Why is Sri Radhas hands shaking while placing Asoka flowers at Krsnas ears ?

Why is Sri Radhas hands shaking while placing Asoka flowers at Krsnas ears ?

Why is Sri Radhas hands shaking while placing Asoka flowers at Krsnas ears ? ?
atha dara phullam asoka Jata stavaka yugam vrsabhanu suta
svayam avacitya ha reh sravasos capala ka rena dadhau sumukhi
Vrsabhanu's fairfaced daughter personally picked two slightly blooming Asoka-clusters and placed them in Haris ears with shivering hand. (26)
Govinda Liamrta chapter 22
It is due to Her Mahabhava, that makes Her exhibit so many Satvika Bhava symptoms
These are the Asoka flowers I do recall having seen them in Vrindavana ,so Sri Radha places them as Krsnas ears
Paramananda Das
Mahanidhi Maharaja has mentioned the Asoka flowers during spring season it is all based on Govinda Lilamrta https://www.mahanidhiswami.com/krishna-nectar-lilas-part.../
Krishna Nectar Lilas part 3 “Ten Amazing Seasons of Vraja -2” – Mahanidhi Swami
Krishna Nectar Lilas part 3 “Ten Amazing Seasons of Vraja -2” – Mahanidhi Swami
Krishna Nectar Lilas part 3 “Ten Amazing Seasons of Vraja -2” – Mahanidhi Swami
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Paramananda Das
. The Spring Season
Mango trees laden with new buds announce the arrival of spring. Asoka trees exploding with splendid red flowers drive away all lamentation, like the Lord’s devotees who have transcended the misty coverings of hankering and lamenting. Cuckoos play about the trees, like the restless monkeys in Ramacandra’s phalanx.
Paramananda Das
I do recall Lord Caitanya saw Krsna manifest at a Asoka tree that is there in the later chapters of Antya Lila in Caitanya Caritamrta
No photo description available.
Paramananda Das
One full-moon night in the month of Vaisakha [April-May], Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to the Jagannatha-vallabha garden. In the garden were fully blossomed trees and creepers exactly like those in Vmndavana. Bumblebees and birds talked with one another. A mild breeze was blowing, carrying the fragrance of aromatic flowers. Brightly illuminated by the full moon, the trees and creepers glittered in the light.
Paramananda Das
Lord Caitanya sees Krsna in the Asoka Tree. As he thus wandered around every tree and creeper, He came beneath an aśoka tree and suddenly saw Lord Krsna.
When He saw Krsna, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu began running very swiftly, but Kṛṣṇa smiled and disappeared. Having first gotten Krşņa and then having lost Him again, Śrī Caitanya Mahaprabhu fell to the ground unconscious.
Chaitanya caratramrita antya 19.88