The Cintamani Jewel of the Toll Pastime
Translated by Kusakratha Dasa
1 May Sri Sri Gandharva-Giridhari's (Radha-Krsna's) intently playful quarrel over a toll of milk-products at the base of Govardhana Hill, where Their friends, filled with hundreds of desires for their friend's victory, spoke many clever, crooked words, protect you all.
2 Although I am blind, by the power of the effulgence of the pollen of Srila Rupa Gosvami's splendid lotus feet, I now take the eternally-new dana-keli pastime jewel created by the meeting of the flowing stream of Sri Radha and the ocean of Lord Giridhari, both very beautiful,, and both filled with nectar waves of exalted joking words.
3 All glories to Sahara-grama, the residence of Upananda, the brother and intelligent minister of Gokula's king. Upananda's handsome and virtuous son is Subhadra, and Subhadra's highly qualified wife is Kundalata.
4 Near Subhadra's house is a splendid aromatic garden filled with many flowers, bees, birds and splendid trees. As she played in that garden, Kundalata asked her friend Sumukhi: "Where are Radha and Krsna now? What are They doing?"
5 When she drank the stream of these madhvika-nectar words flowing from the lotus flower of Kundalata's mouth and sweetened with the camphor of questions about Sri Sri Radha-Giridhari, eager, beautiful Sumukhi, filled with ecstasy and the hairs on her body upright, began to tell the news of Their pastimes.
6 Affectionately attached to Balarama, his own son, and Krsna, his friend's son, Maharaja Vasudeva arranged that Bhagavan Bhaguri perform a Vedic sacrifice for Their benefit. Accompanied by many sages, Bhagavan Bhaguri lovingly performed that sacrifice at Govinda-kunda with great secrecy.
7 The pure-hearted gopis quickly arrived at that sacrificial arena and, taking the milk-products they carried on their heads, offered them to the sages. The sages were very pleased, and in reciprocation at once blessed them and gave them gifts of many jewel ornaments, in this way fulfilling all their desires.
8-10 When, staying at Her own lake (Radha-kunda), where the glistening, pure waters are filled with blossoming lotuses and lilies, and where all around are groves of many kinds of trees beautiful with many flowers filled with bees' humming, She heard from the mouth of the parrot Suksmadhi about secret yajna, She became agitated at heart and, longing to go there, with Her dear gopi-friends bathed, decorated Herself with nice garments and ornaments, anointed Herself both with kunkuma and the ointment of krsna-pranaya, with great purity worshipped the sun-god, passionately meditated on Krsna as the moon of Vraja shining in the sky of Her heart and, carrying a golden jar of aromatic ghee on Her head, Radhika jubilantly left Her lake (to attend the yajna).
11 O girl with beautiful teeth, (walking) on the pathways, smiling and smiling as She tells the news of Krsna (to Her friends), a puppet in love's hands, suffering from not seeing Her lover, and glancing again and again at affectionate Lalita and witty Visakha, She enjoys (speaking) crooked joking words to Her heart's content.
12-13 She saw the regal mountain proud of the touch of Lord Giridhari's hand, where are many trees with branches filled with splendid aromatic flowers making wandering bumblebees mad with the sweet taste of their pollen, many excellent fruits, roots, bulbs, luxuriant grasses, deer, sweetly singing birds, and many other creatures, and where in many places are jewel thrones, and in other places splendid mountain peaks, flowing mountain-streams, and charming caves.
14 Approaching Govardhana Hill, joyfully smelling the sweet aroma of ghee the great sages continually poured into the sacred fires, and by the nectar of happiness made eager to go quickly (to the sacrifice), She rebuked the heavy breasts and hips that forced Her to move slowly.
15-16 Learning of the gopis's imminent arrival from the parrot-king, Krsna smiled, assembled His priya-narma friends, and made a makeshift toll-booth from a black bench on Govardhana Hill. When Krsna saw smiling Radha, who wore a red sari and ornaments and carried on Her head a golden pot of ghee as She walked with the gracefulness of a regal swan in the company of Her gopi-friends who also carried pots of ghee, Krsna, the prince of gopas, said:
17 A full moon comes before Me and turns My eyes into two cakora birds that live by drinking it's moonbeams. In this moon are two splendid bandhuka flowers disguised as lips. These two flowers have turned My eyes into two bumblebees eager to drink its honey. Here are also two round pomegranates disguised as breasts. These pomegranates have turned My eyes into two parrots eager to taste them. who is this wonderful lotus flower that has appeared before Me? This lotus has transformed Me into a swan that passionately yearns to play among it's petals.
18 When lotus petal-eyed Sri Krsna came to understand that the being before Him was not a lotus flower but a beautiful young girl, His heart became agitated with love for Her. Filled with longing to attain Her and uncertain whether He could attain Her, He again spoke.
19 Is this a blossoming campaka vine? No. Campaka vines are stationary, and this being moves. Is this a lightning flash? No. Lightning shines only for a moment in it's sky-borne cloud, and this being remains continually before Me. Is this a river with splendid waves? No. For rivers are formless, and this being has a very beautiful form.
As Srimati Radharani and Her friends heard these words, they approached nearer to Lord Krsna.
20 I cannot believe that this is the girl Radha with Her many friends. As I reflect on the identity of this person I can only conclude that this must be the beautiful supreme goddess of love, who has now appeared before Me accompanied by Her various potencies, such as embracing and kissing, which have assumed the forms of these young girls.
