Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Aindra Prabhu joins Gaura Nitai in their eternal sankirtana party and Radha Krsna in Their nitya lilas,a year later

dear Vaisnavas
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Today I saw this beautiful video 

the Salagrama Sila Aindra Prabhu showed is the one with calf hoofprint,vatsa padam

The Bhāgavatam (10.14.58) says:
samāśritā ye pada-pallava-plavaṁ
mahat-padaṁ puṇya-yaśo murāreḥ
bhavāmbudhir vatsa-padaṁ paraṁ padaṁ
padaṁ padaṁ yad vipadāṁ na teṣām
"For one who has accepted the boat of the lotus feet of the Lord, who is the shelter of the cosmic manifestation and is famous as Mukunda, or the giver of mukti, the ocean of the material world is like the water contained in a calf's footprint. paraṁ padam, or the place where there are no material miseries, or Vaikuṇṭha, is his goal, not the place where there is danger in every step of life."

he used to have a piece  of wood from Imlitala, actually a piece of the Tree Lord Caitanya chanted under in Vrindavana

 nice seeing him dress Radha Shyamasundara.I remember I used to tease him."Prabhu why you do not put pearls in Radha Shymasundaras transcendental noses  "

I used to find a vers like :

radha-krsnau namamy aham

Unto the Pair who feet are adorned with tinkling anklets unto the Pair whose magnificent pearls dangle from the tips of their noses the Pair whose lovely faces beam with sweet gentle smiles, I bow to Radha and Krsna

(by Madhavendra Puri )
The next day Radha Shyamasundara looked so amazing he dressed the Divine couple Radha Krsna in this way, They never looked so beautiful to me. 
I recall so many moments, minutes and seconds I spend with Aindra Prabhu ,and I worship them with flowers and sandal paste. Wether it was going to Man Sarovar,Radha Kunda
or getting flowers, beautiful jasmine flowers late in the evening for Radha Shymasundara ,chanting in kirtana, bringing fruits,sweets and flowers for His Govardhana silas.I wish I had rendered more service to him.Now he has left this world I feel very empty without him, I took him for granted I guess that he will always be around.He was chanting for hundreds of devotees that left their bodies, and I was not their to chant with him when he left his? I am very much ashamed of myself.Dear Aindra Prabhu ,I have surely offended you many times
and taken you for granted.It reminds me of Arjunas prayer to Krsna.

sakheti matva prasabham yad uktam
he krishna he yadava he sakheti
ajanata mahimanam tavedam
maya pramadat pranayena vapi
yac cavahasartham asat-krto ’si
eko ’tha vapy acyuta tat-samaksham
tat ksamaye tvam aham aprameyam
"Thinking of You as my friend, I have rashly addressed You “O Krishna,” “O Yadava,” “O my friend,” not knowing Your glories. Please forgive whatever I may have done in madness or in love. I have dishonored You many times, jesting as we relaxed, lay on the same bed, or sat or ate together, sometimes alone and sometimes in front of many friends. O infallible one, please excuse me for all those offenses."
Aindra Prabhu being such a pure devotee, still I would sometimes argue with you and we would have some differences .I might have hurt your feelings, or caused you to resent me
in some way.I now ask you to forgive me.I pray I will once again see you and serve the Divine couple, in your presence.
My dear friend Aindra Prabhu ,I you insignificant friend miss you so much..I am still in pain on how you left this world,though I should not be, knowing it to be all temporary.
Even Pariksit Maharaja left this world in the fire from poison  the Taksaka snake.The fire you left in I see as the fire of your separation from Radha and Krsna, and Nitai Gaura.
How can I who are just a mundane person compared to you understand your leaving this world and entering Krsnas pastimes.????
I recall you used to wake up early in the morning to go take bath in Yamuna observing the Katayani Vrata, praying for Radha Krsnas mercy, you was such a good example to us all
and observed Caturmasya very strictly.... please pray for me and ask Radha Shyamasundara to bestow mercy even to fallen me....Srila Prabhupada talks about the sage that blessed the Brahmacari to die right away so he can go back to Godhead.
His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada’s
Disappearance Day, Lecture

Los Angeles, December 9, 1969

"And muni-putra ma jiva. Brahmacari, working under the guidance, under strict disciplinary guidance, of a spiritual master, he is blessed, ma jiva, “You better die. Because you are so trained to enter into the kingdom of God, so why should you take so much trouble? Better you die and go back to Godhead.” Ma jiva. And a devotee he blessed, jiva va maro va: “My dear devotee, either you live or die, the same thing.”
your aspiring servant
Payonidhi das
I wrote this one year ago.

from 17, 2010 | Category: News
He reasons ill who says that Vaisnavas die,
When thou art living still in sound!
The Vaisnavas die to live, and living try
To spread the holy name around.
His Grace Aindra Prabhu Attains the Spiritual Realm With extreme anguish we inform the devotees of the disappearance of His Grace Aindra Prabhu on the night of July 16, 2010. He was alone in his room worshiping His beloved Deities when apparently there was a gas leak from his cylinder. Some devotees heard a sound and there was some smell, but no one knew from where it came. Devotees knocked on Aindra’s door, but there was no response all night. His door is very thick, and there is one trap door in it. In the morning when Aindra prabhu didn’t come to the temple to dress Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundara, the devotees then could understand that something serious had happened. With difficulty they broke open the trap door, and only one devotee, Adi Kesava Das, was small enough to enter the room. When he entered he saw that the entire room was black and there was disturbance everywhere. It appeared that Aindra might have lit a match in the room and that caused the gas in the air to ignite and burn the room. Aindra was behind the altar. It looked as if he had tried to open the window, but was unsuccessful, so he offered his obeisances behind Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, and left his body in that position. When Adi Kesava found him, Aindra was already long gone, and his body was still offering obeisances.
At this moment the formalities are under way to bring Aindra Prabhu in procession to Sri Yamunaji. The entire Vaisnava community will surely lament at the disappearance of such a stalwart kirtaniya who inspired the world with akhanda kirtana. His saintly guidance and example as a pure and devoted disciple of Srila Prabhupada has certainly qualified him for express entry into the eternal lila of his beloved Lords, Sri Sri Radha Shyamasundara.
More information will be posted throughout the day.
There are photos of Aindra Prabhu’s altar and room (before the incident) at the following site:
The official website of the 24-hour kirtan: http:

dear Vaisnavas
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
With great sadness I was informed my dear Goduncle and very dear friend Aindra Prabhu left his body.I know Aindra Prabhu since 1986 when he started Akanda kirtana in Vrindavan/
I would always spend much time with him reading Srimad Bhagavatam,Krsna book, Nectar of Devotion,Caitanya Caritamrta, and all Prabhupadas books, sometimes we would read
Govinda Lilamrta,Krsna Bhavanamrta and such books of the Goswamis(also the sandarbhas) also and discuss the pastimes of Radha Krsna.Aindra Prabhu was also a strict brahmacari and did not like to see any
kind of improper behavior between males and females .I know when I got back to Vrndavana after 6 years in 2002, he was sad to see I had entered the grhastha asrama and mildly
chastised me ,and asked why I was not staying in touch with him by mail .Actually on the night of the 16 July 2010 we also had a small earth quake in this area we live Gaithersburg ,Maryland.
I was immidiatly thinking about when Krsna left this earth and how mother earth was trembling and how mother Sita left this world.Now I take it as a omen of inauspiciousness
that Aindra Prabhu has left this world, because he was such a great devotee and pure devotee.Among all members of ISKCON I have always considered him among the 2-3 most advanced
devotees.We recently discussed about chanting one lakh holy names and its importance and that of sankirtana in various forms, and he told me he was chanting 2 lakhs daily.
I know how he would lock his room and then later do his puja, he was worshipping so many Salagram Silas and Govardhana silas.I remember once I had come to Vrindavan from the west,and it was already 9pm when I came to his room and he asked me to make flower outfit for Radha Shyamsundara with him, it means sew the jasmine flowers into the deity dresses of the Divine Couple.We went to the flower salesmen close to Radha Madanmohan temple by Rickshaw, and brought many hundreds jasmines for Radha Shyamasundaras outfit. All night long we where sewing those jasmines into Radha Krsnas outfit and we where discussing Radha Krsnas asta kaliya lila during the night time, until 3am or so as then the outfits where ready Prabhu was absorbed in the conjugal love of Radha Krishna and was aspiring to be their manjari..I have no doubt he attained this by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada ,Gaura Nitai and Radha Krishna.He must have remembered how Gaura Nitai's dancing all night long in their astakaliya lilas at the house of Srivasa Thakura.Srivasangam.
I offer my humble obeisances to my dear friend Aindra Prabhu, I am so much in shock, I can not even properly cry yet, when it sinks in I will surely lament. I pray Aindra Prabhu will get the direct darshan of Radha Krishna, before he takes his birth in Bhauma lila during Krsnas lilas in the material world, he is now with the Divine couple, that somehow did not
want him to stay any more in this world.He lived in Vrindavan and breathed Vrindavan for 25 years, always discussing the glories of Vrindavan , as mentioned in Vrindavan Mahimamrta, he made his life perfect, always fully absorbed in the mood of the manjaris under the guidance of Rupa and Rati Manjaris.Externally he was a very kind and loving
devotee and dear friend to all devotees and nondevotees as well.Though he strictly avoided asat sanga of any kind .I am happy Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya gave me
association of such a pure devotee.I am thinking of his lotusfeet, and his joking KC words, his sweet singing of the holy name, his love for Radha Krishna,Krsna Balarama and Gaura
Nitai.I think a feast should yearly be served in his honor at least in Vrindavan.Imagine heading up 24 hours kirtana for 25 years in Vrindavan, chanting 2 lakhs holy names a day.
And always engaged in the seva to Giriraja and Radha Shyamasundara.None of this is an exaggeration it is the plain and simple truth.During Kartika ,Aindra would daily go early to bathe in Yamuna ,he would do Caturmasya strictly, I have seen him many times just take un spiced Havisana in the evening that was his only meal(Kirtri wiithout salt and spices)
He would not even touch the prasadam with his hands, but keep them on his back like is the very strict observance of the bonafide babajs do(also Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada did this).I am now thinking of times I went with him on rare occasion to Mana Sarovara or Radha Kunda on Radha Kundas apperance day.He had this vision given by Srila Prabhupada
.If you serve in Krsna Balarama mandir everything is there.I wish I had many mouths to glorifie his Grace Aindra Prabhu.I am not able to write anything as I am really saddened,
by his leaving this world,I feel it as a great personal lose, but as my friend, I know he is with Radha Krsna and I am happy for him.So it is like a mixed emotion.
Please all vaisnavas please pray for Aindra Prabhus mercy,so we can also become a qualified vaisnava like him.
I am very very sad today
your humble servant
Payonidhi das
I think of Caitanya Chandramrta and how Srila Prabhodananda has glorified vaisnavas there and remember Aindra Prabhu ,who was a dear dear friend and often a siksa Guru,I think of our last meeting in Vrindavan and his sweet lotuslike face,his sweet chanting of Hare Krishna,we had some disagreement about the importance of distrbuting Srila Prabhupadas books and the importance of Harinama, and it was settled in this discussion when I last saw him...I am so sad, he has left this world...

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