Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

In Vraja some Vaisnavas and especially among the Babajis they also often chant Gopal Sahasranama and Radha Sahasra Nama and 64 rounds of Japa 120 round or something in between some even more.There is no Vraja life without Gopal Sahasrana Nama and Radha Sahasra Nama it is that important to many Vrijabasis internal life there ,Srila Prabhupada often said we should follow the internal life of the Vrijabasis then we will also become Vrijabasis no matter where we are ,Vrijabasis offer obaisences toward Vraja when outside of Vraja, I saw that once in Mayapure, and the funny thing is Mayapure is also Vraja but hidden.But the sentiment is very sweet

Sri Gopala-sahasra-nama
(The Thousand Names of Sri Gopala, Lord Krishna)


Text 1

sri parvaty uvacha
kailasashikhare ramye
gauri prichchhati shankaram |
srishtisanharakarakah || 1||

sri-pärvaty uvächa
kailäsa-shikhare ramye
gauri pricchati shaìkaram
brahmändäkhila-näthas tvam

Sri Pärvati said: On the summit of Mount Kailäsa Goddess Gauri asked Lord Shiva: You are the master of the entire universe and its destroyer as well.

Text 2

tvam eva pujyase lokair
nityam pathasi devesha
kasya stotram maheshvara

You are worshiped by Brahmä, Vishnu, all the demigods, and all the worlds. O master of the demigods, O great master, what is this prayer that you recite again and again?

Text 3

äshcaryam idam atyantam
jäyate mama shaìkara
tat pränesha mahä-prajïa
samshayam chindhi shaìkara

O Shiva, a great feeling of wonder and surprise is now born within me. O master of my life, O wise one, O auspicious one, please cut apart my doubt.

Text 4

shri-mahädeva uväca
dhanyäsi krita-puëyäsi
pärvati präna-vallabhe
rahasyäti-rahasyam cha
yat pricchasi varänane

Lord Shiva said: O Pärvati, O beloved more dear than life, You are fortunate and saintly. O girl with the beautiful face, you have asked about the most secret of all secrets.

Text 5

shtri-svabhävän mahä-devi
punas tvam paripricchasi
gopaniyam gopaniyam
gopaniyam prayatnatah

O great goddess, with a woman's curiosity you have asked again and again. What I tell you should be kept secret. It should be kept secret. It should be kept secret with great care.

Text 6

datte ca siddhi-hänih syät
tasmäd yatnena gopayet
idam rahasyam paramam

Give it to someone and you will lose your spiritual perfections. Therefore please keep this secret with great care. This is a great secret that brings the final goal of life.

Text 7

turangam gajädikam
dadäti samaranäd eva

Remembering this prayer brings wealth, jewels, rubies, horses, elephants, and other possessions. It also brings great liberation.

Text 8

tat te 'ham sampravakshyämi
shrinushv avihitä priye
yo 'sau niranjano devash
chit-svarüpi janärdanah

I will tell this to you. O beloved, please listen carefully. Lord Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His form is spiritual. He is never touched by matter.

Text 9

käranäya sadä nrinäm
trailokyam vyäpya tishöhati

In order to rescue the people from the ocean of repeated birth and death, again and again He appears in the form of Lord Ranganätha and the forms of countless other Deities in every corner of the three worlds.

Texts 10 and 11

tato lokä mahä-mudhä
nishcayam nädhigacchanti
punar näräyaëo harih

niranjano niräkäro
bhaktänäm priti-käma-dah
gopälam rüpam udvahan

The great fools of this world have no devotion for Lord Vishnu. They do not understand that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Always untouched by matter, the Supreme Lord, who is known as Näräyana and Hari and who delights His devotees, manifests His form as a cowherd boy to enjoy pastimes in the land of Vrindävana.

Text 12

rädhäyai pritim ävahan
amshämshebhyah samunmilya

Playing on a flute, He brings great happiness to Sri Rädhä. His incarnations, partial incarnations, and the parts of His partial incarnations are all present in that form of a cowherd boy.

