Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

" Dhenukasura Vaisnava "
The Dhenukasura vaisnava is a fake Vaisnava he thinks love of Krsna should not be spread because only I should taste the fruits of love of Godhead there is not enough for all.But that is miserly and a demoniac miscalculation ,there is not enough for all .Lord Caitanya has ordered to spread love of Godhead following the Pancatattva that freely distributed love for Krsna to everyone .Dhenukasura asses where servants of Kamsa and was thinking the fruits here in Talavan is only for the demoniac king Kamsa , but Krsna Balarama said lets enjoy the fruits, so they killed Dhenukasura and his friends .The miserly devotee also does not accept Lord Caitanyas admission fee into bhakti.What is that fee Lord Caitanya said Trinad api sunicena, chant the holy name of Krsna , Hare Krsna mantra and chant 64 rounds daily as a minimum .So if we really want to taste the fruits of love of Krishna we should chant 64 rounds daily and become pure devotees of Lord Gauranga and Sri Sri Radha Krsna and of Srila Prabhupada ,then we can only taste love of Krsna.Do not try to limit Bhakti , you are not allowed in the temple we do not have enough space in our heart and SRILA PRABHUPADAS temple (NOT YOURS). No if the temple is full you expand make the temple bigger or open another temple.Why are you trying to make ISKCON small, the whole world is supposed to become devotees.But many think it is only for my liberation ,that means that person is no better than a stupid ass and has an ass like mentality .One should pray to Krsna Balarama I am weak and like Dhenukasura, I live in the temple but think only Krsna belongs to me I am not happy to see when others become Krsna conscious it means one is very envious.SB 5,18,8 tells to give up envy .Just like Jesus Christ also came to teach love of God and love and compassion and many Jewish priests thought he might be the Messiah but we will kill him, that was already predicted in the old Testament, that they will torture and kill him out of envy .Then Jesus Christs teachings went all over the world but again as distorted by Dhenukasura ass like persons.So we should not become like an ass , but loving and kind and compassionate and fully Krsna conscious. We should avoid the socalled Dhenukasura vaisnavas they are not real vaisnavas but only shadow devotees they can not give any bhakti AND THEY are busy changing Srila Prabhupadas books and the standards given by Srila Prabhupada ."Dhenukasura Vaisnavas " is a mentality and not really a vaisnava, it is the mentality of the envious Kanistha Adhikari that think ISKCON is for their sensengraticiation.They are very much envious of the distribution of Srila Prabhupadas original books ,which are like the pure sTala fruits, when Krsna and Balarama are merciful they will kill the demoniac mentality of such persons.If they maintain such mentality they will not go back to Godhead !Dhenukasura Vaisnavas never go on book distribution of Srila Prabhupadas original books ,they remain in the temple to try to enjoy the property of Srila Prabhupada that they imagine belongs to them, soon enough they will have to meet Yamaraja .who will punish them for misusing the property of the spiritual master and being Guru Bhogis -enjoyer's of the property of Srila Prabhupada and Gury tyagis denouncers of Srila Prabhupadas instructions.Of course every home should be made into a temple also and let the whole world become happy ,Sarva Sukhino bhavantu -Srila Prabhupada quoted this many times let everyone be happy in Krsna consciouness .Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

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