This is from Sanatana Goswamis Krishna lila Stava:
Happy Janmastami
Twelfth Obeisance
(Shrimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 2)
Verse 41
dhaman maya-niyojaka
kamsa - by Kamsa; asura - the demon; bala - by the sytregnth; udvigna - agitated; sva - own; yadava - Yadu; kula - dynasty; arti - sufferings; vit - O Knower; devaki - of Devaki; saptama - seventh; bhruna - child; dhaman - abode; maya - by the Yogamaya potency; niyojaka - impelling agency.
O Lord Krishna, you understood the sufferings of Your own family the Yadu dynasty, who were greatly harassed by the military stregnth of Kamsa. O My Lord, by the agency of Your own Yogamaya potency, You personally became Devaki's seventh child.
Verse 42
dvarotsahita-maya he
rauhineya-priyava mam
devaki - of Devaki; putrata - the state of being a son; avapti - the attainment; dvara - means; utsahita - enabled; maya - Yogamaya; he - O; rohini-Rohini; prapita - caused to attain; sva - own; amsa - incarnation; rauhineya - to Lord Balarama, the Son of Rohini; priya - very dear friend; ava - please protect; mam - me.
O Lord Krishna, by the agency of YourYogamaya, You became the Son of Devaki and Your incarnation as Lord Balarama was transferred to the womb of Rohini. O dear friend of Lord Balarama, O Lord Krishna, please protect me.
Verse 43
vasudeva - Vasudeva; ullasat - delighting; sakte - potency; devaki - of Devaki; ashtama - eight; garbhaga - become the child in the womb; sva - own; savitri - mother; lasat - shining; jyotih--splendor; kamsa - of Kamsa; trasa - fear; visada - depression; krit - causing.
O Lord Krishna, when You became the eighth child of Devaki, Your splendor made Your mother appear very glorious and the presence of Your transcendental potencies made Your father Vasudeva become jubilant. you caused great fear and despair for Kamsa.
Verse 44
sada kamsa - mano-vartin
satyatmaka jagan-natha
sada - constantly; kamsa - of Kamsa; manah - the mind; vartin - staying; brahma - by Lord Brahma; rudra - and by Lord Shiva; adi - and by the other demigods; abhishtuta - offered prayers; satya - of truth; atmaka - the self; jagat - of the universe; natha - O Lord; shudha - sattvaka - -transcendental; ruap - form; bhrit - manifesting.
O Lord Krishna, O Absolute truth, O Lord of the universe, manifesting Your transcendental form, which is beyond the material nature, You received the prayers of Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, and the other demigods. You also continually remained within the mind of Kamsa.
Verse 45
bhakta - by the devotees; eka - only; labhya - thing to be attained; sarvasva - all in all; sarva - of everyone; sarva - all; artha - wixhes; krt - granting; vapuh - form; rupa - form; nama - name; ashrita - sheltered; avishta - entered; janma - by birth; matra - only; dhara - of the earth; art – the distresses; hrit - removing.
O Lord Krishna, O be-all-and-end-all for devotees, O only desired object of the devotees, by the appearance of Your transcendental form, all the desires of everyone become fulfiilled. O Lord, you personally enter those who take shelter of Your Holy Name or Your spiritual form. O Lord, simply by taking birth here, You removed all the distresses of the earth.
Verse 46
vinodaikartha-jata he
jaya bhu-bharaharana
svah - upper planetary system; bhuh - middle planetary system; bhushana - ornament; pada - feet; abja - lotus flower; vinoda - pastimes;eka - sole; artha - object; jata - appeared; he - O; jaya - all glories; bhu - of the earth; bhara - of the burden; harana - O remover; deva - demigods; ashvasita - encouraged; matrika - mother.
O Lord Krishna, You appeared on the earth exclusively to perform Your pastimes and remove the earth's burden. Your lotus feet are the ornament for the upper and middle planetary systems. The demigods thus encouraged Mother Devaki by offering prayers to You. O Lord Krishna, all glories unto You.
