasresu..." But isn't the Nitya-lila our goal, Gurudev?

ACBSP: Yes, we are the followers of Rupa-Raghunath. This is the highest understanding, to be dasanudas in Radha-Krsna's lila.

HD: But what about siddha-pranali? How to qualify? Who will give?
ACBSP: Guru will give. You just chant Hare Krsna.

HD: (I mentioned the story of Chota Krsnadas, who tried to quit his body by jumping into Manasa-ganga, when he heard that only his Guru, who had already departed, could give him siddha-pranali)... How to receive this eternal information, Gurudev?
ACBSP: Guru will give. There is no material consideration about Guru is here or there. When you reach that level, Guru will give.

HD: Gurudev, what about manasa-seva, like the brahmana who burnt his finger in meditation? Isn't that bhajan?
ACBSP: Krsna makes no distinction. But if you serve Krsna by mind He will accept. That is sure!

HD: Gurudev, whenever I mention anything about Rupanuga bhakti many of my Godbrothers get angry and say it is all a bunch of Gaudiya Math nonsense, and you never taught that!
ACBSP: Everything is coming, they will also know it.

HD: Gurudev, is the "asta-kaliya-lila" by Kaviraj Goswami the real Nitya-lila detail?

HD: I would like to mention "asta-kaliya-lila" in this sloka 10 (Nectar of Instruction). So we can all know from you the highest goal. What do you think?
ACBSP: Yes, you put it.

HD: How about these two slokas from BRS (Krsnam-smaran... / Seva sadhaka rupena...) ? I think they will enhance this purport (NOI: sloka 8). Is that OK?

HD: Gurudev, what about rupanuga bhakti. What is the eternal relationship between us (disciples) and you?
ACBSP: (Prabhupada quotes the 2nd half of sloka 6 of Gurvastaka) Guru is serving under his master and you all can do likewise. In Nitya-lila every devotee thinks like that, that my master is the most dear to Radha-Krsna.

HD: So that means that my relationship with you is eternal, that it will continue in Nitya-lila?
ACBSP: Yes. *

HD: As manjaris?
ACBSP: Down to shakya.

HD: But for 'Rupanugas' isn't it always manjari-bhava?
ACBSP: Yes. That is the highest; but in the spiritual world there is no such distinction. Every one is KC, even the ------ (something like flowers or clouds, i.e., a santa-rasa example).

HD: Gurudev, is it true that Bhaktivinode's spiritual name is "......" manjari? And your Guru too, isn't he "...... ...... .......?"
ACBSP: Laughing! Oh, you have learned too much?

HD: I don't know anything, Gurudev, I have just heard about it. This is the main concern of devotees in the Gaudiya Math. It pains me to hear my godbrothers criticize your Godbrothers...
ACBSP: Who is saying like that?

HD: Many, Gurudev. They say there is only preaching. But what about Prabhupada (H.D.G. Srila Sarasvati Thakura), I heard he was a bhajan-anandi with no disciples. Kunja Vihari das (H.D.G. Tridandi-bikshu B.V. Tirtha Maharaj) found him and brought him out to preach. Isn't it?
ACBSP: Yes, my Guru Maharaj came out to preach.

HD: Wasn't he already in the Nitya-lila ? How about Gaura-kishore, didn't he have only one disciple?
ACBSP: Yes, but he was one disciple better than thousands of others. He was my Guru Maharaj. He was there (Nitya-lila) but he kindly "came down" to preach.

HD: What about your Godbrother, Krsnadas Babaji, he has no disciples?
ACBSP: "Akinchan" Krsnadas.

HD: Yes, Gurudev.
ACBSP: Their are two types of devotees, bhajan-anandi & ghostya-anandi. Babaji Maharaj is in bhajan.

HD: He is always chanting "Hare Krsna!"
ACBSP: Yes, that is his only business. He is akinchan.

HD: Gurudev, what is the meaning of "bodhayan atman-atmanam" at the end of Sri Brahma Samhita (V/59), does it mean that we realize KRSNA and our own svarupa simultaneously?

HD: What about realizing your svarupa, Gurudeva?
ACBSP: That is the same thing.

At that point I was thinking to ask Prabhupada what was his spiritual name in Nitya-lila, but I was afraid he might chastise me for asking such an exalted question, while in my obvious state of bondage.


so anyhow chapter one of Govinda Lilamrta covers Nisanta Lila the second chapter is Pratha lila and each Period is divided up into what is called Dandas so times 6.


