Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Aindra Prabhu ,wrote his book "The art of transcendental bookdistribution" that really does not encourage bookdistribution much , but more Harinama.I had some disagreement with him about this.But whatever Aindra Prabhu has written is pure like the Ganges, surely I miss him so much.Krsna was kind and gave me his association .
Lord Caitanya has stated:
"Anyone who finds any fault with a devotee's description of Krishna is a sinner. If a devotee writes a poem, no matter how poorly he does it, it will certainly contain his love for Krishna. A fool says 'visnaya' while a scholar knows the correct form is 'visnave', but Krishna accepts the sentiment in either case. If anyone sees a fault in this, the fault is his, for Krishna is pleased with anything the pure devotee says. You too describe the Lord with words of love, so what arrogant person would dare criticize anything that you have written?" (Chaitanya Bhagavata 1.11.105-110)
However I find the need to describe some of the glories of the Brhad Mrdanga, however before I do not I want to post some quotes that we hear over and over again ,but they normally goes in one ear and out the other.This is why not more devotees in ISKCON take this bookdistribution seriously
.Prabhupada: No, that is missionary activities, that they do not understand, but you have to make them understand. They are not calling you, “I am suffering. Please come,” but it is your business to go and let them know that “You are suffering. You take this method.” That is the way of becoming very quickly recognized by Krsna. Otherwise, if you think, “They are not understanding, what is the use of going there? Let me sleep,” that is not good. They are not understanding; still, you have to go. Then Krsna will take that “He is laboring so hard for My sake.” Never mind he is successful. It doesn’t matter. But you are working hard for Krsna. That is noted down. So our business is to be recognized by Krsna. Whether one man is converted or not converted, that is not our business. We shall try our best. But Krsna must see that I am giving service to Krsna. That’s all. That is wanted. Not that you have to judge that you have approached so many men; nobody became Krsna conscious. That doesn’t matter. But you have gone there. You have endeavored your sincere effort. That is recognized by Krsna. That is the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Yare dekha, tare kaha ‘krsna’-upadesa: [Cc. Madhya 7.128] “Whomever you meet, you give him, you inform him the instruction of Krsna.” Caitanya Mahaprabhu never said that “You see that he has actually become Krsna conscious.” Never says. You simply say and go and say. That is your business. It is not that you have to see that he has become Krsna conscious. It is not so easy to become Krsna conscious. It is not so easy. It will take, bahunam janmanam ante [Bg. 7.19], after many, many births. But you have to do your duty. Go and preach. Yare dekha, tare kaha ‘krsna’-upadesa [Cc. Madhya 7.128]. Your duty is finished. Of course, you will try to convert him. If he is not converted, that is not deviation of your duty. You have to simply go and speak. Just like when I came to your country, I never expected any success because I knew, “As soon as I will say, ‘No illicit sex, no meat-eating,’ they will reject me immediately.” (laughter) So I was not hopeful at all.
Devotee (1): They are so attached. Prabhupada: Yes. But it is your kindness that you accepted me. But I never expected. I never expected that “These people will accept.” I never expected. Hari-sauri: So simply if we rely on Krsna… Prabhupada: Yes, that is our only business. Hari-sauri: And if we look for results, then… Prabhupada: And we should do our duty as prescribed by the spiritual master. Guru-krsna-krpaya [Cc. Madhya 19.151]. Then both sides, you will be favored, from the spiritual master and from Krsna. And that is the success. My Guru Maharaja was publishing one paper, Dayinika (?) Nadiya Prakash. It was worth two paisa or one paisa. So if a brahmacari could sell a few copies, he would have been so glad. You see? The collection was not even four annas. Still, he was so glad that “Oh, you have distributed so much.” Our business is to carry out the order, not to see success. Success is not so easy. That is not so easy.
comment: Some devotees complain that so many books are distributed but why not more persons became devotees, well there is Srila Prabhupadas answer to this question.Actually Krsna will send more devotees the more ISKCON becomes sincere in KC.And preaches purely.
if not our preaching will be accordingly , but especially in India there is much expansion of KC that is very good.And they distribute lots of Prabhupadas books also,this is one important reason.
