Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Chapter 1 of Vaisnava Calendar :Radhastami

This chapter deals with Radhastami ,Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada observed Radhastami as Nirjala ekadasi and so did Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura ,all the acaryas in our line down to Srila Madhavendra Puri observed this .Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada asked devotees observe a half day fast in ISKCON I recall when I joined ISKCON sometimes we fasted half day and then took ekadasi prasadam and sometimes on bookdistribution we took a half day fast and then took grain prasdam .So I always wondered what is the real standard untill I found out that Sri Krsna Himself fasts on Radhastami , I looked for that in sastra but could not find it .But in Vraja this is the standard of many older vaisnavas still ,though the "new age devotees " do not care to chant 64 rounds as given by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada and do often not even care to complete minimum 16 rounds as given by our founder acarya of ISKCON Srila Prabhupada .Anyhow these are the sastra praman two quotes from sastra often also quoted by Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja a dear disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada .
ekadasyam sahasrena yat phalam labhate narah Radha janma astami punyam tasmat satagu nadhikam :whatever result one can attain by fasting on 1000 ekadasis one hundred times greater results can be attained by fasting on Radhastami and Janmastami days Brahma Khanda of Padma Purana 7.8

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Veda sastra anurakta ye tulasi vana palakah ,Radhastami vrata rata, vijneyas ce ta vaisnavah,Sri Krsna purato ye ca dipam ,Yacchanti Sraddhaya para nindam na kurvanti vijneyas te ca vaisnavah this sloka is from Padma Purana ,Brahma Khanda 1.31.32 The translation is: Those who are attached to studying Vedic litteratures ,those who protect Tulsi forests .those who fast on Radhastami day ,those who offer a lamp to Krsna with good faith and those who do not critizise others are understood to be vaisnavas.

Sri Radha as worshipped at Raval in Gokula

Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada wrote one letter to Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja that among all my godbrothers you have appriciated my endeavors to preach in the west the most .He used to sometimes speak at ISKCON Vrindavana in glorification of our Srila Prabhupada .Srila Prabhupada also once went to Visakapatnam in South India and visited His Holiness Bhaktivaibhava Puri Maharaja . I used to visit him many times in Vrindavana where he opened a temple next to Seva kunja, one time I visited and Sri Sri Radha Krsna and Lord Caitanya was being installed and his disciples asked me to lead the kirtana during the installation.Many times I visited Maharaja other ISKCON devotees would visit Bhaktivaibhava Puri Maharaja, I respect him as one of my Siksa Gurus .As I could not meet Srila Prabhupada or Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada , I relished the association of someone that was personally trained by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada .The glories of Radhastami is one of the things I learned from him and how Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhuapda did Nirjala fast on Radhastami .He also used to do .Srila Bhaktipramod Puri Maharaja did all Radhastami fasts as Nirjala ekadasi and fasted untill the next morning after Radhastami . In South India there are Vratas for fasting for Laxmidevi that is observed by those in the Sri Sampradaya, however we worship Sri Radha that is Sarva Laxmi ,the source of all Laxmidevis .

Some devotees believe Varsana is the birth place of Radharani, this is a misunderstanding ,actually it is Rawal in Gokula. In the Bhakti Ratnakara chapter 5 , it is explained how Raghava Pandita took Narotama das Thakura and Srinivasa Acaray on Vraja mandal parikrama and there he is narating the glories of Rawal and how Radha appeared there and how Lord Caitanya visited this place:
Here Lord Caitanya became maddened with ecstatic love and performed san kirtan. He went with his followers to see Krsna’s birthplace. Caitanya described the various episodes of Krsna’s birth to his companions and his mind became overwhelmed. This is the place where Nanda Maharaja and other cowherd men would consult with their friends and also where elderly gopis would sing theglories of Krsna. But because the residents of Gokul frequentlyfaced calamities they decided to shift to Vrndavana. Raghava pointed out the path by which the cowherd men from Gokul and Rawal would use to go to Vrndavana. During their journey they had great fun crossing the Jamuna near Vandiravana. In Sakarali village they collected the cows and calves and all took rest. Rawal was the village of Vrishabhanu where Sri Radhika took birth to enlighten the whole world.
“Let my mind be filled with love for Vishabhanupur in Rawal where the precious gem Sri Radha appeared in the mine of Kirtida’s room for which mother was praised by the demigods, rishis and human beings.” (Stavavali) This is a song.
What a happy moment passed in Vishabhanu’s temple when Radhika took birth from Kirtida’s womb. Brightening the world Sri Radha vanguished the sighs and depressions of everyone. Her body was soft as milk cream and beautifully shaped. Seeing her beauty her parents could not control their excitment and repeatedly looked at her moonlike face. A glorious sound is covering the world and the gopis are singing the Mangala Geet. Various instruments accompany the song and shouting in jubilation dancing gopis join in. Tamuk, curd and milk were brought for the occasion and the cowherd men laughed and enjoyed themselves. The brahmins and the singers were offered valuable gifts and Narahari also became joyful observing the fun.
Raghava continued to explain that seeing the beauty of Radha her parents were unable to take their minds away from her. For her well being they distributed many things to the visitors. As Radha played with her friends, her mother’s joy increased. Vishabhanu also observed the fun with his friends in Rawal.
O Srinivasa, after coming from Gokul Candra stayed here for sometime and he became overwhelmed with spiritual joy when he saw the Rawal village. Seeing this sannyasi saint people came from all directions with the name of Hari on their lips. When they saw the beauty of his face they felt that the sannyasi must be Krsna who had come to earth to enjoy himslef as a fair sannyasi. Other people were not able to express their feelings in words but everyone cried in enchantment. After performing his divine lilas in Rawal, Caitanya went to Mathura with Sanodra.
O Srinivasa, this pleasant and lonely place is full of the childhood lilas of Radhika.
After discussing these different holy places they passed the night in Rawal discussing the glory of Krsna. No one can describe the aesthetic feelings of love Sri Raghava, Srinivasa and Sri Narottama experienced. Whoever hears this story attentively will be blessed by Sri Radha, Sri Krsna and Sri Caitanya.
Image result for Radhas birth
There is a description also in Garga Samhita 1 Canto chapter 8 of Sri Radha’s divine birth:
Description of Sri Rädhikä’s Birth
Text 1
Sri Garga Muni said: O Saunaka, when Bahuläsva, the king of Mithilä, who was filled witù faith and devotion to Lord Hari and who was the best of the wise, heard this, he again bowed down and spoke to the great sage Närada, the best of the devarsis.
Text 2
Sri Bahuläçva said: By giving it the narrations of Lord Hari’s pure glories you purified my materialistic family and made it auspicious. By a moment’s touch with Lord Krsna’s devotee even an ordinary person will become a saint. What more need I say?
Text 3
What did the Supreme Personality of Godhead do when He came with Sri Rädhä to Vraja? O Lord, O great sage, please tell me. O king of the sages, please save me from the three miseries.
Text 4
Sri Närada said: The family of your birth is fortunate for it was made perfect by King Nimi, who was a very great devotee of Lord Krsna. It is not surprising that a pearl is born in an oyster.
Text 5
Please hear the purifying pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Lord did not only come to kill Kamsa. He also came to protect the devotees.
Text 6
Then, placing Her glorious transcendental form in (the womb of) King Vrsåñabhänu’s wife, Sri Rädhä descended into a great palace in a garden by the Yamunä’s shore.
Text 7
In the month of Bhädra (August-September), on a Monday that was the eighth day of the bright fortnight of the moon, at midday, when the sky was covered with clouds, (to celebrate Rädhä’s descent) the demigods scattered flowers that had blossomed in the Nandana gardens.
Text 8
Because of Rädhä’s descent the rivers became very pure and clear, the directions became auspicious and happy, and graceful, gentle, cooling breezes carried the pollen of lotus flowers.
Text 9
Gazing at her daughter beautiful as hundreds of moons, the gopi Kirti became happy. To bring auspiciousness she gave two hundred thousand cows in charity to please the brähmanas