This is a summary of Lord Caitanyas Astakaliya lilas first 2 parts by Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura: 


(1) First Period of the Day:
Pastimes at the End of the Night till Sunrise: 3:36 - 6:00 A.M.
6 Dandas of 24 minutes each

At the end of the night (before sunrise), Lord Gauranga gets up from His bed, washes His face and converses with His wife.

(2) Second Period of the Day:
Morning Pastimes:
6:00 - 8:24 A.M.
6 Dandas of 24 minutes each

In the morning , Lord Gauranga is massaged with oil and bathes in the celestial Ganga river, then worships Lord Vishnu.

for more see


your servant 

Paramananda das 

Chapter 2

Morning Pastimes Pratah lila from 6 to 8.24 am  



Chapters two to four deal with the morning pastimes, that last from 6 a.m. to 8.24 a.m.


SUMMARY OF THE MORNING PASTIMES: I take shelter of Shri Radha, who is sent for by the Queen of Vraja to cook for Krishna after bathing and ornamenting Herself with Her girlfriends. After cooking for Krishna in His abode She eats the remnants of His food. I also take shelter of Shri Krishna, who, after awakening, goes to the barn to milk His cows and is then bathed and fed along with His friends. (1)


Thus Paurnamasi, who is like a full moon of divine love, finished her morning duties and quickly came to the abode of the king of Vraja, her heart overwhelmed with love for Acyuta. She was delighted to see the abode of the king of Vraja, which looked just like Svetadvipa, Lord Vishnu's white Island, which gave great joy to the spectator with its beautiful courtyard sprinkled by drops of milk that splattered out from the churning of curd and butter, with its many people walking around, filled with loving affection and its interiors made wonderful with various kinds of jewels and flowing waves of milk. Here Acyuta slept on His playbed. (2-3)


Yasoda, the queen of Vraja, who was expert in knowing time and circumstances, saw Paurnamasi, who is like austerity personified, coming and joyfully got up to greet her. Mukunda's mother said: "0 Holy mother! 0 object of Vraja's worship! Welcome! Please come in! I bow down to you!", and bowed down to Paurnamasi, who embraced her. (4-5)


Eager to see Govinda, Paurnamasi blessed Yasoda and inquired after the welfare of herself, her son, her husband and their cows. The Queen of Vraja informed her of her welfare and then eagerly entered her son's bedroom with her. (6-7)


Then Gobhatta, Bhadrasena, Subala, Shri Stokakrishna, Arjuna, Shridama, Ujjvala, Dama, Kinkini, Sudama and other friends of Krishna quickly came out of their homes and joyfully joined Balarama in the courtyard, calling: "Krishna! Get up! Let's go to Your beloved cow pens!" (8)


Madhumangala, Krishna's brahmana-friend, got up from bed and said: "Hee hee! It's morning time! Why is our friend still sleeping, 0 friends? I will wake Him up!" (9)


Overcome by sleep and fatigue, Madhumangala stumbled into Han's bedroom and mumbled: "0 Friend, get up!" (10)


Although the Lord had actually awoken from hearing Madhumangala's call and although He wanted to get up, He couldn’t. His eyes were still rolling of sleep. (11)


 Then Mother Yasoda tried to awaken Han who slept on His jeweled bed just as the Vedas personified awaken Lord Han (Vishnu) when He sleeps on the jeweled bed of Ananta Sesa in a palace in the Milk ocean during the cosmic dissolution. She placed her left hand on the bed and, bending over, placing her weight on it, touched Krishna's body with her lotuslike right hand. She sprinkled the bed with tears of joy and milk trickling from her breasts, saying: "Wake up, my boy! Show us Your lotuslike face! 0 Boy! Although the cows had their calves already they will not give their milk unless they see You! Even so, Your father has gone to the barn alone without calling You, being afraid to disturb Your sleep! Get up, I shall wash Your mouth! Why are You wearing Balarama's blue cloth?" Saying this, mother Yasoda removed Radhika's blue cloth from Krishna's body with her hand. Then she told Paurnamasi: "0 Holy mother; look at my son's body, which is as soft as a lotus flower! It has been wounded by the sharp fingernails of His restless playmates in their wrestling games and colored by very wonderful mineral pigments. 0! 1 am so afflicted! What shall I do?" (12-16)

