Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

One sincere young mataji wrote me that tomorrow is Balarama Purnima what should I do .Is there any prayers I should do .Kindly guide me Prabhu
So unfortunately I got this email late to respond in time ,but the answer is to fast and chant Hare Krsna read Krsna book with pastimes' related with Lord Balarama ,this is a godo day to chant 64 rounds minimum there are many prayers to Lord Balarama ,there is for example 1000 names of Lord Balarama this was translated by Kusakratha Prabhu my dear friend and God uncle and there is prayer from Dasvatar Stotram
vahasi vapushi visade vasanam jaladabham
kesava dhrita-haladhara-rupa jaya jagadisa hare
0 Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of Balarama, the wielder of
the plow! All glories to You! On Your brilliant white body You wear garments the color of a fresh blue rain
cloud. These garments are colored like the beautiful dark hue of the River Yamuna, who feels great fear due to
the striking of Your plowshare.
there was one dear devotee friend Rama Prasada Prabhu he told me on phone few days before he left his body from cancer in LA, he said Prabhu you taught me this prayer when you was my Bhakta leader in LA in 1990 and you taught me this on Balarama Jayanti , and I chant it daily when death comes I will remember Krsna Balarama and chant this prayer to Lord Balarama I am sure Lord Balarama will protect my soul and take me to Lord Krsnas lotusfeet
I miss my dear friend Rama Prasada and pray for his soul to be eternally serving Krsna and Balarama as a cowherd boys which was his internal desire since he joined ISKCON
Sri Balabhadra-sahasra-nama, Thousand Names of Lord Balarama

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