Thirteenth Obeisance
(Shrimad Bhagavatam Canto 10, Chapter 3)
Verse 47
bhadra - in the month of Bhadra; krishna-astami - in the eighth day of the dark-moon; jata - born; prajapatya - named Rohini; rksha - star; sambhava - appearance; mahi - on the earth; mangala - auspiciousness; vistarin - spreading; sadhu - of the saintly devotees; citta - the minds and hearts; prasadaka - pacifying and delighting.
O Lord Krishna, appearing on the eighth day of the dark moon in the month of Bhadra, when the star Rohini had appeared in the sky, You spread auspiciousness over the earth's surface, and You pleased and pacified the minds and hearts of saintly devotees.
Verse 48
maha - great; rshi - of the sages; manasa - the minds; ullasa - delight; santoshita - satisfied; sura - of the demigods; vraja - multitude; nishitha - in the middle of the night; samaya - at the time; samudbhuta - appeared; vasudeva - of Vasudeva; priya--dear; atmaja - Son.
O Lord Krishna, when You appeared in the middle of the night as the dear Son of Vasudeva, You delighted the minds of the great sages and You pleased and satisfied the demigods.
Verse 49
gadagraja prasidasu
subhadra-purvajava mam
devaki - of Devaki; garbha – Son; sat - transcendental; ratna--jewel; balabhadra - of Balarama; priya - dear; anuja - younger brother; gada - of Gada; agraja - elder brother; prasida - please be merciful; ashu - quickly; subhadra - of subhadra; purvaja - elder brother; ava - please protect; mam - me.
O Lord Krishna, O transcendental jewel, O Son of Devaki, O dear younger brother of Balarama, O elder brother of Gada and subhadra, please be merciful and protect me.
Verse 50
ashcarya-bala mam pahi
ashcarya - amazing; bala - O boy; mam - me; pahi - please protect; divya - transcendental; rupa - form; pradarshaka - showing; karagara-of the prison; andhakara - the darkness; ghna - destroying; sutika - griha - of the maternity house; bhushana - O ornament of (Devaki's) maternity room, displaying Your transcendental form, You illuminator of the dark prison (of Kamsa), please protect me.
Fourteenth Obeisance
Verse 51
vasudeva-stutam sakshad
sat-pravishtapravishtam tvam
vande karana-karanam
vasudeva - by Vasudeva; stutam - offered prayers; sakshat - directly; adrishya - not visible; atma - self; pradarshakam - showing; sat - existence; pravishta - entered; apravishtam - not entered; tvam - to You; vande - I offer respectful obeisances; karana - of all cause; karanam - the cause.
O Lord Krishna, You revealed Your transcendental form which is generally very difficult to see, Vasudeva offered reverential prayers glorifying You, the cause of all causes who has simultaneously entered and not entered everything. I offer respectful obeisances unto You.
Verse 52
siddha - perfect; akartritva - the non-doer; kartritvam - the doer; jagat - of the universe; kshema-kara - granting peacefulness and happiness; udayam - appearance; daitya - to the demons; muktida - granting liberation; karunyam - mercy; svajana - of Your own devotees; prema - the prue love; vardhanam - increasing;
O perfect Lord Krishna, You are simultaneously the doer and the non-doer of everything, and by Your appearance You made the entire universe peaceful and happy. You mercifully granted liberation to the demons and You increased the pure love of Your devotees. (I offer respectful obeisances unto You.).
Verse 53
jaya bhita-prasu-stuta
laya-karaka kala-srik
devaki - of Devaki; nayana - of the eyes; ananda - bliss; jaya - all glories; bhita - frightened; prasu - by the mother; stuta - offered prayers; nirguna - without material qualities; adhyatme - of transcendental knowledge; dipa - O lamp; ati - great; laya - dissoultion; karaka - O doer; kala - of time; srik - O creator.
O Lord Krishna, O Creator of time, O annihilator of the universe, O lamp of transcendental knowledge, O Lord free from any material attributes or contact, O bliss of the eyes of Devaki, who fearfully offered prayers to You, all glories unto You.
Verse 54
mamsa-drig-drishty-ayogya he
sva - own; pada - feet; ashrita - taken shelter; mrityu - death; ghna - O destroyer; mamsha - of the material body; drik - of the eyes; drishti - upahasa - joking; bhata - splendor; amba - mother; avrita - not concealed; divya - transcendental; anga - form samvrite - concealing.
