Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Bhakti Vikas Swami and his British imperialist mentality

Bhakti Vikas Swami and his British imperialist mentality

Bhakti Vikas Swami is being carried on Harinama on Janmashtami, sorry I find that arrogant, who does this? Is he getting to old so he needs to be carried RASCALDOM ,some years ago he wanted to be my Diksa Guru and give up the Diksa I had from Srila Narayana Maharaja , I wrote him out are you out of your mind , you are a neophyte and chant 16 rounds daily ,I chant 64 rounds daily , and my Diksa Guru is Srila Narayana Maharaja who is so much senior to you since when have you become so puffed up ,it is another display of his arrogance
Bhakti Vikas Swami and his Kulis sad to see

Views: 75

Comment by Paramananda das on September 16, 2022 at 4:27pm

I am the master of the holy name and when it is chanted I am carried ,that is now how to go on Harinama, in Gaudiya math barefeet never carried


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