dear Vaisnavas
Please accept my humble obaisences
all glories to the lotusfeet of my Gurudeva and our glorious Guruparampara all glories to Lord Caitanya and all His associates all glories to Lord Sri Krsna and His associates
all glories to Srila Prabhupada
.During Vraja Mandal Parikrama
and Kartika in general this Mathura Mahatmya is a must read book along with Vrindavan Mahimamrta ,for those who can appreciate the great glories of Vraja Dham and for those who wants to better appreciate Vraja Dham..…/Rupa_Goswami/Mathu... Srila Rupa Goswami has explained in details about the glories of Mathura
May Sri Vraja Mandal bless us all
your servant
Paramananda das
sometimes it is said if one is fully KC one gets the benefit of staying in Mathura (or Vraja Mandal ) however knowing the glories Mathura is a must for devotees going back to Godhead :
this is a glorious chapter from the 5th canto of Garga Samhita .Lord Caitanya also recommended either staying in Vrindavana or Mathura as one of the 5 most powerful aspect of bhakti or at least mentally stay in Mathura/Vrindavana, reading and understanding these subjects frees one from Samsara and elevates one go Goloka Vrindavana:
Adi Varaha ,Mathura
Chapter Twenty-five
Shri Mathura-mahatmya
The Glories of Shri Mathura
Text 1
shri-bahulashva uvaca
akasmad agate rame
tatra tirtham idam shrutam
aho madhu-puri dhanya
yatra sannihitash ca sah
shri-bahulashva uvaca—Shri Bahulashva said; akasmat—suddenly; agate—arrived; rame—Lord Balarama; tatra—there; tirtham—holy place; idam—this; shrutam—heard; ahah—Oh; madhu-puri—Mathura; dhanya—glorious; yatra—where; sannihitah—staying; ca—and; sah—He.
Shri Bahulashva said: I have heard that Lord Balarama quickly returned to glorious Mathura City, where He stays eternally.
Text 2
mathurayas tu ko devah
kah kshatta kash ca rakshati
kash carah ko mantri-varah
kair bhumis tatra sevita
mathurayah—of Mathura; tu—indeed; kah—who?; devah—the Deity; ka—who?; kshatta—the gatekeeper; kah—who?; ca—and; rakshati—protects; kah—who?; carah—the spy; kah—who?; mantri-varah—the counselor; kaih—by whom?; bhumih—the ground; tatra—there; sevita—is served.
Who is the Deity of Mathura? Who is Mathura's gatekeeper? Who protects Mathura? Who brings news to Mathura? Who is the counselor in Mathura? Who worships the ground of Mathura?
Text 3
shri-narada uvaca
paripurnatamah sakshac
chri-krishno bhagavan harih
svayam hi mathura-nathah
keshavah klesha-nasanah
shri-narada uvaca—Shri Narada said; paripurnatamah—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sakshac—directly; chri-krishnah—Shri Krishna; bhagavan—the Lord; harih—Hari; svayam—personally; hi—indeed; mathura-nathah—the Lord of Mathura; keshavah—Krishna; klesha-nasanah—the destroyer of sufferings.
Shri Narada said: Shri Krishna, the perfect Supreme Personality of Godhead, who destroys all sufferings, is the Deity of Mathura.
Text 4
sakshad bhagavata praptah
kapilaya dvijaya ca
kapilah pradadau yam vai
prasannah shata-manyave
sakshat—directly; bhagavata—by ther Supreme Personality of Godhead; praptah—attained; kapilaya—to Kapila; dvijaya—the brahmana; ca—and; kapilah—Kapila; pradadau—gave; yam—the Deity; vai—indeed; prasannah—happy; shata-manyave—to Shatamanyu.
The Lord Himself gave this Deity to the brahmana Kapila, and kind Kapila gave the Deity to Shatamanyu.
Note : this Deity is Ad Varaha
Text 5
jitva devan rakshasendro
ravano loka-ravanah
yam stutva pushpake sthapya
lankayam tam apujayat
jitva—conquering; devan—the demigods; rakshasendrah—the king of the demons; ravanah—Ravana; loka-ravanah—who made the entire world cry; yam—Whom; stutva—offering prayers; pushpake—on a flower chariot; sthapya—placing; lankayam—in Lanka; tam—Him; apujayat—worshiped.