Comment : It is the nailmarks of Srimati Radharani on Krsnas transcedental body 



When Krishna heard His mother's astonished words filled with affection, His eyes became filled with bashful anxiety. Then Madhumangala, who was expert in causing laughter, seeing Krishna's anxiety, said to Krishna's mother, whose heart was moistened with affection: "It's true, mother! Although I always forbid them, these greedy friends (or: lusty girlfriends) always play rough games (amorous play) with Him in the groves!" (17-19)



Then Krishna showed the glory of His childhood, repeatedly opening His eyes with care, and, seeing His own mother in front of Him, closing them again with a smile on His lotuslike face. (20)



Paurnamasi, hearing these words of the Queen of Vraja and seeing Krishna's childhood-sports, which concealed a mood different from His mother's, smilingly told Krishna: "Since You are tired of constantly playing many great games with Your many (girl) friends, it is fitting, 0 pure-hearted boy, that You are sleeping now. But the calves will not drink their milk without seeing You, even though they are thirsty, 0 Lord of the tribe of Vraja, get up! Get up, 0 prince of the meadows! Look, Your older brother and Your friends have come to the courtyard close by. Although it is past time to go to the meadows, they are still waiting for You!" (21-23)


Stretching out His body, extending His hands tightened into fists, Krishna got up from bed, making a net of light beams with His teeth while yawning, His Tamala-tree'1ike blue body being tired of love plays. Krishna sat up on one side of the bed, placing His lotus feet on the ground. With faltering voice He yawned: "0 Holy lady, I offer My obeisances unto you!" (24-25)


Then His mother, who was overwhelmed with mature affection for her son, tied His soft loosened hair which was as beautiful as an abundance of black collyrium, from which the flowers had fallen, into a top knot. Then she took a golden jug which was standing in front of her, and washed her son's rolling eyes with the water. Then she happily wiped Him off with her apron. (26-27)


Krishna came out of the bedroom into the courtyard, holding Madhumangala's hand with His left hand and His flute in His right hand, being followed by His mother and Paurnamasi. (28)


With eyes blooming of love all the cowherd boyfriends of Krishna surrounded Him on the courtyard. One held His hand, another one the end of His cloth and some others tried to touch His body simultaneously. (29)


Mother Yasoda told Krishna: "0 Child, go to the meadows, feed milk to the calves, milk Your own surabhi cows and quickly return home for breakfast!" (30)


Thus Krishna quickly went to the barn with His friends on His mother's order. Then while they were on their way Madhumangala, who was expert in joking, looked up to the sky and said: "Friend, look! The sun is like a fisherman extending His net in the lake of the sky! Seeing this, the fish-like stars fearfully disappear! The moon (named mrganka, one who carries the mark of a deer on its globe), seeing the newly risen sun shaped like a mirage (mrga trsna) as a tiger (mrga bhaksa, eater of deer) enters into the mountain cave of moonset to save its own deer (svamrga). Friend, look! The sky is like a pregnant woman who presses the foetus of the moon out of her womb at the end of her term. The cooings of the pigeons sound like the painful cries of that woman, who gave up all of her ornaments (viz. the sky gives up her stars in the morning). (31-34)

comment: there is some hidden Rasika meaning but for that we will have to turn to the commentaries of the Acaryas 


"0 Lotus faced friend! This lotus flower is now smiling, after seeing the ocean-born moon, which, despite being its nourisher, is unfriendly, leaving the sky, being defeated by its own friend, the sun." (35)


After hearing these joking words from Madhumangala, all the cowherd boys, who were protected by the cowherders, laughed and entered their own barns. (36)


Just as the moon enters the night-sky with Venus and Jupiter, Gopala entered His barn along with Balarama and Madhumangala. The demigods took Balarama to be the Airavata-elephant, surrounded by His cows, that looked like the huge boulders of mount Kailasa. (38)


The people took Acyuta to be like a black bee amongst white lotus flowers as He stood amidst His cows that had their faces turned upwards. (39)


The moon of Vraja (Krishna) thus called all His cows by name again and again: "Hee hee, Gange! Godavari! Sabali! Kalindi! Dhavale! Hee hee! Dhumre! Tungi! Bhramari! Yamune! Hamsi! Kamale! Hee hee! Rambhe! Campe! Karini! Harini!" (40)