According to many Gaudiya Vaisnavas ,Radharani appeared in Yamuna from a lotusflower and was found there by Vrsabhanu Maharaja, Dhruva Maharaja das mentions this in his book Vrindavan Dhama Ki jaya.
Lalita Madhava written by Srila Rupa Goswami has a discussion between Gargi (the daughter of Sandipani Muni ) and Purnamasi (Yogamaya personified) about the apperance of Radharani where it describes Radharani first appearing as the daughter of Vindhya hill and then being kidnapped by Putana and being brough to Vraja.
In all cases Radharani is being glorified again as the daughter of Kirtidadevi.
Raghunath das Goswami writes in his Vraja Vilasa Stava:
In the city of Mukhyeravali the precious jewel known as Srimati Radharani took birth in the mine of Kirtida-devi’s womb, which is glorified by jubilant demigods, sages and human beings. I pray that when I enter King Vrshabhanu’s capitol city of Mukhyeravali-pura, populated with many gopas, gopis, and surabhi cows, I may become drowned in great flood of transcendental bliss and love
This Mukhyeravali Pura is Rawal.
Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati has glorified Rawal also in his Vrindavana Mahimamrta:
5 Think of Vrndavana with love. Roll in its dust. Love it ardently. Please its moving and non moving residents. Worship Sri Radha’s birthplace. With all your heart take shelter of Sri Vrndavana, the best of all holy places.
Srila Prabhupada wrote on sptember 13 1965 while on Jaladutta to USA:
I emphatically say to you, O brothers, you will obtain your good fortune from the Supreme Lord Krsna only when Srimati Rädhäräni becomes pleased with you.

Srila Narahari Chakravati Thakura has written this Bhajan : Radhikar Janma Tithi Dina Jani
Author: Narahari Cakravarti
1) On Radhika’s birthday no one in Vraja could remain peaceful. With great joy Nanda, Yasoda, and the others all went to Brishabhanu’s home.
2) Vrsabhanu greeted Nanda, and Kirtida greeted Yasoda. In the courtyard the cowherd people showered each other with yogurt, turmeric, and other similar substances. Joyfully they danced.
3) There was a great tumult of splendid instrumental music, so loud that no one could hear any words of conversation. At that moment, unseen by others, Krsna entered a private room, where he gazed at Radhika’s beautiful face.
4) Moon-faced Radha gazed at the splendid handsomeness of dark Krishna’s face. She could not turn her eyes away. Narahari Das says, “I can’t imagine what nectar the divine couple tasted as they gazed at each other.”

here is another bhajan in the glory of Radhastami:
Song Name: Vrsabhanu Pure Aji Ananda Badhai
Official Name: None
Author: Uddhava Dasa
Book Name: None
Language: Bengali
1) Today in the house of Vrshabhanu, the three brothers Ratnabhanu, Subhanu, and Vrshabhanu dance in jubilation, celebrating their wonderful good fortune.
2) At the ecstatic festival in the courtyard there is no limit to the flow of yoghurt, ghee, cream, milk, turmeric etc.
3) The cowherd men and women dance, sing, and roll on the ground in ecstasy. The old lady Mukhara also dances, holding a stick in her hand.
4) Delighted in his heart, King Vrishabhanu dances. In all of the four directions everyone sings with pleasure.
5) Forgetting himself, Vrishabhanu Maharaja donates millions of cows decorated with jewels to the brahmanas.
6) The singers, dancers, and professional reciters make a tumultuous sound, “Give, give, take, take”.
7) Looking at the face of her daughter, Mother Kirtida becomes stunned in ecstasy and completely forgets herself.
8) This vision of Srimati Radharani’s appearance, which defeats the vision of unlimited full moons, gives Uddhava Das great pleasure in his heart.

and another bhajan about Srimati Radhikas transcendental apperance day celebration:
Song Name: Bhadra Suklastami Tithi
Official Name: None
Author: Ghanasyama Dasa
Book Name: None
Language: Bengali
1) On the eighth day of the bright half of Bhadra-month, on the day of the Visakha-constellation, Srimati’s birth occured. The sun, having traveled to mid-day and seeing the splendor of the baby girl, said “Jaya Jaya” in great delight.
In the town of Vrisabhanu, in each and every house, “Jaya Radhe, Sri Radhe” was said. Seeing the moon-face of the daughter, the king became most happy and gave in charity to all brahmanas.
(3) He gave different ingredients to the hands of all the ladies of the village, as they assembled at Kirtida’s temple. “As the fruit of so much piety, with the godspeed of destiny, such a baby girl has been given to you!
(4) “We are thinking that she is not an ordinary human at all — who has taken birth in this disguise?” Ghanasyama Das says, “Have no doubt of it, she will always be dear to Krsna!”