After he had conquered the demiogds, the demon-king Ravana, who made the world cry, offered prayers to this Deity, placed Him on a flower-airplane, and worshiped Him in Lanka.
Text 6
jitva lankam raghavendras
tam aniya prayatnatah
ayodhyayam ca varaham
arcayam asa maithila
jitva—conquering; lankam—Lanka; raghavendrah—Lord Ramacandra; tam—Him; aniya—taking; prayatnatah—carefully; ayodhyayam—in Ayodhya; ca—and; varaham—in Varaha-kalpa; arcayam asa—worshiped; maithila—O king of Mithila.
O king of Mithila, when He conquered Lanka, Lord Ramacandra carefully took this Deity of Lord Varaha and worshiped Him in Ayodhya.
my comments: Shatrugna Lord Ramachandras brother worshipped Lord Varaha in Mathura ,there is 2 Varaha Murtis in Mathura one is Adi Varaha and one is Sveta Varaha
Actually Lord Varaha spoke the Varaha Purana to Mother Earth ,Bhumi after He had saved her from Hiranyaksa ,this was in Satya Yuga because Lord Narasimha killed Hiranyakasipu in Satya Yuga and they where brothers Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu. So in Treta Yuga Lord Varahas worship came to Mathura.So though Mathura is Krsnas eternal abode as we read in vers 8 Lord Varaha is the counselor to those who reside in Mathura.Thus after we take bath at Visrama ghata in Mathura ,we should pay obaisences to Lord Varaha in His 2 forms .
Text 7
stutva ramam ca shatrughno
yam aniya prayatnatah
mathurayam maha-puryam
sthapayitva nanama ha
stutva—offering prayers; ramam—to Lord Ramacandra; ca—and; shatrughnah—Shatrughna; yam—whom; aniya—taking; prayatnatah—carefully; mathurayam—to Mathura; maha-puryam—the great city; sthapayitva—establishing; nanama—bowed down; ha—indeed.
After offering prayers to Lord Ramacandra, Shatrughna carefully took this Deity, placed Him in the great city of Mathura, and bowed down to offer His respects.
Text 8
sevito mathuraih sarvaih
sarvesham ca vara-pradah
sakshat kapila-varahah
so 'yam mantri-varah smritah
sevitah—served; mathuraih—by the people of Mathura; sarvaih—all; sarvesham—to all; ca—and; vara-pradah—granting benedictions; sakshat—directly; kapila-varahahKapila-Varaha; sah—he; ayam—he; mantri-varah—the best counselor; smritah—is considered.
All the people of Mathura worship this Deity. This Deity gives blessings to all. Kapila-Varaha is the counselor of Mathura.
Text 9
kshatta shri-mathurayash ca
namna bhuteshvarah shivah
dattva dandam patakine
bhakty-arthan mantratam vrajat
kshatta—the gatekeeper; shri-mathurayah—of Shri Mathura; ca—and; namna—by name; bhuteshvarah—Bhuteshvara; shivah—Shiva; dattva—giving; dandam—a stick; patakine—to a sinner; bhakty-arthan—for the devotees; mantratam—advice; vrajat—going.
The gatekeeper of Shri Mathura is an incarnation of Lord Shiva named Bhuteshvara. He punishes the sinful and instructs the devotees.
Text 10
candika tu maha-vidya
devi durgarti-nashini
simharudha sada raksham
mathurayah karoti hi
candika—ferocious; tu—indeed; maha-vidya—the great philosopher; devi—the goddess; durga—Durga; arti—sufferings; nashini—destroying; simharudha—riding on a lion; sada—always; raksham—protection; mathurayah—of Mathura; karoti—does; hi—indeed.
Ferocious Goddess Durga, who is the personification of transcendental knowledge and who destroys all sufferings, rides a lion and eternally protects Mathura.
Comment: Both Lord Siva in his many forms is eternally situated in Mathura and Durga that even advised Kamsa that Krsna had been born somewhere else is eternally in Mathura to bless Krsnas devotees
Text 11
caro 'ham mathurayash ca
pashyal lokan itas tatah
vadami vartam sarvesham
shri-krishnaya mahatmane
carah—messenger; aham—I am; mathurayah—of Mathura; ca—and; pashyan—seeing; lokan—the worlds; itah—here; tatah—and there; vadami—I tell; vartam—the news; sarvesham—of all; shri-krishnaya—to Lord Krishna; mahatmane—the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
I bring news to Mathura. I observe what happens in the different planets, and I tell Lord Krishna all the news.
