Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

5000 offences of Jayadvaita Swami and the BBT

Jaya Narasimhadeva
Jayadvaita Swami was yelling at the top of his lungs (like a Hitler and Stalin ) why I do not buy books from the BBT.
He yelled at me that the distribution of 5000 On Chanting Hare Krishna was 5000 offence to Srila Prabhupada.
Actually it is an "offence" to him because ,because he lives comfortably in ISKCON at the expense of so many sankirtana devotees.He has his constant flights paid for by BBT money. BBT gives salary to its employees and ISKCON to many of its members this is all against Srila Prabhupadas instructions.Much BBT money is misused for other purposes and I realized that when I was a new devotee.Harikesa and other did the same.Bhagavan das had gold leaf put on his toilet, with BBT money.
Well BBT, GBC and TP's are not in line with Srila Prabhupadas instructiones .There is many divorced persons working for the BBT
In leading positions and TP's doing the same.When I exposed demigod worship in  ISKCON USA.The US BBT did not support me to  stop this, but the deviant temples .When I exposed Ramabhadra chasing women  he caused me trouble   to this day he is having illicit sex with Satya at the Brooklyn temple, and he is running an illegal bingo hall, with meat prices and  smoking.( I told him in 1990 to stop chasing women he did it anyway and married a second time that brakes GBC rules that divorcees can not be TP or GBC leaders)
Jaydvaita Swami says this is not his duty to stop .He says that KBI is demoniac ( )  and against Srila Prabhupada.Well it is legal and approved by US Federal courts, is the authority of Federal courts higher than Jayadvaita Swami?
I do not approve of female TP's and GBC;s as it is against Srila Prabhupadas teachings.I do not like the BBT books they are very inferior quality of paper the prices are even more than KBI, because they have to support sannyasis like Jaydvaita Swami to fly all over the world and convince everyone that the BBT is pure.And no one hardly distributes Srila Prabhupadas books.In the past Jaydvaita Swami for his own selfish reasons supported  Harikesa, because kissing up is good business for maintaning a life standard of comfort and free  everything at the expense of BBT money.I have seen Svavasa lifestyle in luxury in LA and Ramabhadra running giftshop also for personal  profit .And Jayadvaita Swami  supports all this.Because he is a man of comfort and will not go into the streets and preach KC like all his other godbrothers that hide in temples and rings the bells and make politics against devotees like me.Last year Jayadvaita Swami  supported Gas fracking every year he supports some other bogus thing in ISKCON like all his god brothers. Jayadvaita Swami could not even inform Srila Prabhupada that a chicked was being cooked at the temple. He is compromised on any level for his own agenda.To become world famous for having edited Srila Prabhupadas books , and he sticks with this but many senior devotees do not agree with him and never will.After this Hitler out burst and excentric behavior  of Jaydvaita Swami.I am done with this rascal ,I will never again talk to this neophyte fool.
Then Gopal Krsna Maharaja and Anuttama , and other ISKCON wallas want to tell me to give up my name Paramananda das., given by Narayana Maharaja .They are all fools and rascals,fighting for power .More than 20.000 disciples from ISKCON and many Prabhupada disciples have left ISKCON due to deviations from Srila Prabhuapdas  standards.
When I was on Padayatra in India in 1985 I was distributing Srila Prabhupadas books in 100 plus degrees every day.And help maintain the Padayatra, did Jayadvaita Swami distribute even one of Srila Prabhupadas books? NO NO NO.Is he now? No ? In the future ?
Is any of Srila Prabhupadas many discipels that are GBC and sannyasis distributing even one book or care about bookdistribution>?
HELL NO! Do they properly  train their discipels? Hell NO.Sivarama Swami talked about his health and said how everyone should distribute Srila Prabhupadas books.What is he doing in this matter to float Hungary and other places with books?
These Prabhupada discipels are all mostly lipservice.They will not do the real job of distributing Srila Prabhupadas books.If you are not a bookdistributor you are no friend of mine.I have no time for you.Srila Prabhupada said it is the duty of all members in ISKCON to distribute his books .Instead they are busy making arrangement for their conformt and sensegratification.
Jayadvaita Swami go and yell at Ramabhadra , you coward rascal for having gambling at the temple.Go yell at Gopal  Krsna Maharaja that  recewntly had a child abuses as his secretary.
And for all you hogs ,dogs camels and asses.MY NAME IS Paramananda das, disciple of Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja.And every time I go to an ISKCON temple, I have to present myself as Payonidhi das, so from now on I will not visit any ISKCON temple and I will not assocaite with neophyte leaders of ISKCON as they all disobey Srila Prabhupada.All of them.
Today I will be distributing hundreds of Srila Prabhuapadas books in Washington DC ,right in your face Jayadvaita Swami.You will distribute not one but shout:" Offences to my books ,offence to my books    " They are not your books you rascal, you are not Srila Prabhupada though you are trying to take his position like so many of your Godbrothers do every single day.
Jayadvata Swami you are not GOD.Yesterday he told me to meet him at the temple,But this coward was not even there to discuss with me.I wasted one full sankirtana day because of this rascal.Not any more I reject Jayadvaita Swami as a bonafide representative of the BBT.When the BBT helps kick out a child molester Bhavananda in Mayapure we can talk.
I am done with Dry Advaita and his dry support of mayavadis speaking at ISKCON temples ,he is a mayavadi with no real interest to distribute Srila Prabhupadas books.He has zero love for Srila Prabhupada he is just an excentric fool that always supports all kinds of deviations in ISKCON.
And the next rascal that calls me Payonidhi will get a slap .MY NAME IS PARAMANANDA .IF YOU are a sinful demon and against Narayana Maharaja.I curse you to go to hell where you belong.He was more of a vaisnava than any of us  will ever be.
Forward this to DRY ADVAITA SWAMI, he will never yell at me again I will yell at him.Stay the hell away from me Jayadvaita and go distribute Srila Prabhupadas books.Get all your other jewish swamis and godbrothers with you, because all of you are destroying the sankirtana movement, all of you are parasites in the ISKCON body living high lives with BBT money...
I should sell BBT books after Sura das pulled a knife on me?, He is another rascal (Asura) that lives in comfort married many times and never distributes one single book... 
sevant of the true vaisnavas
Paramananda das

Views: 654

Comment by Paramananda das on July 4, 2012 at 7:58am

Jayadvaita Swami is disobeying Srila Prabhupada and so is the BBT,so we can not buy BBT books as they are no longer BBT books but Jayadvaita Swamis own version

Comment by Paramananda das on July 4, 2012 at 8:00am

Yasoda-nandana : Sometimes they appeal that "We can make better English," so they change like that, just like in the case of Isopanisad. There are over a hundred changes. So where is the need? Your words are sufficient. The potency is there.... When they change, it is something else. Svarupa Damodara: That's actually a very dangerous mentality. Yasoda-nandana : What is it going to be in five years? It's going to be a different book. Prabhupada: So you... What you are going... It is very serious situation. You write one letter that "Why you have made so many changes?" And whom to write? Who will care? All rascals are there. Write to Satsvarupa that "This is the position. They are doing anything and everything at their whim." The next printing should be again to the original way…They cannot change anything.   [Srila Prabhupada from a Conversation, "Rascal Editors,", and Morning Talk, June 22, 1977, Vrndavana]


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