21 This fair complexioned girl, who is a splendid pennant of fame decorating Maharaja Vrsabhanu's dynasty, a wave of glistening splendour from the jewel-mine of Kirtida-devi's womb. Sridama's beautiful and pious younger sister, a flood of glittering moonlight that delights the lotus flowers of Her dearest friends, and a charming roof under which the great peacock of My life's breath resides, is Sri Radhika Herself!
22 The corners of her beautiful restless eyes gazing at Lord Govinda, the crest jewel of Govardhana Hill, Tungavidya-devi smiled and said:
23 Radha, this is Your dear friend Krsna who has now climbed to this summit of Govardhana, the king of mountains. This is the same passionate Krsna who hid in the darkness and stole the jar of yoghurt. This is the great thief of the gopis' property.
24 Lord Kesava was so handsome that His bodily lustre completely defeated the great pride of the dark monsoon clouds. He was like Kamadeva's club, raised to smash the advancing armies of the gopis' peaceful composure. He was like a splendid decoration on the silk-turban crown of Govardhana, the king of mountains. Radha embraced Him with a crooked sidelong glance, She wavered with unsteadiness as She spoke the following words:
25 My dear beautiful faced friends, What is this before us? Is it a fresh monsoon cloud? Is it a sapphire blossom? Is it a newly sprouted blue lotus flower? Is it the amorous sporting of musk perfume? Ah, it is none of these. Because this form before us causes Me to burn with passionate desire, I know this must be the wonderful dark moon of Gokula standing before Us on Govardhana Hill.
26 No. This cannot be the dark moon, for even the full moon and all the stars are not as splendidly beautiful as this. I think this must be smiling King Kamadeva, accompanied by his friends, the cuckoo, bumble-bee, spring season and mango. My friends, I think King Kamadeva has come here just to meet you.
27 This is the playful object of maternal love for Vraja's queen. This is the nectarean fruit of the saintly tree of the cowherd's king. This is the sole medicine for protecting the dear cowherd boys. This is Madhava, the great ocean where Balarama's life breath performs pastimes.
28 Overwhelmed with passion, Radha stared at Lord Giridhari. Her body became bathed with tears and perspiration. O my friend Sudati, She trembled, and only with great difficulty was able to keep the glistening pot of ghee from slipping out of Her lotus hand.
29 Sri Krsna was dressed in the most charming and elegant garments and ornaments as befitting the wealthiest of toll-collectors, carried a flute and buffalo-horn bugle, and was accompanied by many cowherd boyfriends holding sticks in the role of toll-collectors. Smiling with contempt, the gopis stared at Krsna. They gracefully approached Him.
30 Seeing the sweet-hearted charming gopis maddened with anger, Madhumangala smiled, and angrily spoke the following words to Sri Krsna:
31 Intoxicated by youthfulness and accompanied by Her maddened friends, proud Radha, although only a weak woman, now approaches You. O friend, why do You not forcibly check Her before she places Her hands upon You?
32 As He gracefully walked, Sri Krsna moved the bells on His body, making a tinkling sound filled with all amorous potencies and fully able to defeat the approaching lion of Sri Radha. As He bewildered Her with these amorous potencies, He spoke to His gopa-associates the following words of pretended anger;
33 Madhumangala speaks the truth. These wicked girls are ignoring My toll and proudly going away. Just see their arrogance. My friends, I will now single-handedly force them to pay the toll.
34 Sound the flutes and buffalo-horn bugles! Stop these girls! With My own arms I will personally stop Radha, the leader of these crooked-hearted girls!
35 O Subala, O leader of thousands of toll-collectors, you forcibly stop Visakha! O Ujjvala, O protector of the toll-booth, O My friend, you stop Citra-devi! O Vasanta, O leader of the assembly, you stop Campakalata and Tungavidya! O Kokila, O most expert leader of thousands of guides, you stop Lalita.
36 Speaking many arrogant words, the cowherd boys surrounded Radha and Her friends and stopped them from proceeding. Radha jubilantly assailed Krsna with many crooked words that which were actually disguised prayers of glorification. Krsna appeared to become angry, and He said to proud Radha:
37 My dear proud thief, I know that You regularly travel in these forest pathways, carefully hiding these milk-products and lucratively selling them in the black market. By good fortune You have now fallen into My hands. I will now arrest You, bind You with ropes, and take You before King Kamadeva. He will certainly be pleased with Me for bringing You, and he will reward Me by giving Me the precious jewel of Your youthfulness.
38 Should I actually bring you insignificant girls before the great King Kamadeva? No. I should not bother him with your tiny antics. Instead I will simply teach you that I am the unrivalled monarch of this town of Vraja.
39 My dear thief, if You do not immediately pay this toll, I will bind You with this garland of forest flowers. I will bite Your lips with My teeth. I shall scratch Your breasts with the ten weapons that are My fingernails. In this way I will punish You for Your crime.
40 As restless, fickle-minded Krsna spoke in this way He began to grab the corner of Radha's red sari. Beautiful, intelligent Radha, gazing at Him from the corners of Her quickly moving eyes, angrily said to Supreme Personality of Godhead:
41 Stay far away! Don't touch Me! You are a cruel, shameless rake, and I am a pious pure-hearted girl bringing this ghee to the sacrificial arena. Your slightest touch will contaminate this ghee and make it unsuitable for offering in the auspicious sacrifice.
