Sastra Caksusa

seeing through the eyes of scriptures

How I obtained 1000 names of Lord Narasimha!

How I obtained 1000 names of Lord Narasimha!
In 1986 in Vrindavana I started worshipping Ugra Narasimha Salagrama Sila, and my godbrother Kaliya Krsna Prabhu taught me everything in worship of Salagrama and Govardhana silas ,after that I also was asked to do daily Salagrama and Govardhana Puja on the alter of Sri Sri Krsna Balarama in ISKCON Vrindavana .
Kaliya Krsna Prabhu had 1000 names of Lord Narasimha but only in Sanskrit so I obtained that from him .I asked Satya Narayana Prabhu to kindly translate it for me and I gave him a donation for his Brahminical service ,the 1000 names of Lord Narasimha I later gave to Kusakratha Prabhu and asked him to make it into a book, thus the 1000 names was first published in book form,,,however the Nyasa Mantras and Sudarshan Mantras etc Dhyana Mantras and translation I also gave him ,he did not publish so I was disappointed and asked him later for that translation back but he no longer had it so ,that was lost, but at least the actualy 1000 names of Lord Narasimha is still there and Satya Narayana Prabhus translation has thus spread all over the internet , and in ISKCON and Gaudiya Math...but again sadly some of the invoking parts are not there, the 1000 names of Lord Narasimha is from Narasimha Purana.You can also find a summary of Narasimha Purana that deals with Lord Narasimhas pastimes in my book Sri Narasimha .The 1000 names of Lord Narasimha is spoken by Lord Brahma to pacifie Lord Narasimha ..according to Sri Vaisnavas , Lord Narasimha appears in almost every Satya Yuga and in some Satya Yugas the main Mantra is the Narasimha Mahamantra
Song Name: Ugram Viram Mahavishnum
Official Name: Nrsimha Kavaca Bica Mantra
ugram viram maha-vishnum
jvalantam sarvato mukham
nrisimham bhishanam bhadram
mrityur mrityum namamy aham
'May my head be protected by the moon colored one, who is the greatest among humans. My obeisances unto the ferocious and powerful, the great Visnu, the fiery one, who's faces are on all sides, the fearful one, Nrsimha, who causes the death of even death personified, (or who can overcome death).
This mantra is also found in the 2 Narasimha Upanisads that is found in my book Sri Narasimha one is
Nrsimha Uttara Tapaniya Upanishad
Nrsimha Purva Tapaniya Upanishad
There are Sri Vaisnavas that daily chant the Narasimha Mahamantra at least 108 times or do fire sacrifice while chanting it 108 times also many Sri Vaisnavas daily chant 1000 names of Lord Narasimha,, in our line we focus on the Hare Krsna Mahamantra but on Narasimha Caturdasi and other days we can also chant .Or when we feel we really need Lord Narasimhas mercy.. there is no commentary that I could find to Narasimha Sahasra Nama ,but if I asked Sri Vaisnavas they properly could provide such
In Kali yuga there are 4 Vaisnava Sampradayas as described in Garga Samhita
Main Deity Parampara lineage Acharya
Śrī Devī (Laksmi) Sri Sampradaya Ramanujacharya
Brahma Madhva Sampradaya Madhvacharya
Rudra Rudra Sampradaya Viṣṇusvāmī/Vallabhacharya
Four Kumāras Kumara Sampradaya Nimbarkacharya
vAmanas vidhi zeSaH sanako viSNu vAkyataH
dharmArtha hetave caite bhaviSyanti dvijaH kalau
Vamana, Brahma, Ananta Sesa and Sanaka Kumara will appear as
brahmanas by the order of Visnu for the preservation of dharma in Kali
viSNusvAmI vAmanAMzas tathA madhvas tu brahmanaH
rAmanujas tu zeSAMza nimbAditya sanakasya ca
Visnusvami, Madhva, Ramanuja and Nimbaditya will appear respectively
as amsas (parts) of Vamana, Brahma, Ananta Sesa and Sanaka Kumara.
ete kalau yuge bhavyah sampradAya pravartakaH
samvatsare vikrama catvAraH kSiti pAvanaH
These four saviours of Earth will be the founders of the four
sampradayas in the period from the reign of King Vikrama subsequently
through Kali yuga.
sampradAya vihInA ye mantrAs te niSphalAH smRtaH
tasmAc ca gamanaM hy asti sampradAya narair api
These four sampradayas are to be accepted by all people as mantras
invoked outside their auspices bring no result.
(Garga Samhita 10.61.23-26)
He is a beautiful chanting of of Narasimha Sahasra Nama by Sri Vaisnavas

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