I like to mention that the translation of the 3 songs above was done by Madhavananda Prabhu and his godbrothers in Bhuvanesvara and was priviously posted in -Krishna-Kathamrita-Bindu-86, 110, and 160.
They are doing a great service to ISKCON and the vaisnava community in large by their translations
Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati Thakura has written in his Caitanya Candramrta:
13 May Lord Caitanya, whose shoulders are like a lion’s, whose smiling cheeks are the sweetest of all sweet things, whose body displays various wonderful symptoms of ecstatic love of Krsna, whose features are as splendid as the whorl of a blossoming golden lotus flower, and who is Sri Radha and Krsna joined in a single form, protect you all.
68 O Lord Krsna, Your golden form is the life of the devotees. It is the philanthropist that gives in charity the nectar of pure love of God. When shall I whole-heartedly love this golden form? When, because I have finally understood the secret of this golden form, will the splendour of Srimati Radharani’s jewel toenails shine in my heart?
130 On the pathways of whose ear had the wonderful words “pure love of Krsna” entered? Who had known the glories of the holy names? Who had entered the great sweetnesses of the forest of Vrndavana? Who had understood Sri Radha, who is filled with the most wonderful sweetness of the nectar of pure love for Krsna? It is only Lord Caitanyacandra who has mercifully revealed all this.
from these 3 verses we can understand Lord Caitanya is non different from Radha and Krsna, and He has revealed the glories of Srimati Radharani, even the place of Her transcendental apperance etc .
Lord Gauranga used the 6 Goswamis to broadcast these glories of Sri Radha ,and by taking shelter of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Gauranga, we can understand something about the great glories of Radharani-and the effulgence of Srimati Radharnis lotusfeet will appear in our hearts by their divine grace.
Srila Prabhupada spread the glories of Lord Caitanya and Radha and Krsna to the whole world, we have become very fortunate.Especially if we try to understand what Srila Prabhupada has actually given.
Once I went with some devotees to Varsana and we met one babaji that is an old friend of Radhanath Maharaja, (Ramesh Baba) I offered my obaisences to him and glorified him that he is living and performing devotional service at the place of Radharanis residence and many wonderful pastimes. He laughed and replied :Radharani is more merciful to you ( us western devotees) because I was close by (living here in Vraja and India) but she has called you all from far away, so you ISKCON devotee have recieved Her greatest mercy . to come to Varsana.
Navadvipa Dham is also the abode of Radharani, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has explained this in his Navadvipa Dhama Mahatmya pramana Khanda:
Lord Siva said: O Gauri, please listen and I will speak Navadvipa’s glories, which destroy all sins and bring devotional service and spiritual love.
The glories of Navadvipa are like the glories of Vrndävana, the abode of Lord Krsna, who is an ocean of mercy. O beloved, I speak the truth.
Text 7
Lord Krsna, who delights the devotees, eternally enjoys pastimes with Rädhä in Navadvipa, just as He does in beautiful Vrndävana.
Text 8
In the middle of both the Ganges and Yamunä is a very beautiful island. Simply by remembering it one attains pure love for Sri Sri Rädhä-Krsna.
Text 9
O goddess, people who travel to thousands of holy places in this world but do not travel to Navadvipa will not attain Rädhä-Krsna.
Texts 10 and 11
O goddess Durgä, at a certain place on this island all holy places, sages, saints, demigods, siddha-äsramas, and all Vedic scriptures and mantras eternally reside for the pleasure of
Texts 12 and 13
The result a human being attains by performing thousands of açvamedha-yajïas, as well as väjapeya-yajïas, and many other pious rituals again and again with great devotion, or by
diligently practicing yoga, is attained millions of times over by meditating on Navadvépa. O Pärvati, how will I be able to describe the result attained by directly seeing Navadvépa?
Text 14
If the lowest of men remember Navadvipa for a single moment, they become great saints. O Pärvati, this is the truth. This is the truth.
Text 15
Every day their devotion increases. Of this there is no doubt. The earth with its seven continents is purified by the dust of their feet.
Text 16
They who live in Navadvipa and think Lord Gaura their worshipable Lord should not be considered ordinary human beings. They are the spiritual associates of Lord Gaura.
Text 17
O Durgä, simply by remembering them great sinners become purified. How much more are they blessed by directly seeing them or associating with them?
Text 18
What can I say of Navadvipa’s glories with My five mouths? Even Lord Ananta, with His thousands of mouths, cannot properly glorify it.
Text 19
O Pärvati, the wise know that Navadvipa is a staircase leading to Vrndävana, Lord Krsna’s supreme abode.

Text 20
O beloved, the king of serpents then went to Navadvépa. Following strict vows, He worshiped Lord Gauräìga for ten thousand years.
note : In the privious chapter Lord Ananta approached Lord Visnu asking for His blessings
to help approach Radha Krsna in Vrindavan, Fist he chastised Lord Ananta but then blessed Him to approach the merciful abode of Lord Gauranga, Navadvipa
Text 21
Pleased by this, Lord Gaura, the master of the universes, revealed His transcendental form to the great soul Ananta.
Text 22
Seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the king of serpents fell to the ground as a stick. When He rose His hands were folded together.
Texts 23-28
. To Lord Gauräìga, who was splendid as molten gold, whose two lotus feet were very handsome, whose toenails were millions of moons, who was decorated with forest-flower garlands, whose chest was splendid with the Srivatsa, who wore silken garments, who was more enchanting than millions of Kämadevas, who wore a sacred thread on His shoulder, who was anointed with sandal paste, who wore armlets, whose arms reached down to His knees, who wore a tulasé garland, whose neck was a concshell, whose eyes were charming, whose smiling face was a lotus flower, on whose ears were handsome jewel shark earrings, whose nose and eyebrows were handsome, who was peaceful, whose lotus feet were offered to the devotees, who is the savior of the living entities burning in the three-fold material miseries, who is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss, who is limitless, and who is the cause of all causes, Ananta prayed in a faltering voice.
Text 29
You are the Supreme Lord, the sole cause of the universes, independent, merciful, the eternal supreme person. You are like a fire and the demigods, human beings, and other living entites are like sparks.
Text 30
O omniscient one, without Your glance neither I, Lord Ananta nor the eternal material energy would be manifest. For this reason I take shelter of You, the eternal Supremew Truth, the destroyer of the sufferings of repeated birth and death.
Text 31
O Supreme Soul, they who reject the blissful and auspicious service of Your lotus feet and instead struggle to attain transcendental knowledge attain only fatigue as the fruit of their labors.