Text 12
madhye vai mathura devi
shubhada karunamayi
bubhukshitebhyah sarvebhyo
dadaty annam videha-raö
madhye—in the middle; vai—indeed; mathura—Mathura; devi—Goddess; shubhada—auspciious; karunamayi—merciful; bubhukshitebhyah—to the hungry; sarvebhyah—all; dadati—gives; annam—food; videha-raö—O king of Videha.
O king of Videha, in the middle of the city is auspicious and kind Goddess Mathura, who feeds all that are hungry.
comment: Mathura must be seen as a mother , when Krsna performed His pastimes in Mathura the gopis and gopas meditated on Krsnas pastimes in Mathura thinking when will He come back to us...Mathuradevi is the personification of of Mathura
Text 13
catur-bhuja shyamalanga
vrajanti pravrajanti ca
mathurayam mritam netum
vimanaih krishna-parshadah
catur-bhuja—with four arms; shyamalanga—dark forms; vrajanti—go; pravrajanti—comes; ca—and; mathurayam—in Mathura; mritam—dead; netum—to bring; vimanaih—with airplanes; krishna—of Lord Krishna; parshadah—the associates.
Dark-complexioned four-armed associates of Lord Krishna go here and there in Mathura to bring anyone who dies there to the spiritual world.
comment: Those who die in Mathura goes back to Godhead and Krsna sends His associates to bring such a soul by the hand to His supreme abode
Text 14
mathura vai maha-puri
yasya darshana-matrena
naro yati kritarthatam
shri-krishnasya—of Shri Krishna; anga—from the body; sambhuta—manifested; mathura—Mathura; vai—indeed; maha-puri—the great city; yasya—of which; darshana-matrena—simply by seeing; narah—a person; yati—attains; kritarthatam—the goal of life.
Simply by seeing Mathura City, which was manifested from Lord Krishna's transcendental form, one attains the goal of life.
comment: The glories of Mathura is described in the Puranas and Srila Rupa Goswami compiled the glories of Mathura in his book ,Mathura Mahatmya.One should not neglect visiting Mathura even if one comes to Vrindavana.
Text 15
pura vidhih shri-mathuram upetya
taptva tapo varsha-shatam nirannah
japan harim brahma param svayambhuh
svayambhuvam prapa sutam pravinam
pura—previously; vidhih—Brahma; shri-mathuram—to Shri Mathura; upetya—going; taptva—performed; tapah—austerities; varsha-shatam—for a hundred years; nirannah—without food; japan—chanting; harim—Lord Krishna; brahma—Brahma; param—then; svayambhuh—the self-born; svayambhuvam—to Svayambhuva Manu; prapa—attained; sutam—sun; pravinam—intelligent.
In the past the demigod Brahma went to Shri Mathura, where for a hundred years he performed austerities, constantly chanting the holy names of Lord Krishna, and not eating anything. The result of these austerities was that he fathered a very intelligent son: Svayambhuva Manu.
Text 16
bhuteshvaro deva-varah sati-patis
taptva tapo divya-sharan-madhor vane
krishna-prasadan nripa-raja sa-tvaram
tasyah pure mathura-mandalasya
bhuteshvarah—Lord Shiva; deva-varah—the best of the demigods; sati-patih—the husband of Sati; taptva—perfoming; tapah—austerities; divya-sharat—for an autumn of the demigods; madhor vane—in Mathura; krishna-prasadan—Lord Krishna's mercy; nripa-raja—O king of kings; sa-tvaram—quickly; tasyah—of that; pure—in the city; mathura-mandalasya—of Mathura.
O king of kings, Lord Shiva, who is the husband of Sati and the best of the demigods, performed austerities in Mathura for an autumn of the demigods. In this way He attained Lord Krishna's mercy and became the gatekeeper of Mathura.
Text 17
krishna-prasadad aham eva caro
bhraman sada mathura-mandalasya
tatha hi durga mathuram prayati
shri-krishna-dasyam prakaroti nunam
krishna-prasadat—by Lord Krishna's mercy; aham—I; eva—indeed; carah—the messenger; bhraman—wandering; sada—always; mathura-mandalasya—of Mathura; tatha—so; hi—indeed; durga—Durga; mathuram—to Mathura; prayati—goes; shri-krishna-dasyam—service to Lord Krishna; prakaroti—does; nunam—indeed.