O Lord Krishna, Your splendor makes all the planets appear like a joke, and You rescue from death those who take shelter of Your lotus feet. Because material eyes are not appropriate instruments to see Your transcendental form, You covered that divine form which was formerly shown to Your mother.
Fifteenth Obeisance
Verse 55
pitri - of the father; prak - birth; janma - birth; sva - by Yourself; datta--given; vara - benedictions; yantrika - instrument; maha - great; aradhana - byworship; santosha - pleasure and satisfaction; tri - in three; janma - births; atmajata - the state of being a son; gata - gone to.
O Lord Krishna, in three births You became the Son of Devaki andVasudeva. When You were born in Your father's presence, You were pleased by His sincere worship, and You grantede all benedictions to him.
Verse 56
prakrishtakara sundara
maha - great; ananda - bliss; prasu - mother; tata - father; lila – for pastimes; manusha - human; balaka - boy; nara - human; akriti - form; para - supreme; brahman - spirit; prakrishta - superexcellent; akara - form; sundara - beautiful;
O beautiful Lord Krishna, O Supreme Spirit whose form resembles that of a human child, and who performs pastimes in that eternal form, giving great transcendental bliss to Your mother and father, (all glories unto You).
Verse 57
yashoda-jata-maya he
janaka - to the father; upaya - the remedy; nirdeshtar - showing; yashoda - of Yashoda; jata - born; maya - the Yogamaya potency; he - O; shayita - caused to sleep; svah - at the door; stha - standing; paura – the residents of the city; adeh - and others; mohita - illusioned; agara - of the prison; rakshaka - the guards.
O Lord Krishna, You instructed (Vasudeva) how You could escape (the wrath of Kamsa) and You bewildered the guards standing at the prison gate and caused them all to fall asleep. It was by Your arrangement that Your potency Maya was born as the daughter of Yasoda.
Verse 58
kavata pitri-vahaka
sva - own; shakti - potency; udghatita - unlocked; ashesha - all; kavata - doors; pitri - by the father; vahaka - carried; shesha - Ananta Shesha; uraga – of the serpent; phana - hoods; chatra - umbrella; yamuna - the Yamuna river; datta - given; sat - clear; patha - path.
O Lord Krishna, Your potency unlocked all the doors and You were carried away by Your father. The hoods of the serpent Ananta Shesha became Your umbrella, and the Yamuna river gave You a clear path.
Verse 59
vraja - of Vraja; murta - the form; maha - great; bhagya - auspiciousness; yashoda - of Yashoda; talpa - on the bed; shayita - lying; nidra - by sleep; mohita - bewildered; nanda - Nanda Maharaja; adi - and the others; yashoda - by Yashoda; avidita - unnoticed; ihita - endeavor.
O Lord Krishna, O Great Auspiciousness of Vraja, You were placed on Yasoda's bed. and she, Nanda Mahraja and the other cowherd men, bewildered by sleep, did not notice. (All glories unto You).
Sixteenth Obeisance
(Shrimad-Bhagavatam Canto 10, Chapter 4)
Verse 60
kamsa-ghatita-durgam tvam
vande durgoditodbhavam
kamsa-vismapakam tata-
kamsa - by Kamsa; ghatita - struck; durgam-Durga; tvam - You; vande - I offer respectful obeisances; durga – by Durga; udita - described; udbhavam - Your birth; kamsa - Kamsa; vismapakam - causing wonder; tata - father; matri- -mother; bandhava - relatives; mocakam - releasing.
O Lord Krishna, I offer respectful obeisances unto You. When Kamsa attempted to violently kill Durga-devi, she told him that You had already been born. Kamsa becamed amazed, and he released Your father, mother and relatives (from the prison).
Verse 61
sa - with; bhaya - fear; smriti - rememberance; sumshuddha - greatly purified; citta - the mind; kamsa - Kamsa; vivekadam - giving discrimination; kiamsa - Kamsa; atma - of the soul; jnana - knowledge; samslaghi - praising; pitri - to the father; matri - and the mother; kshama - peace; pradam - granting.
O Lord Krishna, Kamsa, his mind purified by constantly remembering You with fear, became enlightened, and he sple transcendental knowledge to Your mother and father and thus pacified them.
