calling the bluff of Ramabhadra
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
I did not talk to Ramabhadra in a long time because he single handedly destroyed the sankirtana movement in New York.This
last year in Vrindavan he comes up to me and tries to lord if over me in Vrindavan as he does to everyone everywhere at all times
and places.Later he invited me to the temple after I had avoided if for long time or rather avoided him .
When I was
there in NY 89- 90.There was minimum 30 devotees doing sankirtana within a few years of he being the temple president almost zero.Sankirtana
down to nothing.Now there is a few devotees left ,basically an empty temple. I was suggesting to help Ramabhadra get rid of the Bingohall
but he has no interest, he knows it can be done, but refuses to let this go.
He should be replaced by the GBC at once, he has offended and burned out so many devotees to make them leave ISKCON New York.
. He called me and so angrily cursed me out calling me names yesterday,
because I am trying to help him stop the Bingo on ISKCON property, I was not bluffing and I am convinced it can be done, so thus I was suggesting to
help him, getting rid of the Bingo hall.However he is now banning me from even visiting the temple
in ISKCON Brooklyn when I go for some preaching there in february in NY.
Just see the dimension of his false ego.
He called me delusional ,but that is his own problem , he thinks that because he has become TP he has become God.I suggest the GBC
replace him at once.He properly thinks in his sick mind I want his position, otherwise why will he call me and curse me out ?
If I can get rid of the Bingo hall with the help of a lawyer what should he worry about?Ramabhadra is the kind of person that makes me believe
ISKCON could benefit from the Directions of Management written by Srila Prabhupada.
Ramabhadra is running ISKCON Brooklyn as a dictator and is unfit to be a is that simple.
If he was a gentelman he would just say it is ok I do not need your help on this, but Ramabhadra is not a gentleman even.One sannyasi friend
also told me he would never ever go to ISKCON Brooklyn and preach there again because of Ramabhadra... , this has been
going on for to long,some improvement is urgent needed in NY, and my suggestion to the GBC is to replace
Ramabhadra ,who is in gross violation of ISKCON laws...
He is what Srila Prabhupada refers to in Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.12 purport a material devotee, such kanistha adhikaris can not spread the KC
movement, do I think he is a kali chela, yes and then I am being nice,.. ...
and he like many other rascals serve grains on Visnutattva days....against Srila Prabhupadas instructions and that of sastra
Your servant
Payonidhi das
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