Text 32
They who reject service to You, O lotus-eyed one, and desire to become one with You by controlling their senses and living a spiritual life are not intelligent. In this world they are cheated of the happiness of serving You.
Text 33
O friend of the poor, please give me service to You. I do not want anything other than Your lotus feet. O purifier of the worlds, what is not easily attained in this world by they whose hearts are satisfied with the honey of Your lotus feet?
Text 34
O Supreme Lord, because we are able to see Your form, which is above the world of matter, we are more fortunate than even the great philosophers.
Text 35
Obeisances to You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose form is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss, who is splendid as molten gold, and whose lotus feet only the devotees may attain!
Text 36
O Lord Gauränga, O master of the demigods, O ocean of mercy, I desire to see You again in the form You manifest in Vrndävana.
Text 37
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O Ananta, I am pleased by your service. You are the greatest of My great devotees. Because you have come to Me on this transcendental
island of Navadvipa, You are the first of My servants.
Text 38
O sinless one, Navadvipa is equal to Vrndävana. To show mercy to the living entities, Sri Rädhä created it long ago.
Text 39
As Rädhä is dear to Me, so Vrndävana and Navadvipa are also dear to Me. I speak to You the truth.
Text 40
O Ananta, as I stay in Vrndävana with Sri Rädhä, so I also stay eternally in Navadvipa, My transcendental form embraced by Sri Rädhä.
Text 41
O Lord, as I do not leave Vrndävana to go to any other place, so I do not ever leave Navadvipa.
Text 42
O king of the serpents, O saintly one, please describe all the world-purifying pastimes I perform in Vrndävana and Navadvipa kalpa after kalpa for the pleasure of the devotees,
Text 43
O fortunate one, whenever, for the benefit of the world, I appear there, You will also appear with Me.
Text 44
O glorious one, I will never leave You for even a moment. In another kalpa I will make You My elder brother in Vrndävana.
Text 45
When the demigods appeal to Me with prayers I will descend in this sacred island of Navadvipa in the home of a brähmana and I will kill the fears created by the age of Kali.

Text 46
You will then become Nityänanda. Your body will be very tall and large, You will be absorbed in the bliss of glorifying Me, and You will transform many bewildered fools who have no devotion into My pure devotees.
Text 47
Consider the eternal essence of My pastimes, write it down in a beautiful scripture, and in this way make all living entities into My pure devotees.
Text 48
Advised in this way, Ananta offered respectful obeisances to the Lord of the universes. O goddess, He then wrote the great Ananta-samhitä, which gives prema-bhakti to its readers.
Text 49
O saintly Pärvati, with great devotion placing this samhitä at Lord Jagannätha’s lotus feet, noble-hearted Ananta became perfect.
Text 50
Because this book arose from the mouth of Lord Ananta, and also because it is filled with limitless (ananta) pastimes, the Supreme Lord gave it the name “Ananta-samhitä”.
Text 51
O beloved, to benefit all living entities the Lord of Vaikuntha originally gave the Ananta-saàhitä to the demigod Brahmä in ancient times.
Text 52
O pious, chaste goddess, in another kalpa, when I was depressed because of drinking poison, the Lord gave this transcendental Ananta-samhitä to Me also.
note: this refers to when during the churning of the ocean of milk Lord Siva agreed to drink all the poisen produced
Text 53
O beautiful one, in this way My mouth, which was used to speak impious pseudo-scriptures filled with blasphemous lies defaming Lord Krsna, became clean and pure. O girl with the beautiful face, in this way I became free from My sins and I became perfect.
Text 57
To you, My lover, I gave the Ananta-samhitä in the previous kalpa, but because you are a woman you do not remember.
Text 58
In the Ananta-saàhitä were described Lord Krsna’s
berautiful pastimes and Lord Gauränga’s pastimes, which bring one
to Rädhä-Krsna.
Texts 59-61
O auspicious one, simply by hearing, reading, or teaching this scripture one will directly see Lord Gauräìga, whose form is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss and who is very kind to the devotees. After seeing Him, O beloved, and after residing in Navadvépa for many kalpas, by His mercy one will become a gopi ( or attain any other spiritual form in Vraja one may desire, such as a Gopa) , O goddess, and will reside in the groves of Vrndävana as a friend of Rädhä-Krsna. This is the truth. This is the truth. Of this there is no doubt.
Text 62
Without service the feet of this fair-complexioned form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead one will not attain Rädhä-Krsna, even with many births of pious deeds.
Text 63
Therefore, O beloved, please hear Lord Gauräìga’s pastimes day and night. O Pärvati, please diligently serve Lord Gauräìga.
Text 64
Sri Närada said: O Gautama, again asked by goddess Pärvati, merciful Lord Siva eagerly spoke the pastimes of Lord Gaura.
Note: Here the Third Chapter of Sri Ananta-samhitä, Sri Caitanya-janma-khanda, Part Two, ends, and the Fourth Chapter begins.