You are trying for the new Temple, but our main business is Sankirtana and distribution of literature. If Krishna gives us a better place, that is all right. Otherwise we can remain at any place never mind hell or heaven; but we shall only be very cautious about propagating our Sankirtana movement. [Letter to Madhudvisa, 26 March 1970]
I am very glad to know that your sales of our literature and books are very good and improving more. It is natural that such distribution of literatures should increase as the people hear more about Krishna Consciousness Movement, so distribution of our books and literatures is our major propaganda program. [Letter to Hamsaduta, 29 June 1970]
Whenever I get report of my book selling I feel strength. Even now in this weakened condition I have got strength from your report. You should know that in this work you have Krishna's blessings. [Letter to Satsvarupa, 8 September 1974] The book sales are very encouraging, increasing, increasing. It is very good news. Thank you, I want this. Record selling is temporary... A book sold becomes a permanent matter for enjoyment. We read the scriptures again and again and it is still fresh; when there is time, I go on reading my own books. [Letter to Hamsaduta, 1 October 1974]
Whatever progress we have made, it is simply due to distributing the books. So go on, and do not divert your mind for a moment from this. [Letter to Ramesvara, 11 October 1974] If there is any credit to my activities of translating, it is all due to His Divine Grace [Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura]. Certainly if His Divine Grace were personally present at this time, it would have been a great occasion for jubilation, but even though he is not physically present, I am confident that he is very much pleased by this work of translation. He was very fond of seeing many books published to spread the Krishna Consciousness Movement. Therefore our society, The International Society for Krishna Consciousness [ISKCON], has been formed to execute the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. [Concluding words to Sri Caitanya caritamrta]
Print as many books as possible, this is my real pleasure. By printing these books of our Krishna Conscious philosophy in so many languages we can actually inject our movement into the masses of persons all over the world, especially there in the Western countries and we can literally turn whole nations into Krishna Conscious nations. [Letter to Hrdayananda, 21 December 1974] In spite of war Srimad Bhagavatam will be distributed. We don't care about war, our preaching business will go on. [Letter to Radhavallabha, 21 August 1975] The Sankirtana devotees are very dear to Krishna. Because you are doing the field work of book distribution, Krishna has immediately recognized them as true servants. Just like during war time, a farm boy or ordinary clerk who goes to fight for his country on the front immediately becomes a national hero for his sincere effort. So Krishna immediately recognizes a preacher of Krishna Consciousness who takes all risk to deliver His message. [Letter to Uttamasloka, 11 December 1975]
Books are the basis of our Movement. Whatever appreciation we are getting on account of our books, it is because we are following the path chalked out by exalted devotees. We are not writing something whimsical. [Letter to Tusta-Krishna, 9 January 1976]
The results show that there is no limit to our book distribution. Our books are qualified to be distributed unlimitedly. [Letter to Ramesvara, 18 January 1976]
The main thing is to distribute books more and more. [Letter to Balavanta, 4 October 1976] Preaching means book distribution. [Room Conversation, Bombay, 31 December 1976] This, our book distribution, is the most important task in our society. Therefore I am giving so much stress and I am working so hard on this. Because this is my life and soul according to the order of my Guru Maharaja. And by his grace it is to some extent successful. And I took it seriously. I take it seriously still now. That is my life and soul. I never tried in India to construct big temples or even in your country we didn't. I never tried. But I was selling personally books. That is the history. [Room Conversation, Bombay, 31 December 1976]
I want that every respectable person has a full set of Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrta in his home. [Letter to Drdhavrata, 24 January 1977]
Be assured that there is no more direct way to preach than to distribute Krishna conscious books. Whoever gets a book is benefited. If he reads the book he is benefited still more, or if he gives the book to someone else for reading, both he and the other person is benefited. Even if one does not read the book but simply holds it and sees it, he is benefited. If he simply gives small donation towards the work of Krishna consciousness he is benefited. And anyone who distributes these transcendental literatures, he is also benefited. Therefore Sankirtana is the prime benediction for the age. [Letter to German disciples, 6 May 1977]
Srila Prabhupada writes in Srimad Bhagavatam 7.9.44 purport :" it is the duty of every member in ISKCON to go door to door and present Bhagavad Gita as it is".