Verse 62
durmantri - demonic ministers; gana - by the assembly; vak - of words; jala - the network; kamsa - of Kamsa; durmana - wicked plan; vardhanam - increased; sat - of the saintly devotees; atikrama - passing over; durmantra - wicked advice; kshayita - destroyed; asura - of the demon; jivitam - the life.
O Lord Krishna, trapped int he verbal network of bad advice form his demonic minsters, Kamsa agreed to a very wicked plan. Kamsa transgressed the desires of the saintly devotees, and in this way it appeared that his life was soon to end.
Obeisance Seventeen
(Shrimad-Bhagavatam Canto 10, Chapter 5)
Verse 63
premakara kridana-krin namo `stu te
adatta - not given; purva - previously; sva - own; pada - feet; abja - lotus; sauhrida - love; pradana - gift; dikshita - initiated; ucita - appropriate; desha - place; sangata - contacted; sva - own; sevaka - of the servants; brahma - spiritual; sukha - happiness; adhika - abundance;utsava - festival; prema - pure love; kara - granting; kridana - pastimes; krit - O performer; namah - obeisances; astu - let there be; te - unto You;
O Lord Krishna, entering the appropriate place (Vrajabhumi), You appear to have become initiated in the vow of givine the unprecedented gift of love for Your lotus feet. O Performer of pastimes, You grant pure love for Yourself to Your devotees. That love is like a great festival of spiritual happiness.
Verse 64
nanda-nandana sanjata-
nanda - of Nanda Maharaja; nandana - the delightful son; sanjata - became jata-karma - birth ceremony; maha - great; utsava - festival; nana - various; dana - of gifts; augha - abundance; krit - performer; tata - father; shrimad- gokula - in opulent Gokula; mangala - auspiciousness.
O Lord Krishna, , O delightful Son of Maharaja Nanda, when the (time) for Your birth-ceremony arrived, Your father arranged for a great festival and gave many gifts in charity, thus making the opulent land of Gokula very auspicious.
Verse 65
vraja-gorasa-kirina he
krita-alankara - decorated with ornaments; gopala - cowherd boy; gopi - of gopis; gana - by the community; krita - performed; utsava - festival; gopi - of the gopis; prema - pure love; muda - delight; ashih - benediction; bhak - possessing; vraja - of Vraja; gorasa - milk; kirna - sprinkled; he - O.
O Lord Gopaala, you were then decorated with ornaments and the gopis celebrated a great festival, lovingly and jubilantly showering their benedictions upon You and sprinkling You with the milk of the cows of Vraja.
Verse 66
nanda - of Nanda Maharaja; vraja - of Vrajabhumi; jana - of the people; anandin - O delighter; nanda - by Nanda; sammanita - honbored; vraja - the people of Vraja; datta - given; vraja - of Vraja; maha - great; bhute - auspiciousness; shri-yashoda - of mother Yashoda; stanandhaya - drinking the breast milk.
O Lord Krishna, O Delight of the people of Vraja, Nanda Maharaja then greatly honored the people of Vraja and heopulently gave many opulent giftrs to them as You drank the breast milk of Your mother Yashoda.
Verse 67
raksha-vyakula-tata he
prapta - attained; putra - a son; maha - great; ratna - jewel; raksha - for the protection; vyakula - anxious; tata - father; he - ); kara - tas; dana - giving; artha - for the purpose; mathura - to Mathura; gata - gone; nanda - Nanda Maharaja; griha - house; avita - protected.
O Lord Krishna, attaing You as his son, King Nanda considered that he had a great jewel as a son, and he became very anxious for Your protection. When he went to Mathura to pay taxes, he asked the cowherd men to protect his home (in his absence).
Verse 68
samanandita-nanda me
prasida nanda-sad-vakya-
vasudeva - of Vasudeva; shubha - auspicious; prashna - enquiry; samanandita - delighted; nanda - Nanda Maharaja; me - to me; prasida - please be merciful; nanda - of Nanda; sat - transcendental; vakya - words; vasudeva; ati-nandaka - greatly delighting.
O Lord Krishna, please be merciful to me. Nanda Maharaja became delighted when he heard the auspicious questions of Vasudeva, who also became jubilant, hearing Nand's transcendental reply.