42 Krsna then said: My dear large-eyed girl, can You not see that I have become purified, sprinkled with perspiration by the ocean of amorous love? I have come to this place specifically to perform the maha-ujjvala sacrifice along with You as My religious wife.
43-44 A cuckoo in the forest then addressed the following words to Lord Krsna: "O friend, just flatter this girl with sweet words, and then quickly collect Your toll from Her." Hearing these words, Sri Krsna, who enjoys limitless wonderful pastimes, placed His left hand on His auspicious left hip and began to smile. Carrying the glittering golden pot of ghee on Her head, Sri Radha gazed at Krsna from the corners of Her restless eyes. With pretended shyness She covered half Her face with Her sari. Sri Krsna said to Her:
45 My dear Radha, please stand for a moment by this toll-booth, and let this pleasant breeze, which carries the fragrance of lotus flowers, relieve You of all fatigue. Take a moment to all My assistant to record the payment of Your toll in glistening fresh ghee, and make Your cruel friends immediately do the same.
46 O scribe Madhumangala, come here. Truthfully record My toll-payment in your ledger, and carefully read out loud to Me what you have written. If out of greed you do not record all I have given so you can later claim it as your own, then you will certainly be punished by the authorities.
47 Radha, come here. Pay careful attention as Madhumangala writes in his toll-register. Pay Your toll. Do not quarrel. Sweeten Your mouth by chewing these betelnuts. Make this a nice day. This is a very auspicious occasion.
48 O Madhumangala, O best of scribes, O My friend, I will accurately enumerate the extent of this toll payment. Please carefully write as I speak.
49 My dear girl with the beautiful face, each of the lovely vraja-gopis must give five heaps of sparkling diamonds as toll-payment for her jar of ghee. All this priceless wealth is now Mine.
50 For the red sindura mark in Your parted hair You must pay the toll of one hundred thousand glittering crystal stones, and for Your beautiful braids, which glisten like black mascara. You must pay the toll of two hundred thousand charming sapphires.
51 O girl with the beautiful eyebrows, for Your forehead, which shines like a golden half-moon, You must pay the toll of one hundred thousand splendid moonstones, and for the tilaka markings drawn in musk on Your forehead You must pay the toll of one hundred million moon-shaped pendants studded with sapphires.
52 For Your bending eyebrows You must pay the toll of fifty thousand quivers studded with sapphires, and for Your beautiful ears You must pay the toll of many murva-bowstrings made of charming new lapis lazuli stones.
53 For the arrow of Your sidelong glance You must pay the toll of one million sapphire-arrows, and for Your two beautiful eyes You must pay the toll of one million aromatic emerald lotus flowers.
54 For Your nose, as beautiful as sesame flower, You must pay the toll of many gold pendants in the shape of young parrots beaks, and for Your lovely cheeks You must pay the toll of many charming golden mirrors more splendid than crystal.
55 For Your beautiful face, which eclipses the glory of all other faces, You must pay the toll of one hundred thousand full moons, one hundred thousand blossoming lotus flowers, and one hundred thousand jewel-studded golden mirrors. For Your chin You must pay the toll of many precious gems.
56 My dear girl as lovely as a lotus flower, for Your lips as beautiful as bimba fruits You must pay a toll of one red lotus flower fashioned of rubies. For Your teeth, which rebuke splendid ripe pomegranate seeds, You must pay a toll of one hundred thousand peerless sikhara gems.
57 My dear moon-faced girl, if the male bee that is the dot of musk on the chin of Your lotus face will lovingly embrace the smiling female bee of My eyes, then that is sufficient payment of toll. I will not ask any further toll for Your musk dot.
58 For the beauty of Your splendid red tongue, which is like a spoon perfectly dipping into the nectar ocean of melodious song, You must at once pay a toll of many goblets filled with sweet madhvika nectar fragrant with camphor.
59 For Your blossoming gentle smile You must pay a toll of ten million beautiful, glistening, white pearl lotus flowers. For Your charming sweet conversation You must pay a toll of ten thousand gold pots filled with the sweetest nectar.
60 For Your beautiful golden earrings You must pay a toll of one glittering magnet. For the pearl set in gold on the tip of Your nose You must pay a toll of many crystal necklaces.
61 For the aromatic betel nuts enthusiastically dancing with playful happiness on the stage of Your mouth You must pay a toll of sending them to dance in My mouth.
62 For Your neck beautiful as a conchshell You must pay a toll of many golden conchshells. for Your lovely round arms You must pay a toll of many beautiful, glistening, smooth golden lotus stems. For Your two hands You must pay a toll of many lapis lazuli lotus flowers.
63 For Your charming fingers You must pay a toll of many aromatic golden campaka flowers. For the beautiful golden plate that is Your back You must pay a toll of sleeping by My side and enjoying many pastimes with Me on a bed of flowers in the grove of Vrndavana.
64 My dear girl with the beautiful face, Your two pitcherlike breasts removed the pride of the two protuberances on the heads of maddened regal elephants fragrant with he aroma of ichor. For these breasts You must pay a toll of one hundred thousand pomegranate, bilva, and tala fruits made of gold.
