Good answer to is the Garga Samhita Authentic and then why the 6 Goswami did not quote from it ?

Good answer to is the Garga Samhita Authentic and then why the 6 Goswami did not quote from it ? good answer His Grace Chaitanya Charan Das ha s given a good answer please listen...he also says we can not know what the 6 Goswamis did not quote from , he says they are not here to answer that question themselves so we can not speculate on why ..also maybe the Garga Samhita was not widely widespread at that time ? As he said no google search back that is an argument Here is my comment; The Garga Samhita was spoken in Varaha Kalpa and we are in a different Kalpa even , In Caitanya Caritamrta Lord Caitanyas mentions how one Laxmidevi could not enter the Rasa Lila because she could not accept the mood of the Gopis and give up Her attachement to Lord Narayana and accept the mood of a Gopi and service, the Gopis for example ,so Lord Caitanya said this paticular Laxmi is still doing Tapsya in Sri Vana to attain Krsna also known as Balevan it is the smallest of the 12 forest of Vraja and discribed in Sastra ,however if you read Garga Samhita we see that in Varaha Kalpa One Laxmidevi entered the Rasa Lila of Krsna and became a yutesvari group leader of other Gopis in the Maharasa Lila...Sri Yamunadevi married Krsna in Dvaraka ,,,but actually in Varaha Kalpa she became a Gopi and danced in Rasa Lila ,no matter Sri Yamuna is still linked to Sri Vraja Lilas in the form of Sri Yamunadevi ,we see when Lord Balarama asked Yamuna to come because She did not want go close to Him when HE was drunk on Varuni wine, however Lord Balarama is always the Supreme Lord and Krsnas Vaibhava Prakash expansion so Krsnas first expansion and alsomost nondifferent from Krsna actually when we read both Bhagavatam and Garga Samhita ,,we get a deeper understanding,,,however most are to neophyte and can not comprehend and understand many subtleties ...Why does Krsna and the Gopis have Rasa LIla with the queens of Dvaraka in Garga Samhite and not decribed any where else ? No Dvaraka Mahatmya also confirms the Gopis and the queens of Dvaraka had Rasa Lila ,so it is not stated in Dvaraka Mahatmya that this was in Varaha Kalpa but rather this Lila also took place when Krsna was on earth 5000 years ago..we also read in Garga Samhita about the Various demons who they where in their previous life, it seems very much to apply to our current Krsna lila 5000 years ago..another example is the 8 canto of Garga Samhita gives Balarama Kavacha, 1000 names of Lord Balarama and Balarama Stava Raja ,,,such valuable knowledge about Lord Balarama is there so no wonder Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura considered it a top most Vaisnava litterature..the glories of Sri Yamuna is also found in the 4th canto ,and knowledge of Sri Giriraja Govardhana is found in the 3 canto ,no learned Vaisnava will bypass reading the Garga Samhita..Garga Muni is described by Narada Muni is Narada Bhakti Sutras as a formost authority on Bhakti ...many devotees do not read anything much outside of Srila Prabhupadas books and are ignorant of the books of the Acaryas and Garga Samhita etc Cairanya Charan Prabhu has tried to pacify the neophytes that accept if or not according to your Adhikari, but it should be understood to be bonafide...a lot more can be said he makes the point that Srimad Bhagavatam is considered the Topmost Vaisnava Litterature,, though other books contain much more detailed knowledge of Krsnas inner pastimes, and that is the case with Garga Samhita, Srimad Bhagavatam .. Amala Purana and glofied in many places in the Puranas .Also Srila Jiva Goswami has really shown in his Sat Sandarbhas mainly quoting from Srimad Bhagavatam how it is the topmost Purana, and especially in Tattva Sandarbha and Bhagavad Sandarbha ,this is something I can share another day the glories of Srimad Bhagavatam that is also explained in great detail in Padma Purana ,the Bhagavatam Mahatnya..I also shared yesterday how Sandilya Muni spoke the Garga Samhita to one King of Mathura and finally Sri Sri Radha Krsna themselves appeared in that assembly and Krsna Himself glorified Garga Samhita...that is found in the Garga Samhita Mahatmya...