1 )Srila Prabhupada never made a single female devotee a GBC,TP or sannyasi or diksa Guru.
The reason I am mentioning this is Devamrta Swami and Radhanath Swami where also allowing women to be sannyasis in New Vrindavana.All of this is adharma.
2) Srila Prabhupada never allowed salary in ISKCON ,nor that anyone make a business in ISKCON for personal profit all is not in the spirit of the real ISKCON.
My dear Radha Ballabha Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada heard your letter dated April 18th, 1977 and requested me as a BBT Trustee to reply the letter and send a copy of the reply to all the Trustees.
When His Divine Grace heard that you were able to save $5500.00 by removing some of the less essential devotees from the press, he commented as follo...ws: "Henceforward, nobody should be appointed without my permission. Money is not so easy to get. In the BBT Trust it is clearly said that all of the funds are meant for printing and construction of temples. Not for salaries. Why have so many people been appointed without my permission? We do not want any salaried men. That is the principle to be followed. So many scientists are working and they do not take a single paisa. This extravagancy must be stopped immediately."
>>> Ref. VedaBase => From: Tamal Krishna - SL_770427_
This is one of many quotes and related to the BBT.The same is true for one and all positiones in ISKCON.
3) It is the duty of all memebers of ISKCOn to distribute Prabhupadas books see SB .7.9.44 purport
4) Serving grains on Visnutattava apperance days is against Prabhupadas instructions
5) The document of Management was never enforced in ISKCON and devotees where never even allowed to know of it, the implementation of this document limits the dictatorial powers of present ISKCOn leaders that often act like tyrants kicking disciples ,expelling devotees for no valid reasons , making bogus politics for their onw selfish purposes etc
6)Srila Prabhupada never allowed sannyasis to live in comfort at one place and have houses and money in bankaccounts, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada was even more strict on this.One sannyasi now deceased had several millions of dollars from disciples.Harikesa my former diksa Guru left ISKCON with millions and a female disciple.
(like marrying his own daughter)
7) Srila Prabhupada did not want divorce and remarriage ,many have done so and still considered in good standing in ISKCON this is a huge mistake
8) In Srila Prabhupada conversation june 22 of 1977:" Rascal editors:, Srila Prahupada
makes it clear that his books should not be edited. Jayadvaita Swami and BBT has done so anyhow and thus offended 100.000th of devotees.Many of whom have left ISKCON for this reason alone.And many sankirtana devotees like myself no longer buy books from the BBT.The BBT has even dare indicate that Srila Rupa Goswami made mistakes in his books and that Jiva Goswami this is based on a misunderstanding and mistranslation of Bhakti Ratnakara.Thus equating Srila Jiva Goswami with Jayadvaita Swami which is also
an arrogant offence.Books of the acaryas are never edited even if there was a mistake as stated by Lord Caitanya in his conversation with Kesava Kasmiri (the incarnation of Sri Nimbarkacarya )
Jayadvaita Swami made a screaming attack on me ,not even willing to discuss calmly as he is no gentleman. BBT salaries and his flying around the world on BBT expenses is not approved by the general opinion of devotees.The BBT trustees show no personal interest to expand the distribution of Prabhupadas books and has become prestigious seats with no value.Bhima das once attacked me for pressing the point that SB 7.9.44 purport is for all in ISKCON ,he did not agree ,nor has he ever distributed Srila Prabhupadas books like us.
9) Srila Prabhupada would have want all divorcee TP's like Ramabhadra das removed from position of management in ISKCON, he allowed a bingohall with meat prices since 1990, before him approved by Bhakta Rupa das and other ISKCON leaders in ISKCON Brooklyn.(It also shows the incompetence of the GBC there Romapada Swami)ISKCON NY and ISKCON Boston no longer have teams of Brahmacaries distributing books due to incompetence.Same is true for ISKCON Potomac that allows grain feasts on Janmastami
and female TP receiving salary both against Prabhupadas instructions.
In 1990 I personally asked Ramabhadra not to chase women in the temple instead he send one woman to chase me, though a brahmacari. He is an anti brahmacari and strict KC ,power hungry,money hungry and offensive and completely neophyte.
My proposal is first of all print BBT books in US on acid free ink as after 6 month to a year the books turn brown.(looking like some brown kitchenroll or old fashioned toilet paper)
The BBT should remove Jayadvaita Swami as having anything to do with the BBT, as many hundreds of stalward sankirtana devotees refuse to work with Jayadvaita Swami as the acarya for the BBT.BBT founder acarya is Srila Prabhupada not Jayadvaita Swami that acts out like the last zonal acarya with little common sense.If the BBT wants to also print the pre 1977 books the sales can gradully be increased. The KBI will be very happy to see this also ,as they created a lawsuit against the BBT to print pre 1977 books.
It makes it possible for devotee to buy Srila Prabhupadas books when you do not want to work with GBC's that are fraudulent and offensive, or with TP's that are in maya, etc.
Thus the KBI will always serve as an important function to provide safety that Prabhupadas books will not end up as the present day Bible completly changed.So many changes has been made that are complety bogus and changes the text.Though a few mistakes as pitris instead of planet of the trees ,But Mayada Vyatikrama rules must be followed.My Gurudeva Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja also said that not one word should be changed or edited even if some small faults where found .Jayadvaita Swami insinuated to Hayagrivas past homosexual habits and incompetence to do a proper job,But on june 22 1977 Srila Prabhupada never showed dissatisfaction with the Macmillan version.Having distributed 5000 on Chanting Hare Krsna at New York Ratha yatra,Jayadvaita Swami attacked myself and others as offenders for doing so.
However we do not accept Jayadvaita Swami as the acarya for ISKCON.
Many devotees will not work with BBT and the GBC due to allowing Bhavananda a pedophile and child molester in Mayapure.I have personally met one of Bhavanandas victims in 1986...and never been asked to testifie about this ,it is a great sin and crime.
vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das
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