Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

dear Sri Vallabha  Prabhu
The only things that bothers me is you and others are envious that I have chosen to accept the diksa given by Narayana Maharaja,  
this is why you keep calling me Payonidhi , this ex ISKCON Guru Harikesa was a rakasasa and a parasite, stealing money from ISKCON and abusing
his given position and mistreating honest devotees such as myself.And having sex with Female disciples
If you call me Payonidhi then you must be a thief also?.As you are thinking Harikesa is /was superior to Narayana Maharaja in spiritual advancement.
Only a thief calls me Payonidhi, and irreligious person only will not even  recognize my diksa.You said you have nothing
to do with Narayana Maharaja, that is your choice I never asked you too,He has left this world for Bauma Vrindavana
.Many offences have been committed to Narayana Maharaja and other senior Gaudiya Math
persons.Vaisnava aparadha does not recognize institutional affliations.
  Since Jayapataka Swami refuse to train you properly in KC and allow you and others to take grains on Nityananda Trayodasi,that is not good.
I have seen many disciples of Maharaja that also takes grains on Gaura Purnima, many of them also do not chant their daily minimum 16 rounds.  
No sane person takes grains on Nityananda Trayodasi...
wether in Gaudiya Math or ISKCON anyone that takes grains on Nityananda Trayodasi..I will not even see their faces.At least on that day.
And by the way I disagree with senior leaders decision to allow Bhavananda ,and Satya Danya dasa in Mayapure as they are criminals, and past pedofiles.(maybe still?)
I warned sannaysis in ISKCON 2 years back to chant 64 rounds and they keep falling down, lately Umapati and Prabhavisnu.Many leaders in ISKCON use
ISKCON as ATM machines, and render no service to the society .As long as you call me Payonidhi ,I reject you on all levels  .One ex disciple of Bhavananda here in Washington DC
now reinitiated by Jayapataka Swami ,thinks Bhavananda is a pure devotee...Actually Jayapataka Swami and others have failed to remove Bhavananda from Mayapure
even as early as 1975 when he had homosex in Mayapure.But he and Bhakti Caru Swami allowed Bhavananda back in Mayapure and even allowed him to give SB class.
So you all keep company with Bhavananda ,Satya Danya, Umapati, Prabhavisnu, Harikesa and worship them as pure devotees, and maybe you should invite Paramgati
that is allowed also by Jayapataka Swami to be a sannyasi in ISKCON though he has had homosex and approached several male devotees for this and the GBC never told him to stop wearing sannyasa dress.You seriously think Lord Nityananda Prabhu is approving such things?To you and others it is just about brushing things under the carpet and move on in preaching, (to make money?)but it is not simple....I informed you and others that I will go by the name given by my diksa Guru,this is my right   and noone can take that that away from me.
So you invite neophytes like Paramgati or others that destroy ISKCON to Dubai and pollute the congregation and devotees there, I only taught pure devotional service when I was there.Anyone can testify to that...Bhagavatam can only be understood properly by complete honest devotees, and so can Lord Nityananda Prabhu...vaisnavas are not some skeletons in a closet.This is why I wrote you I will not preach there in Dubai with you again unless you get these facts straight, and will stay in some rented place or with other devotees and preach to them about pure bhakti.
  Many very basics things I have mentioned to you also, such as the bathrooms where always filthy in the apartment 607 everytime I came the first thing I did was to scrup and clean it as the boys there can not even clean the place properly,though paid to do so.Also the room we where staying in ,devotees kept going into without even knocking on the doors and that was the same for the room where sannyasis where staying, exposing the private belongings of the sannaysis and preachers.Not respecting if these preachers and sannyasis even was just dressing, such basic things was not understood.. And one devotee from Bangladesh kept walking in and out of this apartment always in Dhoti and kurta with tilaka and all.
And when you make lifemembers there make sure they get a Bhagavatam set,Senthil Kumaram was not happy he was not giving the Bhagavatam untill I fought hard for it.If
books can not be given to lifemembers in Dubai it is better not to make them there let them become lifemembers in India instead.
Jaya Nitai Gaura
your servant
Paramananda das

Views: 730

Comment by Paramananda das on February 5, 2012 at 10:18am
My Dear Jayapataka Swami
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
I have preached in ISKCON Dubai on few occasions and many devotees like me there, I have never disrespected you or any devotees there, but Sri Vallabha Prabhu
has a very sectarian mood and only promote that you are the only Guru anyone should accept this is very neophyte.I have taken reinitiation  from Narayana Maharaja after the fall of Harikesa , (I even predicted his falldown and warned the GBC abotu this in 1996 ).I even told Sannyasis from Narayana Maharaja math to respect Sri Vallabha Prabhu
if they preach there since some of them have gone there.I think this unvaisnava like behavior of Sri Vallabha Prabhu is not suitabel.I encouraged devotees to fast from grains on Nityananda Trayodasi as Lord Nityananda deserves all the worship we can muster from our souls.He is superior even to Lord Narasimha (which is confirmed by Vrindavana das Thakura in Caitanya Bhagavad as well) .I know many devotees in ISKCON are not willing to do this, so what can be done, but to encourage a higher standard is a good thing.
Especially in times when even   Prabhavisnu falls down from sannyasa.Some of your disciples in Dubai like Tulsi Govinda (though much junior to me , kept making politics I should be your disciple) this is very unvaisnava like behavior, you kindly correct these disciples.
   dui bhai eka-tanu samana-prakasa
nityananda na mana, tomara habe sarva-nasa
ekete visvasa, anye na kara sammana
"ardha-kukkuti-nyaya" tomara pramana

