Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

Aindra Prabhu and his book!
Aindra Prabhu stated in many words that it is useless to distribute zillions of books unless one develops Vraja Bhakti .This was certainly not Srila Prabhupadas mood in SB 7.9.44 Srila Prabhupada writes it is the duty of every member in ISKCON to distribute Bhagavad Gita as it is .Aindra Prabhu for sure did some book distribution and was on Radha Damodara.His Sankirtana leader once punched him in the face for not distributing enough books.He told me.So that is of course no way to treat such a pure soul as Aindra Prabhu . Sura das from the BBT in LA has a history of abusing devotees I was sankirtana leader in 1990 and have never seen anyone acting so demoniacly .There was a story owner near the temple at Watska Avenue ,that told some of the brahmacaries that some devotees from the temple would regularly buy condoms and he had been to the temple many times he said devotees are supposed to live in celibacy why is it that some of these devotees brake you principles of no sex even as householders.So there was a lot of rumors in the Brahmacari asrama .How do I know because I was Bhakta leader ,asrama leader and sankirtana leader.So brought up my concern to the Temple board in ISKCON LA as i was also asked to be on the temple board .One devotee Prabhupadaacarya das a disciple of Virabhahu Prabhu was talking a lot abotu this.He was obviously disturbed about it.I told him there are many grhasthas in ISKCON LA and some of them may be grhamedhis and use condoms it does not mean all grhasthas are grhamedhis .I told him why not just worry about yourself and be strict yourself and come with me to LAX and distribute Srila Prabhupadas books, But he has not taste for going on bookdistribution he did some college preaching back then and sometimes had a book table.However Sura das got angry with Prabhupada acarya and pushed him against the wall and was physical with him and told him he had to leave the temple.I am sure Svavasa Prabhu authorized this behavior ,though Svavasa Prabhu himself was always acting as a gentleman .I also had a run in with Sura Das ,he once pulled a pocket knife on me in the BBT office in August of 1990 .Rohini Suta das from Switzerland had distributed books in San Diego temple but not paid for the books so I got a phonecall from the sankirtana leader from San Diego asking me to ask the BBT if he was going to pay for the books he distributed of the BBT would pay for Rohini Suta das books.I brought this to Sura because he seemed more or less in charge of BBT back then .He called Rohini Suta and both started berating me calling me names.I told him that this is the complaint from San Diego temple why get angry with me.Sura das said to Rohini Suta on the Phone you want me to cut this Payonidhi with the pocket knife you gave me from Swtizerland and he opened it.I said you want to stap me with the knife?I was getting furious and said it out loud.The police outside was driving by and two officer where running up the stairs and one of them was taking out his gun .Svavasa stopped them and asked them what was going on .I has just stepped out of the BBT office and saw all this.Sura later apologized after I got heavy with him many years later.But recently he denied it again .So I mention this to the kind of behavior Sura das sometimes have.He is manipulative and I am sure when Aindra Prabhu told me Sura das once punched him in the face on book distribution it happened.In ISKCOn Germany there was a devotee like this also Maharama das , he used to sell lots of books , but would constantly get in fist fights in the streets.He was very agitated and often he told some sankirtana devotees you have no distributed enought books and he would kick them out of the van in the middle of the night.Harikesa never corrected him and before him Hansasutta neither.Maharama also threw me out of a van in the middle of night in 1984 because I told him it was nonsense to have a fist fight with some taxi drivers in Vienna(he had refused to pay the full fare for 3 taxis going to a preaching program) later he became an ISKCON Guru it laster less than a year as he pushed a disciple to his death in Colombia.I had told Harikesa abotu Maharamas nasty behavior but Harikesa was not a good manager and did nothing .At this time in Vienna Harikesa had devotees sell illegal Hong Kong paintings being the GBC and some devotees like Krsna das from Hollans got caught and asked to leave Austria and never returne.I did nto ageee with the Hong Kong painting sales as it was illegal but it was going on all over ISKCON .
