the glories of Govinda Kunda in Vraja and Surabhi kunj in Godruma Dvipa in Navadvipa

the glories of Govinda Kunda in Vraja and Surabhi kunj in Godruma Dvipa in Navadvipa
Indra bathed Krsna with Ganges water from the heavenly planets (as Sri Ganga flows there also ) and that was via the trunk of his elephant Airavata, Indra also brought a Surabhi cow , that also lives in the heavenly planets and give unlimeted milk to bath Lord Krsna .This is how Govinda Kunda at Govardhana hill was created..the 6 Goswami describe that Govinda Kunda water still taste like milk mixed with water,,, however nowadays it is used for bathing buffalos,, but I once took a zip after filtering and boiling Govinda Kunda water and it did taste like described by our 6 Goswamis of Vrindavana . After Indras prayers and Surabhis prayer where Mother Surabhi cow, prayed that dear Krsna you should be our Indra (as this mundane Indra was so puffed up to attack you with a storm and trying to kill the Vrijabasis) Indra was advised to go to Navadvipa and bring Mother Surabhi with him and pray forgiveness from Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda due to his offenses to Krsna ..Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda Prabhu forgave Indra (they are themselves Krsna and Balarama ) and this place is known as Surabhi kunja in Godruma Dvipa, this has been explained very lovingly by our Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura .who has also composed a song Khoda Nitai ..we should all go there and beg Lord Nityananda Prabhu to be forgiven for offenses we might have knowingly or unknowingly commited ,it is the market place of the holy name, Lord Nityananda Prabhu who is the Adi Guru asks us can you chant 64 rounds or more of the Mahamantra daily as ordered by Lord Caitanya ? Ok chant according to your faith as much as you can the more faith we have in the gift of Gaura Nitai ,the Mahamantra the more all our offenses will cease and we will become lovers of Sri Sri Radha Krsna by Their grace, in what ever form that love is manifested in various Rasas .
Sastra says whoever bath in Govinda Kunda with devotion attains a spiritual body and enters Goloka Vrindavana,,so we should always chant Hare Krsna and try to visit Govinda Kunda while you do Parikrama of Govardhana if you do not want take full holy dip then at least sprinkle Govinda Kunda water on yourself

May be an image of 1 person and elephant