Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

discussion about Garga Samhita from Facebook

    • Please accept my humble obaisences
      All glories to Srila Prabhupada
      This is from a discussion I had with Advaita das from Holland also His Grace Deenabhandhu Prabhu has stated the following about Garga Samhita:
      • Goswamis have rarely cited Garga Samhita. Only Bhaktivinoda uses it to give the previous lives of the demons for describing the anartha they represent
        comment : I like to add he( Bhaktivinoda Thakura) also cited it in Navadvipa Dham Mahatmya Pramana khanda, 7 times 

          This is from discussion with Advaita Das from facebook:
      do you care to comment on this : ofiles/blogs/could-laxmi-enter -the-rasa
      dear Vaisnava friends Please accept my humble obaisences All glories to Srila Prabhupada so 'ham yah sharanam prapto mama tasya vadanti casarvam tabhyam tad-ar…
        • Paramananda Das I would appriciate your learned insight
          November 5 at 11:30pm · 
        • Advaita Das Laxmi did not enter the Rasa dance. Garga Samhita is not a bonafide book, it is never quoted by any acarya. It is a Vrajabasi storybook only.
          Sunday at 10:54pm · 
        • Paramananda Das Vrajabasi storybook?
          Monday at 10:57pm · 
        • Paramananda Das Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has on some occasions quoted from there, are you saying Garga Muni is not bonafide?
          Monday at 10:58pm · 
        • Advaita Das That is if it IS written by Garga Muni. I think it's written by a Bengali poet some 200 years ago, because the word bangeSu is there. In the Vedic days Bengal was named Anga, and later Gauda, but Banga is really very recent.
          Yesterday at 1:04am · 
        • Paramananda Das I am not sure if you have read the Garga Samhita, this book is certainly not "man made"-Garga Muni is described as an infallible devotee in the 10 Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam...and Narada Muni has confirmed he is an authority on bhakti as I have shown in this article.
          Yesterday at 5:36am · 
        • Paramananda Das Narayana Maharaja stated it was bonafide, but there was mainly aisvarya jnana mixed in the Vraja bhakti so the 6 Goswamis was not much interested in Garga Samhita,it appears to be correct...
          Yesterday at 5:41am · 
        • Paramananda Das what is that banga?Where has it been mentioned in Garga Samhita?
          Yesterday at 5:42am · 
        • Advaita Das garga muni surely is beyond faults but it is not written by garga muni. the stories are fantastic only and the book is nowhere quoted in the goswamis books or mentioned anywhere.
          Yesterday at 8:41am · 
        • Advaita Das i read garga samhita in 1990, i know it
          Yesterday at 9:37am · 
        • Paramananda Das well even the scholars in mundane society accept it as bonafide
          15 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das ki/Garga_Samhita

          Garga Samhita ("The narrations of Garga") is a book written by the sage Garga an...See More

          15 hours ago ·  · 
        • Advaita Das Mundane scholars make mistakes ;bhrama', cheat [vipralipsa], have imperfect senses [karanapatava] and space out [pramada]. garga samhita is not quoted by any acarya,
          14 hours ago · 
        • How can one rely on mundane scholars if they say "It is assumed to have been written during later the vedic period (900 - 500 BCE).". But Garga Muni lived more than 5000 years ago because he performed samskaras for Krsna.
          13 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das I know the article is not complete, but my point was even the karmis credit this book as being written by Sri Garga Muni.Anyone that is a devotee and reads Garga Samhita can clearly understand this is no man made book.One who does not accept Garga Samhita as bonafide sastra are simply mistaking and under the influence of the 4 defects.Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura quoted Garga Samhita, so I have no doubts in my mind
          3 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das In several Gaudiya maths this book is also accepted as boanfide...
          3 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das Some persons in our Gaudiya tradition however do not accept Advaita Prakash...I find this book very important...and also certainly not man made but have just been written down at a later date so some mistakes are there
          3 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das Garga samhita for example explains how various persons aspiring to become Gopis did so with diefferent blessings of various forms of Krsna, like Lord Ramachandra blessings the sages of Dandakaranya
          3 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das here is a summary of Sri Garga Samhita Mahatmya:

          Saunaka Rsi said, "I have heard from you in detail glorification of the Puranas, which is very pleasing to the ears. Now, kindly tell me about the Garge Samhita, which is filled with narrations of the transcendental pastimes of the Lord. In this Samhita, there is wonderful glorification of Sri Radha and Madhava."