By Lord Krishna's mercy I wander everywhere as the person that carries news to Mathura. By Lord Krishna's mercy Goddess Durga comes to Mathura and serves Lord Krishna.
Text 18
taptva tapah shakra-padam ca shakrah
suryo manum nitya-nidhim kuverah
pashi ca pasham samavapya samyan
madhor vane vishnu-padam dhruvash ca
taptva tapah—performing austerities; shakra-padam—the post of Indra; ca—and; shakrah—Indra; suryah—Surya; manum—Manu; nitya-nidhim—eternal wealth; kuverah—Kuvera; pashi—varuna; ca—and; pasham—ropes; samavapya—attaining; samyak—completely; madhor vane—in Mathura; vishnu-padam—the abode of Lord Vishnu; dhruvah—Dhruva; ca—and.
By performing austerities in Mathura, Indra attained his heavenly post, Surya attained Vaivasvata Manu as his son, Kuvera attained eternal wealth, Varuna attained his ropes, and Dhruva attained the realm of Lord Vishnu.
Text 19
tathambarishah samavapa muktim
somo 'kshayam va lavanaj jayam ca
raghush ca siddhim kila citraketus
taptva tapo 'traiva madhor vane ca
tatha—so; ambarishah—Ambarisha; samavapa—attained; muktim—liberation; somah—Soma; akshayam—inviciblitiy; va—or; lavanat—from Lavana; jayam—victory; ca—and; raghuh—Raghu; ca—and; siddhim—perfection; kila—indeed; citraketuh—Citraketu; taptva tapah—perfomring austerities; atra—here; eva—indeed; madhor vane—in Mathura; ca—and.
By performing austerities in Mathura, Ambarisha attained liberation, Satrughna became invincible and defated the demon Lavana, Raghu attained perfection, and Citraketu also attained perfection.
comment: Maharaja Ambarisha was a king of Mathura in Treta Yuga and attained perfection in Bhakti by performing all limps of bhakti in Mathura, Satrughna defeated the powerful demon Lavanasura in Madhuvana near to Mathura /Ambarish Mahajara was the king of Mathura is Satya yuga and Durvasa Munis asrama is on the other side of Mathura .Durvasa Muni is actually a Brijabasi and his asrama is there still in Gokula on the other side of Mathura ,he played a role in so many of the Lords pastimes, he also met Sri Krsna and Radha and the Gopis ,this is explained in Gopal Tapani Upanisad
Text 20
taptva tapo 'traiva madhor vane shubhe
bhutva balishöhash ca madhur mahasurah
shri-madhave masi ca madhavena
yuyodha yuddhe madhusudanena sah
taptva tapah—performing austerities; atra—here; eva—indeed; madhor vane—in Mathura; shubhe—beautiful; bhutva—becoming; balishöhah—powerful; ca—and; madhuh—Madhu; mahasurah—the great demon; shri-madhave masi—in the month of madhava; ca—and; madhavena—with Krishna; yuyodha—fought; yuddhe—in battle; madhusudanena—the killer of Madhu; sah—he.
By performing austerities in beautiful Mathura, the great demon Madhu became very powerful. In the month of Madhava (April-May), he fought with Lord Krishna, who later became known as Madhusudana (the killer of Madhu).
comment : this took place in Satya Yuga this is why Krsna is known as Madhusudana ,so Krsna once appeared in Satya yuga to kill the Madhu demon. Krsna is eternally present, for example Prahlada Maharaja that appeared in Satya yuga is described to have strictly performed nijala fast on Janmastami though Krsna first appeared in Dvarpara yuga , and lets not forget Krsna only appears once in a Dvarpara yuga once in a day of Lord Brahma
Text 21
saptarshayah shri-mathuram sametya
taptva tapo 'traiva ca yoga-siddhim
prapuh pare vai munayah samantad
gokarna-vaishyo 'pi maha-nidhim ca
saptarshayah—the seven sages; shri-mathuram—to Shri Mathura; sametya—going; taptva tapah—performed austerities; atra—here; eva—indeed; ca—and; yoga-siddhim—yogic perfections; prapuh—attained; pare—other; vai—indeed; munayah—sages; samantat—completely; gokarna-vaishyah—the vaishya Gokarna; api—also; maha-nidhim—great wealth; ca—and.