Placing His bodily weight on His toes and the milk vessel between His knees, the son of king Nanda milked a few cows Himself and let the other boys milk the rest of the cows. He gave great pleasure to His cows in the morning by affectionately scratching them. (41)



Meanwhile, in the village named Yavat, the old lady Mukhara (Kirtida's mother) woke up and rose from bed. Becoming eager to shower her granddaughter Radhika with the nectar of her affection, she went to Her bedroom. (42)


Although she was crooked by nature, Jatila, being eager to increase her son's wealth, arrived and told Mukhara: "0 Learned lady! Please dress and ornament my daughter-in-law and engage Her in the worship of the Sun god, so that my son's progeny, life span and wealth of millions of cows may increase! Paurnamasi, who knows how to increase our wealth, daily tells me that I should never violate Queen Yasoda's order and I should neglect the advise of ignorant fools! Therefore, 0 revered lady, ornament your granddaughter with auspiciousness, so that my son may gain all desired wealth!" (43-46)


Then Jatila told her daughter-in-law Radhika: "0 Child! Quickly get up from bed! Worship Your parental home, take a purifying bath and collect all Your paraphernalia for worshiping the Sun god!" (47)


Repeatedly telling herself: "0 how amazing! Morning has broken and still my granddaughter is sleeping", Mukhara, whose body melted of affection, entered Radha's bedroom and told Her: "0 my girl! Get up from bed now! 0 bewildered girl, have You forgotten that it is Sunday today? Take Your bath and quickly prepare Your paraphernalia for worshiping the Sun god with morning-oblations!" (48-49)


Visakha awoke from hearing Mukhara's words and quickly got up, despite the fact that she was still tired, saying: "My dear friend! Quickly get up! Get up!" (50)


Because of Mukhara's and Visakha's words, bewildered Radha woke up and fell asleep time after time. Her body, exhausted from love play, looked like a lordly swan swung by the moving waves of a pond. (51)


Then Shri Rati manjari, seeing her opportunity, began to serve the lotus feet of Her friend Radha, the princess of Vrndavana. (52)


Being repeatedly addressed by Visakha and Mukhara, Shri Radhika got up from bed. Then Mukhara, seeing Krishna's yellow cloth on Her, said with an anxious heart: "Visakhe, look! What is this? Yesterday-evening I saw this bright golden cloth on Murari's chest, but now your friend is wearing it! Alas, alas! How could this happen to a pure housewife?" (53-54)

comment: Who is Mukhara Gopi is the natural question this is explained in Srila Rupa Goswamis ,Radha Krsna Ganoddesa Dipika ;






Queen Patala-devi is Krsna's maternal grandmother and she is very famous in Vrajabhumi. Her hair is the white color of yogurt, her complexion is the pink color of a patala flower and her garments are green.


Patala-devi's dear friend is named Mukhara-gopi. Out of intense affection for her friend, Mukhara used to feed the infant Yasoda with her own breast milk.

Srila Raghunath das Goswami has glorified Mukhara Devi : Angrily placing many obstacles to stop Their amorous pastimes, Mukhara-devi only

increases the transcendental happiness of her two young grandchildren, Sri Sri Radha and

Krsna. I respectfully bow down before elderly Mukhara-devi, and I place her lotus feet

upon my head.


So she is like a grandmother to Radha Krsna and places obstacels to the pastimes of Radha Krsna just like Jatila.How these pastimes are manifested in Goloka Vrindavana ,we will see when we get there but for now we are focusing on the Vrindavana Bhauma lilas earthly pastimes.



Visakha, hearing these words, cast a quick glance on the yellow cloth and anxiously thought: "0, what is this?" Then she quickly told Mukhara: "0 naturally blind lady! The golden sunrays coming in through the window make my friend's blue cloth look golden also! 0 bewildered old lady! Why are you giving anxiety to pure-hearted girls?" (55-56)

Comment :Srimati  Visakhadevi    is stating that the  sunrays is making Srimati Radharanis sari  appear golden .In the Krsna Bhavanamrta Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura has explained this pastime in much more detail ,so I will not get into this pastime here ,unless someone ask me


Meanwhile, the sakhis headed by Lalita left their own homes and quickly came to see Shri Radhika with stumbling gait. (57)


