Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

dear devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Prabhodananda Sarasvati Maharaja gave a nice lecture in Mayapure
on the issue if 16 rounds is enough.Srila Prabhupada said very minimum 16.He actually tried to introduce 64 rounds in ISKCON
just as the line of his Guru Maharaja and all our acaryas.We should not think I have chanted 16 rounds now I can do any nonsens
I like ,Srila Prabhupada made fun of this mentality.Srila Bhaktisiddhanta PRabhupada said we are fallen if we do not chant 64 rounds.
So it is rather we are not willing to chant 64 rounds as ordered by Lord Caitanya and Srila Rupa Goswami , this is the Gaudiya standard.
Nowadays so many do not even chant 16 rounds and still give Bhagavatam class.I know one Prabhupada disciple in Europe that is allowed to give class and he only chants 4 rounds every day.This is by his own admittance.Not by anyone falsely accusing him.
Srila Prabhupada writes in several letters that those who do not chant minimum 16 rounds and follow 4 regs are not his disciples.
So let us never think it is maximum 16 rounds ,there is no maximum, kirtaniya sada hari.
I heard a lecture where Srila Prabhupada says ,brahmanas should be constantly chanting the holy name of Krsna:
Satatam kirtayanto mam
We are not bhajanandis ,today I wrote this :
On Aindra Prabhus advise to become a bhajanandi
 Aindra Prabhus book,the heart of transcendental bookdistribution is a wonderful book, however suggesting to sit down some  in over populated, 
cosmopolitan Vrindavan  and just do nama bhajan makes no sense.Where will you find the peace to do so? Certainy not  in any temple.
Does he suggest we go to some remote place like in Kamyavana and sit down in loincloth imitating the 6 Goswamis?
 Oh my dear Aindra Prabhu I know you could stay in Vrindavan ,Krsna Balarama temple for 25 years and chant and read in your room in peace 
and do daily kirtana, who will give us such a blessing?  
Certainly I agree there is no better place to chant than in Vraja, I daily chant 64 rounds , but in Vrindavan I find it possible to double my rounds in peace.
But then soon you are brought down worldly matters by gossip and scandals that happens in ISKCON, or sometimes even the past ghosts of deviations.
During the 6 Goswamis time ,the water and air was clean, and you could ,sleep under a tree next day beg for some chapaties take bath in Yamuna.
Even in my lifetime when I first came to Vrindavan it was more clean, now if you take bath in Kesighat the water is so polluted you will get sick .There is
so much pollution that antibiotics will not cure you.Where will you stay? How will you get a visa to stay there forever? Even if all this was so, how about
all the suffering persons in the west, or east that has no knowledge of Krsna?Our personal mood is like Srila Prabhupadas and Prahlada Maharajas
see SB 7.9.43-44 ,we are trying to preach following the lotusfootsteps of our acaryas.
 As soon as I enter Vrindavan ,I see so many persons just engaged in business and politics, do you find one person chanting 64 rounds or more, 
surely, but they will be hiding somewhere.
As for Aindra Prabhus line of "Bhajanandis" there is not one person on his 24 hour sankirtana party(that I know of) that chants 64 rounds and plus as he did.
They are
actually avers to it...So  they may hang around his Samadhi and claim they are his real followers when they are simply a fraud. Fraud is a strong word
,but they are not up to his standard.Yes they will maybe chant 16 rounds ,follow 4 regs and chant a little kirtana and eat some chapaties and live in the
holy dham of Vrindavan, but calling them bhajanandis or followers of Aindra Prabhu does him little justice.I actually know him better than his followers
because he was my dear friend.But all my pranams to  them from a distance.
 Srila Prabhupada wanted preachers, devotees to go out in the world and do Harinama and bookdistribution.Not to sit down in Vrindavan and pretend
to be a bhajanandi, Aindra Prabhu was a bhajanandi and a preacher.
 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada in his Vaisnava ke advised most not to be bhajanandis, they do not have the adhikara.But we can be strict devotees
chant minimum 16 rounds better, 64 rounds and plus , do harinama and distribute Srila Prabhupadas books.And for those who are advanced they
can internally live in Vraja ....This was Srila Prabhupadas real mood.
Lord Caitanya was always spreading love for Krsna and this is the mood of His parampara. 
We may not have millions of bodies and meet constant obstacles, but with whatever little we have ,we are sincerely trying to serve Srila Prabhupada 
for his pleasure.
I surely miss Aindra this world I think he was my dearest he is gone I realize it.
your humble servant
Payonidhi das
One final note ,those who understand the writings of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura knows that he surely is suggesting minimum 64 rounds
even for grhasthas and that this is very much part of Saranagati.Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada has stated there is no Saranagati 
if one does not complete 64 rounds.
Chanting 64 rounds must be done in the mood of Saranagati...ok yes it is still minimum 16 rounds in any case, not maximum 16 as so many has preached for years in ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada never ever said so, it is minimum 16 so noone should feel bad to use this tongue to chant more.....of the Mahamantra.
I am always suggesting more chanting and more bookdistribution for all members in ISKCON,because Srila Prabhupada preached this way......
your servant
Payonidhi das 
PS If we denie that Lord Caitanya asked for one lakh names we become aparadhis, the question is then what will we do about it,
and again what will we do about Srila Prabhupadas instruction that all members in ISKCON should distribute his books, now this is Saranagati.Saranagati is not something cheap...... 

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