Now this is the part of Ananta Samhita that explains how Sri Radha created Navadvipa:
Text 1
Sri Gautama said: O best of sages, if you wish to show kindness, then please tell me what Pärvati then asked Lord Siva.
Text 2
Sri Närada said: Having heard the glories of Navadvipa, and wishing to hear how Navadvipa had come into existence, the eternal goddess said to Lord Siva:
Text 3
Sri Pärvaté said: When did Sri Rädhä create Navadvipa? Why did She create it? O great Lord, please tell me in truth.
Text 4
Lord Siva said: Listen, O fortunate one, to the account of Navadvipa’s creation, which I have heard both in the Ananta-samhitä and also directly from the mouth of Lord Näräyana.
Texts 5 and 6
When, as a bumblebee enjoys a lotus flower, the Supreme Lord, Kåñëa, enjoyed with Virajä-gopé in beautiful Vrndävana, then moon-faced, doe-eyed Goddess Rädhikä, hearing everything from the mouth of a friend, rushed to the place where Krsna was.
Text 7
Seeing Rädhikä coming, charming-eyed Sri Krsna at once disappeared and Virajä transformed herself into a river.
note: a similar account of this is found in Brahma Vaivarta Purana, of Viraja gopi taking on the form of the river Yamuna
Text 8
Although She heard that Krsna was enjoying with Virajä, when She went there She did not see Krsna with Virajä.
Text 9
Thinking in Her heart for some time, the Goddess, for whom Lord Krsna was Her only worshipable Deity, entered the area between the Ganges and Yamunä river with Her friends.
Text 10
There Lord Krsna’s beautiful lover created a transcendental abode filled with vines, trees, and bumblebee-couples, . . .
Text 11
. . .blissful with the amorous happinesses of deer-doe couples, splendid with mallikä, mälaté, jäti, and other flowers, . . .
Text 12
. . .filled with tulasé forests, beautiful with many forest-groves filled with spiritual bliss, a blissful transcendental abode where. . .
Text 13
. . . the Ganges and Yamunä became like a moat, where, by Her order the waters and shores shone with great splendor, . . .
Text 14
. . .where springtime and Kämadeva eternally shine with great splendor, and where the birds eternally sing the auspicious sounds “O Krsna!”
Text 15
There, dressed in wonderful and colorful clothing and ornaments, Goddess Rädhikä began to play on a flute sweet music that charmed the heart of Lord Govinda.Text 16
. O queen of the demigods, His heart enchanted by Her music, Sri Krsna, the Lord of Rädhikä, appeared in that charming place.
Text 17
Seeing Her lover, Sri Rädhä, who enchants Lord Krsna, took Him by the hand and became very happy.
Text 18
Seeing Rädhä’s love for Him, He who is more dear to Rädhä than Her own life, with words choked with love said to the great Goddess:
Text 19
Sri Krsna said: O beloved, for Me no one is equal to You. O girl with the beautiful face, where is anyone as dear to Me as You? I will never leave You, even for a single moment. You are as dear to Me as My own life.
Texts 20 and 21
In this transcendental abode of nine forests You and nine of Your friends have created for My sake I will manifest a new form and enjoy new pastimes with You, O girl with the beautiful face. For this reason My devotees will eternally proclaim that this place is a new Vrndävana.
Text 22
Because this place is like a group of islands, the wise know this place as Navadvipa (Nine Islands). By My order all holy places reside here.
Text 23
O girl with the beautiful face, I will eternally stay with You here in this transcendental place You have created to please Me.
Text 24
Human beings who come here and worship You and Me will certainly become Our eternal gopi-friends.
Text 25
O beloved, this transcendental abode is like Vrndävana. Simply by going here one attains the result of all other pilgrimages. Here one attains pure devotional service, which is very pleasing to Us.
Text 26
Lord Siva said: O beloved, O fortunate one, after speaking these words, Rädhä’s beloved Krsña became one with Rädhä. In that form He stays in that place eternally.
Texts 27 and 28
O goddess, seeing that They had both joined to become a single spiritual form of eternal bliss and knowledge, a form that was dark-complexioned Krsna within and fair-complexioned Gaura without, Their friend Lalitä left her form of a beautiful girl and, to serve Them, accepted a male form full of love for Lord Gaura.
Text 29
O goddess, when Visäkhä and the other gopés saw Lalitä transformed in this way, they at once accepted male forms.
Text 30
Then there was a great sound of ï Jaya Gaura-Hari!” The devotees were calling Rädhä’s lover Gaura-Hari.
Text 31
Goddesss Sri Rädhikä is fair (gaura) and Lord Krsna is dark (hari). The wise know that that because They have now become one, They are now known as Gaura-Hari.
Text 32
From that time on eternal lotus-eyed Lord Krsna, whose form gracefully bends in three places and who plays the flute became joined with new-lotus-eyed Goddess Rädhä in a single form.
Text 33
O beloved, eternally staying in the blissful abode of Vrndävana, Lord Krsna eternally and happily pleases Goddess Rädhikä, who stays at His left side.
Text 34
In Navadvépa Lord Krsna takes into His heart Sri Rädhä, who is graceful as a regal elephant, and happily pleases Her there.
Text 35
O auspicious one, O beloved, Lalitä and the gopés who in their own forms eternally serve Rädhä-Krsna in Vrndävana forest, accept the forms of devotees in Navadvépa where they eternally and joyfully serve Lord Gaura-Hari, who is Rädhä-Krsna joined in a single form.
Text 37
Rädhä-Krsna are the form of Lord Gaura and Vrndävana is the nine forests of Navadvipa.
Texts 38 and 39
A person who thinks Vrndävana is different from Navadvépa and Rädhä-Krsña are different from the Supreme Lord, Sri Gauränga, is cut to pieces by my trident. That lowest of persons will cook in a horrible hell until the day when the flooding waters of cosmic dissolution are called.
Text 40
O goddess, I have described to you the creation of Navadvépa. This sacred narration removes all sins and gives eternal pure devotional service to the people.
Text 41
A human being who rises early in the morning and, his mind fixed on Lord Gaura, reads or hears this narration, ultimately attains Lord Gauränga.
Text 42
In Navadvipa even now they directly see Lord Gauräìga Mahäprabhu, whose form is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss. They who are atheists cannot see the Lord at all.
Text 43
I myself, long ago, in Vrndävana, in the circle of the räsa dance, saw Lord Krsña, who is more enchanting than Kämadeva and who is the master of the räsa dance, appear as Lord Gauränga.

Text 44
O girl with the beautiful face, kalpa after kalpa Sri Krsna Caitanya appears in Navadvipa and gives to the people pure love and devotion to Lord Krsna.
Text 45
O beloved, please never speak this secret to fools or non-devotees. This narration should be given to a devotee whose intelligence is pure. What more would you like to hear from me?
Note: Sri Ananta-samhitä ends

The above text was translated by Kusakrata Prabhu.
Radharani has 3 abodes in Vraja, Rawal , Varsana and Yavat.

In Bhakti Ratnakara it is stated:
“At this place, mother Yasodä, after taking Rädhä on her lap would tearfully send Her back to Yävat. Who can describe with one mouth the affection of mother Yasodä towards the sakhés headed by Lalitä? Yasodä and Rohini could not remain patient after sending off Rädhäräni and Her sakhis. “

Radharanis favorite abode is also Radhakunda, where around Radha Kunda there is 8 different kunjas ( groves) that has been given to the various asta Sakhis, and Radharani performs many pastimes there with Krsna .Also Around Shyama kunda are 8 kunjas that has been given to 8 of Krsnas’s Priya narma Sakhas, cowhered boys that bring messages between Krsna and Radha. They are Subala, Madhumangal, Ujjvala, Arjuna (not Pandava Arjuna), Vasanta etc.There Radha Krsna also performs pastimes.
In Rtu dvipa in Navadvipa -Radha Kunda is also there.
Actually the whole of Vrindavan belongs to Sri Radha. Thus She is known as Vrindavanesvari- the queen of Vrindavan.
One time Krsna was accursing Radha and the Gopis of stealing flowers in Vrindavan, and
Lalita deevi asked Krsna why Vrindavan is his property.He answered that because Vrinda devi is His wife, thus all property there also belongs to Him.(Vrindavana is named after Vrindadevi.) Vrindadevi denied being married to Krsna.And declared Radhazrani the actual queen of Vrindavan and Vraja.
The fact is of course Krsna is the Supreme husband all all women, as confirmed by Laxmi devi in the 5 canto 18 chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam and by Rukmini devi in the 10 Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. We are all prakriti.
As mentioned in Ananta Samhita Gaura- is Radha and Hari is Krsna so when we chant Gaurahari we are also chanting Radha Krsna.
Now back to Radharanis birth celebration, it is mentioned in this song Vrsabhanu Pure Aji Ananda Badhai that :
2) At the ecstatic festival in the courtyard there is no limit to the flow of yoghurt, ghee, cream, milk, turmeric etc.
Also it is mentioned in a book by Rupa Goswami: Astadasachanda that when Krsna was born so much youghurt, butter, tumeric, ghee etc was thrown at one another that everyone in Gokula was walking up to their ankels or knees in this .This is how much abundance of milk and ghee there was.
Krsna’s actual birthplace is in Gokula also and Rawal is not far from there.
In Antardvipa in Mayapure where Lord Gaurahari appeared ( this where our ISKCON temple is also) that place is also considered Gokula by our acarayas like Srila Bhaktivinoda

