Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

conversation between Krsna and Mother Ganges

The Brahma Vaivarta Purana states:

bhagirathy uvaca
he natha ramana shreshtha, yasi golokam uttamam;
asmakam ka gatish catra, bhavishyati kalau yuge. [1] 

In the Brahma-vaivarta Purana, mother Ganges petitions Lord Krishna: “O protector, supreme enjoyer, after Your departure for the supreme abode, Goloka, what will be my condition in the degraded age of Kali?” 

shri bhagavan uvaca
kaleh panca sahasrani, varshani tishtha bhutale;
papani papino yanti, tubhyam dasyanti snanatah. [2] 

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: “On the earth 5,000 years of Kali will be very sinful and sinners will come and deposit their sins in you by bathing. 

man-mantropasaka sparshad, bhasmi bhutani tat kshanat;
bhavishyanti darshanac ca, snana deva hi jahnavi. [3] 

"Thereafter simply by the sight or touch of One who will worship Me by My Mantras*, all those sins will be burnt at once. 

(*Here Lord Krishna is indicating His own concealed incarnation in the form of Lord Gauranga in Kali-yuga  )

harer namani yatraiva, puranani bhavanti hi;
tatra gatva savadhanam, abhih sarddham ca shroshyasi. [4]

“Everywhere there will be chanting of the name of Lord Hari and reading of the Shrimad Bhagavata and Chaitanya Bhagavata. At that time you can also go to such a place and attentively hear My glorification.

purana shravanac caiva, harer namanukirtanat;
bhasmi bhutani papani, brahma-hatyadikani ca. [5]

"All sinful reactions including the killing of a brahmana can be completely nulified simply by hearing the the above two Bhagavata scriptures and the continuous and devoted chanting of the Holy Names of Hare Krishna maha-mantra following in the footsteps of the great devotees  

bhasmi bhutani tanyeva, vaishnavalinganena ca;
trinani shushka kasthani, dahanti pavako yatha. [6]

“Just as dry grass or wood is consumed by fire, simply by the embrace of these Vaishnavas (followers of Lord Lord Gauranga) all sins of the living entities will be burnt.

tathapi vaishnava loke, papani papinamapi;
prithivyam yani tirthani, punyanyapi ca jahnavi. [7]

O Ganges (Jahnavi), the whole planet will become a most auspicious pilgrimage sight by the presence of these Vaishnavas, even though it had been very sinful in the past 5000 years.

mad bhaktanam sharireshu, santi puteshu santatam;
mad bhakta pada rajasa, sadah puta vasundhara. [8]

“In the body of My devotees, there is extraordinary potency to purify everything. Thus even Mother Earth will become purified by the dust of the feet of My devotees.

sadyah putani tirthani, sadyah putam jagat tatha;
man mantropasaka vipra, ye mad ucchishta bhojinah. [9]

“As My devotees will purify the whole world, they will purify even the pilgrimage sites. Those intelligent learned followers of the worshiper of My maha-mantra   , will only partake of My remnants (prasadam) and thus purify everything.

mam eva nityam dhyayante, te mat pranadhikah priyah;
tad upasparsha matrena, puto vayushca pavakah. [10]

“Those who meditate on Me constantly by the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra  , are more dear to Me than My very life. Even the air and fire (which are already purifiers) will become pure simply even by their indirect touch.

kaler dasha-sahasrani, mad bhaktah santi bhutale;
eka varna bhavishyanti, mad bhakteshu gateshu ca. [11]

“For 10,000 years of Kali (which will be the Golden Age brought by the Lord in the form of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu), such devotees of Mine will fill the whole planet. After the departure of My devotees, all of those who will remain will be like outcastes.

mad bhakta shunya prithivi, kali grasta bhavishyati;
eta smin namtare tatra, krishna dehad vinirgatah. [12]

“After these 10,000* years, completely devoid of My devotees, the earth will be shackled again by Kali’s strong influence (as described in the 12th Canto of the Bhagavata Purana).” Saying this, Lord Krishna departed.

(*Kali-yuga total duration is 432,000 years. So after 5,000 years of sinful degradation and the next 10,000 years of the Golden Age (1486 AD to 11486 AD) of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu as described above, the balance 417,000 years of Kali-yuga will be the most sinful period for the earth planet due to the complete domination by the personality of Kali. At the end, i.e. 427,000 years from now, the Lord will appear on a white horse in his partial incarnation of Kalki to annihilate the demons and restablish the Satya-yuga. So we are extremely fortunate to have taken birth in this Golden Age and not waste this most rare opportunity.)

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