Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Dandavat pranams
Jaya Sri Guru Gauranga, Gandarvika Giridhari
Jaya Srila Prabhupada
Balarama  Kavacha
  This  Kavacha had previously bee given to the Vraja Gopis by Garga Muni.  
yan-murdhnimampatu-sa  bhumi mandale (1)
O  Master of Goloka who is always glorified by kirtan, kindly protect me from my  enemies. O you who carries Bhumandala on His head like a mustard seed (Sesa),  kindly protect me in Bhumandala.
yuddhe-sada raksa-tu  mam halich
durgesu chavyan-musali  sada-mam
vanesu  sankarsanaadi-devah (2 )
O  Sir-Pani kindly protect me amongst the military forces. O Halich, kindly protect  me in battle, O Musalidhara,kindly  protect me in the fortress . O Sankarsana, kindly protect me in the forest.
kalinda ja vega haro  jalesu
nilambaro raksa tu mam  asda gnau
vayau ca ramo vatukhe  balascha
maharnave anata vapu  asda mam (3)
O  controller of the Yamuna kindly protect me in the water. O Nilambar kindly  protect me against fire. O Rama kindly protect me from the wind. O Balarama  kindly protect me in the sky. O Anant Vapu kindly be my only protector in the  ocean.
kamat sada raksa tu  dhenukarin
krodhat sada mam  devivida prahari
lobhat sada raksa tu  balvalarir
mohat sada mam kil  magadharih (5)
O  Dhenukari kindly protect me from lust. O Dvivida Prahari kindly protect me  against anger. O Balvalari kindly protect me from greed. O Magadhari kindly  protect me against illusion.
pratah sada raksa tu  vrsni dhuryah
prahne sada mam mathura  purendrah
madhyam dine gopa  sakhah prapatu
svarat parahne vatu mam  sadaiva (6)
O  Vrsni Dhurya kindly protect me in the morning .O Mathura Purendra kindly protect me in the eight periods of the day. O  Gopa Sakhah kindly protect me in the middle of the day.O Svarat kindly protect me in the afternoon.
sayam phanindro vatu  mam sadaiva
paratparo raksa tu mam  pradose
purne nisithe ca  duranata-viryah
pratyusa kale vatu mam  sadaiva (7)
O  Phanindra, kindly protect me in the evening. O Paratpara, kindly protect me in  the frist part of of night. O Duranta-virya, kindly protect me the middle of the  night. O Balarama, kindly protect me in the last part of the night.
vidiksu mam raksa tu  revati-patir
diksu pralambari radha  yadu-dvahah
urddhvam sada mam  balabhadra arat
tatah samantad baladeva  eva hi (8)
O  Ravati-pati, kindly protect me from the four intermediate directions. O  Parlambari, kindly protect me from the four directions. O Balabhadra, kindly  protect me from above, O Baladeva, kindly protect me from below and on every  side.
antah sada vyat  purusottamo
bahir nagendra lilo  vatu mam mahabalah
sada antaratmaja vasam  harih avayam
prapatu purnah  paramesvaro mahan (9)
O  Pursottam kindly protect me from within. O Nagendra kindly protect me from  outside. O Hari, you are the supreme Personality of Godhead please kindly be my  only protector always.
This Balarama kavacha  drives away all fears of both the demigods and the demons and burns up all  sinful reactions.
One speaker on Balarama Purnima expressed some doubts about Lord Balarama breaking the Yamuna during the Rasa lila with His gopis. So I   made the comment that Balarama is the Supreem Personality of Godhead and that Yamuna had to obey Him, but in this lila She took the role of not knowing His supremacy of being the Supreme Lord.
Obviously this happened under the influence of Yoga maya.
vahasi vapusi visade vasanam jaladabham                                                               hala-hati-bhiti-milita-yamunabham                                                              keshava  dhrta-haladhara-rupa jaya jagadisa hare
O Keshava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of  Balarama, the yielder of the prowl All glories to You! On Your brilliant white  body You wear garments the color of a fresh blue rain cloud. These garments are  colored like the beautiful dark hue of the River Yamuna, who feels great fear  due to the striking of Your plowshare
This Lila took place at Rama Ghat.
SB 10.65.17: Lord Balarāma, the Personality of Godhead, resided there for the two months of Madhu and Mādhava, and during the nights He gave His cowherd girlfriends conjugal pleasure.
SB 10.65.18: In the company of numerous women, Lord Balarāma enjoyed in a garden by the Yamunā River. This garden was bathed in the rays of the full moon and caressed by breezes bearing the fragrance of night-blooming lotuses.
SB 10.65.19: Sent by the demigod Varuṇa, the divine Vāruṇī liquor flowed from a tree hollow and made the entire forest even more fragrant with its sweet aroma.
SB 10.65.20: The wind carried to Balarāma the fragrance of that flood of sweet liquor, and when He smelled it He went [to the tree]. There He and His female companions drank.
SB 10.65.21: As the Gandharvas sang His glories, Lord Balarāma enjoyed within the brilliant circle of young women. He appeared just like Indra's elephant, the lordly Airāvata, enjoying in the company of she-elephants.
SB 10.65.22: At that time kettledrums resounded in the sky, the Gandharvas joyfully rained down flowers, and the great sages praised Lord Balarāma's heroic deeds.