The pastimes Lord Caitanya performed to observe Janmastami and Radhastami as narrated by Narahari Charavati in his Bhakti Ratnakara:
Mahaprabhu’s dancing on Janmastami day in the house of Srivasa.
One day in the house of Srivasa, Prabhu announced, “Tomorrow is the birthday of Krsna.” Srivasa and others, knowing the mind of Prabhu, at once understood that tomorrow He would dance in the form of a Gopa. Everyone began busily preparing for the forthcoming festival. On the next day the house of Srivasa was filled with joy as the auspicious abhiseka of Lord Krsna was performed, afterwards they spent the entire night absorbed in sankirtana. The following morning Nityananda expertly dressed and decorated Gaurahari in the garb of a Gopa. Ramai, Sundarananda, Gauridasa and others also decorated themselves as Gopas. They all took earthen pots full of yogurt and butter, tied strings around the necks of the pots, and then tied the pots on both ends of a stick. Placing the stick on their shoulders they entered into the compound of Srivasa. Absorbed in the mood of the Gopas, Srivasa and Advaita scattered curd and turmeric in the compound. Within a short time the house of Srivasa was transformed into the house of Nanda Raja, the father of Krsna. Narahari has described this incident in his songs.
By the order of Mahaprabhu, arrangements were made to perform the birthday ceremony of Sri Radha in the house of Sri Pundarika Vidyanidhi.
With a smile, Prabhu told Pundarika, “Tomorrow I shall observe the birthday ceremony of Sri Radhika in your house.” Vidyanidhi was overjoyed and rushed to his house to arrange everything for the festival. The next day Prabhu and His companions came to the house of Vidyanidhi. First of all Prabhu performed the abhiseka of Sri Radha, then He decorated Himself as a gopa and directed his followers to do the same. Taking on their shoulders earthen pots filled with milk, curd and butter, they all began dancing like Gopas, and Pundarika scattered milk, curd and turmeric in the compound of his house. Afterwards, taking up their musical instruments, they began sankirtana dancing and chanting eloquently as the Lord, in the dress of a Gopa, stood beneath the Kadamba tree holding his flute in the pose of Krsna.
this is from the 12 chapter of this book
rimati Radharani is very compassionate and likes to see everyone engaged in Krsnas service,
Srila Prabhupada also had this mood of bringing everyone into the service of Radha Krsna:
nikunja-yuno rati-keli-siddhyai
ya yalibhir yuktir apeksaniya
tatrati-daksyad ati-vallabhasya
vande guroh sri-caranaravindam
The spiritual master is very dear, because he is expert in assisting the gopis, who at different times make different tasteful arrangements for the perfection of Radha and Krsna conjugal loving affairs within the groves of Vrndavana. I offer my most humble obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master
When we assist Srila Prabhupada by preaching and distributing his books, and making devotees we are assisting him to bring others into the realm of Navadvipa and Vrindavan.
That is the actual goal of our preaching to engage everyone in the service of Srila Prabhupada, Lord Caitanya and Radha Krsna.
This bookdistribution is the audarya mood of Navadvipa, where Lord Caitanya gives Krsna prema to all, to fully understand what Srila Prabhupada has given us takes a lot of good devotional assocaition and a very sincere sadhana and service attitude.,and a lot of study of Srila Prabhupadas books with great devotion.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada told Srila Prabhupada at Radha Kunda to print books and distribute them , and he requested us all to do the same:
“I want that you, all my students, shall very vigorously try for this book distribution.”
Letter to Kirtiraja, October 31, 1975
and he wanted us to read his books too and chant minimum 16 rounds a day:
I am requesting all of my students to read my books very seriously every day without fail. In this way, if your mind becomes absorbed at least one or two hours daily… His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Los Angeles
13 June, 1972 letter to Bhargava
This bookdistribution is the best way for us to get the mercy of Srimati Radharani, this is Her mercy, and taking real compassion on those who do not know about Krsna ,and assisting Srila Prabhupada and Srimati Radharani to bring those souls forgetful of Krsna into His eternal service

Image result for Radhastami

Lord Caitanya had two reasons to appear one was the external reason, which was to spread the sankirtana movement and distribute love for Himself even up to conjugal love:
CC Ādi 1.4: May the Supreme Lord who is known as the son of Śrīmatī Śacī-devī be transcendentally situated in the innermost chambers of your heart. Resplendent with the radiance of molten gold, He has appeared in the Age of Kali by His causeless mercy to bestow what no incarnation has ever offered before: the most sublime and radiant mellow of devotional service, the mellow of conjugal love.
krsna varnam tvisa krsnam
sangopangastra parsadam
yajnaih sankirtanam-prayair
yajanti hi sumedhasah
“In the age of Kali, Krsna appears in a golden form, chanting the two syllables krs-na. He descends along with His weapons, saktis, limbs, and eternal confidential associates. Those with intelligence worship Him with the sankirtana yajna. (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.5.32)
aham eva dvija-srestha
nityam pracchana-vigrahah
lokan raksami sarvada
“O best of the brahmanas, My disguised form is eternal. In this way, with My own form hidden from ordinary sight I take the form of a devotee and appear among the people in general in order to establish and protect religious principles.” (Adi Purana)
aham eva kvacid brahman
sannyasa asramam asritah
hari bhaktim grahayami
kalau papa-hatan naran
‘O Brahmana, I occasionally take the sannyasa asrama in an attempt to bring the fallen people of Kali Yuga to take up the path of bhakti or devotional service to Lord Krsna. (Upa-purana)
and the internal reasons are given in Caitanya Caritamrta:
CC Ādi 1.5: The loving affairs of Śrī Rādhā and Krsna are transcendental manifestations of the Lord’s internal pleasure-giving potency. Although Rādhā and Krsna are one in Their identity, They separated Themselves eternally. Now these two transcendental identities have again united, in the form of Śrī Krsna Caitanya. I bow down to Him, who has manifested Himself with the sentiment and complexion of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī although He is Krsna Himself.
CC Ādi 1.6: Desiring to understand the glory of Rādhārāṇī’s love,
the wonderful qualities in Him that She alone relishes through Her love,
and the happiness She feels when She realizes the sweetness of His love,
the Supreme Lord Hari, richly endowed with Her emotions, appeared from the womb of Śrīmatī Śacī-devī, as the moon appeared from the ocean.

