Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Bogus sunday school at temple and some of the dark past of ISKCON

dear devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
all glories to Srila Prabhupada
In 1986 while preaching in India and visiting many holy places in South India, I met with one Gurukula child that had been sexually molested in Mayapur a nepali boy called Acyuta.He told me about the many atrocities in Mayapure at the hands of Satydhanya ,Bhavananda and Nitai chand all pedophiles and child abusers of the worst kind
There was no serious mood to do anything about this when I came to Mayapure ,though many devotee where speaking up.ISKCON had in many placed been degraded into a criminal organization ,with Kirtananda killing devotees in New Vrindavan, and child molestation was rampant in many places in USA and India, these are some of the traces of dangerous cults, and of course ISKCON should never have been come to this, but it was all due to incompetent GBC's Guru and sannyasis ,TP's etc not to rectifie such things.After that often when I heard about Srila Prabhupadas DOM it made sense to me, that ISKCON be protected from it own internal enemies.
In ISKCON Scandinavia we had two power hungry madmen, one was Harikesa the other was Devamrta Swami, both on a complete trip for their own power and prestige.In Germany was Suhotra.So ISKCON being so full of demoniac activities something had to happen.And many good changes came eventually, Bhavananda and Satyadhanya where never taken to justice and remain there in Mayapure to this day, this is certainly my opinion
What I am saying is how would I then ever put my son in Gurukula, in Vrindavan I had seen so much incompetence , child molestation and one student had illicit sex with a teachers wife in the pujari room of Krsna Balarama in 1986.The horror was beyond comparison.
And having seen so many homo sexual's dressing up as sannyasis, was not encouraging .I am the kind of father if someone would sexually molest my son , he would know no end to his miseries on this planet.It is hard not to take justice into your own hands in such situations, but justice should be served in a legal way.
But many parents where also like brain washed zombies and brain washed by ISKCON leaders so they did not protest, but gradually so many came out of the wood work and the Turley case.
There was the Robin George case,,20085897,00.html. Kids went through so much due to fanatic crazy cultmentality in ISKCON.Srila Prabhupada did not teach these things....
Anyway the picture is pretty dark because it was dark.My wife once went with me to a temple here in US, and was put in a dark room and there was mice on the floor, this is just not acceptable.But try to tell this to an ISKCON TP, that is ok Prabhu but just give us a donation and it will be ok.....
International society for money consciousness is not what ISKCON is.I have seen Navayogendra Swami once in Seattle hammering the congregation for more and more money, it is shameful he is allowed to be a Guru and Sannyasis in ISKCON, he is only into power and money, with no divya jnana.

Anyhow recently I naively thought let me try an ISKCON sunday school for my son, the smaller children was learning nicely about devotional service, but the kids my sons age where unruly fighting , not siting properly it was really a mess.And the teacher was looking for answers that where not KC but of speculative nature because she obviously was not trained in KC, literally one hour with minimum KC impact.
I decided I better get more serious about teaching my son more KC, but obviously there is zero help in ISKCON.This is a very sad part.
The good news is that hopefully we have learned a lesson about the dark past of ISKCON, that will not be allowed to repeat itself.
And immediately I know some managers will think vow this letter could be bad for monthly donations, but this is an internal letter of course.
But KC is the solution not money consciousness and there needs to be so much growing up in ISKCON
Lots of it
your servant
Payonidhi das
PS yes and I know there is improvements made in the Gurukulas in Vrindavan and Mayapure, but how many western devotees would trust to send their kids their is another story , my advise unless you live there also do not even think about it, your kid needs you and not to be indoctrinated, but how to become KC.This said recently I saw the new plans for more Gurukula in ISKCON Mumbai ,and their way of doing things professionally really impresses me...but there is no Gurukulas anymore for devotee kids from the west and it is really sad,,,
I met one young devotee that is being homeschooled and writes nice KC articles and is doing college degree though only 15 we need more of these kind of brilliant minds in KC

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