          Suta Gosvami said, "O Saunaka, the glories of the Garga Samhita were revealed to me by Narada Muni. Thereafter, Lord Siva had spoken it to Parvati, along with the Sammohana-tantra. Lord Siva resides underneath an eternal banyan tree on Mount Kailash."

          "One day, as she sat along with her husband, surrounded by numerous Siddhas, Parvati requested him to narrate the pastimes of Lord Krsna."

          Lord Siva replied, "O goddess, listen now as I recite to you the life of Lord Krsna when He had incarnated on the earth, which is the remover of all kinds of sins. Long ago, Lord Krsna had Himself narrated His pastimes to Radha, and then later on, to Sesa, who thereafter recited them to Dharma. Dharma then recited the story of Lord Krsna's earthly pastimes to his sons, Nara and Narayana and Narayana narrated it to Narada Muni. Later on, Narada Muni narrated the pastimes of Lord Krsna to Garga Muni, whereby he attained the platform of realized transcendental knowledge. At that time, Narada Muni said to Garga Muni."

          Narada Muni said, "O sage, I have narrated the glories of Lord Krsna briefly and so it would be good if you compose them in a more elaborate form. Previously, I had inspired Srila Vyasadeva to compose the Srimad-Bhagavatam for this same purpose. The Samhita composed by you should be in the format of me narrating it to king Bahulsva."

          Garga Muni cheerfully accepted this most difficult task put before him by Narada Muni. Thereafter, Narada Muni ascended into the sky, holding his vina in his hand, and went to Brahmaloka. And, Gargacarya composed the Garga Samhita, which bestows devotion to Lord Krsna upon the hearer.

          In this regard, the following history is cited: There was a king named Pratibahu, the son of Vajra, who resided at Mathura, the abode of Lord Krsna. His wife was named Malini. He performed some difficult vows in the hopes of receiving a son. And yet, in spite of all his endeavours, the king did not receive a son and so he became quite morose. No one could him because it was his belief that the life of a man without a son is completely useless.

          One day, after the king had become old and grey, the sage, Sandilya, came to him. Seeing how the king appeared morose, the sage inquired about his welfare. In reply, King Pratibahu revealed to him is misfortune of having no son. The sage then spoke to the king for his welfare.

          Sandilya Muni said, "O King, after trying so many means for fulfilling your desire, without success, you should now listen to the Garga Samhita, along with your wife. In his Kali-yuga, Lord Visnu bestows riches and sons upon those who relish this divine literature. And at the end of life, such persons proceed to the abode of the Lord, Goloka. There are no hard and fast rules for listening to the Garga Samhita- it can be heard at all times and at all places. However, those who are not devoted to their spiritual master, who have no faith in the existence of God, who are sinful, and who do not follow the life of a Vaisnava, will achieve no good result while listening to the Garga Samhita."

          "The speaker of the Garga Samhita should be selected with great care. He should not be an envious person who continually criticizes others. He should be devoted to Lord Krsna and well-versed in the devotional literature. After the recitation of the Garga Samhita, there should be the performance of hari-name-sankirtana. The bona-fide speaker of the Garga Samhita should be treated with all due respect and he should be awarded gifts in charity in consideration of his highly meritorious service rendered."

          King Pratibahu became very pleased while listening to the words of the sage, Sandilya. He said, "O sage, I take shelter of you. Please recite the Garga Samhita to me and in this way, bestow upon me a son."

          Thereafter, a nice pandal was erected by the side of the Yamuna and all the people of Mathura came to listen. After the conclusion of the recitation, the sage, Sandilya, was given a great deal of wealth in charity by the king. Then, by the mercy of the great sage, Radha and Krsna appeared before the king. Everyone stood up and then bowed down to offer obeisances to the Supreme Lord and His consort. The king and his queen offered prayers, as did the sage, Sandilya, and the citizens appealed to the Lord to forgive their sins, benedict the king with a son, and award them all devotion at His lotus feet.

          Lord Krsna then said, "Whatever ever has been spoken by all of you will certainly come to pass. The Samhita composed by sage Garga fulfills all aspiration of those who respectfully hear it."

          After saying this, Radha and Krsna disappeared from the vision of the onlookers. Thereafter, whatever the sage, Sandilya, had received as remuneration for his recitation of the Garga Samhita, he distributed to the brahmanas of Mathura. He then departed, after giving the king all assurances. In due course of time, a son was born to the virtuous king and queen. The son was named Subahu.