a very special pastime is mentioned by Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura in his Stavamra Lahari -it is a dream She has about Lord Gauranga-thus Radha and Krsna reveals to the whole world, the wonderfull form of Gaurahari, and removes our doubts and blesses us:
Sri Svapna-vilasamrtastaka
Eight Prayers Describing Nectar Pastimes in a Dream
priya svapne drsta saridina-sutevatra pulinam
yatha vrndaranye natana-patavas tatra bahavah
mrdangadyam vadyam vividham iha kascid dvija-manih
sa vidyud-gaurangah ksipati jagatim prema-jaladhau
Srimati Radharani said: Beloved, in a dream I saw a river shore like the Yamuna here. There were many expert dancers as in Vrndavana. There were mrdangas and other instruments. There was a brahmana jewel as splendid as lightning who was tossing the universe into an ocean of pure love.
kadacit krsneti pralapati rudan karhicid asau
kva radhe ha heti svasiti patati projjhati dhrtim
nataty ullasena kvacid api ganaih svaih pranayibhis
trnadi-brahmantam jagad atitaram rodayati sah
Sometimes He calls out: “O Krsna!” and sometimes He sighs: “O Radha, where are You?” Sometimes He falls to the ground, sometimes He acts wildly, losing all composure, and sometimes He dances ecstatically with His loving associates. He has made all the residents of this world, from the blades of grass up to Lord Brahma, loudly call out the name of Krsna.
tato buddhir bhranta mama samajani preksya kim aho
bhavet so ‘yam kantah kim ayam aham evasmi na parah
aham cet kva preyan mama sa kila cet kvaham iti me
bhramo bhuyo bhuyan abhavad atha nidram gatavati
As I gazed at Him, My intelligence became bewildered. If He is my lover, where am I? If He is I, where is My lover? If He is My lover, where am I? As I slept, I became more and more bewildered.
priye drstva tas tah kutukini maya darsita-cari
ramesadya murtir na khalu bhavati vismayam agat
katham vipro vismapayitum asakat tvam tava katham
tatha bhrantim dhatte sa hi bhavati ko hanta kim idam
Sri Krsna said: O inquisitive girl, when I showed You Narayana and My other forms You were not surprised. Why does this brahmana surprise You? Why does He bewilder You so You say “Who is He?”

iti procya prestham ksanam atha paramrsya ramano
hasann akuta jnam vyanudad atha tam kaustubha-manim
tatha diptim tene sapadi sa yatha drstim iti tad
vilasanam laksmam sthira-cara-ganaih sarvam abhavat
After speaking these words to His beloved, the smiling lover, Krsna, touched His Kaustubha jewel. The jewel, understanding the Lord’s intent, glowed and then showed all the same pastimes and all the moving and non moving entities She saw in her dream.
vibhavyatha proce priyatama maya jnatam akhilam
tavakutam yat tvam smitam atanuthas tattvam asi mam
sphutam yan navadir yad abhimatir atrapy aham iti
sphuranti me tasmad aham api sa evety anumime
Srimati Radharani reflected for a moment and said: Beloved, I know what is in Your heart now that makes You smile. You are He. What You have said and thought is now clear to Me, and therefore I think I am also He.
yad apy asmakinam rati-padam idam kaustubha-manim
pradipyatraivadidrsad akhila-jivan api bhavan
sva-saktyavirbhuya svam akhila-vilasam pratijanam
nigadya premabdhau punar api tadahasyasi jagat
Making this Kaustubha jewel, which is so delightful to Us, shine in this way, You have revealed Yourself to all living entities. By Your own transcendental potency You will appear, display Your pastimes, teach everyone, and again plunge the world into the ocean of pure love.
yad uktam gargena vraja-pati-samaksam sruti-vida
bhavet pito varnah kvacid api tavaitan na hi mrsa
atah svapnah satyo mama ca na tada bhrantir abhavat
tvam evasau saksad iha yad anubhuto ‘si tad-rtam
In the king of Vraja’s presence, the learned Vedic scholar Gargacarya said that You will appear with a yellow complexion. He did not lie. This dream of Mine is true. It is not an illusion. In this dream I have directly seen You.
pibed yasya svapnamrtam idam aho citta-madhupah
sa sandeha-svapnat tvaritam iha jagarti su-matih
avaptas caitanyam pranaya-jaladhau khelati yato
bhrsam dhatte tasminn atula-karunam kunja-nrpatau
If the bumble-bee of the reader’s mind drinks the nectar of this Svapna-vilasamrta, then that intelligent reader will quickly awaken from the dream of materialistic doubt. Such a reader will attain Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He will sport in the ocean of pure love. He will attain the peerless mercy of the king of Vrndavana.

Radharanis name is not mentiond in Srimad Bhagavatam for different reasons, one reasons is among the sages that Sukadeva Goswami was speaking in front of was not fit to hear the name of Sri Radha, but more important if Sukadeva Goswami has uttered the name of Sri Radha, he would have gone into such and ecstatic mood, and he would not have been abel to finish narrating Srimad Bhagavatam to Pariksit Maharaja. HH Gaura Govinda Maharaja explained this subject in great detail referring to the authority of Srila Visvanatha Charavati Thakuras commentaries to Srimad Bhagavatam 10th Canto.
However in the Caitanya Caritamrita Srimati Radharani has been glorified nicely.And Srila Rupa Goswami has explained some of Her moods and service to Krsna for example in His Ujjvala nilamani, in his Stavamala etc. Srila Raghunath das Goswami has also offered much glorification of Sri Radha in his books, such as Stavavali and Dana keli Cintamani.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has also nicely explained Srimati Radharani in his many books, as has Srila Visvanatha Chakravati Thakura.
A question arrises why would Sukadeva Goswami enter such an ecstatic mood he would not be abel to finish the Srimad Bhagavatam, the answer is given by our acaryas that Sukadeva Goswami is one of the personal favorite parrots, that are expert in glorifying Sri Radha, and simply by uttering Sri Radhas name have put him into a stage of prema bhakti-followed with all the ecstatic symptoms–sattvika Bhava.
Srila Prabhupada was careful devotees understand Sri Radha in a proper fashion, I am praying to his lotusfeet by citing all this sastric pramans, devotees will have even greater love and understanding of Sri Radha .The glories of Radharani is unlimeted thus even Lord Caitanya Himself has tried and is eternally trying to understand and relish Her love for Him.Even Krsna got attracted to His own reflection wondering about His own sweetness , Srila Raghunath das Goswami has glorified Lord Caitanya in this way in his Sacisunuastaka:
Will Lord Hari who, when He saw His own incomparable sweetness in a mirror in Vraja, in order to become like His dearest friend Rädhä manifested an incomparable golden form and took birth in Bengal as the son of Saci, again walk on the pathway of my eyes?