65 Your waist is as charmingly slender as the waist of the most handsome lioness. Your waist is the great reservoir of the nectar of amorous love. Your waist is beautifully bound by the sash of three lovely folds of skin, and then covered by a red cloth and a chain of tinkling bells. The toll required for this waist is very great, although if You offer Me a suitable bribe I will conceal this particular item from the scrutiny of My master, the great King Kamadeva. You may bribe Me by immediately placing in My hand the hidden jewel that fastens Your belt.
66 For Your broad hips You must pay a toll of this belt. Although You are afraid to loosen this tight belt and You present many crooked appeals to avoid this toll, do not hesitate. Remove this garment and pay the toll. Paying this toll will bring You great satisfaction for it will cause the moon of King Kamadeva to rise here.
67 For the crest jewels decorating the hoods of the line-of-hairs serpent rising from the lake of Your navel, You must pay a toll of nine million beautiful sapphires, rubies and lapis lazuli stones.
68 For Your gracefully moving hips covered by exquisite blue garments and a charming red sash you must pay a toll of nine hundred million glittering golden thrones. As the king of toll-collectors I require these thrones as My sitting places.
69 For Your thighs, which are more beautiful than the elephant's graceful trunk, You must pay a toll of many plantain trees fashioned of gold. For Your two lotus feet decorated with pleasantly tinkling ankle-bells, You must pay a toll of many blossoming flowers fashioned of rubies.
70 For the beautiful waves of tilting folds of skin on Your slender abdomen shining with the nectar of amorous pastimes You must pay a toll of two anubhava jewels. For the reddish moonlight of Your fingernails and toenails You must pay a toll of many jewel ornaments fashioned in the shape of moons.
71 For You beautiful knees, which destroy the pride of shining golden jewel-cases, You must pay a toll of ten million golden jewel-cases.
72 For Your necklaces and other ornaments You must give the peerless beautiful touchstone hanging from Your delicate neck. for the tinkling sounds of Your bracelets, anklets and bells, You must give the two great jewels over Your heart.
73 For Your blue and red bodice and other garments You must pay a toll of many sapphire and coral necklaces. For Your pet parrot, doe, peahen, lute, toy lotus flower, as well as for Your dancing and other playful activities, You must pay a toll of ten million precious gems.
74 My dear girl with the beautiful face, Your golden complexion seems to have created many golden forests, mountains, villages, and planets. Your golden complexion has completely defeated the great host of campaka flowers with it's beautiful splendour. for this complexion You must pay a toll of many millions of golden mountains.
75 The breeze moving over the aromatic ocean of lotus flowers and kunkuma resting on Your golden limbs has perfumed this forest of Vraja. My friend, I cannot see anything that may be a proper toll-payment for this fragrance, and therefore You must give Me Your constant association to pay the toll.
76 For the beautiful pictures of flowering vines, lotuses, and dolphins drawn in glistening kunkuma and musk on the canvas of Your body You must pay a toll of making My body fragrant by always splashing it with the delightful flood of Your sweet fragrance.
77 O girl with the beautiful thighs, for the enchanting and auspicious markings on your lotus feet anointed with red lac You must pay a toll of the necklace of red half-moons that is Your fingernails. You must place this necklace on My chest for many billions of years.
78 My dear delightful girl, Your singing drowns all the universes, even up to Vaikunthaloka, with unparalleled bliss. Your singing makes the hearts of Your rivals tremble with despair. Your singing is glorified and worshipped with great love by Laksmi and the other goddesses. Your singing is like a great drum heralding the appearance of supreme auspiciousness. Your singing is sweeter than the honey of the lotus flower. You must allow Me to hear this singing. That is the toll-payment for Your sweet voice.
79 Your auspicious name, Radha, is sweeter than glistening nectar, and it makes the residents of all universes ecstatic, the hairs of their bodies standing up with bliss. What can be a suitable toll payment for Your name? My dear Radha, You must now give Me the splendid jewel that is Your playful pastimes with Me. That is the toll-payment I demand of Your name.
80 The glorious demigoddesses all praise Your splendid and playful intelligence, expanded fame, profound thoughts, and host of other glorious and auspicious qualities. For these qualities now pay a toll of many heaps of sparkling pearls, diamonds and beautiful sapphires.
81 My friend, for Your graceful movements, which defeat the gracefulness of a maddened elephant, and which are like so many promises of future amorous bliss, You must pay a toll of many swan-shaped ornaments fashioned of large pearls glistening as many stars. For the graceful gestures of Your hands You must pay a toll of many rubies.
82 For Your beautiful ears You must now pay a toll of earrings and other ornaments. I think that by paying this toll You will earn great piety, a long life, fame, and glory.
83 For Your beauty, shyness, humbleness, scholarship, melodious singing, and host of other transcendental virtues, You must give me all Your friends as toll-payment. For Your difficult-to-attain ecstatic love for Me You must give Me Your friend Lalita as toll-payment. For Your affectionate auspicious joking pastimes with Me You must give Visakha as toll-payment.
84 Your priceless loveliness rebukes the beauty of ten million goddesses of fortune. You are the crest jewel among the Vraja-gopis, each of whom is more enchanting than one hundred thousand Laksmis. For Your exquisite beauty You must give to Me Your body as toll-payment.
