Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Please accept my blessings
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
 You came up to me during Ratha yatra and asked me why I do not come to the temple more often.Non of your business.But since you
want to make it your business I will tell you why.Because devotees like  you have not advanced in KC, I am far superior to you in KC,but
since you are a disciple of Romapada Swami he teaches like many Guru that all new generation devotees wether you joined in 1977 after Srila Prabhupada had left in my case 1979, or around 2000 or so in your case whenever you joined are all one and the same.
 This is the lack of KC of Romapada Swami .Romapada Swami is supposed to be a sannyasi but keeps to much wealth he even once gave a loan
to Radha Govinda in New York ,and took it back with interest.You told me he also he gave you a loan for your house.This is terrible..completely materialistic and has nothing to do with bhakti.Another materialistic behavior is to avoid fasting on Visnutattva days and taking grains on days
like Janmastami, completly bogus and materialistic. Yes I know you good side, I see you otherwise have many good qualities.But you
1 lack proper discrimination
2 stop taking grains on Visnuttatva days
3 learn to respect a much senior devotee to you like myself.
4 I have spend my whole life in preaching pure KC and making devotees and distributing hundreds of thousands of Srila Prabhupada's books.  
You have never for one day in your life spend 8 hours on the streets doing Harinama and bookdistribution.
I once trained Bhakta Tim, that later became Atmanivedana das up to be a bookdistributor, and he on the inspiration of Romapada Swami became
the most puffed up sankirtana devotee I have ever seen, devoid of proper dealings with a senior devotee to him.In US many others are not qualified to be Gurus or proper disciples .I am by far your superior in devotional service, get some humility even if you do not get it taught
by Romapada Swami.And realize your loan from Romapada Swami is completely unvaisnava like.And completely unvaisnava like for him to give you such a loan or have or keep this kind of money.Do not become a kali yuga disciple.
Best wishes and may Srila Prabhupada bless you and your nice family
your servant
Payonidhi das
(Paramananda das)
PS You want my association at the temple stop being a rascal and taking grains on Janmastami    
One more thing Romapada Swami ,Anuttama das ,Rukmini and Malati are allowing the drilling of gas in New Vrindavana , but by calling it 
"natural gas" there is nothing natural about it, it is extremely dangerous and can completely destroy the groundwater and environment.
You can do some internet research if you want to educate yourself, this gas fracking also causes earthquake, the recent one of 5.8 we experienced in this area, is most likely due to this only, there has never been a 5.8 earthquake before in Maryland.
this gas drilling has been stopped because of to many earthquakes
Arkansol and Arkansas, and all kinds of chemicals is being pumped into the earth, you should kindly see the documentary :"Gasland"
In places in US many persons can not lit their tap water on fire from the gas and fracking fluids,  even radioactive radium is in the fracking
Yes I know you "indians and jewish" embodied persons will consider money over environment and integrity, and other ethnic backgrounds also
,It is completely demoniac, money and false prestige is not not sell your soul to the devil (maya) so to speak...

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