When Krsna was leaving for Mathura , the inhabitants of Vraja felt so much seperation from Krsna, especially Radharani. There is the discussion with the bumblebee in the Krsna book, also called Brahmara Gita. Lord Caitanya was in this mood of Radharani when he was in Puri.
Srila Raghunath das Goswami has written a beautiful prayer in this regard:
Sri Gauränga-stava-kalpa-vrksa
The Desire Tree of Prayers to Lord Gauränga
When everyone sees His graceful motions they revile the graceful mad elephant and when they see His face they spit at the moon. He is splendid as a gold mountain and the waves of His words are nectar. The appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu, awakening in my heart, maddens me.
Text 2
Decorating Himself with the jewels of paleness, becoming stunned, stuttering, trembling, shedding tears, and bodily hairs erect with joy, and laughing and perspiring as He danced for the pleasure of Lord Jagannätha, may Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu rise in my heart and make me mad with love.
text 3
Staggering about in ecstasy, sprinkling everyone with water from the reddish syringes of His eyes, joyfully biting His charming lips with His teeth, and trembling as He dances, may Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu rise in my heart and make me mad with love.
text 4
Sometimes Sri Caitanya would go to the house of Käsi Misra. There He would be greatly aggrieved, feeling separation from Krsna. The joints of His transcendental body would slacken, and His arms and legs would become elongated. Rolling on the ground, the Lord would cry out in distress in a faltering voice and weep very sorrowfully. The appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu, awakening in my heart, maddens me.*
text 5
How wonderful it is! Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu left His residence without opening the three strongly bolted doors. Then He crossed over three high walls, and later, because of strong feelings of separation from Krsna, He fell down amidst the cows of the Tailanga district and retracted all the limbs of His body like a tortoise. Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu, who appeared in that way, rises in my heart and maddens me.*

Text 6
Because of separation from His many friends in Våndävana, who were like His own life, Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu spoke like a madman. His intelligence was transformed. Day and night He rubbed His moonlike face against the walls, and blood flowed from the injuries. May that Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu rise in my heart and make me mad with love.*
Text 7
“My dear friend the doorkeeper, where is Kåñëa, the Lord of my heart? Kindly show Him to Me quickly.” With these words Lord Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu addressed the doorkeeper like a madman. The doorkeeper grasped His hand and replied very hastily, “Come, see Your beloved!” May that Lord Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu rise within my heart and thus make me mad also.*
Text 8
Under a charming pavilion at the swing festival, with Svarüpa Dämodara and the other devotees He sweetly sang the holy names of Lord Kåñëa. May Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu rise in my heart and make me mad with love.
Text 10
As Lord Näräyana is kind to Garuda, He is kind to Govinda däsa. As Lord Krsna is devoted to His guru, He is devoted to Isvara Puré. As Lord Giridhäri loves Subala, He loves Svarüpa Dämodara. May that Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu rise in my heart and make me mad with love.
Text 11
Although I am a fallen soul, the lowest of men, Srri Caitanya Mahäprabhu delivered me from the blazing forest fire of great material opulence by His mercy. He handed me over in great pleasure to Svarüpa Dämodara, His personal associate. The Lord also gave me the garland of small Gunja berries that He wore on His chest and a stone from Govardhana Hill, although they were very dear to Him. That same Lord Srri Caitanya Mahäprabhu awakens within my heart and makes me mad after Him.*
Text 12
One who, with the water of careful reading mixed with the medicine of strong faith, waters this celestial tree, its charming branches the verses of this poem, and the splendor of its flowers pure love for Lord Gauräìga, will reap that tree’s heavy fruit: the sight of Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu.
Like Krsna ,Srimati Radharani never leaves Vrindavan in Her original form as Vrsasbhanunandini, the daughter of Vrsabhanu Maharaja.
Related image
What is very interesting about the pastimes Lord Caitanya performed on Radhastami and
Janmastami as mentioned in my comment no 19 from Bhaktiratnakara is that Advaita Acarya scatered the curd and, tumeric etc and similarly on Radhastami did Pundarik Vidhyanidhi (who is nondifferent from Vrsabhanu Maharaja ,Radharanis farther) also scattered all the items on the gound, wheras in Krsna lila on Nandotsava- the Vrijabasis threw all these things on one another. This restrraint is very fascinating.
Priviously I mentioned that Radharani never takes a step outside Vrindavan, just like Krsna.When She leaves Vraja that is in her Samyogini and Viyogini form, though these exist also in Vraja.These subjects was discussed somewhat in a privious posting abour wether worship of Rukmini Dvarakadisha is Rasabhasa. So I like to try to explain it with the help of sastra so this subject is understood properly.
In his book Padyavali , Srila Rupa Goswami has explained the mood of Viyogini that Radharani experiences in her mood of seperation of Krsna.This mood of Viyogini Radha is what Lord Caitanya experiences in Puri.
a gopi words when Radharani was meditating on Krsna in seperation
text 239
“You refuse to eat. You have stopped all activities of the senses. Your eyes are fixed on the tip of Your nose, and Your mind is fixed on a single thought. You are now silent, and You see the entire world as a void. Friend, please tell me, have You become a mystic yoginé, or are You rapt in meditation on Krsna?
—author unknown
Srimati Radharanis
text 240
Separation from Krsna is better than meeting Him. When I meet Him there is only one Krsna, but when I am separated from Him the three worlds become filled with Krsna.
—author unknown
Radharni in Her original form rarely experiences to much seperation from Krsna, because that is the nature of Radha Krsna’s astakaliya lilas, their eternal pastimes.They constantly meet and perform many pastimes.
In Sanat Kumara Samhita it is explained Krsna has external and internal energies (this book was translated by Kusakrata Prabhu)
Sri, Bhu, Lilä, Yogamayä, Cintyä, Acintyä, Mohiné, and Kasalé are Lord Krsna’s eight external potencies
text 296
Léli, Prema-svarüpa, Sthapani, Akarsiné, Samyoginé, Viyogini, and Ahlädiné are Lord Krsnas’s internal potencies.
Image result for Radhas birth

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