85 After hearing these sweet words, which eclipsed the pride of the nectar-ocean, beautiful Radha crookedly glanced at crooked Krsna. she smiled with playful anger and spoke the following words:
86 My dear gopi-friends, I will not travel on this path, which has become polluted by this seducer of young girls. aha! Not hearing My words , Lalita now proudly places Me in this rascal's hand.
87 Although She yearned to hear such playful joking words from Krsna, Radha crookedly rebuked Him with these angry words. When Radha, whose beautiful face is worshipped by the moon itself, began to walk away with Her friends, She was forcibly stopped by Krsna, the moon of Vraja
88 As she heard Mukunda's joking words, which were sprinkled with sweet smiles and filled with hidden double meanings, Lalita's eyes smiled with happiness. Artificially checking the great happiness in her heart, she spoke the following words as if filled with anger.
89 We have never seen or heard of any toll in milk-products in town of Vraja. This so-called toll is simply an invention of the king of bandits to cheat the gopis.
90 My dear friends, if you wish to rescue yourselves from the hard coils of this black snake Krsna, then just go before the queen of Vraja and narrate all these happenings. Do this and this black snake will be very happy to leave us in peace.
91 Lord Mukunda could easily understand the actual desire hidden deep within Radha's heart. He gently smiled and spoke the following crooked words to Lalita and the other gopis.
92 My dear beautiful Tungavidya, each day you grow increasing proud of being more learned than the other young girls of Vraja. I think you should give a vast quantity of gold as the toll-payment for your learning.
93 My dear beautiful Citra, who in this world is not delighted by Your wonderfully charming gentle words? If this were not so then why do the learned doctors of rhetoric daily proclaim that your words are sweeter than nectar?
94 My dear beautiful girl, I cannot see anything that can be a suitable toll-payment for your sweet words. For this reason I think You should take the nectar of the soft, beautiful, sweet, glistening bimba fruits of Your lips, mix it with the fragrant camphor of your smile, and offer that nectar as the only possible toll-payment for your sweet words.
95 My dear friend Campakalata, your beauty is like a trembling campaka flower made of molten gold. As toll payment you must decorate My dark limbs with the charming garland of these campaka flowers of your beauty.
96 My dear sweet-limbed Visakha, the words from your mouth are like honey mixed with the nectar of transcendental mellows and perfumed by the camphor of many pleasant jokes. In all the three worlds I do not think there is any suitable toll-payment for your words.
97 My dear Lalita, you possess great learning, wit, graceful dancing, charming smiles and laughter, consummate beauty and a host of other transcendental virtues. For all these virtues you must pay a toll of surrendering to Me your expert instructions to the gopis in the matter of pride and jealous anger, as well as your expert pretended hard-heartedness.
98 At this point Kundalata said: My dear Sumukhi, these narrations of the charming pastimes of the divine couple, who play in Vrajabhumi are like nectar. A single drop of this sweet nectar enables the drinker to immediately reject hundred of inferior material desires. although for thousands of times I repeatedly drink this ocean of nectar in the astonished cup of my ear, I remain always unsatisfied and simply desire to continue drinking without interruption.
99 Kundalata said: Please narrate these topics again and again. Hearing these words, Sumukhi became drowned in an ocean of satisfaction and the hairs of her body stood up in ecstasy. With a voice full of love, moon-faced Sumukhi spoke the following words.
100 When the gopis heard Krsna's toll-claims they all laughed heartily. Witty, playful Tungavidya smiled and said:
101 My dear Madhumangala, you and your friends are not very strong. How will you carry all these goods collected as toll-payments? I think you should bring from home many carts drawn by great camels, powerful bulls, mules, and other domestic animals, just to carry all this.
102 Lord Krsna's playful words were so sweet they seemed to rebuke the flood of nectar streaming down from the moon planet. When Radha heard these words her enchanting eyes opened wide with ecstatic bliss, although with charming deceptiveness she carefully concealed the happiness she felt.
103 Sri Radha is the supreme heroine, expert at enjoying splendid transcendental pastimes. She is the thief that steals the great ruby that is the price of Vraja's thoughts. she is the great goddess of eloquence expert at speaking charming amorous words. Sri Radha, who is expert at making words dance, proceeded to quarrel with Lord Giridhari. She said:
104 My Lord, You do not understand our position. We are not Your maidservants of slaves. Neither are we Your submissive Candravali or Your Padmika. You have arrested us in this solitary place deep in the frightening jungle, and on the pretext of collecting a toll You are plundering our wealth just as a highwayman.
105 Krsna then said: My dear Radha, please do not uselessly quarrel in this way. Please understand how I am instructing You for Your own benefit and dutifully pay the toll. If the great king Kamadeva hears that You refused to pay the toll he will become angry and punish You severely. At that time I will not be responsible for Your sufferings.
106 Radha then said: If Krsna has deceptively invented a toll that does not actually exist, I hereby declare that He will bear the curse of His beloved Candravali on His head.
Sumukhi then said: O My friend, Kundalata, in this way the smiling actress Radha, who stays in the caves of Govardhana Hill, made the entire assembly burst into laughter with Her dancing words.
107 Krsna then said: Your intimate friend Visakha is both intelligent and clear-thinking. Please confer with her and decide what is to be done. Do not follow the advice of wild, intoxicated Lalita.
108 Radha replied: O moon among the monarchs of toll-collecting, I am delighted by Your wonderful words. I feel grateful to You and I wish to please You also in reciprocation. I will now please You by immediately bringing to this place the garuda bird named Abhimanyu, who is very eager to personally see the dancing of the snake of Your charming boldness.