          After hearing this story, Parvati requested her husband to recite the entire Garga Samhita, and Lord Siva compiled.
          3 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das /node/721

          śrī-nārada uvāca rādhā-vākyaṁ tataḥ śrutvā rājan sarva-sakhī-varā candrānanā pratyuvāca samvicārya kṣaṇaṁ hṛdi

          3 hours ago ·  · 
        • Paramananda Das There is Balarama Sahasra nama, Balarama Kavacha, 1000 names of Yamuna and unlimted things in Garga Samhita, who can believe that such things are manufactured ???? Come on not get cheated by imperfect perceptions....
          3 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das In his Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya Pramana-khanda chapter three Thakur
          Bhaktivinode has quoted Garga Samhita seven times. Also in a note to Garga
          Samhita 5.24.83 (a verse which predicts Mahaprabhu)
          3 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das mäyä mäyäpuré skñät 

          çré-garga-saàhitäyäà sa 

          kértitä päpa-näçiné

          mäyä—the Lord's yogamäyä potency; mäyäpuré—Mäyäpura; skñät—directly; sarva—all; 
          änanda—bliss; vivardhiné—increasing; çré-garga-saàhitäyäm—in the Garga-saàhitä; sä—it; 
          kértitä—glorified; päpa—of sin; näçiné—the destroyer. 

          Mäyäpura is the Lord's yogamäyä potency. It is filled with ever-increasing bliss. In the Garga-saàhitä its is described as "the destroyer of sins".
          3 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das this is from Navadvipa Pramana Khanda
          3 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das this is one of many quotes
          3 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das Krsna says:mac-citta mad-gata-prana
          bodhayantah parasparam
          kathayantas ca mam nityam
          tusyanti ca ramanti ca

          "The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are fully devoted to My service, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss from always enlightening one another and conversing about Me."
          3 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das so thank you for the nice discussion about this
          3 hours ago · 
        • Paramananda Das tesam evanukampartham
          aham ajnana-jam tamah
          nasayamy atma-bhava-stho
          jnana-dipena bhasvata

          "To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance."
          3 hours ago · 


Views: 1097

Comment by Paramananda das on November 9, 2011 at 11:52am

Subject: Re: discussion about Garga Samhita from Facebook

I do not know if I have the letter still but I once read the Garga Samihita in a class in L.A. many years ago. As I remember there was a reference of Sri Krishna returning to Vrindavana to remove the anguish of His devotees. To my surprise this seemed somehow odd with what I had understood and when I wrote to Srila Narayana Maharaja, he told me that it was not bona fide.
So, that was the last time I read from that publication by one of my god-brothers.
Avadhoot Maharaja
Venice, CA
my dear Avadhuta Maharaja
Pranams at your feet
All glories to Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada
When Gurudeva was asked about it he said that it was mixed with Aisvarya jnana so the 6 Goswamis did not give much importance that was in 1992 when Tamal Krsna Maharaja asked him about this book,I believe it is on tape from this time from Mathura, this is when Kusakrata Prabhu published it.The Radha Kunda Babajis do not accept Garga Samhita as bonafide, but we do and Srila Bhaktivinoda has cited it many times, 7 times in Navadvipa dhama Mahatmya praman khanda alone.Will he cite an unbonafide book ? That is not possible, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
was beyond such mistakes.Since he has accepted , we must accept.Also the babajis at Radha Kunda do not accept Caitanya Upanisad and some of the cast Goswamis  in Vrindavana also do not accept nor do they consider Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura very important.These are serious mistakes.I am not sure what Srila Gurudeva has written you, first please find the letter then we can see.But Garga Samhita is accepted by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura then no one can dare challenge, only a great fool:

namo Bhaktivinodaäya
rüpänuga-varäya te
“I offer my respectful obeisances unto Saccidänanda Bhaktivinoda,
who is transcendental energy of Caitanya Mahäprabhu.
He is a strict follower of the Gosvämés, headed by Srila Rüpa Goswami
your humble servant
Paramananda das


Comment by Paramananda das on November 9, 2011 at 12:26pm

As for Krsna returning to Vrindavana in Garga Samhita  that is in 5 canto chapter 19 

  The festival on Sri Krsna's return

Yes that is very odd, of course Krsna never leaves Vrindavana but this is different:

So you are right, the Garga Samhita has contradictions that we can not accept:
Such as Krsna returning and Laxmi entering Rasa lila, but then if Garga Muni is infallible how is this book so fallible, and different? I believe it was Kusakratha Prabhu that told me that these pastimes took place in Varaha Kalpa? But that Kalpa is also within this day of Brahma so that makes no sense as Krsna only appears once in a day of Brahma?