So thus we can not be real members of ISKCON if we do not distribute Srila Prabhupadas books.
Vrindavana Mahimamrta was written by Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati Thakura:
He discribes how one should not leave Vrindavana, but in modern times Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada started worldwide preaching, he started of with chanting 192 rounds daily in Mayapure when there was just a jungle there. He encouraged that real service to Mayapure is distributing bhakti sastras.His Upadesavali is so important.
The Upadesavali Of Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada
1. "Param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam–supreme victory to the congregational chanting of Krsna’s names" - this is Sri Gaudiya Math’s sole object of worship. 2. Sri Krsna, who is the visaya-vigraha or the object of the devotee’s prema, is the sole enjoyer, and all others are to be enjoyed by Him. 3. Those who don't perform Hari-bhajana are ignorant and murderers of their own soul. 4. The acceptance of Harinama and direct realization of Bhagavan are one and the same. 5. Those who equate the demigods with Visnu are unable to serve Bhagavan. 6. Establishing a printing press to print devotional books and preaching by organizing Nama Hatta programs constitutes genuine service to Sri Mayapur. 7. We are not doers of good or bad deeds, nor are we scholars or illiterate. Carrying the shoes of Hari's pure devotees as our duty, we are initiates into the mantra "kirtaniya sada hari". 8. Preaching without following proper conduct falls within the category of karma, mundane activity. Without criticizing the nature of other, one should correct one's self - this is my personal instruction. 9. Serving the Vrajavasis who felt great separation from Krsna when He left Vraja to reside in Mathura is our supreme constitutional occupation. 10. If we desire to follow an auspicious course in life, then disregarding the theories of even countless people we should hear instructions only from a transcendental source. 11. Life as an animal, bird, insect, or any other of the countless thousands of species is acceptable, but taking shelter of deceit is thoroughly improper. Only an honest person possesses real auspiciousness. 12. Simple heartedness is synonymous with Vaisnavism. Servants of paramahamsa Vaisnava should be simple-hearted, a quality which makes them the topmost brahmanas. 13. Helping to draw conditioned souls away from their perverted attachment to this material energy is the greatest compassion. If even one soul is rescued from maha-maya's fortress, that compassionate act is infinitely more benevolent than the construction of unlimited hospitals. 14. We have not come to this world to be construction workers; we are the bearers of Sri Caitanyadeva's instructions. 15. We will not remain in this world for long, and by profusely performing Hari-kirtan, upon relinquishing these material bodies we will experience the ultimate reward of embodied life. 16. The foot-dust of Sri Rupa Goswami, the fulfiller of Sri Caitanyadeva's inner desires is our life's sole desired object. 17. If I were to desist from lecturing about the Absolute Truth due to being fearful that some listeners may be displeased, I would be deviating from the path of Vedic truth and accepting the path of untruth. I would become one who is inimical to the Vedas, an atheist, and would no longer possess faith in Bhagavan, the very embodiment of Truth. 18. Krsna's darsan can only be attained through the medium of the ear as one hears Hari-katha from pure Vaisnavas; there is no other way. 19. Wherever Hari-katha is being spoken is a holy place. 20. Proper sravana, hearing, is accomplished through the medium of kirtan, and this will give one the good opportunity to practice smarana, remembrance. Then internal experience of rendering direct service to the astakaliya-lila, Sri Radha-Krsna's pastimes in each of the eight parts of the day, becomes possible. 21. We should understand that the loud calling out of Krsna's names is bhakti. 22. Bhagavan will not accept anything, that is offered by a person who doesn't chant Harinam one-hundred thousand times daily (1 lakh of names). 23. By sincerely endeavoring to chant Harinam without offences and remaining fixed in chanting constantly, one's offences will fade and pure Harinam will arise on the tongue. 24. As mundane thoughts arise while taking Harinam, one should not become discouraged. A secondary consequence of taking Harinam is that these useless mundane thoughts will gradually dissipate; therefore one should not worry about this. By dedicating one's mind, body, and words to serving Sri Nama and continuing to chant with great persistence, Sri Nama Prabhu will grant one darsan of His supremely auspicious transcendental form. And by continuing to chant until one's anarthas are fully eradicated by the power of Sri Nama realization of His form, qualities and pastimes will automatically arise.