Note: Abhimanyu is the name of Srimati Radharani's so-called husband. Garuda bird prey on snakes.
109 As soon as these words were spoken, beautiful Visakha, expert at joking and filled with all auspicious virtues, eagerly began to lead Radha to the village of Vraja, until she was violently checked by the villain Hari.
110 Citra-gopi then said: My dear chaste friends, let us protect our religious principles from this libidinous rascal Krsna. Let us immediately run home, or let us flee to the sacrificial arena to offer these jars of ghee.
111 Hearing these words, Tungavidya raised her curved eyebrows and seemed to have become angry. She said: O foolish Citra, who are you needlessly afraid of the words of this timid little cowherd boy?
112 All glories to Sri Radha, the eternally victorious queen of Vrndavana forest. All glories to Lalita-devi, Her powerful prime minister. Just see, this brahmana clown Madhumangala wished to collect a toll-payment that would ruin Her forest. I will now bind this rascal with ropes and lead him away as my captive.
113 O friend Kundalata, when Madhumangala heard these words he became frightened, He, Subala, and all the cowherd boys assembled around Lord Krsnacandra, who laughed and spoke the following words in a great heroic voice:
114 O best of brahmanas, do not fear. I am powerful as Lord Nrsimhadeva. Simply by seeing Me strong and violent Lalita and fearsome Tungavidya will quickly flee, leaving even their garments and ornaments behind.
115 Hearing this heroic statement, Lalita addressed Nrsimha-Krsna in the following words: My dear Lord Nrsimha, the demon Hiranyakasipu has incarnated as the breasts of Candravali. Please scratch these terrible breasts with Your claws, and thus delight Your devotee Prahlada. when Lord Krsna heard these playful words He could not help but laugh out loud.
116 Krsna said: My dear Radha, if You wish to gain great wealth, and many new ornaments at this sacrifice, then You and Your friends should go there immediately, and pay this toll at some other time. However, You must leave Lalita here as collateral to ensure that You return here to pay Your debt.
117 Radha said: O seducer of young girls, because of what terrible past sin has destiny placed us in Your hands? Just see My fate! You are now forcing Me to place famous Lalita in Your hands.
118 My dear beautiful friend, when Lalita heard these words she became red with anger. Intoxicated by the nectar of transcendental mellows, she spoke the following crooked words to her gopi-friends:
119 Sudevi should quickly go and bring the saintly Queen Yasoda! Without delay Citra should bring the crooked Jatila and her son Abhimanyu! Vrnda should at once bring a learned brahmana from the sacrifice! Bring all of them to see the dancing of this great king of dancers!
120 My dear friend Kundalata, as Lord Krsna, the moon of Vraja, heard Lalita's angry words, He fixed His thoughts on the beautiful gopi Radha, He gently smiled and, glancing for a moment at Radha, spoke the following words:
121 O crooked Radha, You continually ignore My toll. I do not think that I am an insignificant blade of grass to be rudely trampled by You. What is the use of trying to collect the toll from You in a polite and civilised way? Just see, I will now defeat the heroic Lalita and by force I will plunder the jewel of newly blossoming youthfulness decorating Your breasts.
122 My dear friend Kundalata, amorous Mukunda then tried to touch the gopis. Blinded with love for Him, the gopis stared at Him with smiling lotus faces and dancing eyes, and then, as if afraid of cruel Krsna, fled in all directions.
123 Radha then said: Millions of people in this kingdom pass this place carrying milk-products. Why do you bother us with this toll? If You are actually the master of the hills and forests of Vraja, why do You not collect toll from them?
124 When Lord Krsna, the monarch of all who are expert at relishing transcendental mellows, heard Srimati Radharani's words, He slightly raised His eyebrows, and His eyes begun to dance, and His thoughts became filled with transcendental bliss. He laughed out loud, and said to Her:
125-6 My dear girls intoxicated by drinking the honey of transcendental bliss, please hear Me. With boundless happiness I collect from the other travellers on this royal road. Every day You surreptitiously travel on this road, unobserved by Me, and thus I have not been able to collect any tolls from you. When
emperor Kamadeva heard of this from one of his servants, he called Me into his presence, and angrily rebuked Me. He ordered Me: "Quickly go with Your companions, and arrest these girls who refuse to pay my toll. Bind them with ropes, punish them, and bring them before me at once!"
127 Although the gopis felt very happy to hear Krsna's playful words, they pretended to have become very unhappy. Carrying their pots, they fled from Krsna, running unto the slope of Govardhana Hill.
128 With happy ears Kundalata drank the nectar of the narration of these sweet pastimes. Her bodily hairs standing up, and her voice choked in ecstasy, she spoke the following words:
129 Kundalata said: Although I continually drink the nectar of the divine couple's peerless pastimes, I never become satiated, and my appetite never becomes jaded. O beautiful friend, please continue your narration. When Sumukhi heard this, she said:
130 When Nandimukhi heard of these toll-pastimes, which are so dear to the divine couple, she yearned to personally see them. Unobserved by anyone, she arrived at that place and entered a little cottage in the nearby secluded grove. In that grove she became filled with wonder as she saw the wonderful pastimes of Lord Krsna and the gopis.