Text 13

shri-krishnachandro bhagavän
dharini-rüpini mätä

That cowherd boy is Sri Krishnachandra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is the son of the cowherd Nanda. His mother is Yashodä, who was the goddess Dharä and who brings great happiness.

Text 14

dväbhyäm prayächito nätho
devakyäm vasudevatah
brähmanäbhyarthito devo
devair api sureshvari

O queen of the demigods, requested by Brahmä, the demigods, and His parents, the Supreme Personality of Godhead became the son of Vasudeva and Devaki.

Text 15

jäto 'vaëyäm mukundo 'pi
tayä särdhaà vacaù kåtvä
tato jäto mahi-tale

In this way the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the giver of liberation, was born on the earth. He breathed the Vedas into His flute. With His flute He spoke. In this way He was born on the earth.

Text 16

shyämalam mahad ujjvalam
etaj jyotir aham vaidya
cintayämi sanätanam

I meditate on Him, the eternal dark splendor that is the treasure of the earth.

Text 17

gaura-tejo vinä yas tu
shyäma-tejah samarchayet
japed vädhyayate väpi
sa bhavet pätaki shive

O auspicious one, a person who worships, glorifies, or studies the dark splendor that is Lord Krishna but does not worship, glorify, or study the fair splendor that is Sri Rädhä finds that he lives in hell.

Text 18

sa brahma-hä suräpi cha
svarna-steyi cha pancamah
etair doshair vilipyeta
tejo bhedän maheshvari

O great goddess, a person who thinks Rädhä and Krishna are different becomes a brähmana-murderer, a wine-drinker, a thief of gold, and an outcaste. He becomes contaminated with all these sins.

Text 19

tasmäj jyotir abhüd dvedhä
tasmäd idam mahä-devi
gopälenaiva bhäsitam

The splendid Supreme Personality of Godhead is manifest in two forms. He is both Rädhä and Krishna. O great goddess, in this way the Lord is manifest as a cowherd boy.

Text 20

durväsaso muner mohe
kärttikyäm räsa-mandale
tatah prishtavati rädhä
sandeham bhedam ätmanah

When Durväsä Muni was bewildered by the räsa dance in the month of Kärttika, Sri Rädhä asked a question to break his doubt.

Text 21

niranjanät samutpannam
mayädhitam jagan-mayi
shri-krishnena tatah proktam
rädhäyai näradäya cha

O queen of the universe, then Lord Krishna explained the pure spiritual truth to Rädhä, Närada, and me.

Text 22

tato näradatah sarva-
viralä vaishnaväs tatah
kalau jänanti deveshi
gopaniyam prayatnatah

In Kali-yuga all the sincere Vaishnavas learned this truth from Närada. O queen of the demigods, please keep this secret carefully.

Text 23

shathäya kripanäyathä
dambhikäya sureshvari
brahma-hatyäm aväpnoti
tasmäd yatnena gopayet

O queen of the demigods, this truth should not be given to a wicked person, a miser, or a person filled with pride. One who does so commits the sin of killing a brähmana. Therefore, please keep this secret carefully.

Text 24

om asya shri-gopäla-sahasra-näma-stotra-mahä-mantrasya. shri-närada rishih. anushtup chandah. shri-gopälo devatä. käma-bijam. mäyä-shaktih. candrah kilakam. shri-krishnachandra-bhakti-rüpa-phala-präptaye shri-gopäla-sahasra-näma-stotra-jape viniyogah. athavä om aim klim bijam. shrim hrim shaktih. shri-vrindävana-niväsah kilakam. shri-rädhä-priyam param brahmeti mantrah. dharmädi-catur-vidha-purushärtha-siddhy-arthe jape viniyogah. om närada-rishaye namah shirasi. anushtup-chandase namo mukhe. shri-gopäla-devatäyai namo hridaye. klim kilakäya namo näbhau hrim shaktaye namo guhye. shrim kilakäya namah padayoh. klim krishnäya govindäya gopijana-vallabhäya svähä. iti mula-mantrah.