By performing austerities in Mathura, the seven sages and other sages also attained the perfection of yoga, the vaishya named Gokarna attained great wealth.
comment : the seven sages are mentioned in Bhagavad Gita , Gokarna was born with a cows face and he spoke the Srimad Bhagavatam and liberated many souls he is described in Srimad Bhagavatam Mahatmya
Text 22
taptva tapo 'traiva madhor vane shubhe
vijitya devan divi loka-ravanah
nidhaya rakshamsi vidhaya mandiram
asthaya lankam viraraja ravanah
taptva tapah—performed austerities; atra—here; eva—indeed; madhor vane—in Mathura; shubhe—beautiful; vijitya—conquering; devan—the demigods; divi—in heaven; loka-ravanah—making the worlds scream; nidhaya—placing; rakshamsi—demons; vidhaya—placing; mandiram—a palace; asthaya—placing; lankam—Lanka; viraraja—shone; ravanah—Ravana.
By performing austerities in beautiful Mathura, the demon Ravana conquered the demigods, made the wrolds scream in pain, conquered the demons, and built a great city in Lanka.
puport : So Ravana is another powerful demon that performed tapasya in Mathura in Treta Yuga .Dhruva Maharaja also came of Madhuvana near to Mathura and performed tapasya ,he became the gratest vaisnava our planet has ever seen along with Srila Narada Muni .Dhruva Maharaja lives on the North Star Dhruva loka ,Srila Prabhupada explained about the glories of Dhruva Maharaja in the 3th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. Srila Vrindavana das Thakura has revealed Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu always relished hearing about Prahlada Maharaja and Druva Maharaja and this is mentioned in Caitanya Bhagavata
Text 23
taptva tapo 'traiva madhor vane shubhe
gajahvayesho mithileshah shantanuh
lebhe sutam bhishmam ativa sattamam
tattvartha-varan nidhi-karnadharakam
taptva tapah—performed austerities; atra—here; eva—indeed; madhor vane—in Mathura; shubhe—beautiful; gajahvayeshah—the king of Hastinapura; mithileshah—the king of Mithila; shantanuh—Shantanu; lebhe—attained; sutam—a son; bhishmam—Bhishma; ativa—very; sattamam—exalted; tattva—of truth; artha—the meaning; varan—the waters; nidhi-karnadharakam—the captain.
By performing austerities in beautiful Mathura, Shantanu, the king of Mithila and Hastinapura, attained as his son the great saint Bhishma, who was the captain of the ship to cross the ocean of truth.
purport : Shatanu Maharaja was the father of the Kuru dynasty and he begot Bhismadeva with Mother Ganga
Text 24
shri-bahulashva uvaca
mathurayash ca mahatmyam
vada devarshi-sattama
nivase kim phalam proktam mathurayah satam nrinam
shri-bahulashva uvaca—Shri Bahulashva said; mathurayah—of Mathura; ca—and; mahatmyam—the glory; vada—tell; devarshi-sattama—O best of the demigod-sages; nivase—in the home; kim—what?; phalam—reult; proktam—said; mathurayah—of Mathura; satam—of the devotees; nrinam—people.
Shri Bahulashva said: O best of the demigod-sages, please tell me the glories of Mathura. What result do the devotees obtain by living in Mathura?
Text 25
shri-narada uvaca
adau varaho dharanim nimagnam
maha-jale projjhita-vici-shanke
sva-damstryoddhritya kariva padmam
karena mahatmyam idam jagada
shri-narada uvaca—Shri Narada said; adau—in the beginning; varahah—Lord Varaha; dharanim—the earth; nimagnam—plunged; maha-jale—in the great ocean; projjhita-vici-shanke—filled with waves; sva-damstrya—by His tusk; uddhritya—lifting; kari—an elephant; iva—like; padmam— a lotus; karena—with its trunk; mahatmyam—the glory; idam—thus; jagada—said.