131 When the gopis saw her they all became jubilant. They asked about her welfare and embraced her to their heart's content. Krsna smiled and proclaimed her arrival glorious and auspicious. He recounted for her the toll-pastimes He had just then enjoyed.
132 Nandimukhi smiled as she glanced at Sri Radha who was overwhelmed with the happiness of nectarean transcendental mellows. With great delight Nandimukhi then said to supreme blissful Mukunda:
133 My dear toll-collector, now that I have heard Your narration of these supremely wonderful toll pastimes, I am filled with wonder. Now I can appreciate the words: Having see this, what more wonderful thing remains to be see?
134 My dear hero, these girls You have arrested are all very pious and saintly. Please do no tease them any more in this way, for that will ruin their good reputation in the town of Gokula.
135 Why enjoy more joking pastimes with these girls? Set them free. Free them so they may immediately go to the sacrificial ceremony.
136-7 Sri Krsna replied: Although you rascal gopis allow Me to see Sri Radha's charming, glorious moonlike face, you insist on carefully concealing the breasts and navel below it. In a solitary place She must immediately show them to Me. If She refuses, when King Kamadeva hears of it he will become very angry, and he will punish Us very severely.
138-9 My dear intelligent Lalita, why do you ask Me not collect this part of the toll? Do you not know that the scribe Madhumangala is actually King Kamadeva's spy, and the supremely intelligent Ujjvala, who is witnessing all of this, is a great favourite in Kamadeva's court? If I do not collect this part of the toll, they will return to King Kamadeva, and on some pretext they will certainly inform him of My failure to collect this toll. King Kamadeva will certainly react very harshly. He will arrest Us all, bind Us with ropes, and cast Us into a densely dark deep prison cave.
140 As Krsna, the enemy of Kamsa, spoke these words in Nandimukhi's presence, Radha pretended to burn with anger. She spoke the following words to Lord Madhava:
141 My dear Krsna, You are the killer of the demons, the younger brother of pure-hearted Balarama, and the famous son of Gopendra Nanda, who is like a kind sun that makes the lotus flowers of his subjects to blossom with prosperity. I think that because the goddess of toll-places has served You for many births she has earned the right to be the deity of the place where You speak these crooked words.
142 Tungavidya then spoke the following deceptive words to Lord Krsna: My friend is too embarrassed to speak further, I will speak on her behalf. Please hear my words.
143 My dear fickle-minded, poison-fanged, libidinous snake, quickly flee from this place and hide in Your cave before Abhimanyu, proud of his prowess in killing snakes, arrives at this place.
144 Lord Krsna replied in the following words:
This girl Radha is beautiful as a lotus flower. Her breasts are like two lovely round fruits, Her hands and feet are like four red lotus flowers, Her lips are like two bandhuka flowers, and Her form is decorated with twenty-three and a half moons. This lotus flower girl may blossom with happiness only while the dark moon of her paramour Syamasundara shines, but when She sees the glaring sun of her husband rising on the horizon she will wilt with disappointment.
Note: The twenty three and a half moons are calculated in the following way: Her face is one moon, Her cheeks are two moons, Her forehead is a half moon, and Her fingernails and toenails are twenty moons. Certain varieties of lotus flowers blossom at night, and then close up with the appearance of day. Radha is here compared to such a lotus flower.
145 These joking words were like fragrant honey from the lotus flower of Lord Hari's mouth. This honey greatly pleased all the gopis, and although Sri Radha loudly protested, She also drank this honey with great pleasure. Radha then spoke the following words, which were, in truth, very far from Her actual desire.
146 My dear little boy, please become sober. Do not be so wild and foolish. Do not forget that cruel King Kamsa reigns in the nearby town, and he will certainly punish You if You harass us. Because You are the son of Vraja's king I wish all good fortune for You, and therefore I will give You this good advice: Leave us in peace, and immediately go into the forest to take care of the surabhi cows.
147 Madhumangala then said: My friend Krsna is supremely independent. he is not different from the great King Kamadeva. With playful ease He killed Kesi and many others in the land of Vraja who were more dear to Kamsa than his own life. Why should my friend Krsna fear Your Kamsa?
148 My friend Krsna is the great transcendental Kamadeva and the little Kamadeva of this world is simply His vassal. This Kamsa of whom You speak is completely under the dominion of the little Kamadeva. If You do not peacefully pay this toll, I will write a letter of complaint to King Kamsa. He will give ma an army, and I will arrest all your husbands, bind them with ropes, and imprison them.
149 That assembly was like a great pond and the beautiful gopis, experts at relishing transcendental mellows were like bumblebees in that pond. These gopi bumblebees drank the flood of sweet nectar-words trickling from the lotus flower of Madhumangala's splendid happy mouth. They became intoxicated with transcendental bliss, and laughed with graceful charm.
150 When Krsna heard these words He pretended to be filled with anger. He then said to beautiful Radha: If this toll is not paid to Me, I will take all these gopis to the great King Kamadeva as his prisoners.
151 At that point Campakalata said: My dear friend Radha, who is this great King Kamadeva? I have never heard of any such person anywhere in this world. I think this Kamadeva is simply the figment of Krsna's imagination. He cleverly glorifies the name, prowess, and greatness of this Kamadeva only to make fun of us and laugh.