But we live in the Sveta Varaha Kalpa:So since Krsna only appears once in 12 hours of Lord Brahma in one Kalpa ?
Srila Gurudeva also pointed out that the apperance of Balarama is described differently some "discrepancies are there"?.So better to take this book with a grain of salt or reject it?  
It is not so easy to understand...also when the demigods went to the  ocean of milk ,to pray for Krsnas apperance, Garga samhita tells of Ksirodaksai Visnu taken the devas to Goloka.
Advaita das describes Garga Samhita:  It is a Vrajabasi storybook only.

lot of mysteries about this book,I think it is very clear that without taking to the Amala Purana Srimad Bhagavatam we will be confused, and better to stick to these pure teachings of Srimad Bhagavatam.


Comment by Paramananda das on November 9, 2011 at 12:33pm


Chapter Nineteen

Shri Krishnagamanotsava

The Festival on Shri Krishna Return



Text 1



ittham nishamya bhaktasya

     vacanam bhakta-vatsalah

smritva vakyam sva-kathitam

     gantum cakre 'cyuto matim


     ittham—thus; nishamya—hearing; bhaktasya—of His devotee; vacanam—the words; bhakta-vatsalah—kind to the devotees; smritva—remembering; vakyam—words; sva-kathitam—spoken by Himself; gantum—to go; cakre—did; acyutah—the infallible Lord; matim—His mind.



     Listening to the words of His devotee, and remembering His own promise, Lord Krishna, the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead, who loves His devotees, made up His mind to go to Vraja.



Texts 2 and 3



baladevam sthapyitva

     karya-bhareshu sarvatah

hemadhyam kinkini-jalam



ratham aruhya suryabham

     uddhavena samanvitah

bhaktanam darshanam datum

     prayayau nanda-gokulam


     baladevam—Balarama; sthapyitva—placing; karya-bhareshu—in the duties; sarvatah—in all respects; hemadhyam—opulent with gold; kinkini-jalam—a network of tinkling ornaments; cancala—eager to go; ashva—horses; niyojitam—yoked; ratham—chariot; aruhya—mounting; suryabham—splendid as the sun; uddhavena—with Uddhava; samanvitah—with; bhaktanam—of the devotees; darshanam—the sight; datum—to give; prayayau—went; nanda-gokulam—to Nanda's Gokula.



     Entrusting all His duties to Balarama, and mounting a chariot rich with tinkling golden ornaments and yoked to eager horses, Krishna went with Uddhava to Nanda's Gokula to meet His devotees.



Text 4



govardhanam gokulam ca

     pashyan vrindavanam vanam

prapto 'bhut puline krishno

     krishna-tire manohare


     govardhanam—Govardhana; gokulam—Gokula; ca—and; pashyan—seeing; vrindavanam—Vrindavana; vanam—forest; praptah—attained; abhut—did; puline—on the shore; krishnah—Krishna; krishna-tire—on the Yamuna's shore; manohare—beautiful.



     Seeing Govardhana and Gokula as He went, Krishna came to the Yamuna's beautiful shore by Vrindavana forest.



Text 5



koöishah koöisho gavo

     drishöva krishnam vrajadhipam

adhavantyah sarvatas tam



     koöishah—millions; koöishah—and millions; gavah—of cows; drishöva—seeing; krishnam—Krishna; vrajadhipam—the king of Vraja; adhavantyah—running; sarvatah—everywhere; tam—Him; sneha—out of love; snuta—flowing; payodharah——udders.



     As soon as they saw Him, from all directions millions and millions of cows, milk dripping from their udders out of love, ran to Krishna, the king of Vraja.



Texts 6 and 7



udasya-karna-valamsh ca

     rambhamanah sa-vatsakah

mukhe kavala-samyukta

     ashru-mukhyo gata-vyathah


sa-ratham sarunam sashvam

     sharad-arkam yatha ghanah

rurudhus tam ratham rajann

     uddhavasya prapashyatah


     ut—raised; asya—faces; karna—ears; valah—tails; ca—and; rambhamanah—mooing; sa-vatsakah—with calves; mukhe—in the mouth; kavala-samyukta—with a mouthful; ashru-mukhyah—tears in their eyes; gata-vyathah—their unhappinesses gone; sa-ratham—with his chariot; sarunam—with the arunas; sashvam—with his horses; sharad-arkam—the autumn sun; yatha—as; ghanah—clouds; rurudhuh—stopped; tam—that; ratham—chariot; rajann—O king; uddhavasya—as Uddhava; prapashyatah—looked.



     As Uddhava watched, the mooing cows and calves, their faces, ears, and tails erect, the cud still in their mouths, and their sufferings now gone, blocked


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