Shri Narada said: As an elephant holds a lotus flower in its trunk, so in the beginning of creation Lord Varaha lifted with His tusks the earth plunged in the great ocean filled with waves. Lord Varaha then spoke the glories of Mathura.
purport : My beloved Gurudeva Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami lived his whole life in Mathura where he performed devotional austerities and always chanting minimum 64 rounds since 1946 untill his entering Goloka Vrindavana in 2010
Text 26
bruvan jano nama phalam harer labhec
chrinval labhet krishna-katha-phalam narah
sprishan satam sparshana-jam madhoh puri
jighrams tulasya dala-gandha-jam phalam
bruvan—speaking; janah—Jana; nama—name; phalam—the result; hareh—of Lord Krishna; labhet—may attain; shrinvan—hearing; labhet—may attain; krishna—of Lord Krishna; katha—of the topics; phalam—the result; narah—a person; sprishan—touching; satam—of the devotees; sparshana-jam—manifested from touching; madhoh puri—Mathura; jighran—smelling; tulasya—of Tulasi; dala-gandha-jam—the fragrance of the leaves; phalam—the result.
By speaking the name "Mathura" one attains the same result as chanting the holy name of Lord Krishna. By hearing the glories of Mathura one attains the same result as hearing the glories of Lord Krishna. By touching Mathura one attains the same result as touching the great devotees. By smelling the fragrance of Mathura one attains the same result as smelling the fragrance of Shrimati Tulasi-devi's leaves.
comment/purport : Srila Rupa Goswami has given us Mathura Mahatmya and Mathura astakam a prayer to Sri Mathura, I bow to his holy lotusfeet .Mathura is really situated within Vraja , but as Srila Rupa Goswami has stated in Nectar of instruction higher than Mathura is Vrindavana and the rest of Vraja because Krsna performed His many lilas with Radha and the Brijabasis here. Mathura was also blessed by the lotusfeet footprints of Sri Radha and the Gopis because sometimes they came to sell butter and Youghurt in Mathura ,this is simply lila and is also explained in Gopal Tapani Upanisad
Text 27
pashyan harer darshana-jam phalam svato
bhakshamsh ca naivedya-bhavam rama-pateh
kurvan bhujabhyam hari-sevaya phalam
gacchal labhet tirtha-phalam pade pade
pashyan—seeing; hareh—of Lord Krishna; darshana-jam—manifested from seeing; phalam—the result; svatah—voulntarily; bhakshaneating; ca—and; naivedya-bhavam—"rasadam; rama-pateh—of the husband of the goddess of fortune; kurvan—doing; bhujabhyam—with both arms; hari-sevaya—by service to Lord Krishna; phalam—the result; gacchal—going; labhet—attains; tirtha-phalam—the result of pilgrimage; pade—step; pade—after step.
By seeing Mathura one attains the same result as seeing Lord Krishna. By eating prasadam in Mathura one attains the same result as eating prasadam offered to Lord Krishna, the husband of the goddess of fortune. By serving Mathura with one's arms one attains the same result as serving Lord Krishna. By walking in Mathura one attains at every step the same result as visiting many holy places of pilgrimage.
Text 28
rajendra-hanta nija-gotra-ghataki
trailokya-hantapi ca koöi-janmasu
rajan chrinu tvam mathura-nivasato
yogishvaranam gatim apnuyan narah
rajendra-hanta—killer of the greatest opf kings; nija-gotra-ghataki—killer of his own relatives; trailokya-hanta—a killer of the three worlds; api—even; ca—and; koöi-janmasu—in millions of births; rajan—O king; shrinu—please hear; tvam—you; mathura-nivasatah—by living in Mathura; yogishvaranam—of the kings of the yogis; gatim—the destination; apnuyat—attains; narah—a person.
O king please listen. A sinner who in millions of lives again and again kills many saintly kings, his own relatives, and numberless other victims in the three worlds, by residing in Mathura attains the destination of the kings of the yogis.
Text 29
padau ca dhig yau na gatu madhor vande
drishau ca dhig ye na kadapi pashyatah
karnau ca dhig yau shrinuto na maithila
vacam ca dhig ya na karoty alam manak
padau—feet; ca—and; dhig—fie; yau—which; na—not; gatu—gone; madhor vande—in Mathura; drishau—eyes; ca—and; dhig—fie; ye—which; na—not; kadapi—ever; pashyatah—see; karnau—the ears; ca—and; dhig—fie; yau—ehich; shrinutah—hear; na—not; maithila—O king of Mithila; vacam—words; ca—and; dhik—fie; ya—which; na—not; karoti—does; alam—greatly; mana—slightly.