So Aindra Prabhu was burned out with book distribution and took to Harinama Sankirtana .He was a sincere bookdsitributor but he felt Harinama should not be neglected in ISKCON and he pushed for it for years.Now there are many devotees that love Kirtana at least but they do not chant 16 rounds they do not fllow 4 regulative principles strictly they do not attend morning and temple programs or have such things in their house and Bhakti Vikas Swami recently spoke out about his concerns for USA .He addressed all these points .Krsna west etc .Now on top of this issue there is so many changes done to Srila Prabhupadas books that is really not Bhagavad Gita as it is .Srila Prabhupada chose very careful each word to his books.Harikesa mentioned this recently in Prabhupada memories how he was assisting in transcribing Srila Prabhupadas tapes at one point .So Srila Prabhupada chose his words carefully in his books and nothing should be changed not one word this is called Arsa Prayoga. Now when I was in Vrindavana in the past what ever time I spend there lot of the time I would go on bookdistribution either selling Prabhupadas books from the book stale or taking out the sankirtana bus ,or when I first came i went with one Caitanyadeva and was part of the team .Aindra Prabhus service was only 24 hours kirtana and Deity worship I never had any problems with his valuable service and we where close friends .I had a problem when he said bookdistribution does not lead to Vraja Bhakti .Because i am bookddistributor my life and soul is that and chanting 64 rounds daily and always be absorbed in Vraja Bhakti .So how could Aindra Prabhu state bookdistribution does not take you to Vraja Bhakti ? I told Aindra ,that Srila Prabhupadas bookdistribution should be seen in the light of this sloka
nikunja-yuno rati-keli-siddhyai
ya yalibhir yuktir apekshaniya
tatrati-dakshyad ati-vallabhasya
vande guroh sri-charanaravindam
The spiritual master is very dear, because he is expert in assisting the gopis, who at different times make different tasteful arrangements for the perfection of Radha and Krsna's conjugal loving affairs within the groves of Vrndavana. I offer my most humble obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
So wether a real Guru is in Manjari seva or is a Priya narma Sakha he will be bringing conditioned souls to the service of Sri Sri Radha Krsna.Srila Prabhupada connected all of us to Vraja via his bookdistribution .I asked Aindra how did you first come in contact with ISKCON he said via Srila Prabhupadas books.I said you see my point even you would never have known Vraja Bhakti without Srila Prabhupadas books so why are you putting down the bookdistribution in your book? I told him I am very offended by some of yoru statements in your book because Srila Prabhupada stressed bookdistribution .Aindra Prabhu claimed he chanted 120 rounds daily ,I never seen him sit down and chant for many hours and I have shared room with him even some times back then he would chant 16 or 32 rounds daily but later he stated he chanted 64 rounds .I did Parirkama with him once to Mana Sarovar the lake of Radharanis tears and he was chanting constantly ,so I know he likely chanted 64 rounds .if he had time to chant 120 rounds daily in Wrindavana why not? Because when I go to Vrindavana I can also chant 120 rounds and more daily .In the west 64 rounds is plenty of a struggle even in Mayapure chanting more than 64 rounds is hard for me but in Vrindavana I find the peace to chant a lot more.I know some of this may not sound coherent I apologize for that but I think you get the idea.Thanks for reading this.Oh yes and Aindra prabhus men liek Bhagavata Purana das came to me some years ago and told me stop distributing books and come to Vrindavana and just do kirtana with Aindra ,your book distribution is just like Bible sales.I was furious and it showed me the influence Aindra Prabhus book had on him ,he is anyhow a bit of an excentri fellow this Bhagad Purana and lacks proper training in Krsna consciouness .Aindra Prabhu was upset with me when I changed asrama.I left the temples in 1997 I felt I can do more service on my own than living in the temples in ISKCON and I proved it I was nubmer one in bookdsitribution from 1997 to early 2000 or at least among the first 3 for those 3 years .,I stopped selling BBT books when I noticed how they have been altered so badly ,I have still made orders of some medium books and small books on some occasiones but no orders for 4000 dollars or more againNo photo description available.

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