Om. This is the great mantra that is the prayer of the thousand names of Lord Gopäla. The sage of this prayer is Närada Muni. The meter is anushtup. The Deity is Lord Gopäla. The bija-syllable is the Käma-bija. The potency is Yogamäyä. The kilaka is Chandra. The prayer of the thousand names of Lord Gopäla is chanted to attain the result of devotion to Lord Krishnachandra.

The alternate bija-syllable is Om aim klim. Then the potency is Srim Hrim. The kila is Sri Vrindävana-niväsa. This mantra glorifying the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is dear to Sri Rädhä, is chanted to attain the four goals of life, which begin with piety.

On the head is chanted "Om närada-rishaye namah" (Obeisances to Närada Muni). On the mouth is chanted anushtup-chandase namah (obeisances to the meter anushthup). Over the heart is chanted "Sri Gopäla-devatäyai namah" (Obeisances to Lord Gopäladeva). On the navel is chanted "klim kilakäya namah". Over the private parts is chanted, "hrim shaktaye namah". Over the feet is chanted, "Srim kilakäya namah". Then is chanted, "klim krishnaya govindäya gopijana-vallabhäya svähä". That is the müla-mantra.

Text 25

om kläm anugushthäbhyäm namah. om klim tarjanibhyäm namah. om klum madhyamäbhyäm namah. om klaim anämikäbhyäm namah. om klaum kanishthikäbhyäm namah. om klah kara-tala-kara-prishöhäbhyäm namah. om kläm hridayäya namah. om klim shirase svähä. om klum shikhäyai vashat. om klaim kavachäya hum. om klaum netra-trayäya vaushat. om klah asträya phat.

Then is chanted, "Om klim anugushthäbhyäh namah (obeisances to the thumb), "om klim tarjanibhyäm namah" (obeisances to the forefinger), "om klum madhyamäbhyäm namah" (obeisances to the middle finger), "om klaim anämikäbhyäm namah" (obeisances to the ring finger), "om klaum kanishthikäbhyäm namah" (obeisances to the little finger), "om klah kara-tala-kara-prishthäbhyäm namah" (obeisances to the palms of the hands), "om kläm hridayäya namah" (obeisances to the heart), "om klim shirase svähä" (obeisances to the head), "om klum shrikhäyai vashaha" (obeisances to the shikhä), "om klaim kavachäya hum" (obeisances to the armor), "om klaum netra-trayäya vaushaha" (obeisances to Lord Shiva. who has three eyes), and "om klam asträya phaha".

Text 26

atha mula-mantra-nyäsah.

klim aìgushthäbhyäm namah. krishnäya tarjanibhyäm namah. govindäya madhyamäbhyäm namah. gopijana anämikäbhyäm namah. vallabhäya kanishthikäbhyäm namah. svähä kara-tala-kara-prishthäbhyäm namah. iti kara-nyäsah.


Klim aìgushthäbhyäm namah (the thumbs). Krishnäya tarjanibhyäm namah (the forefingers). Govindäya madhyamäbhyäm namah (the middle fingers). Gopijana anämikäbhyäm namah (the ring fingers). Vallabhäya kanishthikäbhyäm namah (the little fingers). Svähä kara-tala-kara-prishthäbhyäm namah (the palms of the hands). These are the kara-nyäsas.

Text 27

atha hridayädi-nyäsah.

klim hridayäya namah. krishnäya shirase svähä. govindäya shikhäyai vashat. gopijana kavacäya hum. vallabhäya netra-trayäya vaushat. svähä asträya phat. iti hridayädi-nyäsah.

Nyäsas Over the Heart and Other Places

Klim hridayäya namah (the heart). Krishnäya shirase svähä (the head). govindäya shikhäyai vashat (the shikhä). Gopijana kavacäya hum (the armor). Vallabhäya netra-trayäya vaushat. Svähä asträya phat. These are the nyäsas over the heart and other places.

Text 28

atha dhyänam.
om. kasturi-tilakam laläta-patale vakshah-sthale kaustubham
näsägre vara-mauktikam kara-tale venum kare kaìkanam
sarväìge hari-candanam su-lalitam kanthe ca muktävali
gopa-stri-pariveshtito vijayate gopäla-cudä-manih


Om. All glories to the crest jewel of cowherd boys, who has a musk tilaka-mark on His forehead, a Kaustubha jewel on His chest, a graceful pearl on the tip of His nose, a flute in His hand, a bracelet on His wrist, graceful sandal paste on all His limbs, and a necklace of pearls on His neck, and who is surrounded by a host of gopis.