Verse 68
samanandita-nanda me
prasida nanda-sad-vakya-
vasudeva--of Vasudeva; shubha--auspicious; prashna--enquiry; samanandita--delighted; nanda--Nanda Maharaja; me--to me; prasida--please be merciful; nanda--of Nanda; sat--transcendental; vakya--words; vasudeva; ati-nandaka--greatly delighting.
O Lord Krishna, please be merciful to me. Nanda Maharaja became delighted when he heard the auspicious questions of Vasudeva, who also became jubilant, hearing Nand's transcendental reply.
Eighteenth Obeisance
Shrimad Bhagavatam Canto 10, Chapter 6)
Verse 69
shanka nanda-shubhashrita
vasudeva--by Vasudeva; udita--described; utpata--calamities; shanka--fear; nanda--Nanda Maharaja; shubha--the auspicious Personality of Godhead; ashrita--sheltered and bewildering; sat--beautiful; vesha--appearance; visha--poison; stana--breasts; baki--Putana, the sister of Bakasura; ikshita--was seen.
O Lord Krishna, Nanda Maharaja became frightened by Vasudeva's description of impending calamity and he took shelter of the all-auspicious Supreme Personality of Godhead. O Lord, the sister of Bakasura, Putana, smeared poison upon her breasts and assumed the form of a beautiful woman, enchanting and bewlidering the residents of Vrajabhumi. O Lord, this demoness had the opportunity to see You.
Verse 70
lajja--with embarrassment; milita--closed; netra--eyes; abja--lotus; putana--of Putana; anka--on the lap; adhiropita--raised; baki--of the sister of Bakasura; prana--life; payah--milk; payin--drinking; putana--of Putana; stana--the breats; pidana--causing pain.
O Lord Krishna, embarrassed, You closed Your lotus-eyes and Putana placed You upon her lap. You caused her great pain and by drinking out her life-breath as You drank her milk.
Verse 71
putana--of Putana; krosha--of the crying; janaka--the source; putana--of Putana; prana--of the life; shoshana--the drying up; shat--six; kroshi--kroshas (two miles); vyapi--extending; bhi--fear; dayi--giving; putana--of Putana; deha--of the body; patana--falling;
O Lord Krishna, drying up Putana's life, You caused her to cry out. Her body fell and became a very frightening twelve-mile long corpse.
Verse 72
nana--various; raksha--protection; vidhana--methods; jna--knowing; gopa-stri--the gopis; krita--performed; rakshana--protection; vinyasta--placed; raksha--for protection; go--of the cows; dhule--the dust; go--of the cows; mutra--urine; shakrit--and stool; apluta--bathed.
O Lord Krishna, the gopis, expert at performing various protective measures, sprinkled you with dust upraised by the cows, covered You with scow dung and bathed You wwith cow-urine, to protect You.
Verse 73
gopika--by the gopis; vihita--performed; aja--with the word Aja; adi-etc; bija-nyasa-abhimantrita-bija and nyasa mantras; dahyamana--being burned; baki--of Putana; deha--the body; saurabhy--sweet fragrance; vyapita--distributed; kshite--on the earth.
O Lord Krishna, the gopis protected You by chanting bija and myasa mantras beginning with the word Aja. When the body of Putana was burned, it spread a sweet fragrance everywhere.
Note: These mantras are described in Shrimad Bhagavatam 10.6.21-29.
Verse 74
putana-mocana dveshtri-
jaya vismapita-vraja
putana--of Putana; mocana--O liberator; dveshtri--full of hate; rakshasi--demoness; sat--transcendental; gati--destination; prada--granting; nanda--by Nanda Maharaja; aghrata--smelled; shirah--of the head; madhya--middle; jaya--all glories; vismapita--amazxed; vraja--the residents of Vrajabhumi.
O Lord Krishna, You thus liberated the demoness Putana, Who hated You, and permitted her to return to the spiritual world. (Seeing all these pastimes), the residents of Vrajabhumi became amazed, and Nanda Maharaja smelled Your head (with paternal affection). O Lord all glories unto You.
if you like to absorb your self more in Krishnas sweet lilas you can go to that link and hear from Srila Sanatana Goswami
Again Happy Janmastami
your servant
Payonidhi das
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