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chapter from my Narasimha book read 177.000 times due to devotees devotion to Lord Narasimha and Hanuman

Yadava Giri Narasimha and Gandabherunda Narasimha – Sastra Caksusa | Hindu gods, Shiva lord wallpapers, Hindu deities (

That is nice to see so many South Indian Narasimha Bhaktas have taken interest in my book Sri Narasimha


Yadava Giri Narasimha and Gandabherunda Narasimha
This ancient temple of Lord Narasimha where the great sage Yadava under directions of Hanuman performed tapasya is located near to Hyderabad ,India. This took place in Treta Yuga, and Lord Narasimha manifested in 5 forms to him,Jwala, Yogananda, Gandabherunda, Ugra and Lakshmi Narasimha . First Yadava saw Lord Narasimha in His Ugra and Jwala forms..that is the very fierce forms of Lord Narasimha ,,Jwala refers to Lord Narasimha appears to be on fire, because flames of His Transcendental prowess emanates from His body, like a fire.So Yadava was not very pleased with this frightful form so Lord Narasimha appeared as Yogananda Narasimha, the peaceful form of Lord Narasimha where He is in meditation , but this was also not fully pleasing to his devotee.So finally Lord Narasimha appeared as Laxmi Narasimha, that is real the main form of Lord Narasimha worshipped there.( After that Lord Narasimha manifested these 5 forms in selfmanifested Deity forms) Here Lord Narasimha is known as Vaidya Narasimha, Lord Narasimha as a doctor, He removes the influence of mental disturbance, evil planets, black magic, bad karma etc.If one properly takes shelter of this holy place.And Lord Narasimha that eternally resides there.

Ganda Bherunada – Narasimha Incarnation of Lord Vishnu

Lord Narasimha as Ganda Bherunada (two-headed bird) is a rare incarnation of Lord Narasimha and is mainly worshipped in South India. Gandabherunada, or Gandha Bherunda Narasimha, is a combination of bird and animal with two heads and manifested from Lord Narasimha . Ganda Bherunada incarnation was answer to Lord Shiva’s Sarabha form.Ganda Bherunada also sometimes manifests 8 faces and 32 hands
Ganda Bherunada is not mentioned in the Bhagavad Purana but is mentioned in the some regional scriptures and in some Puranas. Lord Vishnu took the form of Narasimha (half-man half-lion) to annihilate Hiranyakashipu. But after completing His divine mission, Narasimha could not control His anger and turned to destroy the universe. Lord Shiva took the form of Sarabha to pacify Narasimha. But Lord Narasimha took a more terrible form of bird-animal with two heads – Ganda Bherunda.
The most famous drawing of Ganda Bherunada is found in the Mysore Court. A bird of the form of Gandabherunada is the royal logo of Wodeyars, the former rulers of Mysore.
An idol of Ganda Bherunada is worshipped at Sri Yadagiri Temple near Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh. There is a sculpture of Ganda Bherunada at Balligavi town in Karnataka.
Idols, paintings and sculptures of Ganda Bherunada
The state symbol of Karnataka has the form of Gandabherunda Narasimha.

We can see how the sage Yadava was worshipping Lord Narasimha under the direction of Hanuman.Here is something of importance about Hanuman and Lord Narasimha.

Hanuman chanted the name of Narasimha when fighting the Lankini demon on his way to Sri Lanka to find Sita, this is mentioned in Ramacarita Manasa
Sundara Khanda
Hanuman has one head of Narasimha when he is Pancamukha

The origin of Sri Panchamukhs Hanuman can be traced to a story in Ramayana. During the war between Lord Rama and Ravana. Ravana took help of Ahiravana who was the king of Pathala and his other brother Mahiravana . Hanuman in order to protect Lord Ram and Lakshman formed a fortress with his tail. Ahiravana took the form of Vibeeshana and took Lord Ram and Lakshman to Pathala loka while they where sleeping. Hanuman entered Pathala loka in search of Rama and Lakshmana, He found out that to kill Mahiravana and Ahiravana he had to extinguish five lamps burning in five different directions at the same time, so he has taken the Panchamukha form with Hanuman, Hayagriva, Narasimha, Garuda and Varaha faces and extinguished the lamps and killed Mahiravana and Ahiravana . According to Hanumath Prakaranam in Sri Vidyarnavatantram, Anjaneya has five faces (Pancha Mukha) and ten weapons. The five faces are that of Lord Hanuman, Lord Narasimha, Lord Adivaraha, Lord Hayagriva, and Lord Garuda.
Panchmukhi Hanuman Stuti
The Panchmukhi Hanuman Stuti is a potent stotra meant to praise each of the five forms. This stotra helps to alleviate troubles and keep evil forces away. It serves as a protection to devotees who chant with utmost faith.
“Om namo bhagavathe panchavadanaaya poorva kapi mukhe
Sakala shatru samhaarnaaya swaaha”
Meaning : ‘The east facing form of Lord Hanuman protects devotees from problems caused by enemies. He provides happiness and fulfills wishes.’...
“Om namo bhagavathe panchavadanaaya dakshina mukhe
Karaala vadanaaya Narasimhaaya sakala bhoota praeta pramadanaaya swaaha”
Meaning : The south facing form of Lord Narasimha removes all types of fear, sins, unfavorable influences of spirits and demons, and fulfills our wishes.
“Om namo bhagavathe panchavadanaaya paschima mukhe
Garudaaya sakala visha haranaaya swaaha”
Meaning : The west facing form of Lord Garuda removes all types of ailments, negativities, black magic, poison, and fear.
“Om namo bhagavathe panchavadanaaya uthara mukhe
Aadivarahaaya sakala sampatkaraaya swaaha”
Meaning : The north facing form of Lord Varaha provides the ashta aishwarya (eight different forms of wealth).
“Om namo bhagavathe panchavadanaaya oordhwa mukhe
Hayagrivaaya sakala jana vasheekaranaaya swaaha”
Meaning : The upwards facing form of Lord Hayagriva helps devotees attract the goodwill of people. The words of His devotees turn into reality. He bestows them with advancement in seeking knowledge, good company of friends, intelligence, good children, and salvation
Thus ends chapter 13 of Sri Narasimha, Yadava Giri Narasimha and Gandabherunda Narasimha

Here is a side note :
Hanuman is the greatest Mystic Yogi and pure devotee of Lord Ramachandra having transcended the five senses (Pancha Indriyas). In Kamba Ramayanam (in Tamil), the significance of number five is beautifully narrated as follows:
The son of one of the five elements (son of wind – Pavana Thanaya)
crossed one of the five elements (water – the ocean),
through one of the five elements (sky),
met daughter of one of the five elements (daughter of earth – Sita Devi)
burnt down Lanka by one of the five elements (fire).
Ether , Hanuman once travelled in space as a child trying to swallow the sun which he also did
Hanuman swallow the sun | Hanuman, Lord hanuman, Hindu mythology
Have you ever heard of another powerful Yogi that swallowed the whole sun ?

Would Ravana be able to defeat Hanuman in a no holds barred fight? - Quora

Thus in South India millions worship both Lord Narasimha and Panca Mukha Hanuman many keeping this Panca Muka yantra in their home sometiems in 24 carate gold

There are Hanuman Chalisa on your Tube that has been watched almost 2 billion times ,so the devotion to Sri Hanuman and Lord Ramachandra is still very powerful in India

Buy Rudrapuja Panchmukhi Hanuman Yantra - 3 Inch 24 Carat Gold Plated ...

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