Text 29

phullendivara-käntim indu-vadanam barhävatämsa-priyam
shrivatsänkam udära-kaustubha-dharam pitämbaram sundaram
gopinäm nayanotpalärcita-tanum go-gopa-sanghävritam
govindam kala-venu-vädana-param divyäìga-bhusham bhaje

I worship Lord Govinda, who is splendid like a blossoming blue lotus, whose face is like the moon, who is charming with a peacock-feather crown, who bears the mark of Srivatsa, who wears a great Kaustubha jewel, who is handsome in yellow garments, whose form is worshiped by the gopis' lotus eyes, who is surrounded by cows and cowherd boys, who sweetly plays the flute, and whose limbs are splendid with ornaments.

Sri Gopala-sahasra-nama

Text 1

om klim devah kämadevah
shri-gopälo mahi-pälo

Om. Klim. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is handsome like Kämadeva. He is the crest jewel of Kämadevas. He is a handsome cowherd boy (sri-gopäla), the protector of the earth (mahi-päla), the learned scholar who has gone to farther shore of all the Vedas (sarva-vedänta-päraga).

Text 2

dharani-pälako dhanyah
pundarikah sanätanah
go-patir bhü-patih shastä
prahartä vishvato-mukhah

He is the protector of the earth (dharani-pälaka), glorious (dhanya), graceful like a blue lotus flower (pundarika), eternal (sanätana), the master of the cows (go-pati), the master of the earth (bhu-pati), the great ruler (shastä), the destroyer (prahartä), and He is all-pervading (visvato-mukha).

Text 3

ädi-kartä mahä-kartä
mahä-kälah pratäpavän
jagaj-jivo jagad-dhätä
jagad-bhartä jagad-vasuh

He is the original creator (ädi-kartä), the great creator (mahä-kartä), great time (mahä-käla), the most powerful (pratäpavän), the life of the universe (jagaj-jiva), the maintainer of the universe (jagad-dhätä and jagad-bhartä), and the wealth of the universe (jagad-vasu).

Text 4

matsyo bhimah kuhu-bhartä
hartä varäha-murtimän
näräyano hrishikesho
govindo garuda-dhvajah

He is the fish-incarnation (matsya), fearsome (bhima), the master of the new-moon (kuhu-bhartä), He who takes away everything (hartä), the boar-incarnation (varäha-murtimän), the resting place of all living entities (näräyana), the master of the senses (hrishikesa), the Lord who pleases the cows, land, and senses (govinda), and the Lord whose flag is marked with the sign of Garuda (garuda-dhvaja).

Text 5

gokulendro mahä-candrah
sharvari priya-kärakah

He is the moon of Gokula (gokulendra), the great moon (mahä-candra), the night (sarvari), charming (priya-käraka), the Lord whose restless eyes glance at the goddess of fortune (kamalä-mukha-loläksha), and splendid like a blue lotus flower (pundarika-subhävaha).

Text 6

durväsäh kapilo bhaumah
govindo gopatir gotrah

He is is Durväsä (durväsä), Kapila (kapila), the ruler of the earth (bhauma), the holy place where the Gangä meets the ocean (sindhu-sägara-sangama), the Lord who pleases the cows, land, and senses (govinda), the master of the cows (gopati), the protector of the cows (gotra), and a flood of love flowing in the Yamunä (kälindi-prema-puraka).

Text 7

gopa-svämi gokulendro
dätä däridrya-bhaïjanah

He is the master of the cowherds (gopa-svämi), the king of Gokula (gokulendra), the Lord who granted a boon to Govardhana (govardhana-vara-prada), the protector of Nanda and the other people of Gokula (nandädi-gokula-trätä), the generous philanthropist (dätä), and the Lord who breaks poverty (däridrya-bhaïjana).

