One of his disciples was pressuring me to take reinitiation from Jayapataka Swami:
I wrote:…
Added by Paramananda das on August 3, 2011 at 7:30am —
1 Comment
Today is the holy disapperance day of Raghunandana Thakura , and Bhakti Ballabh Tritha Maharaja has written a very nice
article about Raghunandana Thakura.
Parishads: Srila Raghunandana Thakur
by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaja
Added by Paramananda das on August 3, 2011 at 7:06am —
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dear devoteesPAMHO
We learn so many things in this chapter about Guru disciple relationship ,first of all Lokantha das Goswami asks Narottama das Thakura to wait for one year before he
gave him Harinama…
Added by Paramananda das on August 1, 2011 at 10:14pm —
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Dear devotees
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

This 10 Chapter of Prema Vilasa explains how Srila Narottama das Thakura recived the mercy of Lord Caitanya deposited in the Padmavati river and escaped from
home (to become a Hare Krsna) to go Vrindavana.Actually he was running.On his way Srila Rupa and Srila Sanatana Goswami appeared to him and even provided him with milk prasadam.
Thus Srila…
Added by Paramananda das on August 1, 2011 at 6:00pm —
Lord Krsna is described to wear Makhara earrings:
In Govinda Lilamrta it is stated:
Govinda Lilamrta/ Nisanta Lila-1 Sri Yugala-Kisora Rise :
1/56 Krishna's eyes are tired and intoxicated, His body is covered with nail marks and smeared with black mascara, yet He smells like a fragrant lotus! Curling hairs decorated His forehead, plus mind-teasing Makhara earrings dance over His glossy cheeks, but herein lies a cunning sweet smile! Seeing…
Added by Paramananda das on August 1, 2011 at 9:00am —
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Yesterday while on my way on sankirtana I met this nice gentleman from Maine, turns out he is a professor of literature from Maine. And I started to preach to him as he asked
me many questions about the Vedas and Bhagavad Gita etc.I only had " Perfection of yoga's" with me as these are the books I distribute.And I gave him a Jagannatha sticker with on the side and he was very thankful and excited and said he was going to read…
Added by Paramananda das on July 31, 2011 at 2:53pm —
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Added by Paramananda das on July 30, 2011 at 11:48pm —
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My dear Srila Prabhupada
Please accept my humble obaisences prostrated at your lotusfeet
I have been asked humbly to write something in your glorification to the Bangalore temple .I am not a pro poser of the ritvik system neither where you.
I am not sure they will still publish my offering now to you.But this is not political but I am writing this to defend you preaching of pure KC and pure siddhanta.
Some devotees have asked me to explain…
Added by Paramananda das on July 29, 2011 at 1:14am —
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This is a nice comment by Bhakti Vikas Maharaja to the question:
Question: I have experienced that there is conflict…
Added by Paramananda das on July 28, 2011 at 2:49pm —
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"My advice is always chant l6 rounds minimum and follow the fou rregulative principles. All of my disciples must agree on this point,…
Added by Paramananda das on July 28, 2011 at 2:00pm —
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This question was asked to me yesterday because some leaders in the past did this even a sannaysi and an ex grhastha Guru did this.Well the answer is obvious it brakes the regulative principles,
But not in the same way someone has illcit sex with someone else or what to speak of being a homosexual.
Masturbation is an illicit form of sex life as de scribed in Prabhupada's purport in The Nectar of Instruction:
As far as the urges of the…
Added by Paramananda das on July 28, 2011 at 1:30pm —
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Many devotees ask me about Diksa and Siksa Guru, but I have decided to post the part of Hari Bhakti Vilasa where this is discussed and you have any questions let me know after you read this.
Paramananda das
Text 27
murty-avirbhavanam murti-
pratishöha krishna-mandiram
jirnoddhritih shri-tulasi-
vivaho 'nanya-karma…
Added by Paramananda das on July 28, 2011 at 12:00pm —
Added by Paramananda das on July 26, 2011 at 10:30pm —
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He did not promote marriage of nondevotees in the temple
May 25: "Regarding using our Temple for marriage ceremonies for the Hindu community, we cannot take responsibility for marrying others who are not initiated by us."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970
He did not tell us to go drill for gas, or keep giftshops for personal profits,doing Satya Narayana Pujas ,or doing "bhakti" for…
Added by Paramananda das on July 26, 2011 at 12:39pm —
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Please see
Payonidhi das
When Shri Chaitanya…
Added by Paramananda das on July 25, 2011 at 9:46pm —
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I have written several things about Jesus Christ in India, such as about the Aquarian gospel
Added by Paramananda das on July 25, 2011 at 2:30pm —
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There is many nice links about Lokanath das Goswami:
I was reading the 7th chapter of Prema Vilasa where Lord Caitanya some intimate dealings with Lokanath das Goswami is revealed.…
Added by Paramananda das on July 24, 2011 at 9:00pm —
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dear vaisnavas and vaisnavis
Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada…
Added by Paramananda das on July 24, 2011 at 11:30am —
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There is seminars about forgiveness and resentment but first we have to apologize to the persons we have offended. What is vaisnava aparadha that has to be understood.
The first nama aparadha is if one refuses to even chant minimum 16 rounds that is a bare minimum, by inattention to Sri Nama Prabhu so many other offences follow
such as vaisnava aparadha
nityananda-prasade se ninda yaya ksaya
nityananda-prasade se…
Added by Paramananda das on July 23, 2011 at 3:11pm —
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Please accept my humble obaisences
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Kanai Natasala is the place where Lord Caitanya had darshan of Krsna as He returned to Navadvipa from Gaya, this is explained in Caitanya Bhagavad chapter 2 of Madhya lila:…
Added by Paramananda das on July 22, 2011 at 11:30pm —
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