2 things I like to highlight is vers 6:
6. Establishing a printing press to print devotional books and preaching by organizing Nama Hatta programs constitutes genuine service to Sri Mayapur.
It is very clear that the distribution of devotional books (Srila Prabhupadas books especially for followers of Srila Prabhupada ) is real service to Sri Mayapure,
and 22: 22. Bhagavan will not accept anything, that is offered by a person who doesn't chant Harinam one-hundred thousand times daily (1 lakh of names).
the importance of chanting 64 rounds daily...
vers 1. My dear brother if your Guru, friends, parents, society , wife and children, GBC and TP and all socalled senior or junior devotees, satans and saint, pious or impious persons tells you not to distribute Srila Prabhuapdas books do not listen to them, distribute Srila Prabhupadas books to all birth after birth.
vers 2. My dear brother mind ,why are you not attracted to this distribution of Srila Prabhupadas books, you seriously think any happiness is found being a demigod, TP, GBC or Guru, or socalled advanced vaisnava, why do you think there is any happiness in any of this outside in distributing Srila Prabhupadas books?.
vers 3 My dear mind have you not heard the sweet glorification of the Gopis:
tava kathāmṛtaḿ tapta-jīvanaḿ kavibhir īḍitaḿ kalmaṣāpaham śravaṇa-mańgalaḿ śrīmad ātataḿ bhuvi gṛṇanti ye bhūri-dā janāḥ
The nectar of Your words and the descriptions of Your activities are the life and soul of those suffering in this material world. These narrations, transmitted by learned sages, eradicate one's sinful reactions and bestow good fortune upon whoever hears them. These narrations are broadcast all over the world and are filled with spiritual power. Certainly those who spread the message of Godhead are most munificent.
(SB 10.31.9) see also CC Madhya 14.4-18
vers 4 My dear mind does the sweet words of Prahlada Maharaja for others wellfare not touch your heart?
SB 7.9.43: O best of the great personalities, I am not at all afraid of material existence, for wherever I stay I am fully absorbed in thoughts of Your glories and activities. My concern is only for the fools and rascals who are making elaborate plans for material happiness and maintaining their families, societies and countries. I am simply concerned with love for them.
naitān vihāya kṛpaṇān vimumukṣa eko
nānyaḿ tvad asya śaraṇaḿ bhramato 'nupaśye
SB 7.9.44: My dear Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva, I see that there are many saintly persons indeed, but they are interested only in their own deliverance. Not caring for the big cities and towns, they go to the Himalayas or the forest to meditate with vows of silence [mauna-vrata]. They are not interested in delivering others. As for me, however, I do not wish to be liberated alone, leaving aside all these poor fools and rascals. I know that without Kṛṣṇa consciousness, without taking shelter of Your lotus feet, one cannot be happy. Therefore I wish to bring them back to shelter at Your lotus feet.
Vers 5: My dear mind does the example of Srila Prabhupada not inspire you to distribute his books with all love and dedication?
Vers 6: My dear mind ,people in this world suffer for want of KC and you want to sit in a temple and chant Hare Krishna with no love and concern for others ,and you call yourself a vaisnava?Why is your heart made of steel that you never distribute Srila Prabhupadas books
vers 7 : My dear brother mind , do not associate with anyone that is averse to the distributing of Srila Prabhupadas books, consider such a person
like a tiger that will only try to disturb and distract your dedication to this most important instruction of Srila Prabhupada.
vers 8: My dear friends, so never forget Srila Prabhupada told Tripurari Swami that the distribution of my books is 1000 more important than taking sannyasa.Srila Prabhupada told devotees , when they came and told him that some pujari in Vrindavana had said if you keep serving in ISKCON
next life you can serve Radha Ramanaji personally.Srila Prabhupada fired back:"NO ,NEXT LIFE IF THEY ARE FORTUNATE,THEY CAN DISTRIBUTE TRANSCENDENTAL BOOKS IN THE WEST"!
Thus ends the Brhad Mrdanga Mahimamrta if this inspires anyone to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books, then I place that persons feet on my head.
your humble servant
Paramananda das

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