Even before Shri Radhika got up, the maidservants were awaiting their mistress close to the bathing-dais. (58)


Then beautiful Radhika got up and sat down on a nice chair studded with various jewels, placed there by Her maidservants. Beautiful Lalita took all the ornaments from Her body as if she picked leaves and flowers from a golden vine. (60)


Meanwhile two washerman's daughters, named Manjistha and Rangavati came to their mistress with Her new clothes for the day. (61)


With scented powder from a mango leaf cup Radhika cleaned Her teeth that defy the splendor of crystal inset with rubies. (62)


With both hands Radhika held a golden tongue scraper and cleansed Her tongue. Then She sprinkled Her face with spoonfuls of water from a golden jug, brought in by a maidservant. (63)


After washing Her lotuslike mouth and hands, Radhika went to the bathing dais which was surrounded by golden water pots, taking the bathing clothes brought by the washermaids with Her. (64) After sitting on this soft golden dais which was covered by a thin sheet, Radhika was surrounded by Her expert attendants, who carried pots of oil to serve Her. (65)


Two manicure-girls named Sugandha and Nalini, who were expert in massaging with oil, applying foot lac and arranging the hair, arrived and lovingly rubbed Radhika's naturally cool and shining body with pleasant, fragrant and cool Narayana-oil and smeared it with various cooling pastes. They arranged Radhika's hair with fragrant ground Myrobalan-seeds and rubbed Her shining body with a fine towel. Then they showered Her completely. (66-68)


Then the sakhis joyfully bathed Shri Radhika with lukewarm, fragrant water from full golden jugs. They rubbed all the water drops from Her body with fine soft towels, squeezed the bathing water out of Her hair and dressed Her with two new garments. (69-70)


Then, coming on the ornamentation-dais, Radhika was ornamented by Her girlfriends as is suitable for the morning time, just as the goddess of youthful beauty is ornamented by the moods and gestures of conjugal acts. (71)


Lalita combed Radhika's glistening soft curly locks that were first dried off with fragrant smoke, with an ivory comb inset with many gems named Svastida. Then she hung a jeweled string with the spotless crest jewel of Sankhacuda, that was taken from him by Krishna and given to Her, at the tip of Her braid, which was filled with Bakula-flowers and strings of pearls. She bound this end with a rope with golden ornaments inset with Antabhaga-gems and bound Her front-hair up in a knot with red silken ribbons. (72-73)


Citra-sakhi lovingly tied a petticoat around Radhika's waist, that was as thin as a fist, with golden-reddish strings beautified with two silken tassles. On top of this coral-red petticoat she joyfully placed a dress as blue as blackbees, named Meghambara (cloud-dress). Then she joyfully hung a sash with bells strung on a golden string on Radhika's waist. On the end of this belt were many kinds of jewels as well as silken tassles of white, blue, red, yellow and green colours. (74-75)


Visakha devi smeared Shrimati's arms, breasts, chest and back with sandalwood paste mixed with aguru, vermilion and camphor. Then she drew the Kama-yantra tilaka on Shrimati's forehead with bright vermilion. On the sides of this tilaka she drew leaves of musk extending to Her cheeks and spots of sandalwood paste, amongst which again downward moonbeams of sandal paste mixed with musk were drawn. Then she made a stripe of bright sindura (red powder) on Radha's part. (76-77)


With musk Citra painted clusters of flowers, moonbeams, lotus flowers, capricorns and mango-leaves on Radhika's breasts with musk. Thus it looked as if Cupid, being disarmed by the bow of Shrimati's eyebrows, has placed his own signs of the Capricorn, arrows, weapons, flowers, fresh sprouts, moonbeams and bow in the storehouse of Her breasts and ran away. (78-79)


Just as the rainbow and the stars can beautify two mountains in the evening, Radhika's breasts were beautified by the red blouse with all kinds of jewels and pearls, which was placed there by Citra. (80)


Then Ranga devi hung ornaments made of golden palm leaves and lotus buds on Radhika's ears. In front of that she put small sapphire flowers that looked like black bees buzzing in front of two golden lotus buds. (81)


Above these ears Citra placed very charming hoop-earrings (disc-shaped hairpins) that shone like the sun. There were two big sapphires in them studded with rubies, gold and diamonds, and on the inside they were studded with many pearls. On the edges were two golden jars that were more brilliant than the sun. (82)