Text 8

sarva-maìgala-dätä ca
ädi-kartä mahi-bhartä

He is the giver of all auspiciousness (sarva-maìgala-dätä), the fulfiller of all desires (sarva-käma-pradäyaka), the original creator (ädi-kartä), the maintainer of the earth (maha-bhartä), and the father of all rivers and oceans (sarva-sägara-sindhu-ja).

Text 9

gaja-sämi gajoddhäri
kämi käma-kalä-nidhih
kalaìka-rahitash candro
bimbäsyo bimba-sattamah

He is powerful like an elephant (gaja-sämi and gajoddhäri), passionate (kämi), a treasury of amorous arts (käma-kalä-nidhi), pure (kalaìka-rahita), splendid like the moon (candra), with a face splendid like the moon (bimbäsya), and splendid like the moon (bimba-sattama).

Text 10

mälä-kärah kripä-kärah
rämo nilämbaro devo
hali durdama-mardanah

He is expert at making flower garlands (mälä-kära), merciful (kripä-kära), decorated with a voice like the cuckoos' singing (kokila-svara-bhushana), Lord Balaräma (räma), dressed in blue garments (nilämbara), the Supreme Personality of Godhead (deva), the holder of the plow (hali), and the crusher of the invincible (durdama-mardana).

Text 11

shivah shivatamo bhettä

He is the Lord who broke the city of thousand-eyed Indra (sahasräksha-puri-bhettä), the killer of the great Marici (mahä-märici-näsana, (auspicious - shiva), most auspicious (shivatama), the great destroyer (bhettä), and worshiped by powerful enemies (baläräti-präpujaka).

Text 12

kumäri vara-däyi ca
varenyo mina-ketanah
naro näräyano dhiro
rädhä-patir udära-dhih

He is soft and gentle (kumäri), the giver of boons (vara-däyi), the best (varenya), handsome like Kämadeva (mina-ketana), the Lord whose form is like that of a human being (nara), the resting place of all living entities (näräyana), saintly (dhira), the master of Rädhä (rädhä-pati), and generous at heart (udära-dhi).

Text 13

sripatih srinidhih srimän
mäpatih pratiräjahä
vrindäpatih kula-grämi
dhämi brahma-sanätanah

He is the master of the goddess of fortune (sripatih), an ocean of handsomeness, glory, and opulence (srinidhi), handsome and glorious (srimän), the master of the goddess of fortune (mäpati), the destroyer of enemy kings (pratiräjahä), the master of Vrindä-devi (vrindäpati), the leader of the village (kula-grämi), splendid (dhämi), and the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead (brahma-sanätana).

Text 14

revati-ramano rämash
cancalash cäru-locanah
rämayana-shariro 'yam
rämi rämah sriyahpatih

He enjoys pastimes with Revati (revati-ramana), and He is Lord Balaräma (räma). He is restless (cancala), and has handsome eyes (cäru-locana). His transcendental form is the home of Lord Räma's pastimes (rämayana-sharira). He is Lord Räma (rämi and räma), and He is the master of the goddess of fortune (sriyahpati).

Text 15

sharvarah çarvari sharvah

He is night (sarvara and sarvari). He is all-pervading (sarva). He brings auspiciousness everywhere (sarvatra-shubha-däyaka). He worships Sri Rädhä (rädhärädhayitä). He is the supreme object of worship (ärädhi). He delights Rädhä's heart (rädhä-citta-pramodaka).

Text 16

rädhä-vashi-karo rädhä-

He enjoys pastimes with Rädhä (rädhä-rati-sukhopeta). He is enchanted by Rädhä (rädhä-mohana-tat-para). He has Rädhä under His control (rädhä-vasi-kara). He is a bee attracted to the lotus of Sri Rädhä's heart (rädhä- hridayämbhoja-shatpada).

Views: 430

Comment by Paramananda das on February 6, 2022 at 10:33pm
Comment by Paramananda das on February 6, 2022 at 10:33pm

here is the rest of the Gopala Sahasra Nama

Comment by Paramananda das on February 6, 2022 at 10:34pm

translated by Sriman Kusakratha Prabhu


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