Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Text 4
arjuna uvaca katham bhismam aham sankhye dronam ca madhusudana isubhih pratiyotsyami pujarhav ari-sudana
Arjuna said: O killer of enemies, O killer of Madhu, how can I counterattack with arrows in battle men like Bhishma and Drona, who are worthy of my worship?
Commentary by Srila Prabhupada
Respectable superiors like Bhishma the grandfather and Dronacarya the teacher are always worshipable. Even if they attack, they should not be counterattacked. It is general etiquette that superiors are not to be offered even a verbal fight. Even if they are sometimes harsh in behavior, they should not be harshly treated. Then, how is it possible for Arjuna to counterattack them? Would Krishna ever attack His own grandfather, Ugrasena, or His teacher, Sandipani Muni? These were some of the arguments offered by Arjuna to Krishna.
Commentary by Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur
"According to scriptures of dharma, not respecting those worthy of worship is a cause of bondage: pratibadhnati hi sreyah pujya-puja-vyatikramah. Therefore I withdraw from fighting. How can I kill them?" The form prati yotsyami (parasmaipada) is used instead of the form prati yotsye (atmanepada, for oneself).
"But those two elders are fighting. Are you not able to fight against them?"
"No I cannot do so, for they are worthy of worship (pujarhau): I should offer flowers to their feet in devotion rather than sharp arrows in anger. O friend Krishna! Even you injure only the enemies in battle, and not your own guru Sandipani Muni or your friends the Yadus, O Madhusudana, killer of Madhu!"
"But I am a descendent of Madhu, therefore called Madhava, in the ancient lineage of the Yadu dynasty. How could I have killed Madhu?"
"No, 1 do not mean that Madhu. I am speaking about the demon named Madhu who was your enemy (ari sudana)."
comment: One person posing as a sannyasi once used this vers when he made many nasty and offensive attacks on me, do not accept thug behavior from any Gurus ,GBC's and sannaysis.Even attacking my place of birth.
Hrdayananda Swami told me HH Narayana Maharaja was not fit to be my Guru because he was indian(he stated, all indians and I quote are thieves), this comes from someone in a jewish body ,that should be careful about such insane behavior.He accused him of so many things though he is my Guru, very lowclass behavior.I later wrote him that he was a devotee before you was even born and Srila Prabhupada liked him. ISKCON leaders have made many vaisnava aparadhas against Gaudiya math sannaysis like HH Sridhara Swami that was a beloved disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada, and against HH Srila Narayana Maharaja.I warned Vipramukya Swami when he was making offences to Narayana Maharaja it will lead to his falldown,6 month later he fell down from sannyasa.Also Narayana Maharaja was accused of reinitiating disciples of Gurus in good standing ,he never did so and I discussed it with him. (with Narayana Maharaja).When it came out that Suhotra das ex Swami was fallen did Narayana Maharaja allow reinitiation for one person that wanted to take diksa from him.However in ISKCON I have been pressured by Bhakti Vikas Swami to accept him as Guru and take diksa from him and some  disciples of Jayapataka Swami has tried to pressue me also to take from him,these things are not vaisnava like and brake all rules of vaisnava behavior.Vaisnava aparada knows no institutional bounds, but in ISKCON devotees are trained to think I can offend anyone that is not in ISKCON, this is not good.The example of Saubhari Muni serves as an example to us all,that though he was such a powerfull vaisnava he did Tapasya in the Yamuna and have given Yamuna Sahasra Nama, and Yamuna Kavacha, he could not be protected from vaisnava aparadha when he offended Garuda.Inter Institutional hatred is an anartha to spiritual life and one must be very careful about this.This anartha is in the words of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura dscribed in his Caitanya Siksamrta.Rudeness and using derogatory names is not vaisnava behavior.......
I stick with the diksa given by Narayana Maharaja as he was a most strict vaisnava, and to reject it would be a great vaisnava aparadha at the lotusfeet of such an exalted vaisnava.
ISKCON Gurus, GBC, and sannaysis have to learn to respect other vaisnavas and stop this neophyte behavior once and for all..........One sannyasi once asked me to help him find names for his disciples and was making remarks that this one was to fat,this one to ugly and like that, such persons should not be Gurus.....

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