Buy me a tiffin !
It was 1996 , I was in Mayapure for Srila Prabhupada cential and Lord Caitanyas Gaura Purnima festival .I will say I was barely surviving in ISKCON .
Devamrta Swami came up to me and asked me to buy him a tiffin .Now if I had lots of Laxmi or enough Laxmi even I may had considered it but that time I did not lots of Laxmi on me or with me ,I borrowed even some Laxmi from my friend Jada Bharat Prabhu untill I came back to ISKCON Soho street temple London . Now you have to understand the many troubles I have had with Devamrta Swami , his arrogance and puffed up New Yorker behavior ,his many many offences to me over the years.In 1984 he asked me to help collect for the installation of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai in ISKCON Copenhagen .I told him ,this painting business is illegal and it is criminal (as it brakes all laws of any country) secondly I have done it in ISKCON Germany for one year and I do not want to do it anymore I joined ISKCON to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books.He said ok just help out this one time and I will never ask you again to do so.Then you can go back to distributing Srila Prabhupadas books.So I went I collected close to 25.000 Danish Kroner around 4000 US dollars in 3 to 4 week with paintings from Hong Kong and remember at any moment you can get arrested and thrown in jail. Sri Sri Gaura Nitai was installed ,the temple was in the basement and it had to be made sound proof also .Otherwise we would disturbe the neighbors and this new temple was in Hellerup Copenhagen ,considered upper middle class area .You can not disturb the neighbors you you will be forced to sell the property .
So I did this Devamrta Swami said ok you are going out on paintings again.I said Devamrta Swami you gave me your word I will go back on book distribution .He said I changed my mind: I told him it was not up to him.I went to talk to Harikesa, my then Guru , he properly did not even know my sacrifice or what I just had done.I told him I wanted to keep distributing Srila Prabhupadas books and Devamrta was a rascal for changing his views ,Devamrta had called me a rascal for complaining to Harikesa.This is when I finally realized what a snake Devamrta was.I had to leave the temple in order to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books and I cursed Harikesa and Devamrta Swami for their offences to me and always obstructing my service.I never chanted pranam mantra to Harikesa after this only to Srila Prabhupada. So I was never really welcome in the Temple in Copenhagen due to Devamrta Swamis politics and I am the first Danish devotee that helped start the temple in 1979.But Devamrta Swami does not only have a black body he has a black heart as well .One day I was distributing after I left the temple (I got a flat ,with the help of Adidevi das ) and I met Jamadagni das one of Srila Prabhupadas only Danish disciples.He told me how Devamrta Swami had made politics against him .He is the devotee that translated the first books in Danish Sri Isopanisad, Krsna book and Vedic Philosophy and religion by Satsvarupa Maharaja .(They where made into a Triology and where the first books distributed in Denmark ) .I told him what happened to me .I was in ISKCON Austria for a while where another nutcase Maharama das was made TP for Vienna.He later became an ISKCON Guru in 1986 but left the movement shortly he pushed a disciple down the stairs to his death in Columbia that year and was never seen again.That lasted only few month I left when Maharama das almost got into a fist fight with Taxi drivers because he refused to pay for the taxis.(he reminded me of the arrogant Nazis that invaded Austria during Hitler,he was so puffed up and arrogant) .So I was in Germany for a while thinking where I will continue my service to Srila Prabhupada .I bought some books from German BBT and distributed those going shop to shop in Bremen ,Germany daily .Harikesa then wrote me a letter suggesting I go on Padayatra in India .I collected and went and spend almost 2 years in India from 1985 to 1986 , but as I could only stay in India 6 month I had to come back and get new visa and collect and go back .So it was troubled times for me as i had no temple to stay in .But I did stay with Bharat Prabhu German Prabhupada disciple in Malmoe Sweden for some month in 1985 for while and dis sankritana there they had opened a small temple there.With the help of my collection they got a bigger place .After September of 1986 I came back to Denmark I was still getting over having had jaundice , and I wad not sure what to do next , India was big hard and austere on me having spend 2 years in India .This time Harikesa had a fallout with Devamrta Swami that wanted to replace Harikesa so Harikesa told Devamrta to pack his stuff and leave.Later Devamrta Swami told me he was crying .I was thinking what a rascal ,he mistreated myself and so many devotees and he is crying and feeling sorry for himself ? He went to join Kirtananda sometimes in early 1986,this was the time Kirtananda had Sulocana killed .Devamrta Swami was fitting right into the mix.He told devotees do not coopoperate with the FBI.Everyone from New Vrindavana knows abotu this .There are books like killing for Krsna you can read , and so much information it can easy be proven how he supported his new Gay and pedophile Guru .Kirtananda.Kirtananda was not his Guru , but he empowered Devamrtas evil tendencies so again he could think I am the Supreme controller and have power of control and administration . I had long forgotten about Devamrta Swami and his evil behavior, when one winter day in 1990 I was distributing books in Toronto and behind me was Devamrta Swami in western dress .He was suprised to see me >He asked me to visit him in New Vrindavana .I said you guys are being expelled from ISKCON ? I just have to make sure I will not get in trouble for visiting .Nor will I join or be part of this community .(knowing Devamrta I knew he would try to recruit me there ) .I told him I was going back to Boston and they where having a New years get together with the New Vrindavana sankritana devotees (collectors at the time mainly selling hats and sticker and not books ).Devamrta Swami arranged for a ride with a mataji ,from Boston to New Vrindavana and back .She was a flower sales person in Boston and used to go to New Vrindavana.It was not ideal as she was a mataji , but i knew her from the temple she often came to our temple program.So I said what the heck I want to visit New Vrindavana .many devotees where curious what was going on so I went. But I warned Devamrta Swami that time after I came back to Boston , you are part of a criminal group, Kirtananda is a muderer and pedophile and you all just had Sulocana Prabhu murdered .Shame on you Devamrta Swami .So now he came to me in 1996 and asked a poor brahmacari ;"Can you buy me a tiffin! Now Devamrta Swami is back a full fledged GBC and Guru and sannyasi ...but this is my past with him and you all should know to be very carefull with him . I certainly will never trust him again . See the source image
I told Devamrta Swami in 1991 he should shave his hair and beard and put on tilaka he said I am not so fortunate Iam following Kirtananda .That had him dress in monkrobes and grow a beard
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