SB 10.65.23: As His deeds were sung, Lord Halāyudha wandered as if inebriated among the various forests with His girlfriends. His eyes rolled from the effects of the liquor.
SB 10.65.24-25: Intoxicated with joy, Lord Balarāma sported flower garlands, including the famous Vaijayantī. He wore a single earring, and beads of perspiration decorated His smiling lotus face like snowflakes. The Lord then summoned the Yamunā River so that He could play in her waters, but she disregarded His command, thinking He was drunk. This angered Balarāma, and He began dragging the river with the tip of His plow.
SB 10.65.26: [Lord Balarāma said:] O sinful one disrespecting Me, you do not come when I call you but rather move only by your own whim. Therefore with the tip of My plow I shall bring you here in a hundred streams!
SB 10.65.27: [Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued:] Thus scolded by the Lord, O King, the frightened river-goddess Yamunā came and fell at the feet of Śrī Balarāma, the beloved descendant of Yadu. Trembling, she spoke to Him the following words.
SB 10.65.28: [Goddess Yamunā said:] Rāma, Rāma, O mighty-armed one! I know nothing of Your prowess. With a single portion of Yourself You hold up the earth, O Lord of the universe.
SB 10.65.29: My Lord, please release me. O soul of the universe, I didn't understand Your position as the Supreme Godhead, but now I have surrendered unto You, and You are always kind to Your devotees.
SB 10.65.30: [Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued:] Thereupon Lord Balarāma released the Yamunā and, like the king of the elephants with his entourage of she-elephants, entered the river's water with His female companions.
SB 10.65.31: The Lord played in the water to His full satisfaction, and when He came out Goddess Kānti presented Him with blue garments, precious ornaments and a brilliant necklace.
SB 10.65.32: Lord Balarāma dressed Himself in the blue garments and put on the gold necklace. Anointed with fragrances and beautifully adorned, He appeared as resplendent as Indra's royal elephant.
SB 10.65.33: Even today, O King, one can see how the Yamunā flows through the many channels created when it was dragged by the unlimitedly powerful Lord Balarāma. Thus she demonstrates His prowess.
SB 10.65.34: Thus for Lord Balarāma all the nights passed like a single night as He enjoyed in Vraja, His mind enchanted by the exquisite charm and beauty of Vraja's young ladies.
dvau māsau tatra cāvātsīn
dvau — two; māsau — months; tatra — there (in Gokula); ca — and; avātsīt — resided; madhumMadhu (the first month of the Vedic calendar, at the time of the spring equinox); mādhavamMādhava (the second month); eva — indeed; ca — also; rāmaḥBalarāma; kṣapāsu — during the nights; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; gopīnāmto the gopīs; ratim — conjugal pleasure; āvahan — bringing.
Lord Balarāma, the Personality of Godhead, resided there for the two months of Madhu and Mādhava, and during the nights He gave His cowherd girlfriends conjugal pleasure.
PURPORT by Hrdayananda Maharaja and the BBT team
Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī states that the gopīs who enjoyed conjugal affairs with Śrī Balarāma during His visit to Gokula had not taken part in Śrī Kṛṣṇa's rāsa dance, being too young at the time. Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī confirms this statement by quoting a phrase from the Bhāgavatam (10.15.8) — gopyo 'ntareṇa bhujayoḥ — which indicates that there are particular gopīs who act as Lord Balarāma's girlfriends. Furthermore, Jīva Gosvāmī states that during the Holī festivities celebrated when Kṛṣṇa killed Śańkhacūḍa, the gopīs Lord Balarāma enjoyed with were different from the ones Lord Kṛṣṇa enjoyed with. Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī agrees with this explanation.
My diksa Guru HH Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja has stated:That  the Gopis Balarama had Rasa  lila with where different from Krsnas gopis and that this is confirmed by Sri Murari Gupta in
his Krsna Caitanya Catritra  :Tatascara pasyatra vasantavesau ,Sri Rama Krsnau sundaribhih........
And both Srila Sridhara Swami and Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura has confirmed the same in their commentaries of Srimad Bhagavatam .Sarartha Darsini by Srila Visvanath Chakravati Thakura is availabel in English translation by Bhanu Swami /  Mahanidhi Swami
vaisnava das anu das
Paramananda das
vedan uddharate jaganti vahate bhu-golam udbibhrate                                                              daityam  darayate balim chalayate ksatra-ksayam kurvate                                                              paulastyam  jayate halam kalayate karunyam atanvate                                                              mlecchan  murchayate dasakrti-krte krsnaya tubhyam namah
O Lord Krsna, I offer my obeisances unto You, who appear in the forms of  these ten incarnations. In the form of Matsya You rescue the Vedas, and as Kurma  You bear the Mandara Mountain on Your back. As Varaha You lift the earth with  Your tusk, and in the form of Narasimha You tear open the chest of the daitya  Hiranyakasipu. In the form of Vamana You trick the daitya king Bali by asking  him for only three steps of land, and then You take away the whole universe from  him by expanding Your steps. As Parasurama You slay all of thewicked kshatriyas,  and as Ramachandra You conquer the rakshasa king Ravana. In the form of Balarama  You carry a plow with which You subdue the wicked and draw toward You the River  Yamuna. As Lord Buddha You show compassion toward all the living beings  suffering in this world and a the end of the Kali-yuga You appear as Kalki to  bewilder the mlecchas [degraded low-class men].

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