152 My dear moon-faced Kundalata, when Lord Krsna, the supreme Kamadeva, the moon of Gokula, heard Campakalata's words, He glanced at moon-faced Radha and spoke the following playful words in that assembly of gopis:
153 That great King Kamadeva eternally reigns in his kingdom on this pleasant Govardhana, the best of hills. He personally told Me that if you gopis become too proud I should bring you to him to become his slaves.
154 In this way Radha, stopped in Her attempt to visit the sacrificial arena, as sprinkled with the sweet nectar of feigned anger at Lord Krsna. She pierced Lord Krsna with the sharp arrows of her dancing crooked eyes and spoke to Him the following honeyed words:
155 My dear hero, by drinking the madhvika honey of the lotus flower of this gopi's face You have certainly attained the topmost pinnacle of spiritual purity. The beautiful-eyed young girl speaking to You has, after completing all Her household duties, come to this solitary place specifically to be with you.
Note: Srimati Radharani's intention is ironical. She has not completed her household duties, and Her association with Krsna is not voluntary, but forced by Him.
156 Seeing the very sweet nectar quarrel oft he divine couple, who are the original teachers of the arts of playful jokes, Nandimukhi wished to pacify the two adversaries. With this end in view she humbly spoke the following words to Lord Hari:
157 O king of the toll-collectors, please follow the path of piety and give up disturbing these girls who carry on their heads pitchers filled with milk-products for the auspicious sacrifice. O moon of Nanda Maharaja's dynasty, do this, and You will become glorious and famous.
158-60 At the base of Govardhana, the best of hills, is a glorious forest where the divine couple enjoy pastimes. In that forest are many pleasant trees, fragrant flowers, and melodious birds, and there is a lake of very clear fresh water. In some places maddened bumblebees hum melodiously in their honey-filled hives surrounded by aromatic flowers. In some places cuckoos sometimes warble sweetly, intoxicated by drinking the nectar in the forest of mango blossoms. In some places peacocks sometimes dance with happy enthusiasm, and in other places the peacocks sometimes mew with joy. In some other places parrots sometimes chatter loquaciously as they eat many splendid, palatable, sweet mangoes.
161 Tomorrow these girls will meet Your Lordship at this same place in this grove by this lake. At that time they will pay this toll in full. For the time being I will become their bail.
162 Because the gopis promise to return (nirvartana) to this lake on Govardhana Hill in order to pay the toll (dana), this place will be known as Dana-nirvartana.
163 After hearing these words, Krsna set the gopis free. Gentle laughter decorated the gopis' beautiful smiling faces, and they considered that all their desires were fulfilled. Gazing at Lord Krsna from the corners of their eyes, the happily left for the sacrificial arena.
164 The two female bees of Radha's eyes remained with the two intoxicated male bees of Krsna's eyes. Radha gracefully turned Her neck and gazed at Krsna from the corner of Her eyes, and Her entire body became tossed about by the waves of the ocean of amorous love. Smiling, She then left that place along with all Her gopi-friends.
165 At that time the bumblebee of Lord Mukunda attained transcendental pleasure by drinking the sweet honey of the gopis' faces. This bee drank through the mouth that was the corner of Lord Mukunda's eyes.
166 As Krsna herded the surabhi cows He seemed like a handsome crown decorating the summit of Govardhana Hill. He recounted the nectarean toll-collecting joking conversation, and both He and His cowherd friends became filled with happiness.
167 As Srimati Radharani entered the sacrificial arena, Her bodily lustre illuminated the ten directions with a golden hue, Her dancing sidelong glances darkened the ten directions with a beautiful glistening blue colour, Her gentle smile whitened the ten directions, and the nectar of Her conversation filled the ten directions with sweetness.
168 The gopis then offered respectful obeisances to the sages, gave the glistening milk-products to them, and received from them many beautiful ornaments and other valuables. After this, they went to Radha-kunda, happily talking about their toll-pastimes with Krsna.
169 The gopis glistened with their own transcendental beauty and good-fortune, and also with the various ornaments they received from the best of sages.
170 Radha, the learned scholar of transcendental amorous love, became sprinkled with the nectar of pure love for Krsna. Agitated with love, and manifesting various ecstatic symptoms She loudly glorified Her beloved Krsna in the company of Her intimate friends.
171 Sri Sri Radha and Krsna are the crest jewel of all young lovers in all the three worlds. They enjoy eternally fresh and new transcendental pastimes. By Their magical power They have rejuvenated Kamadeva, who had been burned to ashes. Even the demigod Brahma cannot properly describe Their glories.
172 As she heard the nectarean description of these pastimes, Kundalata became drowned in the ocean of transcendental bliss. She and her friend Sumukhi at once left that place, eager to see Sri Sri Radha and Krsna, the jewel of all lovers.
173 Sri Sri Radha and Krsna are like two blue and golden jewels in the nectar ocean of the dana-keli pastime, and They delight the hearts of Radha's playful gopi friends. Although I am greedy for material things and although I am spiritual blind, I nevertheless yearn someday to see Them face to face.
174 A blind person found this cintamani jewel of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava's dana-keli pastimes at the base of Govardhana Hill. That blind man prays that the dear followers of Srila Rupa Gosvami become pleased by gazing at this jewel.
175 Taking a blade of grass between my teeth, I repeatedly beg that birth after birth I may obtain the dust of Srila Rupa Gosvami's lotus feet.
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