Visakha made a nice fresh musk-spot on Radhika's chin with a jeweled pencil. This spot beautified Her moonlike face as a black bee sitting on the edge of a lotus petal. (83)


The pearl on the tip of wide-eyed Radhika's nose, bound with a golden string, defeated the beauty of the ripe, tender leaved Lavani-fruit bitten by the beak of a parrot. (84)


Seeing Her friend Radhika's Cakora bird-like eyes were eager to drink the nectar of Krishna's spotless blue moonlike face, Visakha draw charming collyrium on them that shone just like Krishna's bodily luster. (85)


Visakha covered the signs of Han's hands on lotus-eyed Radha's neck with a spotless golden leaf-like ornament inset with various jewels, as if she was afraid of Han. Then she hung a golden Citra hamsa-gem inset with diamonds and sapphires, which is very solid in the middle, on Radhika's throat, bound to Her face with a string. After this she hung a necklace of very small pearls, named Gostana, with two golden beads swallowed by sapphire gems, a jeweled necklace strung with sapphires, moonstones, rubies and golden beads with pearls and coral in the middle, a necklace of different beautifully shining pearls with couples of lapis lazuli-beads, shining like golden Dhatrika-seeds, a gunja- necklace which Hari gave to Radhika from His own neck, being pleased with Her dancing and singing in the nocturnal Rasa festival, around Her neck as Krishna’s very own regal opulence raja Iaksmi ). She decorated Radhika's sky-like chest with the shining Ekavali-necklace, which was adorned with a thick pearl in the middle, looking like the rays of the moon in a galaxy of stars. She hung the gold-studded Catuski-medal, that was surrounded by diamonds, surrounding a centre piece with sapphires, that was again surrounded by many rubies swinging on very fine chains, on Radhika's chest. Thus all the pure silk tassels that tied up Radhika's necklaces hung on Her back one over the other. It looked so beautiful, as if the Creator had kindly built steps from Radhika's mountain-like buttocks leading up to Her snake-like braid. (86-94)


Visakha hung golden armlets with wreaths of nine bright jewels from which black silken strings with tassles hung, named Hari Rangada (giving sport to Hari) on Radha's arms. (95)


Lalita then decorated Shri Radhika with many artfully fashioned glistening sapphire bangles, that stole the beauty of a swarm of black bees that gather to drink the honey trickling from two red lotus flowers (Shri Radhika's hand palms) over two golden lotus stems. These sapphire bangles were placed along with a pair of golden bracelets studded with pearls, looking like Rahu with two sun globes that were meeting with the moon 5 reflection. These bracelets were again beautified by bright golden amulets with many strings of jewels, from which silk tassles were hanging on Radhika's wrists. (96-98)


Shrimati's finger ring, named Vipaksa mada mardini (she who defeats the pride of her enemies) had Her own name inscribed in it and was studded with various blazing stones. (99)


Then Visakha applied Radhika's beautiful small golden footbangles, whose Cataka-bird like sound removes the swan of Krishna's patience when He hears it, and that are studded with various shining jewels, on Her lotuslike feet She placed Radhika's ankle bells, that are teaching the swans in the Yamuna how to coo, and that are called Ratna Gopura, on Her feet. (100-101)


Sudevi placed Radhika's jeweled toe rings, whose handicraft astonished even the Creator, on Her toes. (102)


With her smiling lotus face Visakha placed a hand lotus given to her by Narmada, the garlandmaker's daughter, in lotus-eyed Radhika's lotus hand in the morning. (103)


The barber's daughter Sugandha, knowing her time (to serve) had come, showed Radhika Her own reflection in a jeweled mirror she held before Her. Seeing the reflection of Her body and Her dress, that were now fit to give joy to Krishna's eyes, in the mirror, Radhika became eager to meet Him. The dressing work of these best of girls will become successful if Her lover can see it! (104-105)

comment : the part of Srimati Radharani waking up is especially important for the manjaris or those who are aspiring for the service of the manjaris,for the rest of us we can read these descriptiones and become purified 


In the Govinda Lilamrta poem, which was the result of service to Shri Rupa Gosvami, who is like a honeybee at the lotusfeet of Shri Chaitanya, the blessings of Shri Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, the inspiration of Shri Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami and the association of Shri Jiva Gosvami, this was the second chapter, describing the early morning pastimes.

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