These two brothers (Gaura and Nitai) are like one body; they are identical manifestations. If you do not believe in Lord Nityananda, you will fall down. If you have faith in one, but disrespect the other, your logic is like the logic of accepting half a hen. (Cc. Adi 5.175,176)

Faith in Gaura Without Nitai, or Nitai Without Gaura,
is Flickering Faith and in Opposition to Pure Devotional Service

kimva, dooha na manina hao ta' pashanda
eke mani' are na mani, ei-mata bhanda

It would be better to be an atheist by slighting both brothers than a hypocrite by believing in one and slighting the other. (Cc. Adi 5.177)
jagai madhai haite muni se papishtha
purishera kita haite muni se laghishtha
mora nama sune yei tara punya kshaya
mora nama laya yei tara papa haya
emana nirghrina more keba kripa kare
eka nityananda vinu jagat bhitare
preme matta nityananda kripa-avatara
uttama, adhama, kichu na kare vicara
ye age padaye, tare karaye nistara
ataeva nistarila mo-hena duracara

I am more sinful than Jagai and Madhai and even lower than the worms in stool. Anyone who hears my name loses the results of his pious activities. Whoever utters my name becomes sinful. Who in this world but Nityananda could show His mercy to such an abominable person as me? Because He is intoxicated by ecstatic love and is an incarnation of mercy, He does not distinguish between the good and the bad. He delivers all those who fall down befor
Comment by Paramananda das on February 5, 2012 at 10:19am

I am more sinful than Jagai and Madhai and even lower than the worms in stool. Anyone who hears my name loses the results of his pious activities. Whoever utters my name becomes sinful. Who in this world but Nityananda could show His mercy to such an abominable person as me? Because He is intoxicated by ecstatic love and is an incarnation of mercy, He does not distinguish between the good and the bad. He delivers all those who fall down before Him. Therefore He has delivered such a sinful and fallen person as me. (Cc. Adi 5.205-209)

I pray for your association Maharaja and pray your health is well
with all love from the bottom of my heart
your servant
Paramananda das
dear Sri Vallabha Prabhu Dandavat pranams All glories to Srila Prabhupada If you can not respect me or my spiritual master I can have no relationship with you . ys Paramananda das
    • Paramananda Das email to Sri Vallabha in Dubai
      Paramananda Das I have preached there and made lifemembers for ISKCON ,but he does not respect I am initiated by Narayana Maharaja ,this is very low class behavior
    • Paramananda Das many devotees in Dubai know me well...and love me,as I have much love for them also.And I never told one devotee to join Narayana Maahraja math...never ever ....
Comment by Paramananda das on February 5, 2012 at 2:06pm
Actually I took reinitation from Narayana Maharaja in 1998,and when got closer to ISKCON again in 2004 i was asked to go by the Payonidhi das name because the GBC rejected Narayana Maharaja as a bonafide vaisnava, thoug Srila Prabhuapda did not which is evident from his dealings and many letters to Maharaja .So this is why I used this old  name still ,after 3 former GBC chairmen asked me to do so.However with the   approches for reinitation from discipels of  your Guru Maharaja and of Bhakti Vikas Maharaja himself asking me to take reinitation.Plus with the passing of Narayana Maharaja, Krsna from within really made me understand once more the true divine teachings and example of my Gurudeva.He meant so much to me.I also mentioend this to you previously, but maybe you forgot?
The farce is that ISKCON Gurus claim Narayana Maharjaa reinitated already initiated  ISKCON devotees this never took place.That I know of.One disciple of Suhotra (ex Swami ) wanted to take reinitation from Narayana Maharaja and he asked is your Guru in good standing in ISKCON,then you do not need diksa ,you can take siksa only.Then when it came out that Suhotra had fallen from sannyasa (never openly discussed within ISKCON) Maharaja said ok you can take diksa,when asked again.My Gurudeva knew all vaisnava etiquete .
Today one young man from India accused that Krsna was a playboy and left Rukmini for Radha, and had illict sex with her.Of course he is a fool number one.But he says that is why you ISKCON people are such play boys .I was laughing out loud .Of ocurse not all are with such bad character.
I am not pulling anyone into this that I think will not be abel to give some good advise if they choose too.Anyone here are devotee I respect.
You are certainly not insignificant, and you have all my best regards and wishes in preaching in Dubai.You and your dad have certainly done
a great service.
Thank you for you time
your servant
Paramananda das
Comment by Paramananda das on February 5, 2012 at 2:07pm

anyhow Sri Valalbha das is worried I will expose his preaching for money style that is all...

Comment by Paramananda das on February 6, 2012 at 9:07am

he is a neophyte


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