Pitiable are the feet that have never walked in Mathura! Pitiable are the eyes that have never seen Mathura! Pitiable are the ears that have never heard of Mathura! Pitiable is the voice that will not glorify Mathura!
comment : glorious are those who read this , I have made the glories of Mathura availabel for all to read and understand
Text 30
dvi-sapta-koöini vanani yatra
tirthani vaideha samasthitani
ekaikam eteshu vimukti-dani
vadami sakshan mathuram namami
dvi-sapta-koöini—fourteen; vanani—forests; yatra—where; tirthani—holy places; vaideha—O king of Videha; samasthitani—established; ekaikam—one by one; eteshu—in them; vimukti-dani—giving liberation; vadami—I tell; sakshan—directly; mathuram—to Mathura; namami—I offer obeisances.
I tell you that in Mathura are fourteen forests that contain many holy places. Each of these holy places grants liberation. I bow down to offer my respectful obeisances to Shri Mathura.
Text 31
goloka-nathah paripurna-devah
sakshad asankhyanda-patih svayam hi
shri-krishna-candro 'vatatara yasyam
tasyai namo 'nyashu purisu kim va
goloka—of Goloka; nathah—the master; paripurna-devah—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sakshat—directly; asankhyanda-patih—the master of numerless universes; svayam—personally; hi—indeed; shri-krishna-candrah—Shri Krishnacandra; avatatara—descrneded; yasyam—in which; tasyai—to it; namah—obeisances; anyasu—other; purisu—cities; kim—whether?; va—or.
Shri Krishnacandra, who is the perfect Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of Goloka-dhama, and the master of numberless universes, personally descended to this world in the city of Mathura. I offer my repsectful obeisances to Shri Mathura. What other city can compare with Mathura?
Text 32
yan-nama papam vinihanti tat-kshanam
bhavaty alam yam grinuto 'pi muktayah
vithishu vithishu ca muktir asyas
tasmad imam shreshöhatamam vidur budhah
yan-nama—the name of which; papam—sin; vinihanti—kills; tat-kshanam—that moment; bhavati—becomes; alam—greatky; yam—what; grinutah—chanting; api—even; muktayah—the liberations; vithishu—on the path; vithishu—after path; ca—and; muktih—liberation; asyah—others; tasmat—therefore; imam—this; shreshöhatamam—the best; viduh—know; budhah—the wise.
The holy name of Mathura kills all sins in an instant. One who chants the name of Mathura finds liberation waiting for him on every path. For this reason the wise say Mathura is the best of holy places.
purport : YES loudly chant MATHURA DHAMA ki jaya ,just like when we chant Prema Dhavai and we can chant Sri Vrindavana dham ki jaya Mathura Dham ki jaya
Jaya Sri Radhe
Text 33
kashy-adi-puryo yadi santi loke
tasam tu madhye mathuraiva dhanya
ya janma-maunji-vrata-mrityu-dahair
nrinam caturdha vidadhati muktim
kashy-adi-puryah—the holy cities headed by Varanasi; yadi—if; santi—are; loke—in the world; tasam—of them; tu—indeed; madhye—in the middle; mathura—Mathura; eva—indeed; dhanya—glorious; ya—which; janma—birth; maunji-vrata—the sacred-thread ceremony; mrityu—death; dahaih—cremation; nrinam—of people; caturdha—four kinds; vidadhati—gives; muktim—liberation.
If Varanasi and the other holy cities of the world were to meet, Mathura would be the most glorious of them. Mathura gives liberation to they who are born, accept spiritual initiation, die, or are cremated within her borders.
Text 34
purishvarim krishna-purim vrajeshvarim
tirtheshvarim yajna-tapo-nidhishvarim
moksha-pradam dharma-dhurandharam param
madhor vane shri-mathuram namamy aham
purishvarim—the queen of cities; krishna-purim—the city of Lord Krishna; vrajeshvarim—the queen of Vraja; tirtheshvarim—the queen of holy places; yajna-tapo-nidhishvarim—the queen of yajnas, austerities, and opulences; moksha-pradam—teh giver of liberation; dharma-dhurandharam—the upholder of the principles of religion; param—great; madhor vane—in the forest of Madhuvana; shri-mathuram—Shri Mathura; namami—bow down; aham—I.
I offer my respectful obeisances to exalted Shri Mathura, the queen of cities, the city of Lord Krishna, the queen of Vraja, the queen of holy places, the queen of yajnas, austerities, and opulences, the giver of liberation, the protector of religion.
Text 35
shrinvanti mahatmyam idam madhoh pure
krishnaika-citta niyatash ca yatra ye
vrajanti te tatra parikramat phalam
vaideha rajendra na catra samshayah
shrinvanti—hear; mahatmyam—the glory; idam—this; madhoh pure—in Mathura; krishnaika-citta—their thoughts placed on Lord Krishna; niyatah—self-controlled; ca—and; yatra—where; ye—who; vrajanti—go; te—they; tatra—there; parikramat—by circumambulating; phalam—the result; vaideha—O king of Videha; rajendra—O king of kings; na—not; ca—and; atra—here; samshayah—doubt.
O master of Videha, O king of kings, they who, controlling their senses and fixing their thoughts on Lord Krishna, hear this description of Mathura's glories, attain the same result attained by circumambulating Shri Mathura. Of this there is no doubt.
purport : You see the importance of sharing and commenting on this ?
Text 36
khandam tv idam shri-mathura-purasya ye
shrinvanti gayanti paöhanti sarvatah
ihaiva tesham hi samriddhi-siddhayo
bhavanti vaideha nisargatah sada
khandam—canto; tv—indeed; idam—this; shri-mathura-purasya—of Shri Mathura City; ye—who; shrinvanti—hear; gayanti—sing; paöhanti—read; sarvatah—in all respects; iha—here; eva—indeed; tesham—of them; hi—indeed; samriddhi-siddhayah—perfections; bhavanti—are; vaideha—O king of Videha; nisargatah—naturally; sada—always.
They who hear, chant, or read this Shri Mathura-khanda become eternally perfect.
Text 37
trih-sapta-kritvo bahu-vaibhavarthinah shrinvanti cainam niyatash ca ye bhrisham
tesham griha-dvaram alankaroti hi
bhringavali kunjara-karna-tadita
trih-sapta—twenty-one times; kritvah—doing; bahu-vaibhavarthinah—desiring great wealth; shrinvanti—hear; ca—and; enam—this; niyatah—controlling the senses; ca—and; ye—who; bhrisham—greatly; tesham—of them; griha-dvaram—the doorway; alankaroti—decorates; hi—indeed; bhringavali—a swarm of bees; kunjara-karna-tadita—striking an elephant's ear.
They who, desiring great wealth, control their senses and twenty-one times hear this Shri Mathura-khanda, find an elephant's ear of of the bees of transcendental wealth and opulences decorating their doorways.
Text 38
vipro 'tha vidvan vijayi nripatmajo
vaishyo nidhisho vrishalo 'pi nirmalah
shrutvedam arac ca manoratho bhavet
strinam jananam ati-durlabho 'pi hi
viprah—a brahmana; atha—then; vidvan—learned; vijayi—victorious; nripatmajah—a kshatriya; vaishyah—a vaishya; nidhishah—the master of great wealth; vrishalah—a shudra; api—also; nirmalah—pure; shrutva—hearing; idam—this; arat—nearby; ca—and; manorathah—desire; bhavet—may be; strinam—of women; jananam—of men; ati-durlabhah—difficult to attain; api—also; hi—indeed.
By hearing this Shri Mathura-khanda a brahmana becames wise and learned, a kshatriya becomes victorious in battle, a vaishya becomes the master of great wealth, and a shudra becomes pure-hearted. Whatever difficult-to-attain thing any man or woman desires, they will attain.
Text 39
nishkarano bhakti-yuto mahi-tale
shrinoti cedam hari-lagna-manasah
vijitya vighnan pravijitya nakapan
goloka-dhama-pravaram prayati sah
nishkaranah—causeless; bhakti-yutah—devotee; mahi-tale—on the earth; shrinoti—hears; ca—and; idam—this; hari—on Lord Krishna; lagna—placed; manasah—thoughts; vijitya—overcoming; vighnan—obstacles; pravijitya—surpassing; nakapan—the demigods; goloka-dhama-pravaram—the transcendental abode of Goloka; prayati—goes; sah—he.
A person on this earth who is engaged in unmotivated devotional service, whose thoughts rest on Lord Krishna, and who hears this Shri Mathura-khanda, travels past the homes of the demigods and enters the transcendental abode of Shri Goloka.
vaisnava das das anu das
Paramananda das
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